/* * Uptime Kuma Server * node "server/server.js" * DO NOT require("./server") in other modules, it likely creates circular dependency! */ console.log("Welcome to Uptime Kuma"); // Check Node.js Version const nodeVersion = parseInt(process.versions.node.split(".")[0]); const requiredVersion = 14; console.log(`Your Node.js version: ${nodeVersion}`); if (nodeVersion < requiredVersion) { console.error(`Error: Your Node.js version is not supported, please upgrade to Node.js >= ${requiredVersion}.`); process.exit(-1); } const args = require("args-parser")(process.argv); const { sleep, log, getRandomInt, genSecret, debug, isDev } = require("../src/util"); const config = require("./config"); log.info("server", "Welcome to Uptime Kuma"); log.debug("server", "Arguments"); log.debug("server", args); if (! process.env.NODE_ENV) { process.env.NODE_ENV = "production"; } log.info("server", "Node Env: " + process.env.NODE_ENV); log.info("server", "Importing Node libraries"); const fs = require("fs"); log.info("server", "Importing 3rd-party libraries"); log.debug("server", "Importing express"); const express = require("express"); log.debug("server", "Importing redbean-node"); const { R } = require("redbean-node"); log.debug("server", "Importing jsonwebtoken"); const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); log.debug("server", "Importing http-graceful-shutdown"); const gracefulShutdown = require("http-graceful-shutdown"); log.debug("server", "Importing prometheus-api-metrics"); const prometheusAPIMetrics = require("prometheus-api-metrics"); log.debug("server", "Importing compare-versions"); const compareVersions = require("compare-versions"); const { passwordStrength } = require("check-password-strength"); log.debug("server", "Importing 2FA Modules"); const notp = require("notp"); const base32 = require("thirty-two"); const { UptimeKumaServer } = require("./uptime-kuma-server"); const server = UptimeKumaServer.getInstance(args); const io = module.exports.io = server.io; const app = server.app; log.info("server", "Importing this project modules"); log.debug("server", "Importing Monitor"); const Monitor = require("./model/monitor"); log.debug("server", "Importing Settings"); const { getSettings, setSettings, setting, initJWTSecret, checkLogin, startUnitTest, FBSD, doubleCheckPassword } = require("./util-server"); log.debug("server", "Importing Notification"); const { Notification } = require("./notification"); Notification.init(); log.debug("server", "Importing Proxy"); const { Proxy } = require("./proxy"); log.debug("server", "Importing Database"); const Database = require("./database"); log.debug("server", "Importing Background Jobs"); const { initBackgroundJobs, stopBackgroundJobs } = require("./jobs"); const { loginRateLimiter, twoFaRateLimiter } = require("./rate-limiter"); const { basicAuth } = require("./auth"); const { login } = require("./auth"); const passwordHash = require("./password-hash"); const checkVersion = require("./check-version"); log.info("server", "Version: " + checkVersion.version); // If host is omitted, the server will accept connections on the unspecified IPv6 address (::) when IPv6 is available and the unspecified IPv4 address ( otherwise. // Dual-stack support for (::) // Also read HOST if not FreeBSD, as HOST is a system environment variable in FreeBSD let hostEnv = FBSD ? null : process.env.HOST; let hostname = args.host || process.env.UPTIME_KUMA_HOST || hostEnv; if (hostname) { log.info("server", "Custom hostname: " + hostname); } const port = [ args.port, process.env.UPTIME_KUMA_PORT, process.env.PORT, 3001 ] .map(portValue => parseInt(portValue)) .find(portValue => !isNaN(portValue)); const disableFrameSameOrigin = !!process.env.UPTIME_KUMA_DISABLE_FRAME_SAMEORIGIN || args["disable-frame-sameorigin"] || false; const cloudflaredToken = args["cloudflared-token"] || process.env.UPTIME_KUMA_CLOUDFLARED_TOKEN || undefined; // 2FA / notp verification defaults const twoFAVerifyOptions = { "window": 1, "time": 30 }; /** * Run unit test after the server is ready * @type {boolean} */ const testMode = !!args["test"] || false; if (config.demoMode) { log.info("server", "==== Demo Mode ===="); } // Must be after io instantiation const { sendNotificationList, sendHeartbeatList, sendImportantHeartbeatList, sendInfo, sendProxyList } = require("./client"); const { statusPageSocketHandler } = require("./socket-handlers/status-page-socket-handler"); const databaseSocketHandler = require("./socket-handlers/database-socket-handler"); const TwoFA = require("./2fa"); const StatusPage = require("./model/status_page"); const { cloudflaredSocketHandler, autoStart: cloudflaredAutoStart, stop: cloudflaredStop } = require("./socket-handlers/cloudflared-socket-handler"); const { proxySocketHandler } = require("./socket-handlers/proxy-socket-handler"); app.use(express.json()); // Global Middleware app.use(function (req, res, next) { if (!disableFrameSameOrigin) { res.setHeader("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN"); } res.removeHeader("X-Powered-By"); next(); }); /** * Use for decode the auth object * @type {null} */ let jwtSecret = null; /** * Show Setup Page * @type {boolean} */ let needSetup = false; /** * Cache Index HTML * @type {string} */ let indexHTML = ""; try { indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString(); } catch (e) { // "dist/index.html" is not necessary for development if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development") { log.error("server", "Error: Cannot find 'dist/index.html', did you install correctly?"); process.exit(1); } } (async () => { Database.init(args); await initDatabase(testMode); exports.entryPage = await setting("entryPage"); await StatusPage.loadDomainMappingList(); log.info("server", "Adding route"); // *************************** // Normal Router here // *************************** // Entry Page app.get("/", async (request, response) => { debug(`Request Domain: ${request.hostname}`); if (request.hostname in StatusPage.domainMappingList) { debug("This is a status page domain"); response.send(indexHTML); } else if (exports.entryPage && exports.entryPage.startsWith("statusPage-")) { response.redirect("/status/" + exports.entryPage.replace("statusPage-", "")); } else { response.redirect("/dashboard"); } }); if (isDev) { app.post("/test-webhook", async (request, response) => { log.debug("test", request.body); response.send("OK"); }); } // Robots.txt app.get("/robots.txt", async (_request, response) => { let txt = "User-agent: *\nDisallow:"; if (! await setting("searchEngineIndex")) { txt += " /"; } response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain"); response.send(txt); }); // Basic Auth Router here // Prometheus API metrics /metrics // With Basic Auth using the first user's username/password app.get("/metrics", basicAuth, prometheusAPIMetrics()); app.use("/", express.static("dist")); // ./data/upload app.use("/upload", express.static(Database.uploadDir)); app.get("/.well-known/change-password", async (_, response) => { response.redirect("https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/wiki/Reset-Password-via-CLI"); }); // API Router const apiRouter = require("./routers/api-router"); app.use(apiRouter); // Universal Route Handler, must be at the end of all express routes. app.get("*", async (_request, response) => { if (_request.originalUrl.startsWith("/upload/")) { response.status(404).send("File not found."); } else { response.send(indexHTML); } }); log.info("server", "Adding socket handler"); io.on("connection", async (socket) => { sendInfo(socket); if (needSetup) { log.info("server", "Redirect to setup page"); socket.emit("setup"); } // *************************** // Public Socket API // *************************** socket.on("loginByToken", async (token, callback) => { log.info("auth", `Login by token. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); try { let decoded = jwt.verify(token, jwtSecret); log.info("auth", "Username from JWT: " + decoded.username); let user = await R.findOne("user", " username = ? AND active = 1 ", [ decoded.username, ]); if (user) { log.debug("auth", "afterLogin"); afterLogin(socket, user); log.debug("auth", "afterLogin ok"); log.info("auth", `Successfully logged in user ${decoded.username}. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: true, }); } else { log.info("auth", `Inactive or deleted user ${decoded.username}. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: false, msg: "The user is inactive or deleted.", }); } } catch (error) { log.error("auth", `Invalid token. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: false, msg: "Invalid token.", }); } }); socket.on("login", async (data, callback) => { log.info("auth", `Login by username + password. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); // Checking if (typeof callback !== "function") { return; } if (!data) { return; } // Login Rate Limit if (! await loginRateLimiter.pass(callback)) { log.info("auth", `Too many failed requests for user ${data.username}. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); return; } let user = await login(data.username, data.password); if (user) { if (user.twofa_status === 0) { afterLogin(socket, user); log.info("auth", `Successfully logged in user ${data.username}. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: true, token: jwt.sign({ username: data.username, }, jwtSecret), }); } if (user.twofa_status === 1 && !data.token) { log.info("auth", `2FA token required for user ${data.username}. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ tokenRequired: true, }); } if (data.token) { let verify = notp.totp.verify(data.token, user.twofa_secret, twoFAVerifyOptions); if (user.twofa_last_token !== data.token && verify) { afterLogin(socket, user); await R.exec("UPDATE `user` SET twofa_last_token = ? WHERE id = ? ", [ data.token, socket.userID, ]); log.info("auth", `Successfully logged in user ${data.username}. