export default { languageName: "简体中文", checkEverySecond: "检测频率 {0} 秒", retriesDescription: "最大重试失败次数", ignoreTLSError: "忽略HTTPS站点的证书错误", upsideDownModeDescription: "反向状态监控(状态码范围外为有效状态,反之为无效)", maxRedirectDescription: "最大重定向次数,设置为 0 禁止重定向", acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "选择被视为成功响应的状态码", passwordNotMatchMsg: "两次密码输入不一致", notificationDescription: "请为监控项配置消息通知", keywordDescription: "检测响应内容中的关键字,区分大小写", pauseDashboardHome: "暂停", deleteMonitorMsg: "确定要删除此监控吗?", deleteNotificationMsg: "确定要删除此消息通知吗?这将对所有监控生效。", resoverserverDescription: "可自定义要使用的DNS服务器", rrtypeDescription: "选择要监控的资源记录类型", pauseMonitorMsg: "确定要暂停吗?", Settings: "设置", Dashboard: "仪表盘", "New Update": "有新版本更新", Language: "语言", Appearance: "外观设置", Theme: "主题", General: "基本设置", Version: "Version", "Check Update On GitHub": "检查更新", List: "列表", Add: "添加", "Add New Monitor": "创建监控项", "Quick Stats": "状态速览", Up: "正常", Down: "故障", Pending: "检测失败", Unknown: "未知", Pause: "暂停", Name: "名称", Status: "状态", DateTime: "时间", Message: "事件", "No important events": "暂无重要事件", Resume: "恢复", Edit: "修改", Delete: "删除", Current: "当前", Uptime: "可用率", "Cert Exp.": "证书过期", days: "天", day: "天", "-day": " 天", hour: "小时", "-hour": " 小时", Response: "响应时长", Ping: "Ping", "Monitor Type": "监控类型", Keyword: "关键字", "Friendly Name": "自定义名称", URL: "网址URL", Hostname: "主机名", Port: "端口号", "Heartbeat Interval": "心跳间隔", Retries: "重试次数", Advanced: "高级选项", "Upside Down Mode": "反向监控", "Max. Redirects": "重定向次数", "Accepted Status Codes": "有效状态码", Save: "保存", Notifications: "消息通知", "Not available, please setup.": "无可用通道,请先设置", "Setup Notification": "设置通知", Light: "明亮", Dark: "黑暗", Auto: "自动", "Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "状态显示", Normal: "正常显示", Bottom: "靠下显示", None: "不显示", Timezone: "时区", "Search Engine Visibility": "搜索引擎设置", "Allow indexing": "允许索引", "Discourage search engines from indexing site": "阻止搜索引擎索引网站", "Change Password": "修改密码", "Current Password": "当前密码", "New Password": "新的密码", "Repeat New Password": "重复新的密码", "Update Password": "更新密码", "Disable Auth": "禁用身份验证", "Enable Auth": "启用身份验证", Logout: "退出", Leave: "离开", "I understand, please disable": "我已了解,继续禁用", Confirm: "确认", Yes: "确定", No: "取消", Username: "用户名", Password: "密码", "Remember me": "记住登录", Login: "登录", "No Monitors, please": "还没有监控项,", "add one": "点击新增", "Notification Type": "消息类型", Email: "邮件", Test: "测试一下", "Certificate Info": "证书信息", "Resolver Server": "解析服务器", "Resource Record Type": "资源记录类型", "Last Result": "Last Result", "Create your admin account": "创建管理员账号", "Repeat Password": "重复密码", respTime: "Resp. Time (ms)", notAvailableShort: "N/A", Create: "创建", clearEventsMsg: "确定要删除此监控项的所有事件吗?", clearHeartbeatsMsg: "确定要删除此监控项的所有状态吗?", confirmClearStatisticsMsg: "确定要删除所有统计信息吗?", "Clear Data": "清除数据", Events: "事件", Heartbeats: "心跳", "Auto Get": "自动获取", enableDefaultNotificationDescription: "新的监控项将默认启用,你也可以在每个监控项中分别设置", "Default enabled": "默认开启", "Also apply to existing monitors": "应用到所有监控项", Export: "导出", Import: "导入", backupDescription: "你可以将所有的监控项和消息通知备份到一个 JSON 文件中", backupDescription2: "注意: 不包括历史状态和事件数据", backupDescription3: "导出的文件中可能包含敏感信息,如消息通知的 Token 信息,请小心存放!", alertNoFile: "请选择一个文件导入", alertWrongFileType: "请选择一个 JSON 格式的文件", twoFAVerifyLabel: "Please type in your token to verify that 2FA is working", tokenValidSettingsMsg: "Token is valid! You can now save the 2FA settings.", confirmEnableTwoFAMsg: "Are you sure you want to enable 2FA?", confirmDisableTwoFAMsg: "Are you sure you want to disable 2FA?", "Apply on all existing monitors": "应用到所有监控项", "Verify Token": "Verify Token", "Setup 2FA": "Setup 2FA", "Enable 2FA": "Enable 2FA", "Disable 2FA": "Disable 2FA", "2FA Settings": "2FA Settings", "Two Factor Authentication": "Two Factor Authentication", Active: "Active", Inactive: "Inactive", Token: "Token", "Show URI": "Show URI", "Clear all statistics": "Clear all Statistics", retryCheckEverySecond: "Retry every {0} seconds.", importHandleDescription: "Choose 'Skip existing' if you want to skip every monitor or notification with the same name. 'Overwrite' will delete every existing monitor and notification.", confirmImportMsg: "Are you sure to import the backup? Please make sure you've selected the right import option.", "Heartbeat Retry Interval": "Heartbeat Retry Interval", "Import Backup": "Import Backup", "Export Backup": "Export Backup", "Skip existing": "Skip existing", Overwrite: "Overwrite", Options: "Options", "Keep both": "Keep both", Tags: "Tags", "Add New below or Select...": "Add New below or Select...", "Tag with this name already exist.": "Tag with this name already exist.", "Tag with this value already exist.": "Tag with this value already exist.", color: "color", "value (optional)": "value (optional)", Gray: "Gray", Red: "Red", Orange: "Orange", Green: "Green", Blue: "Blue", Indigo: "Indigo", Purple: "Purple", Pink: "Pink", "Search...": "Search...", "Avg. Ping": "Avg. Ping", "Avg. Response": "Avg. Response", }