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synced 2025-03-24 06:06:36 -04:00
move model/ into matrix-doc/drafts
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@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
API Efficiency
A simple implementation of presence messaging has the ability to cause a large
amount of Internet traffic relating to presence updates. In order to minimise
the impact of such a feature, the following observations can be made:
* There is no point in a Home Server polling status for peers in a user's
presence list if the user has no clients connected that care about it.
* It is highly likely that most presence subscriptions will be symmetric - a
given user watching another is likely to in turn be watched by that user.
* It is likely that most subscription pairings will be between users who share
at least one Room in common, and so their Home Servers are actively
exchanging message PDUs or transactions relating to that Room.
* Presence update messages do not need realtime guarantees. It is acceptable to
delay delivery of updates for some small amount of time (10 seconds to a
The general model of presence information is that of a HS registering its
interest in receiving presence status updates from other HSes, which then
promise to send them when required. Rather than actively polling for the
currentt state all the time, HSes can rely on their relative stability to only
push updates when required.
A Home Server should not rely on the longterm validity of this presence
information, however, as this would not cover such cases as a user's server
crashing and thus failing to inform their peers that users it used to host are
no longer available online. Therefore, each promise of future updates should
carry with a timeout value (whether explicit in the message, or implicit as some
defined default in the protocol), after which the receiving HS should consider
the information potentially stale and request it again.
However, because of the likelyhood that two home servers are exchanging messages
relating to chat traffic in a room common to both of them, the ongoing receipt
of these messages can be taken by each server as an implicit notification that
the sending server is still up and running, and therefore that no status changes
have happened; because if they had the server would have sent them. A second,
larger timeout should be applied to this implicit inference however, to protect
against implementation bugs or other reasons that the presence state cache may
become invalid; eventually the HS should re-enquire the current state of users
and update them with its own.
The following workflows can therefore be used to handle presence updates:
1 When a user first appears online their HS sends a message to each other HS
containing at least one user to be watched; each message carrying both a
notification of the sender's new online status, and a request to obtain and
watch the target users' presence information. This message implicitly
promises the sending HS will now push updates to the target HSes.
2 The target HSes then respond a single message each, containing the current
status of the requested user(s). These messages too implicitly promise the
target HSes will themselves push updates to the sending HS.
As these messages arrive at the sending user's HS they can be pushed to the
user's client(s), possibly batched again to ensure not too many small
messages which add extra protocol overheads.
At this point, all the user's clients now have the current presence status
information for this moment in time, and have promised to send each other
updates in future.
3 The HS maintains two watchdog timers per peer HS it is exchanging presence
information with. The first timer should have a relatively small expiry
(perhaps 1 minute), and the second timer should have a much longer time
(perhaps 1 hour).
4 Any time any kind of message is received from a peer HS, the short-term
presence timer associated with it is reset.
5 Whenever either of these timers expires, an HS should push a status reminder
to the target HS whose timer has now expired, and request again from that
server the status of the subscribed users.
6 On receipt of one of these presence status reminders, an HS can reset both
of its presence watchdog timers.
To avoid bursts of traffic, implementations should attempt to stagger the expiry
of the longer-term watchdog timers for different peer HSes.
When individual users actively change their status (either by explicit requests
from clients, or inferred changes due to idle timers or client timeouts), the HS
should batch up any status changes for some reasonable amount of time (10
seconds to a minute). This allows for reduced protocol overheads in the case of
multiple messages needing to be sent to the same peer HS; as is the likely
scenario in many cases, such as a given human user having multiple user
API Requirements
The data model presented here puts the following requirements on the APIs:
Requests that a client can make to its Home Server
* get/set current presence state
Basic enumeration + ability to set a custom piece of text
* report per-device idle time
After some (configurable?) idle time the device should send a single message
to set the idle duration. The HS can then infer a "start of idle" instant and
use that to keep the device idleness up to date. At some later point the
device can cancel this idleness.
