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Raw Blame History

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export default {
languageName: "简体中文",
checkEverySecond: "检测频率 {0} 秒",
retriesDescription: "最大重试失败次数",
ignoreTLSError: "忽略HTTPS站点的证书错误",
upsideDownModeDescription: "反向状态监控(状态码范围外为有效状态,反之为无效)",
maxRedirectDescription: "最大重定向次数,设置为 0 禁止重定向",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "选择被视为成功响应的状态码",
passwordNotMatchMsg: "两次密码输入不一致",
notificationDescription: "请为监控项配置消息通知",
keywordDescription: "检测响应内容中的关键字,区分大小写",
pauseDashboardHome: "暂停",
deleteMonitorMsg: "确定要删除此监控吗?",
deleteNotificationMsg: "确定要删除此消息通知吗?这将对所有监控生效。",
resoverserverDescription: "可自定义要使用的DNS服务器",
rrtypeDescription: "选择要监控的资源记录类型",
pauseMonitorMsg: "确定要暂停吗?",
Settings: "设置",
Dashboard: "仪表盘",
"New Update": "有新版本更新",
Language: "语言",
Appearance: "外观设置",
Theme: "主题",
General: "基本设置",
"Primary Base URL": "站点地址URL",
About: "关于",
Version: "版本",
"Check Update On GitHub": "检查更新",
List: "列表",
Add: "添加",
"Add New Monitor": "创建监控项",
"Quick Stats": "状态速览",
Up: "正常",
Down: "故障",
Pending: "检测失败",
Unknown: "未知",
Pause: "暂停",
Name: "名称",
Status: "状态",
DateTime: "时间",
Message: "事件",
"No important events": "暂无重要事件",
Resume: "恢复",
Edit: "修改",
Delete: "删除",
Current: "当前",
Uptime: "可用率",
"Cert Exp.": "证书有效期",
days: "天",
day: "天",
"-day": " 天",
hour: "小时",
"-hour": " 小时",
Response: "响应时长",
Ping: "Ping",
"Monitor Type": "监控类型",
Keyword: "关键字",
"Friendly Name": "自定义名称",
URL: "网址URL",
Hostname: "主机名",
Port: "端口号",
"Heartbeat Interval": "心跳间隔",
Retries: "重试次数",
Advanced: "高级选项",
"Upside Down Mode": "反向监控",
"Max. Redirects": "重定向次数",
"Accepted Status Codes": "有效状态码",
"Push URL": "推送链接",
needPushEvery: "你需要每 {0} 秒调用一次",
pushOptionalParams: "可选参数:{0}",
Save: "保存",
Notifications: "消息通知",
"Not available, please setup.": "无可用通道,请先设置",
"Setup Notification": "设置通知",
Light: "明亮",
Dark: "黑暗",
Auto: "自动",
"Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "状态显示",
Normal: "正常显示",
Bottom: "靠下显示",
None: "不显示",
Timezone: "时区",
"Search Engine Visibility": "搜索引擎设置",
"Allow indexing": "允许索引",
"Discourage search engines from indexing site": "阻止搜索引擎索引网站",
"Change Password": "修改密码",
"Current Password": "当前密码",
"New Password": "新的密码",
"Repeat New Password": "重复新的密码",
"Update Password": "更新密码",
"Disable Auth": "禁用身份验证",
"Enable Auth": "启用身份验证",
Logout: "退出",
Leave: "离开",
"I understand, please disable": "我已了解,继续禁用",
Confirm: "确认",
Yes: "确定",
No: "取消",
Username: "用户名",
Password: "密码",
"Remember me": "记住登录",
Login: "登录",
"No Monitors, please": "还没有监控项,",
"add one": "点击新增",
"Notification Type": "消息类型",
Email: "邮件",
Test: "测试一下",
"Certificate Info": "证书信息",
"Resolver Server": "解析服务器",
"Resource Record Type": "资源记录类型",
"Last Result": "最后结果",
"Create your admin account": "创建管理员账号",
"Repeat Password": "重复密码",
respTime: "响应时间(毫秒)",