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: true, token: jwt.sign({ username: data.username, }, jwtSecret), }); } else { log.warn("auth", `Invalid token provided for user ${data.username}. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: false, msg: "Invalid Token!", }); } } } else { log.warn("auth", `Incorrect username or password for user ${data.username}. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: false, msg: "Incorrect username or password.", }); } }); socket.on("logout", async (callback) => { // Rate Limit if (! await loginRateLimiter.pass(callback)) { return; } socket.leave(socket.userID); socket.userID = null; if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } }); socket.on("prepare2FA", async (currentPassword, callback) => { try { if (! await twoFaRateLimiter.pass(callback)) { return; } checkLogin(socket); await doubleCheckPassword(socket, currentPassword); let user = await R.findOne("user", " id = ? AND active = 1 ", [ socket.userID, ]); if (user.twofa_status === 0) { let newSecret = genSecret(); let encodedSecret = base32.encode(newSecret); // Google authenticator doesn't like equal signs // The fix is found at https://github.com/guyht/notp // Related issue: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues/486 encodedSecret = encodedSecret.toString().replace(/=/g, ""); let uri = `otpauth://totp/Uptime%20Kuma:${user.username}?secret=${encodedSecret}`; await R.exec("UPDATE `user` SET twofa_secret = ? WHERE id = ? ", [ newSecret, socket.userID, ]); callback({ ok: true, uri: uri, }); } else { callback({ ok: false, msg: "2FA is already enabled.", }); } } catch (error) { callback({ ok: false, msg: error.message, }); } }); socket.on("save2FA", async (currentPassword, callback) => { try { if (! await twoFaRateLimiter.pass(callback)) { return; } checkLogin(socket); await doubleCheckPassword(socket, currentPassword); await R.exec("UPDATE `user` SET twofa_status = 1 WHERE id = ? ", [ socket.userID, ]); log.info("auth", `Saved 2FA token. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: true, msg: "2FA Enabled.", }); } catch (error) { log.error("auth", `Error changing 2FA token. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: false, msg: error.message, }); } }); socket.on("disable2FA", async (currentPassword, callback) => { try { if (! await twoFaRateLimiter.pass(callback)) { return; } checkLogin(socket); await doubleCheckPassword(socket, currentPassword); await TwoFA.disable2FA(socket.userID); log.info("auth", `Disabled 2FA token. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: true, msg: "2FA Disabled.", }); } catch (error) { log.error("auth", `Error disabling 2FA token. IP=${getClientIp(socket)}`); callback({ ok: false, msg: error.message, }); } }); socket.on("verifyToken", async (token, currentPassword, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); await doubleCheckPassword(socket, currentPassword); let user = await R.findOne("user", " id = ? AND active = 1 ", [ socket.userID, ]); let verify = notp.totp.verify(token, user.twofa_secret, twoFAVerifyOptions); if (user.twofa_last_token !== token && verify) { callback({ ok: true, valid: true, }); } else { callback({ ok: false, msg: "Invalid Token.", valid: false, }); } } catch (error) { callback({ ok: false, msg: error.message, }); } }); socket.on("twoFAStatus", async (callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); let user = await R.findOne("user", " id = ? AND active = 1 ", [ socket.userID, ]); if (user.twofa_status === 1) { callback({ ok: true, status: true, }); } else { callback({ ok: true, status: false, }); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); callback({ ok: false, msg: error.message, }); } }); socket.on("needSetup", async (callback) => { callback(needSetup); }); socket.on("setup", async (username, password, callback) => { try { if (passwordStrength(password).value === "Too weak") { throw new Error("Password is too weak. It should contain alphabetic and numeric characters. It must be at least 6 characters in length."); } if ((await R.count("user")) !== 0) { throw new Error("Uptime Kuma has been initialized. If you want to run setup again, please delete the database."); } let user = R.dispense("user"); user.username = username; user.password = passwordHash.generate(password); await R.store(user); needSetup = false; callback({ ok: true, msg: "Added Successfully.", }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); // *************************** // Auth Only API // *************************** // Add a new monitor socket.on("add", async (monitor, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); let bean = R.dispense("monitor"); let notificationIDList = monitor.notificationIDList; delete monitor.notificationIDList; monitor.accepted_statuscodes_json = JSON.stringify(monitor.accepted_statuscodes); delete monitor.accepted_statuscodes; bean.import(monitor); bean.user_id = socket.userID; await R.store(bean); await updateMonitorNotification(bean.id, notificationIDList); await server.sendMonitorList(socket); await startMonitor(socket.userID, bean.id); log.info("monitor", `Added Monitor: ${monitor.id} User ID: ${socket.userID}`); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Added Successfully.", monitorID: bean.id, }); } catch (e) { log.error("monitor", `Error adding Monitor: ${monitor.id} User ID: ${socket.userID}`); callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); // Edit a monitor socket.on("editMonitor", async (monitor, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); let bean = await R.findOne("monitor", " id = ? ", [ monitor.id ]); if (bean.user_id !== socket.userID) { throw new Error("Permission denied."); } // Reset Prometheus labels server.monitorList[monitor.id]?.prometheus()?.remove(); bean.name = monitor.name; bean.type = monitor.type; bean.url = monitor.url; bean.method = monitor.method; bean.body = monitor.body; bean.headers = monitor.headers; bean.basic_auth_user = monitor.basic_auth_user; bean.basic_auth_pass = monitor.basic_auth_pass; bean.interval = monitor.interval; bean.retryInterval = monitor.retryInterval; bean.hostname = monitor.hostname; bean.maxretries = monitor.maxretries; bean.port = monitor.port; bean.keyword = monitor.keyword; bean.ignoreTls = monitor.ignoreTls; bean.expiryNotification = monitor.expiryNotification; bean.upsideDown = monitor.upsideDown; bean.maxredirects = monitor.maxredirects; bean.accepted_statuscodes_json = JSON.stringify(monitor.accepted_statuscodes); bean.dns_resolve_type = monitor.dns_resolve_type; bean.dns_resolve_server = monitor.dns_resolve_server; bean.pushToken = monitor.pushToken; bean.proxyId = Number.isInteger(monitor.proxyId) ? monitor.proxyId : null; bean.mqttUsername = monitor.mqttUsername; bean.mqttPassword = monitor.mqttPassword; bean.mqttTopic = monitor.mqttTopic; bean.mqttSuccessMessage = monitor.mqttSuccessMessage; bean.databaseConnectionString = monitor.databaseConnectionString; bean.databaseQuery = monitor.databaseQuery; await R.store(bean); await updateMonitorNotification(bean.id, monitor.notificationIDList); if (bean.active) { await restartMonitor(socket.userID, bean.id); } await server.sendMonitorList(socket); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Saved.", monitorID: bean.id, }); } catch (e) { log.error("monitor", e); callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("getMonitorList", async (callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); await server.sendMonitorList(socket); callback({ ok: true, }); } catch (e) { log.error("monitor", e); callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("getMonitor", async (monitorID, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); log.info("monitor", `Get Monitor: ${monitorID} User ID: ${socket.userID}`); let bean = await R.findOne("monitor", " id = ? AND user_id = ? ", [ monitorID, socket.userID, ]); callback({ ok: true, monitor: await bean.toJSON(), }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("getMonitorBeats", async (monitorID, period, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); log.info("monitor", `Get Monitor Beats: ${monitorID} User ID: ${socket.userID}`); if (period == null) { throw new Error("Invalid period."); } let list = await R.getAll(` SELECT * FROM heartbeat WHERE monitor_id = ? AND time > DATETIME('now', '-' || ? || ' hours') ORDER BY time ASC `, [ monitorID, period, ]); callback({ ok: true, data: list, }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); // Start or Resume the monitor socket.on("resumeMonitor", async (monitorID, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); await startMonitor(socket.userID, monitorID); await server.sendMonitorList(socket); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Resumed Successfully.", }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("pauseMonitor", async (monitorID, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); await pauseMonitor(socket.userID, monitorID); await server.sendMonitorList(socket); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Paused Successfully.", }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("deleteMonitor", async (monitorID, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); log.info("manage", `Delete Monitor: ${monitorID} User ID: ${socket.userID}`); if (monitorID in server.monitorList) { server.monitorList[monitorID].stop(); delete server.monitorList[monitorID]; } await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ? ", [ monitorID, socket.userID, ]); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Deleted Successfully.", }); await server.sendMonitorList(socket); // Clear heartbeat list on client await sendImportantHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID, true, true); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("getTags", async (callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); const list = await R.findAll("tag"); callback({ ok: true, tags: list.map(bean => bean.toJSON()), }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("addTag", async (tag, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); let bean = R.dispense("tag"); bean.name = tag.name; bean.color = tag.color; await R.store(bean); callback({ ok: true, tag: await bean.toJSON(), }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("editTag", async (tag, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); let bean = await R.findOne("monitor", " id = ? ", [ tag.id ]); bean.name = tag.name; bean.color = tag.color; await R.store(bean); callback({ ok: true, tag: await bean.toJSON(), }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("deleteTag", async (tagID, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); await R.exec("DELETE FROM tag WHERE id = ? ", [ tagID ]); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Deleted Successfully.", }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("addMonitorTag", async (tagID, monitorID, value, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); await R.exec("INSERT INTO monitor_tag (tag_id, monitor_id, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [ tagID, monitorID, value, ]); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Added Successfully.", }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("editMonitorTag", async (tagID, monitorID, value, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); await R.exec("UPDATE monitor_tag SET value = ? WHERE tag_id = ? AND monitor_id = ?", [ value, tagID, monitorID, ]); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Edited Successfully.", }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("deleteMonitorTag", async (tagID, monitorID, value, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor_tag WHERE tag_id = ? AND monitor_id = ? AND value = ?", [ tagID, monitorID, value, ]); // Cleanup unused Tags await R.exec("delete from tag where ( select count(*) from monitor_tag mt where tag.id = mt.tag_id ) = 0"); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Deleted Successfully.", }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("changePassword", async (password, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); if (! password.newPassword) { throw new Error("Invalid new password"); } if (passwordStrength(password.newPassword).value === "Too weak") { throw new Error("Password is too weak. It should contain alphabetic and numeric characters. It must be at least 6 characters in length."); } let user = await doubleCheckPassword(socket, password.currentPassword); await user.resetPassword(password.newPassword); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Password has been updated successfully.", }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("getSettings", async (callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); callback({ ok: true, data: await getSettings("general"), }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("setSettings", async (data, currentPassword, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); // If currently is disabled auth, don't need to check // Disabled Auth + Want to Disable Auth => No Check // Disabled Auth + Want to Enable Auth => No Check // Enabled Auth + Want to Disable Auth => Check!! // Enabled Auth + Want to Enable Auth => No Check const currentDisabledAuth = await setting("disableAuth"); if (!currentDisabledAuth && data.disableAuth) { await doubleCheckPassword(socket, currentPassword); } await setSettings("general", data); exports.entryPage = data.entryPage; callback({ ok: true, msg: "Saved" }); sendInfo(socket); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); // Add or Edit socket.on("addNotification", async (notification, notificationID, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); let notificationBean = await Notification.save(notification, notificationID, socket.userID); await sendNotificationList(socket); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Saved", id: notificationBean.id, }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("deleteNotification", async (notificationID, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); await Notification.delete(notificationID, socket.userID); await sendNotificationList(socket); callback({ ok: true, msg: "Deleted", }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("testNotification", async (notification, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); let msg = await Notification.send(notification, notification.name + " Testing"); callback({ ok: true, msg, }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("checkApprise", async (callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); callback(Notification.checkApprise()); } catch (e) { callback(false); } }); socket.on("uploadBackup", async (uploadedJSON, importHandle, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); let backupData = JSON.parse(uploadedJSON); log.info("manage", `Importing Backup, User ID: ${socket.userID}, Version: ${backupData.version}`); let notificationListData = backupData.notificationList; let proxyListData = backupData.proxyList; let monitorListData = backupData.monitorList; let version17x = compareVersions.compare(backupData.version, "1.7.0", ">="); // If the import option is "overwrite" it'll clear most of the tables, except "settings" and "user" if (importHandle === "overwrite") { // Stops every monitor first, so it doesn't execute any heartbeat while importing for (let id in server.monitorList) { let monitor = server.monitorList[id]; await monitor.stop(); } await R.exec("DELETE FROM heartbeat"); await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor_notification"); await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor_tls_info"); await R.exec("DELETE FROM notification"); await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor_tag"); await R.exec("DELETE FROM tag"); await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor"); await R.exec("DELETE FROM proxy"); } // Only starts importing if the backup file contains at least one notification if (notificationListData.length >= 1) { // Get every existing notification name and puts them in one simple string let notificationNameList = await R.getAll("SELECT name FROM notification"); let notificationNameListString = JSON.stringify(notificationNameList); for (let i = 0; i < notificationListData.length; i++) { // Only starts importing the notification if the import option is "overwrite", "keep" or "skip" but the notification doesn't exists if ((importHandle === "skip" && notificationNameListString.includes(notificationListData[i].name) === false) || importHandle === "keep" || importHandle === "overwrite") { let notification = JSON.parse(notificationListData[i].config); await Notification.save(notification, null, socket.userID); } } } // Only starts importing if the backup file contains at least one proxy if (proxyListData && proxyListData.length >= 1) { const proxies = await R.findAll("proxy"); // Loop over proxy list and save proxies for (const proxy of proxyListData) { const exists = proxies.find(item => item.id === proxy.id); // Do not process when proxy already exists in import handle is skip and keep if ([ "skip", "keep" ].includes(importHandle) && !exists) { return; } // Save proxy as new entry if exists update exists one await Proxy.save(proxy, exists ? proxy.id : undefined, proxy.userId); } } // Only starts importing if the backup file contains at least one monitor if (monitorListData.length >= 1) { // Get every existing monitor name and puts them in one simple string let monitorNameList = await R.getAll("SELECT name FROM monitor"); let monitorNameListString = JSON.stringify(monitorNameList); for (let i = 0; i < monitorListData.length; i++) { // Only starts importing the monitor if the import option is "overwrite", "keep" or "skip" but the notification doesn't exists if ((importHandle === "skip" && monitorNameListString.includes(monitorListData[i].name) === false) || importHandle === "keep" || importHandle === "overwrite") { // Define in here every new variable for monitors which where implemented after the first version of the Import/Export function (1.6.0) // --- Start --- // Define default values let retryInterval = 0; /* Only replace the default value with the backup file data for the specific version, where it appears the first time More information about that where "let version" will be defined */ if (version17x) { retryInterval = monitorListData[i].retryInterval; } // --- End --- let monitor = { // Define the new variable from earlier here name: monitorListData[i].name, type: monitorListData[i].type, url: monitorListData[i].url, method: monitorListData[i].method || "GET", body: monitorListData[i].body, headers: monitorListData[i].headers, basic_auth_user: monitorListData[i].basic_auth_user, basic_auth_pass: monitorListData[i].basic_auth_pass, interval: monitorListData[i].interval, retryInterval: retryInterval, hostname: monitorListData[i].hostname, maxretries: monitorListData[i].maxretries, port: monitorListData[i].port, keyword: monitorListData[i].keyword, ignoreTls: monitorListData[i].ignoreTls, upsideDown: monitorListData[i].upsideDown, maxredirects: monitorListData[i].maxredirects, accepted_statuscodes: monitorListData[i].accepted_statuscodes, dns_resolve_type: monitorListData[i].dns_resolve_type, dns_resolve_server: monitorListData[i].dns_resolve_server, notificationIDList: {}, proxy_id: monitorListData[i].proxy_id || null, }; if (monitorListData[i].pushToken) { monitor.pushToken = monitorListData[i].pushToken; } let bean = R.dispense("monitor"); let notificationIDList = monitor.notificationIDList; delete monitor.notificationIDList; monitor.accepted_statuscodes_json = JSON.stringify(monitor.accepted_statuscodes); delete