export default { languageName: "繁體中文 (香港)", Settings: "設定", Dashboard: "主控台", "New Update": "有更新", Language: "語言", Appearance: "外觀", Theme: "主題", General: "一般", Version: "版本", "Check Update On GitHub": "到 Github 查看更新", List: "列表", Add: "新增", "Add New Monitor": "新增監測器", "Quick Stats": "綜合數據", Up: "上線", Down: "離線", Pending: "待定", Unknown: "不明", Pause: "暫停", pauseDashboardHome: "暫停", Name: "名稱", Status: "狀態", DateTime: "日期時間", Message: "內容", "No important events": "沒有重要事件", Resume: "恢復", Edit: "編輯", Delete: "刪除", Current: "目前", Uptime: "上線率", "Cert Exp.": "証書期限", days: "日", day: "日", "-day": "日", hour: "小時", "-hour": "小時", checkEverySecond: "每 {0} 秒檢查一次", Response: "反應時間", Ping: "反應時間", "Monitor Type": "監測器類型", Keyword: "關鍵字", "Friendly Name": "名稱", URL: "網址 URL", Hostname: "Hostname", Port: "Port", "Heartbeat Interval": "檢查間距", Retries: "重試數次確定為離線", retriesDescription: "重試多少次後才判定為離線及傳送通知。如數值為 0 會即判定為離線及傳送通知。", Advanced: "進階", ignoreTLSError: "忽略 TLS/SSL 錯誤", "Upside Down Mode": "反轉模式", upsideDownModeDescription: "反轉狀態,如網址是可正常瀏覽,會被判定為 '離線/DOWN'", "Max. Redirects": "跟隨重新導向 (Redirect) 的次數", maxRedirectDescription: "設為 0 即不跟蹤", "Accepted Status Codes": "接受為上線的 HTTP 狀態碼", acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "可多選", Save: "儲存", Notifications: "通知", "Not available, please setup.": "無法使用,需要設定", "Setup Notification": "設定通知", Light: "明亮", Dark: "暗黑", Auto: "自動", "Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "監測器列表 狀態條外觀", Normal: "一般", Bottom: "下方", None: "沒有", Timezone: "時區", "Search Engine Visibility": "是否允許搜尋器索引", "Allow indexing": "允許索引", "Discourage search engines from indexing site": "不建議搜尋器索引", "Change Password": "變更密碼", "Current Password": "目前密碼", "New Password": "新密碼", "Repeat New Password": "確認新密碼", passwordNotMatchMsg: "密碼不一致", "Update Password": "更新密碼", "Disable Auth": "取消登入認証", "Enable Auth": "開啟登入認証", Logout: "登出", notificationDescription: "新增後,你需要在監測器裡啟用。", Leave: "離開", "I understand, please disable": "我明白,請取消登入認証", Confirm: "確認", Yes: "是", No: "否", Username: "帳號", Password: "密碼", "Remember me": "記住我", Login: "登入", "No Monitors, please": "沒有監測器,請", "add one": "新增", "Notification Type": "通知類型", Email: "電郵", Test: "測試", keywordDescription: "搜索 HTML 或 JSON 裡是否有出現關鍵字(注意英文大細階)", "Certificate Info": "憑證詳細資料", deleteMonitorMsg: "是否確定刪除這個監測器", deleteNotificationMsg: "是否確定刪除這個通知設定?如監測器啟用了這個通知,將會收不到通知。", "Resolver Server": "DNS 伺服器", "Resource Record Type": "DNS 記錄類型", resoverserverDescription: "預設值為 Cloudflare DNS 伺服器,你可以轉用其他 DNS 伺服器。", rrtypeDescription: "請選擇 DNS 記錄類型", pauseMonitorMsg: "是否確定暫停?", "Last Result": "最後結果", "Create your admin account": "建立管理員帳號", "Repeat Password": "重複密碼", respTime: "反應時間 (ms)", notAvailableShort: "N/A", Create: "建立", clearEventsMsg: "是否確定刪除這個監測器的所有事件?", clearHeartbeatsMsg: "是否確定刪除這個監測器的所有脈搏資料?", confirmClearStatisticsMsg: "是否確定刪除所有監測器的脈搏資料?