ARG SYNAPSE_VERSION=1.70.1 ARG HARDENED_MALLOC_VERSION=11 ARG UID=991 ARG GID=991 ### Build Hardened Malloc FROM alpine:latest as build-malloc ARG HARDENED_MALLOC_VERSION ARG CONFIG_NATIVE=false ARG VARIANT=default RUN apk --no-cache add build-base git gnupg && cd /tmp \ && wget -q && gpg --import thestinger.gpg \ && git clone --depth 1 --branch ${HARDENED_MALLOC_VERSION} \ && cd hardened_malloc && git verify-tag $(git describe --tags) \ && make CONFIG_NATIVE=${CONFIG_NATIVE} VARIANT=${VARIANT} ### Nginx & Redis FROM alpine:latest as deps_base RUN apk --no-cache add nginx redis ### Redis Base FROM redis:6-alpine AS redis_base ### Build Synapse FROM python:alpine as builder ARG SYNAPSE_VERSION RUN apk -U upgrade \ && apk add -t build-deps \ build-base \ libffi-dev \ libjpeg-turbo-dev \ libressl-dev \ libxslt-dev \ linux-headers \ postgresql-dev \ rustup \ zlib-dev \ && rustup-init -y && source $HOME/.cargo/env \ && pip install --upgrade pip \ && pip install --prefix="/install" --no-warn-script-location \ matrix-synapse[all]==${SYNAPSE_VERSION} ### Worker Build Configuration FROM python:alpine as worker_build RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip \ pip install supervisor~=4.2 RUN mkdir -p /etc/supervisor/conf.d RUN rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default RUN mkdir /var/log/nginx /var/lib/nginx RUN chown www-data /var/lib/nginx RUN ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log RUN ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx/error.log ### Build Production FROM python:alpine ARG UID ARG GID RUN apk -U upgrade \ && apk add -t run-deps \ libffi \ libgcc \ libjpeg-turbo \ libressl \ libstdc++ \ libxslt \ libpq \ zlib \ tzdata \ xmlsec \ git \ curl \ && adduser -g ${GID} -u ${UID} --disabled-password --gecos "" synapse \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* RUN pip install --upgrade pip \ && pip install -e "git+" COPY --from=build-malloc /tmp/hardened_malloc/out/ /usr/local/lib/ COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local COPY --chown=synapse:synapse rootfs / COPY --from=redis_base /usr/local/bin/redis-server /usr/local/bin COPY --from=deps_base /usr/sbin/nginx /usr/sbin COPY --from=deps_base /usr/share/nginx /usr/share/nginx COPY --from=deps_base /usr/lib/nginx /usr/lib/nginx COPY --from=deps_base /etc/nginx /etc/nginx COPY ./rootfs/conf-workers/* /conf/ # Copy a script to prefix log lines with the supervisor program name COPY ./rootfs/prefix-log /usr/local/bin/ ENV LD_PRELOAD="/usr/local/lib/" USER synapse VOLUME /data EXPOSE 8008/tcp ENTRYPOINT ["python3", ""] HEALTHCHECK --start-period=5s --interval=15s --timeout=5s \ CMD /bin/sh /