notAvailableShort: "N/A",
Create: "创建",
clearEventsMsg: "确定要删除此监控项的所有事件吗?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg: "确定要删除此监控项的所有状态吗?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg: "确定要删除所有统计信息吗?",
"Clear Data": "清除数据",
Events: "事件",
Heartbeats: "心跳",
"Auto Get": "自动获取",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription: "新的监控项将默认启用,你也可以在每个监控项中分别设置",
"Default enabled": "默认开启",
"Also apply to existing monitors": "应用到所有监控项",
Export: "导出",
Import: "导入",
backupDescription: "你可以将所有的监控项和消息通知备份到一个 JSON 文件中",
backupDescription2: "注意: 不包括历史状态和事件数据",
backupDescription3: "导出的文件中可能包含敏感信息,如消息通知的 Token 信息,请小心存放!",
alertNoFile: "请选择一个文件导入",
alertWrongFileType: "请选择一个 JSON 格式的文件",
twoFAVerifyLabel: "请输入Token以验证 2FA二次验证是否正常工作",
tokenValidSettingsMsg: "Token有效您现在可以保存 2FA二次验证设置",
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg: "确定要启用 2FA二次验证吗?",
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg: "确定要禁用 2FA二次验证吗?",
"Apply on all existing monitors": "应用到所有监控项",
"Verify Token": "验证 Token",
"Setup 2FA": "设置 2FA",
"Enable 2FA": "启用 2FA",
"Disable 2FA": "禁用 2FA",
"2FA Settings": "2FA 设置",
"Two Factor Authentication": "双因素认证",
Active: "生效",
Inactive: "未生效",
Token: "Token",
"Show URI": "显示链接",
"Clear all statistics": "清除所有统计数据",
retryCheckEverySecond: "重试间隔 {0} 秒",
importHandleDescription: "如果想跳过同名的监控项或通知,请选择“跳过”;“覆盖”将删除所有现有的监控项和通知。",
confirmImportMsg: "确定要导入备份吗?请确保已经选择了正确的导入选项。",
"Heartbeat Retry Interval": "心跳重试间隔",
"Backup": "备份",
"Import Backup": "导入备份",
"Export Backup": "导出备份",
"Skip existing": "跳过",
Overwrite: "覆盖",
Options: "选项",
"Keep both": "全部保留",
Tags: "标签",
"Add New below or Select...": "在下面新增或选择...",
"Tag with this name already exist.": "相同名称的标签已存在",
"Tag with this value already exist.": "相同内容的标签已存在",
color: "颜色",
"value (optional)": "值(可选)",
Gray: "灰色",
Red: "红色",
Orange: "橙色",
Green: "绿色",
Blue: "蓝色",
Indigo: "靛蓝",
Purple: "紫色",
Pink: "粉色",
"Search...": "搜索...",
"Avg. Ping": "平均 Ping",
"Avg. Response": "平均响应",
"Entry Page": "入口页面",
statusPageNothing: "这里什么也没有,请添加一个分组或一个监控项。",
"No Services": "无服务",
"All Systems Operational": "所有服务运行正常",
"Partially Degraded Service": "部分服务出现故障",
"Degraded Service": "全部服务出现故障",
"Add Group": "新建分组",
"Add a monitor": "添加监控项",
"Edit Status Page": "编辑状态页",
"Go to Dashboard": "前往仪表盘",
"Status Page": "状态页",
telegram: "Telegram",
webhook: "Webhook",
smtp: "电子邮件SMTP",
discord: "Discord",
teams: "Microsoft Teams",
signal: "Signal",
gotify: "Gotify",
slack: "Slack",
"rocket.chat": "Rocket.chat",
pushover: "Pushover",
pushy: "Pushy",
octopush: "Octopush",
promosms: "PromoSMS",
lunasea: "LunaSea",
apprise: "Apprise (支持50+种通知服务)",
pushbullet: "Pushbullet",
line: "Line Messenger",
mattermost: "Mattermost",
"Feishu WebHookUrl": "飞书 WebHook 地址",
defaultNotificationName: "{notification} 通知({number}",
here: "这里",
