const { execSync } = require("child_process"); /** * Rebase a PR onto such as 1.23.X or master * @returns {Promise} */ async function main() { const branch = process.argv[2]; // Use gh to get current branch's pr id let currentBranchPRID = execSync("gh pr view --json number --jq \".number\"").toString().trim(); console.log("Pr ID: ", currentBranchPRID); // Use gh commend to get pr commits const prCommits = JSON.parse(execSync(`gh pr view ${currentBranchPRID} --json commits`).toString().trim()); console.log("Found commits: ", prCommits.commits.length); // Get the oldest commit id const oldestCommitID = prCommits.commits[prCommits.commits.length - 1].oid; console.log("Oldest commit id of this pr:", oldestCommitID); // Get the latest commit id of the target branch const latestCommitID = execSync(`git rev-parse origin/${branch}`).toString().trim(); console.log("Latest commit id of " + branch + ":", latestCommitID); // Get the original parent commit id of the oldest commit const originalParentCommitID = execSync(`git log --pretty=%P -n 1 "${oldestCommitID}"`).toString().trim(); console.log("Original parent commit id of the oldest commit:", originalParentCommitID); // Rebase the pr onto the target branch execSync(`git rebase --onto ${latestCommitID} ${originalParentCommitID}`); } main();