/* From https://github.com/DiegoZoracKy/image-data-uri/blob/master/lib/image-data-uri.js Modified with 0 dependencies */ let fs = require("fs"); let ImageDataURI = (() => { /** * @param {string} dataURI - A string that is a valid Data URI. * @returns {?Object} An object with properties "imageType" and "dataBase64". The former is the image type, e.g., "png", and the latter is a base64 encoded string of the image's binary data. If it fails to parse, returns null instead of an object. * * Generated by Trelent */ function decode(dataURI) { if (!/data:image\//.test(dataURI)) { console.log("ImageDataURI :: Error :: It seems that it is not an Image Data URI. Couldn't match \"data:image/\""); return null; } let regExMatches = dataURI.match("data:(image/.*);base64,(.*)"); return { imageType: regExMatches[1], dataBase64: regExMatches[2], dataBuffer: new Buffer(regExMatches[2], "base64") }; } /** * @param {Buffer} data - The image data to be encoded. * @param {String} mediaType - The type of the image, e.g., "image/png". * @returns {String|null} A string representing the base64-encoded version of the given Buffer object or null if an error occurred. * * Generated by Trelent */ function encode(data, mediaType) { if (!data || !mediaType) { console.log("ImageDataURI :: Error :: Missing some of the required params: data, mediaType "); return null; } mediaType = (/\//.test(mediaType)) ? mediaType : "image/" + mediaType; let dataBase64 = (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) ? data.toString("base64") : new Buffer(data).toString("base64"); let dataImgBase64 = "data:" + mediaType + ";base64," + dataBase64; return dataImgBase64; } /** * Converts a data URI to a file path. * @param {string} dataURI The Data URI of the image. * @param {string} [filePath] The path where the image will be saved, defaults to "./". * * Generated by Trelent */ function outputFile(dataURI, filePath) { filePath = filePath || "./"; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let imageDecoded = decode(dataURI); fs.writeFile(filePath, imageDecoded.dataBuffer, err => { if (err) { return reject("ImageDataURI :: Error :: " + JSON.stringify(err, null, 4)); } resolve(filePath); }); }); } return { decode: decode, encode: encode, outputFile: outputFile, }; })(); module.exports = ImageDataURI;