/* * For Client Socket */ const { TimeLogger } = require("../src/util"); const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const { io } = require("./server"); async function sendNotificationList(socket) { const timeLogger = new TimeLogger(); let result = []; let list = await R.find("notification", " user_id = ? ", [ socket.userID, ]); for (let bean of list) { result.push(bean.export()) } io.to(socket.userID).emit("notificationList", result) timeLogger.print("Send Notification List"); return list; } /** * Send Heartbeat History list to socket * @param toUser True = send to all browsers with the same user id, False = send to the current browser only * @param overwrite Overwrite client-side's heartbeat list */ async function sendHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID, toUser = false, overwrite = false) { const timeLogger = new TimeLogger(); let list = await R.find("heartbeat", ` monitor_id = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 100 `, [ monitorID, ]) let result = []; for (let bean of list) { result.unshift(bean.toJSON()); } if (toUser) { io.to(socket.userID).emit("heartbeatList", monitorID, result, overwrite); } else { socket.emit("heartbeatList", monitorID, result, overwrite); } timeLogger.print(`[Monitor: ${monitorID}] sendHeartbeatList`); } /** * Important Heart beat list (aka event list) * @param socket * @param monitorID * @param toUser True = send to all browsers with the same user id, False = send to the current browser only * @param overwrite Overwrite client-side's heartbeat list */ async function sendImportantHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID, toUser = false, overwrite = false) { const timeLogger = new TimeLogger(); let list = await R.find("heartbeat", ` monitor_id = ? AND important = 1 ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 500 `, [ monitorID, ]) timeLogger.print(`[Monitor: ${monitorID}] sendImportantHeartbeatList`); if (toUser) { io.to(socket.userID).emit("importantHeartbeatList", monitorID, list, overwrite); } else { socket.emit("importantHeartbeatList", monitorID, list, overwrite); } } module.exports = { sendNotificationList, sendImportantHeartbeatList, sendHeartbeatList, }