Matthew Nickson fbfa5a33ed
Added Clickable hostname on status page. #1221
This should fully implement #1221 by modifying the API and adding two
new properties to the result. The `sendUrl` property denotes if the URL
is sent and `url` is included when required.
Client side checks have been implemented in order to only show a link
when the URL is vaugely correct. I.e not "" or "https://". This prevents
the link from being included if the monitor type is not HTTP without
having to publicly expose the monitor type.
The exposure of the URL is configuarable for each monitor on each
status page by clicking on the link icon.

Signed-off-by: Matthew Nickson <mnickson@sidingsmedia.com>
2022-06-11 17:23:12 +01:00

510 lines
16 KiB

const fs = require("fs");
const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const { setSetting, setting } = require("./util-server");
const { log, sleep } = require("../src/util");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const knex = require("knex");
* Database & App Data Folder
class Database {
static templatePath = "./db/kuma.db";
* Data Dir (Default: ./data)
static dataDir;
* User Upload Dir (Default: ./data/upload)
static uploadDir;
static path;
* @type {boolean}
static patched = false;
* For Backup only
static backupPath = null;
* Add patch filename in key
* Values:
* true: Add it regardless of order
* false: Do nothing
* { parents: []}: Need parents before add it
static patchList = {
"patch-setting-value-type.sql": true,
"patch-improve-performance.sql": true,
"patch-2fa.sql": true,
"patch-add-retry-interval-monitor.sql": true,
"patch-incident-table.sql": true,
"patch-group-table.sql": true,
"patch-monitor-push_token.sql": true,
"patch-http-monitor-method-body-and-headers.sql": true,
"patch-2fa-invalidate-used-token.sql": true,
"patch-notification_sent_history.sql": true,
"patch-monitor-basic-auth.sql": true,
"patch-status-page.sql": true,
"patch-proxy.sql": true,
"patch-monitor-expiry-notification.sql": true,
"patch-status-page-footer-css.sql": true,
"patch-added-mqtt-monitor.sql": true,
"patch-add-clickable-status-page-link.sql": true,
* The final version should be 10 after merged tag feature
* @deprecated Use patchList for any new feature
static latestVersion = 10;
static noReject = true;
* Initialize the database
* @param {Object} args Arguments to initialize DB with
static init(args) {
// Data Directory (must be end with "/")
Database.dataDir = process.env.DATA_DIR || args["data-dir"] || "./data/";
Database.path = Database.dataDir + "kuma.db";
if (! fs.existsSync(Database.dataDir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(Database.dataDir, { recursive: true });
Database.uploadDir = Database.dataDir + "upload/";
if (! fs.existsSync(Database.uploadDir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(Database.uploadDir, { recursive: true });
log.info("db", `Data Dir: ${Database.dataDir}`);
* Connect to the database
* @param {boolean} [testMode=false] Should the connection be
* started in test mode?
* @param {boolean} [autoloadModels=true] Should models be
* automatically loaded?
* @param {boolean} [noLog=false] Should logs not be output?
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async connect(testMode = false, autoloadModels = true, noLog = false) {
const acquireConnectionTimeout = 120 * 1000;
const Dialect = require("knex/lib/dialects/sqlite3/index.js");
Dialect.prototype._driver = () => require("@louislam/sqlite3");
const knexInstance = knex({
client: Dialect,
connection: {
filename: Database.path,
acquireConnectionTimeout: acquireConnectionTimeout,
useNullAsDefault: true,
pool: {
min: 1,
max: 1,
idleTimeoutMillis: 120 * 1000,
propagateCreateError: false,
acquireTimeoutMillis: acquireConnectionTimeout,
if (process.env.SQL_LOG === "1") {
// Auto map the model to a bean object
if (autoloadModels) {
await R.autoloadModels("./server/model");
await R.exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON");
if (testMode) {
// Change to MEMORY
await R.exec("PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY");
} else {
// Change to WAL
await R.exec("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL");
await R.exec("PRAGMA cache_size = -12000");
await R.exec("PRAGMA auto_vacuum = FULL");
// This ensures that an operating system crash or power failure will not corrupt the database.