monitor.accepted_statuscodes; bean.import(monitor); bean.user_id = socket.userID; await R.store(bean); // Only for backup files with the version 1.7.0 or higher, since there was the tag feature implemented if (version17x) { // Only import if the specific monitor has tags assigned for (const oldTag of monitorListData[i].tags) { // Check if tag already exists and get data -> let tag = await R.findOne("tag", " name = ?", [ oldTag.name, ]); let tagId; if (! tag) { // -> If it doesn't exist, create new tag from backup file let beanTag = R.dispense("tag"); beanTag.name = oldTag.name; beanTag.color = oldTag.color; await R.store(beanTag); tagId = beanTag.id; } else { // -> If it already exist, set tagId to value from database tagId = tag.id; } // Assign the new created tag to the monitor await R.exec("INSERT INTO monitor_tag (tag_id, monitor_id, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [ tagId, bean.id, oldTag.value, ]); } } await updateMonitorNotification(bean.id, notificationIDList); // If monitor was active start it immediately, otherwise pause it if (monitorListData[i].active === 1) { await startMonitor(socket.userID, bean.id); } else { await pauseMonitor(socket.userID, bean.id); } } } await sendNotificationList(socket); await server.sendMonitorList(socket); } callback({ ok: true, msg: "Backup successfully restored.", }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("clearEvents", async (monitorID, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); log.info("manage", `Clear Events Monitor: ${monitorID} User ID: ${socket.userID}`); await R.exec("UPDATE heartbeat SET msg = ?, important = ? WHERE monitor_id = ? ", [ "", "0", monitorID, ]); await sendImportantHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID, true, true); callback({ ok: true, }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("clearHeartbeats", async (monitorID, callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); log.info("manage", `Clear Heartbeats Monitor: ${monitorID} User ID: ${socket.userID}`); await R.exec("DELETE FROM heartbeat WHERE monitor_id = ?", [ monitorID ]); await sendHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID, true, true); callback({ ok: true, }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); socket.on("clearStatistics", async (callback) => { try { checkLogin(socket); log.info("manage", `Clear Statistics User ID: ${socket.userID}`); await R.exec("DELETE FROM heartbeat"); callback({ ok: true, }); } catch (e) { callback({ ok: false, msg: e.message, }); } }); // Status Page Socket Handler for admin only statusPageSocketHandler(socket); cloudflaredSocketHandler(socket); databaseSocketHandler(socket); proxySocketHandler(socket); log.debug("server", "added all socket handlers"); // *************************** // Better do anything after added all socket handlers here // *************************** log.debug("auth", "check auto login"); if (await setting("disableAuth")) { log.info("auth", "Disabled Auth: auto login to admin"); afterLogin(socket, await R.findOne("user")); socket.emit("autoLogin"); } else { log.debug("auth", "need auth"); } }); log.info("server", "Init the server"); server.httpServer.once("error", async (err) => { console.error("Cannot listen: " + err.message); await shutdownFunction(); }); server.httpServer.listen(port, hostname, () => { if (hostname) { log.info("server", `Listening on ${hostname}:${port}`); } else { log.info("server", `Listening on ${port}`); } startMonitors(); checkVersion.startInterval(); if (testMode) { startUnitTest(); } }); initBackgroundJobs(args); // Start cloudflared at the end if configured await cloudflaredAutoStart(cloudflaredToken); })(); /** * Update notifications for a given monitor * @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to update * @param {number[]} notificationIDList List of new notification * providers to add * @returns {Promise} */ async function updateMonitorNotification(monitorID, notificationIDList) { await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor_notification WHERE monitor_id = ? ", [ monitorID, ]); for (let notificationID in notificationIDList) { if (notificationIDList[notificationID]) { let relation = R.dispense("monitor_notification"); relation.monitor_id = monitorID; relation.notification_id = notificationID; await R.store(relation); } } } /** * Check if a given user owns a specific monitor * @param {number} userID * @param {number} monitorID * @returns {Promise} * @throws {Error} The specified user does not own the monitor */ async function checkOwner(userID, monitorID) { let row = await R.getRow("SELECT id FROM monitor WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ? ", [ monitorID, userID, ]); if (! row) { throw new Error("You do not own this monitor."); } } /** * Function called after user login * This function is used to send the heartbeat list of a monitor. * @param {Socket} socket Socket.io instance * @param {Object} user User