* report per-device type
Inform the server that this device is a "mobile" device, or perhaps some
other to-be-defined category of reduced capability that could be presented to
other users.
* start/stop presence polling for my presence list
It is likely that these messages could be implicitly inferred by other
messages, though having explicit control is always useful.
* get my presence list
[implicit poll start?]
It is possible that the HS doesn't yet have current presence information when
the client requests this. There should be a "don't know" type too.
* add/remove a user to my presence list
Requests that Home Servers make to others
* request permission to add a user to presence list
* allow/deny a request to add to a presence list
* perform a combined presence state push and subscription request
For each sending user ID, the message contains their new status.
For each receiving user ID, the message should contain an indication on
whether the sending server is also interested in receiving status from that
user; either as an immediate update response now, or as a promise to send
future updates.
Server to Client
[[TODO(paul): There also needs to be some way for a user's HS to push status
updates of the presence list to clients, but the general server-client event
model currently lacks a space to do that.]]
@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
A description of Synapse user profile metadata support.
Internally within Synapse users are referred to by an opaque ID, which consists
of some opaque localpart combined with the domain name of their home server.
Obviously this does not yield a very nice user experience; users would like to
see readable names for other users that are in some way meaningful to them.
Additionally, users like to be able to publish "profile" details to inform other
users of other information about them.
It is also conceivable that since we are attempting to provide a
worldwide-applicable messaging system, that users may wish to present different
subsets of information in their profile to different other people, from a
privacy and permissions perspective.
A Profile consists of a display name, an (optional?) avatar picture, and a set
of other metadata fields that the user may wish to publish (email address, phone
numbers, website URLs, etc...). We put no requirements on the display name other
than it being a valid Unicode string. Since it is likely that users will end up
having multiple accounts (perhaps by necessity of being hosted in multiple
places, perhaps by choice of wanting multiple distinct identifies), it would be
useful that a metadata field type exists that can refer to another Synapse User
ID, so that clients and HSes can make use of this information.
Metadata Fields
[[TODO(paul): Likely this list is incomplete; more fields can be defined as we
think of them. At the very least, any sort of supported ID for the 3rd Party ID
servers should be accounted for here.]]
* Synapse Directory Server username(s)
* Email address
* Phone number - classify "home"/"work"/"mobile"/custom?
* Twitter/Facebook/Google+/... social networks
* Location - keep this deliberately vague to allow people to choose how
granular it is
* "Bio" information - date of birth, etc...
* Synapse User ID of another account
* Web URL
* Freeform description text
Visibility Permissions
A home server implementation could offer the ability to set permissions on
limited visibility of those fields. When another user requests access to the
target user's profile, their own identity should form part of that request. The
HS implementation can then decide which fields to make available to the
A particular detail of implementation could allow the user to create one or more
ACLs; where each list is granted permission to see a given set of non-public
fields (compare to Google+ Circles) and contains a set of other people allowed
to use it. By giving these ACLs strong identities within the HS, they can be
referenced in communications with it, granting other users who encounter these
the "ACL Token" to use the details in that ACL.
If we further allow an ACL Token to be present on Room join requests or stored
by 3PID servers, then users of these ACLs gain the extra convenience of not
having to manually curate people in the access list; anyone in the room or with
knowledge of the 3rd Party ID is automatically granted access. Every HS and
client implementation would have to be aware of the existence of these ACL
Token, and include them in requests if present, but not every HS implementation
needs to actually provide the full permissions model. This can be used as a
distinguishing feature among competing implementations. However, servers MUST
NOT serve profile information from a cache if there is a chance that its limited
understanding could lead to information leakage.
Client Concerns of Multiple Accounts
Because a given person may want to have multiple Synapse User accounts, client
implementations should allow the use of multiple accounts simultaneously
(especially in the field of mobile phone clients, which generally don't support
running distinct instances of the same application). Where features like address
books, presence lists or rooms are presented, the client UI should remember to
make distinct with user account is in use for each.