Required: "必填",
"Bot Token": "Bot Token",
wayToGetTelegramToken: "你可以从 {0} 获取 Token。",
"Chat ID": "Chat ID",
supportTelegramChatID: "支持对话/群组/频道的 ID",
wayToGetTelegramChatID: "你可以发送一条消息给你的机器人然后到下面的链接来查看你的 chat_id",
chatIDNotFound: "没有找到 Chat ID请先给你的机器人发送一条消息。",
"Post URL": "目标链接",
"Content Type": "Content Type",
webhookJsonDesc: "{0} 适合现代的服务,比如 express.js",
webhookFormDataDesc: "{multipart} 适合PHP解码使用 {decodeFunction}",
secureOptionNone: "无 / STARTTLS25587",
secureOptionTLS: "TLS465",
"Ignore TLS Error": "忽略 TLS 错误",
"From Email": "发信人",
"To Email": "收信人",
smtpCC: "抄送",
smtpBCC: "密送",
"Discord Webhook URL": "Discord Webhook 链接",
wayToGetDiscordURL: "获取方式:服务器设置 -> 整合 -> 创建 Webhook",
"Bot Display Name": "机器人显示名称",
"Prefix Custom Message": "自定义消息前缀",
"Hello @everyone is...": "{'@'}所有人,……",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook 链接",
wayToGetTeamsURL: "你可以在 {0} 获取 Webhook 链接。",
Number: "号码",
Recipients: "收件人",
needSignalAPI: "你需要有一个带 REST API 的 Signal 客户端。",
wayToCheckSignalURL: "你可以通过下面的链接来了解如何设置:",
signalImportant: "重要:你不能混合设定收件人的分组和号码!",
"Application Token": "Application Token",
"Server URL": "服务器链接",
Priority: "优先级",
"Icon Emoji": "Emoji 图标",
"Channel Name": "频道名称",
"Uptime Kuma URL": "Uptime Kuma 链接",
aboutWebhooks: "关于 Webhook 的更多信息:{0}",
aboutChannelName: "如果你想绕过 Webhook 设定的频道,请在设定 {0} 的频道名称字段为你想要的频道。例:#other-channel",
aboutKumaURL: "如果保留 Uptime Kuma 链接为空,将会默认指向项目的 Github 页面。",
emojiCheatSheet: "Emoji 参考表:{0}",
"User Key": "User Key",
Device: "设备",
"Message Title": "消息标题",
"Notification Sound": "通知铃声",
"More info on:": "更多信息:{0}",
pushoverDesc1: "紧急优先级2会在一小时内每30秒重试一次。",
pushoverDesc2: "如果你想发送通知给不同的设备,请填写“设备”字段。",
"SMS Type": "短信类型",
octopushTypePremium: "Premium快 - 推荐用于警报)",
octopushTypeLowCost: "Low Cost慢 - 有时会被运营商屏蔽)",
"Check octopush prices": "查看 Octopush 的价格 {0}。",
octopushPhoneNumber: "电话号码(国际格式,例:+33612345678",
octopushSMSSender: "短信发送名称3-11位大小写字母、数字和空格a-zA-Z0-9",
"LunaSea Device ID": "LunaSea 设备 ID",
"Apprise URL": "Apprise 链接",
"Example:": "例:{0}",
"Read more:": "了解更多:{0}",
"Status:": "状态:{0}",
"Read more": "了解更多",
appriseInstalled: "Apprise 已安装",
appriseNotInstalled: "Apprise 未安装。{0}",
"Access Token": "Access Token",
"Channel access token": "频道 access token",
"Line Developers Console": "Line Developers Console",
lineDevConsoleTo: "Line Developers Console - {0}",
"Basic Settings": "Basic Settings",
"User ID": "User ID",
"Messaging API": "Messaging API",
wayToGetLineChannelToken: "首先访问 {0}创建一个提供者和频道Messaging API然后你就可以从上面提到的地方获取频道的 access token 和用户 ID。",
"Icon URL": "图标链接",
aboutIconURL: "你可以在“Icon URL”中提供一个图片地址来覆盖默认的资料图片。如果设置了 Emoji 图标此字段会被忽略。",
aboutMattermostChannelName: "如果你想覆盖 Webhook 设定的频道,请在“频道名称”字段为你想要的频道。这需要在 Mattermost 的 Webhook 设定中启用。例:#other-channel",
matrix: "Matrix",
promosmsTypeEco: "SMS ECO - 便宜但是慢,并且容易超负荷。仅限波兰地区的收件人。",
