-- You should not modify if this have pushed to Github, unless it does serious wrong with the db. BEGIN TRANSACTION; create table `group` ( id INTEGER not null constraint group_pk primary key autoincrement, name VARCHAR(255) not null, created_date DATETIME default (DATETIME('now')) not null, public BOOLEAN default 0 not null, active BOOLEAN default 1 not null, weight BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 1000 ); CREATE TABLE [monitor_group] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, [monitor_id] INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES [group] ([id]) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE REFERENCES [monitor] ([id]) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, [group_id] INTEGER NOT NULL, weight BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 1000 ); CREATE INDEX [fk] ON [monitor_group] ( [monitor_id], [group_id]); COMMIT;