Directory Servers
Directory Servers can provide a forward mapping from human-readable names to
User IDs. These can provide a service similar to giving domain-namespaced names
for Rooms; in this case they can provide a way for a user to reference their
User ID in some external form (e.g. that can be printed on a business card).
The format for Synapse user name will consist of a localpart specific to the
directory server, and the domain name of that directory server:
The localname is separated from the domain name using a colon, so as to ensure
the localname can still contain periods, as users may want this for similarity
to email addresses or the like, which typically can contain them. The format is
also visually quite distinct from email addresses, phone numbers, etc... so
hopefully reasonably "self-describing" when written on e.g. a business card
without surrounding context.
[[TODO(paul): we might have to think about this one - too close to email?
Twitter? Also it suggests a format scheme for room names of
#localname:domain.name, which I quite like]]
Directory server administrators should be able to make some kind of policy
decision on how these are allocated. Servers within some "closed" domain (such
as company-specific ones) may wish to verify the validity of a mapping using
their own internal mechanisms; "public" naming servers can operate on a FCFS
basis. There are overlapping concerns here with the idea of the 3rd party
identity servers as well, though in this specific case we are creating a new
namespace to allocate names into.
It would also be nice from a user experience perspective if the profile that a
given name links to can also declare that name as part of its metadata.
Furthermore as a security and consistency perspective it would be nice if each
end (the directory server and the user's home server) check the validity of the
mapping in some way. This needs investigation from a security perspective to
ensure against spoofing.
One such model may be that the user starts by declaring their intent to use a
given user name link to their home server, which then contacts the directory
service. At some point later (maybe immediately for "public open FCFS servers",
maybe after some kind of human intervention for verification) the DS decides to
honour this link, and includes it in its served output. It should also tell the
HS of this fact, so that the HS can present this as fact when requested for the
profile information. For efficiency, it may further wish to provide the HS with
a cryptographically-signed certificate as proof, so the HS serving the profile
can provide that too when asked, avoiding requesting HSes from constantly having
to contact the DS to verify this mapping. (Note: This is similar to the security
model often applied in DNS to verify PTR <-> A bidirectional mappings).
Identity Servers
The identity servers should support the concept of pointing a 3PID being able to
store an ACL Token as well as the main User ID. It is however, beyond scope to
do any kind of verification that any third-party IDs that the profile is
claiming match up to the 3PID mappings.
User Interface and Expectations Concerns
Given the weak "security" of some parts of this model as compared to what users
might expect, some care should be taken on how it is presented to users,
specifically in the naming or other wording of user interface components.
Most notably mere knowledge of an ACL Pointer is enough to read the information
stored in it. It is possible that Home or Identity Servers could leak this
information, allowing others to see it. This is a security-vs-convenience
balancing choice on behalf of the user who would choose, or not, to make use of
such a feature to publish their information.
Additionally, unless some form of strong end-to-end user-based encryption is
used, a user of ACLs for information privacy has to trust other home servers not
to lie about the identify of the user requesting access to the Profile.
API Requirements
The data model presented here puts the following requirements on the APIs:
Requests that a client can make to its Home Server
* get/set my Display Name
This should return/take a simple "text/plain" field
* get/set my Avatar URL
The avatar image data itself is not stored by this API; we'll just store a
URL to let the clients fetch it. Optionally HSes could integrate this with
their generic content attacmhent storage service, allowing a user to set
upload their profile Avatar and update the URL to point to it.
* get/add/remove my metadata fields
Also we need to actually define types of metadata
* get another user's Display Name / Avatar / metadata fields
[[TODO(paul): At some later stage we should consider the API for:
* get/set ACL permissions on my metadata fields
* manage my ACL tokens
Requests that Home Servers make to others
* get a user's Display Name / Avatar
* get a user's full profile - name/avatar + MD fields
This request must allow for specifying the User ID of the requesting user,
for permissions purposes. It also needs to take into account any ACL Tokens
the requestor has.