promosmsTypeFlash: "SMS FLASH - 消息会自动显示在收件人设备上。仅限波兰地区的收件人。",
promosmsTypeFull: "SMS FULL - 高等级,你可以使用你自己的发件人名称(你需要先注册一个). 对于警报来说更可靠。",
promosmsTypeSpeed: "SMS SPEED - 最高优先级。非常快速可靠,但更贵(越两倍 SMS FULL 等级的价格)。",
promosmsPhoneNumber: "电话号码(波兰地区收件人可以不填区号)",
promosmsSMSSender: "短信发件人名称已注册的名称或以下默认值之一InfoSMSSMS InfoMaxSMSINFOSMS",
checkPrice: "查看 {0} 的价格:",
octopushLegacyHint: "你是否在使用旧版本的 Octopush2011-2020",
matrixHomeserverURL: "服务器链接(开头带 http(s):// 和可能的需要的端口号)",
"Internal Room Id": "Internal Room Id",
matrixDesc1: "你可以在 Matrix 客户端房间设置的高级选项找到 Internal Room Id。格式类似于 !QMdRCpUIfLwsfjxye6:home.server。",
matrixDesc2: "请不要使用你自己的 Access Token这将开放你所有的账户权限和你加入的房间权限。你可以创建一个新的用户并邀请它至你允许的的房间中。你可以运行以下命令来获取 Access Token{0}",
emailCustomSubject: "邮件主题",
clicksendsms: "ClickSend SMS",
GoogleChat: "Google Chat (Google Workspace only)",
apiCredentials: "API credentials",
Method: "方法",
Body: "请求体",
Headers: "请求头",
PushUrl: "Push URL",
HeadersInvalidFormat: "请求头不是有效的JSON: ",
BodyInvalidFormat: "请求体不是有效的JSON: ",
"Monitor History": "监控历史数据",
clearDataOlderThan: "保留监控历史数据 {0} 天",
PasswordsDoNotMatch: "密码不匹配",
records: "records",
"One record": "One record",
steamApiKeyDescription: "为了监控Steam游戏服务器你需要一个Steam Web-API key。你可以在这里注册你的API密钥: ",
"Current User": "当前用户",
recent: "最近",
Done: "完成",
Info: "信息",
Security: "安全性",
"Steam API Key": "Steam API Key",
"Shrink Database": "缩小数据库",
"Pick a RR-Type...": "选择资源记录类型...",
"Pick Accepted Status Codes...": "选择有效的状态码...",
Default: "默认",
"HTTP Options": "HTTP 选项",
"Create Incident": "创建事件",
Title: "标题",
Content: "内容",
Style: "类型",
info: "info",
warning: "warning",
danger: "danger",
primary: "primary",
light: "light",
dark: "dark",
Post: "发布",
"Please input title and content": "请输入标题和内容",
Created: "创建于",
"Last Updated": "最后更新",
Unpin: "删除",
"Switch to Light Theme": "切换到浅色主题",
"Switch to Dark Theme": "切换到深色主题",
"Show Tags": "显示标签",
"Hide Tags": "隐藏标签",
Description: "描述",
"No monitors available.": "没有可用的监控项",
"Add one": "Add one",
"No Monitors": "没有监控项",
"Untitled Group": "无标题的分组",
Services: "服务",
Discard: "取消",
Cancel: "取消",
"Powered by": "Powered by",
shrinkDatabaseDescription: "这将触发SQLite数据库的 VACUUM 命令如果您的数据库是在1.10.0版本之后创建的AUTO_VACUUM已经启用了则不需要再使用此功能",
serwersms: "SerwerSMS.pl",
serwersmsAPIUser: "API Username (incl. webapi_ prefix)",
serwersmsAPIPassword: "API Password",
serwersmsPhoneNumber: "Phone number",
serwersmsSenderName: "SMS Sender Name (registered via customer portal)",
stackfield: "Stackfield",
smtpDkimSettings: "DKIM Settings",
smtpDkimDesc: "Please refer to the Nodemailer DKIM {0} for usage.",
documentation: "documentation",
smtpDkimDomain: "域名",
smtpDkimKeySelector: "Key Selector",
smtpDkimPrivateKey: "Private Key",
smtpDkimHashAlgo: "Hash Algorithm (可选)",
smtpDkimheaderFieldNames: "Header Keys to sign (可选)",
smtpDkimskipFields: "Header Keys not to sign (可选)",