// FULL synchronous is very safe, but it is also slower.
// Read more: https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_synchronous
await R.exec("PRAGMA synchronous = FULL");
if (!noLog) {
log.info("db", "SQLite config:");
log.info("db", await R.getAll("PRAGMA journal_mode"));
log.info("db", await R.getAll("PRAGMA cache_size"));
log.info("db", "SQLite Version: " + await R.getCell("SELECT sqlite_version()"));
/** Patch the database */
static async patch() {
let version = parseInt(await setting("database_version"));
if (! version) {
version = 0;
log.info("db", "Your database version: " + version);
log.info("db", "Latest database version: " + this.latestVersion);
if (version === this.latestVersion) {
log.info("db", "Database patch not needed");
} else if (version > this.latestVersion) {
log.info("db", "Warning: Database version is newer than expected");
} else {
log.info("db", "Database patch is needed");
// Try catch anything here, if gone wrong, restore the backup
try {
for (let i = version + 1; i <= this.latestVersion; i++) {
const sqlFile = `./db/patch${i}.sql`;
log.info("db", `Patching ${sqlFile}`);
await Database.importSQLFile(sqlFile);
log.info("db", `Patched ${sqlFile}`);
await setSetting("database_version", i);
} catch (ex) {
await Database.close();
log.error("db", ex);
log.error("db", "Start Uptime-Kuma failed due to issue patching the database");
log.error("db", "Please submit a bug report if you still encounter the problem after restart: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues");
await this.patch2();
await this.migrateNewStatusPage();
* Patch DB using new process
* Call it from patch() only
* @private
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async patch2() {
log.info("db", "Database Patch 2.0 Process");
let databasePatchedFiles = await setting("databasePatchedFiles");
if (! databasePatchedFiles) {
databasePatchedFiles = {};
log.debug("db", "Patched files:");
log.debug("db", databasePatchedFiles);
try {
for (let sqlFilename in this.patchList) {
await this.patch2Recursion(sqlFilename, databasePatchedFiles);
if (this.patched) {
log.info("db", "Database Patched Successfully");
} catch (ex) {
await Database.close();
log.error("db", ex);
log.error("db", "Start Uptime-Kuma failed due to issue patching the database");
log.error("db", "Please submit the bug report if you still encounter the problem after restart: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues");
await setSetting("databasePatchedFiles", databasePatchedFiles);
* Migrate status page value in setting to "status_page" table
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async migrateNewStatusPage() {
// Fix 1.13.0 empty slug bug
await R.exec("UPDATE status_page SET slug = 'empty-slug-recover' WHERE TRIM(slug) = ''");
let title = await setting("title");
if (title) {
console.log("Migrating Status Page");
let statusPageCheck = await R.findOne("status_page", " slug = 'default' ");
if (statusPageCheck !== null) {
console.log("Migrating Status Page - Skip, default slug record is already existing");
let statusPage = R.dispense("status_page");
statusPage.slug = "default";
statusPage.title = title;
statusPage.description = await setting("description");
statusPage.icon = await setting("icon");
statusPage.theme = await setting("statusPageTheme");
statusPage.published = !!await setting("statusPagePublished");
statusPage.search_engine_index = !!await setting("searchEngineIndex");
statusPage.show_tags = !!await setting("statusPageTags");
statusPage.password = null;
if (!statusPage.title) {
statusPage.title = "My Status Page";
if (!statusPage.icon) {
statusPage.icon = "";
if (!statusPage.theme) {
statusPage.theme = "light";
let id = await R.store(statusPage);
await R.exec("UPDATE incident SET status_page_id = ? WHERE status_page_id IS NULL", [
await R.exec("UPDATE [group] SET status_page_id = ? WHERE status_page_id IS NULL", [
await R.exec("DELETE FROM setting WHERE type = 'statusPage'");
// Migrate Entry Page if it is status page
let entryPage = await setting("entryPage");
if (entryPage === "statusPage") {
await setSetting("entryPage", "statusPage-default", "general");