* push a change of Display Name to observers (overlaps with the presence API)
Room Event PDU Types
Events that are pushed from Home Servers to other Home Servers or clients.
* user Display Name change
* user Avatar change
[[TODO(paul): should the avatar image itself be stored in all the room
histories? maybe this event should just be a hint to clients that they should
re-fetch the avatar image]]
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
PUT /send/abc/ HTTP/1.1
Host: ...
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/json
"origin": "localhost:5000",
"pdus": [
"content": {},
"context": "tng",
"depth": 12,
"is_state": false,
"origin": "localhost:5000",
"pdu_id": 1404381396854,
"pdu_type": "feedback",
"prev_pdus": [
"ts": 1404381427581
"prev_ids": [
"ts": 1404381427823
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
GET /pull/-1/ HTTP/1.1
Host: ...
Content-Length: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/json
origin: ...,
prev_ids: ...,
data: [
data_id: ...,
prev_pdus: [...],
depth: ...,
ts: ...,
context: ...,
origin: ...,
content: {
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
Room Join Workflow
An outline of the workflows required when a user joins a room.
To join a room, a user has to discover the room by some mechanism in order to
obtain the (opaque) Room ID and a candidate list of likely home servers that
contain it.
Sending an Invitation
The most direct way a user discovers the existence of a room is from a
invitation from some other user who is a member of that room.
The inviter's HS sets the membership status of the invitee to "invited" in the
"m.members" state key by sending a state update PDU. The HS then broadcasts this
PDU among the existing members in the usual way. An invitation message is also
sent to the invited user, containing the Room ID and the PDU ID of this
invitation state change and potentially a list of some other home servers to use
to accept the invite. The user's client can then choose to display it in some
way to alert the user.
[[TODO(paul): At present, no API has been designed or described to actually send
that invite to the invited user. Likely it will be some facet of the larger
user-user API required for presence, profile management, etc...]]
Directory Service
Alternatively, the user may discover the channel via a directory service; either
by performing a name lookup, or some kind of browse or search acitivty. However
this is performed, the end result is that the user's home server requests the
Room ID and candidate list from the directory service.
[[TODO(paul): At present, no API has been designed or described for this
directory service]]
Once the ID and home servers are obtained, the user can then actually join the
Accepting an Invite
If a user has received and accepted an invitation to join a room, the invitee's
home server can now send an invite acceptance message to a chosen candidate
server from the list given in the invitation, citing also the PDU ID of the
invitation as "proof" of their invite. (This is required as due to late message
propagation it could be the case that the acceptance is received before the
invite by some servers). If this message is allowed by the candidate server, it
generates a new PDU that updates the invitee's membership status to "joined",
referring back to the acceptance PDU, and broadcasts that as a state change in
the usual way. The newly-invited user is now a full member of the room, and
state propagation proceeds as usual.
Joining a Public Room
If a user has discovered the existence of a room they wish to join but does not
have an active invitation, they can request to join it directly by sending a
join message to a candidate server on the list provided by the directory
service. As this list may be out of date, the HS should be prepared to retry
other candidates if the chosen one is no longer aware of the room, because it
has no users as members in it.
Once a candidate server that is aware of the room has been found, it can
broadcast an update PDU to add the member into the "m.members" key setting their
state directly to "joined" (i.e. bypassing the two-phase invite semantics),
remembering to include the new user's HS in that list.
Knocking on a Semi-Public Room
If a user requests to join a room but the join mode of the room is "knock", the
join is not immediately allowed. Instead, if the user wishes to proceed, they
can instead post a "knock" message, which informs other members of the room that
the would-be joiner wishes to become a member and sets their membership value to
"knocked". If any of them wish to accept this, they can then send an invitation
in the usual way described above. Knowing that the user has already knocked and
expressed an interest in joining, the invited user's home server should
immediately accept that invitation on the user's behalf, and go on to join the
room in the usual way.
[[NOTE(Erik): Though this may confuse users who expect 'X has joined' to
actually be a user initiated action, i.e. they may expect that 'X' is actually
looking at synapse right now?]]