object * @returns {Promise} */ async function afterLogin(socket, user) { socket.userID = user.id; socket.join(user.id); let monitorList = await server.sendMonitorList(socket); sendNotificationList(socket); sendProxyList(socket); await sleep(500); await StatusPage.sendStatusPageList(io, socket); for (let monitorID in monitorList) { await sendHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID); } for (let monitorID in monitorList) { await sendImportantHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID); } for (let monitorID in monitorList) { await Monitor.sendStats(io, monitorID, user.id); } } /** * Initialize the database * @param {boolean} [testMode=false] Should the connection be * started in test mode? * @returns {Promise} */ async function initDatabase(testMode = false) { if (! fs.existsSync(Database.path)) { log.info("server", "Copying Database"); fs.copyFileSync(Database.templatePath, Database.path); } log.info("server", "Connecting to the Database"); await Database.connect(testMode); log.info("server", "Connected"); // Patch the database await Database.patch(); let jwtSecretBean = await R.findOne("setting", " `key` = ? ", [ "jwtSecret", ]); if (! jwtSecretBean) { log.info("server", "JWT secret is not found, generate one."); jwtSecretBean = await initJWTSecret(); log.info("server", "Stored JWT secret into database"); } else { log.info("server", "Load JWT secret from database."); } // If there is no record in user table, it is a new Uptime Kuma instance, need to setup if ((await R.count("user")) === 0) { log.info("server", "No user, need setup"); needSetup = true; } jwtSecret = jwtSecretBean.value; } /** * Start the specified monitor * @param {number} userID ID of user who owns monitor * @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to start * @returns {Promise} */ async function startMonitor(userID, monitorID) { await checkOwner(userID, monitorID); log.info("manage", `Resume Monitor: ${monitorID} User ID: ${userID}`); await R.exec("UPDATE monitor SET active = 1 WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ? ", [ monitorID, userID, ]); let monitor = await R.findOne("monitor", " id = ? ", [ monitorID, ]); if (monitor.id in server.monitorList) { server.monitorList[monitor.id].stop(); } server.monitorList[monitor.id] = monitor; monitor.start(io); } /** * Restart a given monitor * @param {number} userID ID of user who owns monitor * @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to start * @returns {Promise} */ async function restartMonitor(userID, monitorID) { return await startMonitor(userID, monitorID); } /** * Pause a given monitor * @param {number} userID ID of user who owns monitor * @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to start * @returns {Promise} */ async function pauseMonitor(userID, monitorID) { await checkOwner(userID, monitorID); log.info("manage", `Pause Monitor: ${monitorID} User ID: ${userID}`); await R.exec("UPDATE monitor SET active = 0 WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ? ", [ monitorID, userID, ]); if (monitorID in server.monitorList) { server.monitorList[monitorID].stop(); } } /** Resume active monitors */ async function startMonitors() { let list = await R.find("monitor", " active = 1 "); for (let monitor of list) { server.monitorList[monitor.id] = monitor; } for (let monitor of list) { monitor.start(io); // Give some delays, so all monitors won't make request at the same moment when just start the server. await sleep(getRandomInt(300, 1000)); } } /** * Shutdown the application * Stops all monitors and closes the database connection. * @param {string} signal The signal that triggered this function to be called. * @returns {Promise} */ async function shutdownFunction(signal) { log.info("server", "Shutdown requested"); log.info("server", "Called signal: " + signal); log.info("server", "Stopping all monitors"); for (let id in server.monitorList) { let monitor = server.monitorList[id]; monitor.stop(); } await sleep(2000); await Database.close(); stopBackgroundJobs(); await cloudflaredStop(); } function getClientIp(socket) { return socket.client.conn.remoteAddress.replace(/^.*:/, ""); } /** Final function called before application exits */ function finalFunction() { log.info("server", "Graceful shutdown successful!"); } gracefulShutdown(server.httpServer, { signals: "SIGINT SIGTERM", timeout: 30000, // timeout: 30 secs development: false, // not in dev mode forceExit: true, // triggers process.exit() at the end of shutdown process onShutdown: shutdownFunction, // shutdown function (async) - e.g. for cleanup DB, ... finally: finalFunction, // finally function (sync) - e.g. for logging }); // Catch unexpected errors here process.addListener("unhandledRejection", (error, promise) => { console.trace(error); UptimeKumaServer.errorLog(error, false); console.error("If you keep encountering errors, please report to https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues"); });