console.log("Migrating Status Page - Done");
* Patch database using new patching process
* Used it patch2() only
* @private
* @param sqlFilename
* @param databasePatchedFiles
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async patch2Recursion(sqlFilename, databasePatchedFiles) {
let value = this.patchList[sqlFilename];
if (! value) {
log.info("db", sqlFilename + " skip");
// Check if patched
if (! databasePatchedFiles[sqlFilename]) {
log.info("db", sqlFilename + " is not patched");
if (value.parents) {
log.info("db", sqlFilename + " need parents");
for (let parentSQLFilename of value.parents) {
await this.patch2Recursion(parentSQLFilename, databasePatchedFiles);
log.info("db", sqlFilename + " is patching");
this.patched = true;
await this.importSQLFile("./db/" + sqlFilename);
databasePatchedFiles[sqlFilename] = true;
log.info("db", sqlFilename + " was patched successfully");
} else {
log.debug("db", sqlFilename + " is already patched, skip");
* Load an SQL file and execute it
* @param filename Filename of SQL file to import
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async importSQLFile(filename) {
// Sadly, multi sql statements is not supported by many sqlite libraries, I have to implement it myself
await R.getCell("SELECT 1");
let text = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString();
// Remove all comments (--)
let lines = text.split("\n");
lines = lines.filter((line) => {
return ! line.startsWith("--");
// Split statements by semicolon
// Filter out empty line
text = lines.join("\n");
let statements = text.split(";")
.map((statement) => {
return statement.trim();
.filter((statement) => {
return statement !== "";
for (let statement of statements) {
await R.exec(statement);
* Aquire a direct connection to database
* @returns {any}
static getBetterSQLite3Database() {
return R.knex.client.acquireConnection();
* Special handle, because tarn.js throw a promise reject that cannot be caught
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async close() {
const listener = (reason, p) => {
Database.noReject = false;
process.addListener("unhandledRejection", listener);
log.info("db", "Closing the database");
while (true) {
Database.noReject = true;
await R.close();
await sleep(2000);
if (Database.noReject) {
} else {
log.info("db", "Waiting to close the database");
log.info("db", "SQLite closed");
process.removeListener("unhandledRejection", listener);
* One backup one time in this process.
* Reset this.backupPath if you want to backup again
* @param {string} version Version code of backup
static backup(version) {
if (! this.backupPath) {
log.info("db", "Backing up the database");
this.backupPath = this.dataDir + "kuma.db.bak" + version;
fs.copyFileSync(Database.path, this.backupPath);
const shmPath = Database.path + "-shm";
if (fs.existsSync(shmPath)) {
this.backupShmPath = shmPath + ".bak" + version;
fs.copyFileSync(shmPath, this.backupShmPath);
const walPath = Database.path + "-wal";
if (fs.existsSync(walPath)) {
this.backupWalPath = walPath + ".bak" + version;
fs.copyFileSync(walPath, this.backupWalPath);
/** Restore from most recent backup */
static restore() {
if (this.backupPath) {
log.error("db", "Patching the database failed!!! Restoring the backup");
const shmPath = Database.path + "-shm";
const walPath = Database.path + "-wal";
// Delete patch failed db
try {
if (fs.existsSync(Database.path)) {
if (fs.existsSync(shmPath)) {
if (fs.existsSync(walPath)) {
} catch (e) {
log.error("db", "Restore failed; you may need to restore the backup manually");
// Restore backup
fs.copyFileSync(this.backupPath, Database.path);
if (this.backupShmPath) {
fs.copyFileSync(this.backupShmPath, shmPath);
if (this.backupWalPath) {
fs.copyFileSync(this.backupWalPath, walPath);
} else {
log.info("db", "Nothing to restore");
/** Get the size of the database */
static getSize() {
log.debug("db", "Database.getSize()");
let stats = fs.statSync(Database.path);
log.debug("db", stats);
return stats.size;
* Shrink the database
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async shrink() {
await R.exec("VACUUM");
module.exports = Database;