[[NOTE(paul): Yes, a fair point maybe we should suggest HSes don't do that, and
just offer an invite to the user as normal]]
Private and Non-Existent Rooms
If a user requests to join a room but the room is either unknown by the home
server receiving the request, or is known by the join mode is "invite" and the
user has not been invited, the server must respond that the room does not exist.
This is to prevent leaking information about the existence and identity of
private rooms.
Outstanding Questions
* Do invitations or knocks time out and expire at some point? If so when? Time
is hard in distributed systems.
@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
Rooms Model
A description of the general data model used to implement Rooms, and the
user-level visible effects and implications.
"Rooms" in Synapse are shared messaging channels over which all the participant
users can exchange messages. Rooms have an opaque persistent identify, a
globally-replicated set of state (consisting principly of a membership set of
users, and other management and miscellaneous metadata), and a message history.
Room Identity and Naming
Rooms can be arbitrarily created by any user on any home server; at which point
the home server will sign the message that creates the channel, and the
fingerprint of this signature becomes the strong persistent identify of the
room. This now identifies the room to any home server in the network regardless
of its original origin. This allows the identify of the room to outlive any
particular server. Subject to appropriate permissions [to be discussed later],
any current member of a room can invite others to join it, can post messages
that become part of its history, and can change the persistent state of the room
(including its current set of permissions).
Home servers can provide a directory service, allowing a lookup from a
convenient human-readable form of room label to a room ID. This mapping is
scoped to the particular home server domain and so simply represents that server
administrator's opinion of what room should take that label; it does not have to
be globally replicated and does not form part of the stored state of that room.
This room name takes the form
for similarity and consistency with user names on directories.
To join a room (and therefore to be allowed to inspect past history, post new
messages to it, and read its state), a user must become aware of the room's
fingerprint ID. There are two mechanisms to allow this:
* An invite message from someone else in the room
* A referral from a room directory service
As room IDs are opaque and ephemeral, they can serve as a mechanism to create
"ad-hoc" rooms deliberately unnamed, for small group-chats or even private
one-to-one message exchange.
Stored State and Permissions
Every room has a globally-replicated set of stored state. This state is a set of
key/value or key/subkey/value pairs. The value of every (sub)key is a
JSON-representable object. The main key of a piece of stored state establishes
its meaning; some keys store sub-keys to allow a sub-structure within them [more
detail below]. Some keys have special meaning to Synapse, as they relate to
management details of the room itself, storing such details as user membership,
and permissions of users to alter the state of the room itself. Other keys may
store information to present to users, which the system does not directly rely
on. The key space itself is namespaced, allowing 3rd party extensions, subject
to suitable permission.
Permission management is based on the concept of "power-levels". Every user
within a room has an integer assigned, being their "power-level" within that
room. Along with its actual data value, each key (or subkey) also stores the
minimum power-level a user must have in order to write to that key, the
power-level of the last user who actually did write to it, and the PDU ID of
that state change.
To be accepted as valid, a change must NOT:
* Be made by a user having a power-level lower than required to write to the
state key
* Alter the required power-level for that state key to a value higher than the
user has
* Increase that user's own power-level
* Grant any other user a power-level higher than the level of the user making
the change
[[TODO(paul): consider if relaxations should be allowed; e.g. is the current
outright-winner allowed to raise their own level, to allow for "inflation"?]]
Room State Keys
[[TODO(paul): if this list gets too big it might become necessary to move it
into its own doc]]
The following keys have special semantics or meaning to Synapse itself:
m.member (has subkeys)
Stores a sub-key for every Synapse User ID which is currently a member of
this room. Its value gives the membership type ("knocked", "invited",
Stores a mapping from Synapse User IDs to their power-level in the room. If
they are not present in this mapping, the default applies.
The reason to store this as a single value rather than a value with subkeys
is that updates to it are atomic; allowing a number of colliding-edit
problems to be avoided.