(您的監測器會繼續正常運作)", "Clear Data": "清除資料", Events: "事件", Heartbeats: "脈搏", "Auto Get": "自動獲取", enableDefaultNotificationDescription: "新增監測器時這個通知會預設啟用,當然每個監測器亦可分別控制開關。", "Default enabled": "預設通知", "Also apply to existing monitors": "同時取用至目前所有監測器", Export: "匯出", Import: "匯入", backupDescription: "您可以備份所有監測器及所有通知。", backupDescription2: "註:此備份不包括歷史記錄。", backupDescription3: "此備份可能包含了一些敏感資料如通知裡的 Token,請小心保存備份。", alertNoFile: "請選擇一個檔案", alertWrongFileType: "請選擇 JSON 檔案", twoFAVerifyLabel: "Please type in your token to verify that 2FA is working", tokenValidSettingsMsg: "Token is valid! You can now save the 2FA settings.", confirmEnableTwoFAMsg: "Are you sure you want to enable 2FA?", confirmDisableTwoFAMsg: "Are you sure you want to disable 2FA?", "Apply on all existing monitors": "套用至目前所有監測器", "Verify Token": "驗証 Token", "Setup 2FA": "設定 2FA", "Enable 2FA": "開啟 2FA", "Disable 2FA": "關閉 2FA", "2FA Settings": "2FA 設定", "Two Factor Authentication": "雙重認證", Active: "生效", Inactive: "未生效", Token: "Token", "Show URI": "顯示 URI", "Clear all statistics": "清除所有歷史記錄", retryCheckEverySecond: "Retry every {0} seconds.", importHandleDescription: "Choose 'Skip existing' if you want to skip every monitor or notification with the same name. 'Overwrite' will delete every existing monitor and notification.", confirmImportMsg: "Are you sure to import the backup? Please make sure you've selected the right import option.", "Heartbeat Retry Interval": "Heartbeat Retry Interval", "Import Backup": "匯入備份", "Export Backup": "匯出備份", "Skip existing": "略過已存在的", Overwrite: "覆蓋", Options: "選項", "Keep both": "兩者並存", Tags: "標籤", "Add New below or Select...": "Add New below or Select...", "Tag with this name already exist.": "Tag with this name already exist.", "Tag with this value already exist.": "Tag with this value already exist.", color: "顏色", "value (optional)": "值 (非必需)", Gray: "灰", Red: "紅", Orange: "橙", Green: "綠", Blue: "藍", Indigo: "靛", Purple: "紫", Pink: "粉紅", "Search...": "搜尋...", "Avg. Ping": "平均反應時間", "Avg. Response": "平均反應時間", "Entry Page": "Entry Page", statusPageNothing: "Nothing here, please add a group or a monitor.", "No Services": "沒有服務", "All Systems Operational": "一切正常", "Partially Degraded Service": "部份服務受阻", "Degraded Service": "服務受阻", "Add Group": "新增群組", "Add a monitor": " 新增監測器", "Edit Status Page": "編輯 Status Page", "Go to Dashboard": "前往主控台", "Status Page": "Status Page", telegram: "Telegram", webhook: "Webhook", smtp: "電郵 (SMTP)", discord: "Discord", teams: "Microsoft Teams", signal: "Signal", gotify: "Gotify", slack: "Slack", "rocket.chat": "Rocket.chat", pushover: "Pushover", pushy: "Pushy", octopush: "Octopush", promosms: "PromoSMS", lunasea: "LunaSea", apprise: "Apprise (支援 50 多種通知)", pushbullet: "Pushbullet", line: "Line Messenger", mattermost: "Mattermost", };