Gives the default power-level for members of the room that do not have one
specified in their membership key.
If set, gives the minimum power-level required for members to invite others
to join, or to accept knock requests from non-members requesting access. If
absent, then invites are not allowed. An invitation involves setting their
membership type to "invited", in addition to sending the invite message.
Encodes the rules on how non-members can join the room. Has the following
"public" - a non-member can join the room directly
"knock" - a non-member cannot join the room, but can post a single "knock"
message requesting access, which existing members may approve or deny
"invite" - non-members cannot join the room without an invite from an
existing member
"private" - nobody who is not in the 'may_join' list or already a member
may join by any mechanism
In any of the first three modes, existing members with sufficient permission
can send invites to non-members if allowed by the "m.invite_level" key. A
"private" room is not allowed to have the "m.invite_level" set.
A client may use the value of this key to hint at the user interface
expectations to provide; in particular, a private chat with one other use
might warrant specific handling in the client.
A list of User IDs that are always allowed to join the room, regardless of any
of the prevailing join rules and invite levels. These apply even to private
rooms. These are stored in a single list with normal update-powerlevel
permissions applied; users cannot arbitrarily remove themselves from the list.
The power-level required for a user to be able to add new state keys.
If set and true, anyone can request the history of the room, without needing
to be a member of the room.
For "public" rooms with public history, gives a list of home servers that
should be included in message distribution to the room, even if no users on
that server are present. These ensure that a public room can still persist
even if no users are currently members of it. This list should be consulted by
the dirctory servers as the candidate list they respond with.
The following keys are provided by Synapse for user benefit, but their value is
not otherwise used by Synapse.
Stores a short human-readable name for the room, such that clients can display
to a user to assist in identifying which room is which.
This name specifically is not the strong ID used by the message transport
system to refer to the room, because it may be changed from time to time.
Stores the current human-readable topic
Room Creation Templates
A client (or maybe home server?) could offer a few templates for the creation of
new rooms. For example, for a simple private one-to-one chat the channel could
assign the creator a power-level of 1, requiring a level of 1 to invite, and
needing an invite before members can join. An invite is then sent to the other
party, and if accepted and the other user joins, the creator's power-level can
now be reduced to 0. This now leaves a room with two participants in it being
unable to add more.
Rooms that Continue History
An option that could be considered for room creation, is that when a new room is
created the creator could specify a PDU ID into an existing room, as the history
continuation point. This would be stored as an extra piece of meta-data on the
initial PDU of the room's creation. (It does not appear in the normal previous
PDU linkage).
This would allow users in rooms to "fork" a room, if it is considered that the
conversations in the room no longer fit its original purpose, and wish to
diverge. Existing permissions on the original room would continue to apply of
course, for viewing that history. If both rooms are considered "public" we might
also want to define a message to post into the original room to represent this
fork point, and give a reference to the new room.
User Direct Message Rooms
There is no need to build a mechanism for directly sending messages between
users, because a room can handle this ability. To allow direct user-to-user chat
messaging we simply need to be able to create rooms with specific set of
permissions to allow this direct messaging.
Between any given pair of user IDs that wish to exchange private messages, there
will exist a single shared Room, created lazily by either side. These rooms will
need a certain amount of special handling in both home servers and display on
clients, but as much as possible should be treated by the lower layers of code
the same as other rooms.
Specially, a client would likely offer a special menu choice associated with
another user (in room member lists, presence list, etc..) as "direct chat". That
would perform all the necessary steps to create the private chat room. Receiving
clients should display these in a special way too as the room name is not
important; instead it should distinguish them on the Display Name of the other
Home Servers will need a client-API option to request setting up a new user-user
chat room, which will then need special handling within the server. It will
create a new room with the following
m.member: the proposing user
m.join_rules: "private"
m.may_join: both users
m.power_levels: empty
m.default_level: 0
m.add_state_level: 0
m.public_history: False
Having created the room, it can send an invite message to the other user in the
normal way - the room permissions state that no users can be set to the invited
state, but because they're in the may_join list then they'd be allowed to join
In this arrangement there is now a room with both users may join but neither has
the power to invite any others. Both users now have the confidence that (at
least within the messaging system itself) their messages remain private and
cannot later be provably leaked to a third party. They can freely set the topic
or name if they choose and add or edit any other state of the room. The update
powerlevel of each of these fixed properties should be 1, to lock out the users
from being able to alter them.
There exists the possibility of a race condition if two users who have no chat
history with each other simultaneously create a room and invite the other to it.
This is called a "glare" situation. There are two possible ideas for how to
resolve this:
* Each Home Server should persist the mapping of (user ID pair) to room ID, so
that duplicate requests can be suppressed. On receipt of a room creation
request that the HS thinks there already exists a room for, the invitation to
join can be rejected if:
a) the HS believes the sending user is already a member of the room (and
maybe their HS has forgotten this fact), or
b) the proposed room has a lexicographically-higher ID than the existing
room (to resolve true race condition conflicts)
* The room ID for a private 1:1 chat has a special form, determined by
concatenting the User IDs of both members in a deterministic order, such that
it doesn't matter which side creates it first; the HSes can just ignore
(or merge?) received PDUs that create the room twice.
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
Third Party Identities
A description of how email addresses, mobile phone numbers and other third
party identifiers can be used to authenticate and discover users in Matrix.
New users need to authenticate their account. An email or SMS text message can
be a convenient form of authentication. Users already have email addresses
and phone numbers for contacts in their address book. They want to communicate
with those contacts in Matrix without manually exchanging a Matrix User ID with
Third Party IDs
[[TODO(markjh): Describe the format of a 3PID]]
Third Party ID Associations
An Associaton is a binding between a Matrix User ID and a Third Party ID (3PID).
Each 3PID can be associated with one Matrix User ID at a time.
[[TODO(markjh): JSON format of the association.]]
An Assocation must be verified by a trusted Verification Server. Email
addresses and phone numbers can be verified by sending a token to the address
which a client can supply to the verifier to confirm ownership.
An email Verification Server may be capable of verifying all email 3PIDs or may
be restricted to verifying addresses for a particular domain. A phone number
Verification Server may be capable of verifying all phone numbers or may be
restricted to verifying numbers for a given country or phone prefix.
Verification Servers fulfil a similar role to Certificate Authorities in PKI so
a similar level of vetting should be required before clients trust their
A Verification Server may wish to check for existing Associations for a 3PID
before creating a new Association.
Users can discover Associations using a trusted Identity Server. Each
Association will be signed by the Identity Server. An Identity Server may store
the entire space of Associations or may delegate to other Identity Servers when
looking up Associations.
Each Association returned from an Identity Server must be signed by a
Verification Server. Clients should check these signatures.
Identity Servers fulfil a similar role to DNS servers.
A User may publish the association between their phone number and Matrix User ID
on the Identity Server without publishing the number in their Profile hosted on
their Home Server.
Identity Servers should refrain from publishing reverse mappings and should
take steps, such as rate limiting, to prevent attackers enumerating the space of
Verification Servers could delegate signing to another server by issuing
certificate to that server allowing it to verify and sign a subset of 3PID on
its behalf. It would be necessary to provide a language for describing which
subset of 3PIDs that server had authority to validate. Alternatively it could
delegate the verification step to another server but sign the resulting
association itself.
The 3PID space will have a heirachical structure like DNS so Identity Servers
can delegate lookups to other servers. An Identity Server should be prepared
to host or delegate any valid association within the subset of the 3PIDs it is
resonsible for.
Multiple Root Verification Servers
There can be multiple root Verification Servers and an Association could be
signed by multiple servers if different clients trust different subsets of
the verification servers.
Multiple Root Identity Servers
There can be be multiple root Identity Servers. Clients will add each
Association to all root Identity Servers.
[[TODO(markjh): Describe how clients find the list of root Identity Servers]]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user