const basicAuth = require("express-basic-auth"); const passwordHash = require("./password-hash"); const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const { log } = require("../src/util"); const { loginRateLimiter, apiRateLimiter } = require("./rate-limiter"); const { Settings } = require("./settings"); const dayjs = require("dayjs"); /** * Login to web app * @param {string} username Username to login with * @param {string} password Password to login with * @returns {Promise<(Bean|null)>} User or null if login failed */ exports.login = async function (username, password) { if (typeof username !== "string" || typeof password !== "string") { return null; } let user = await R.findOne("user", " username = ? AND active = 1 ", [ username, ]); if (user && passwordHash.verify(password, user.password)) { // Upgrade the hash to bcrypt if (passwordHash.needRehash(user.password)) { await R.exec("UPDATE `user` SET password = ? WHERE id = ? ", [ passwordHash.generate(password),, ]); } return user; } return null; }; /** * Validate a provided API key * @param {string} key API key to verify * @returns {boolean} API is ok? */ async function verifyAPIKey(key) { if (typeof key !== "string") { return false; } // uk prefix + key ID is before _ let index = key.substring(2, key.indexOf("_")); let clear = key.substring(key.indexOf("_") + 1, key.length); let hash = await R.findOne("api_key", " id=? ", [ index ]); if (hash === null) { return false; } let current = dayjs(); let expiry = dayjs(hash.expires); if (expiry.diff(current) < 0 || ! { return false; } return hash && passwordHash.verify(clear, hash.key); } /** * Callback for basic auth authorizers * @callback authCallback * @param {any} err Any error encountered * @param {boolean} authorized Is the client authorized? */ /** * Custom authorizer for express-basic-auth * @param {string} username Username to login with * @param {string} password Password to login with * @param {authCallback} callback Callback to handle login result * @returns {void} */ function apiAuthorizer(username, password, callback) { // API Rate Limit apiRateLimiter.pass(null, 0).then((pass) => { if (pass) { verifyAPIKey(password).then((valid) => { if (!valid) { log.warn("api-auth", "Failed API auth attempt: invalid API Key"); } callback(null, valid); // Only allow a set number of api requests per minute // (currently set to 60) apiRateLimiter.removeTokens(1); }); } else { log.warn("api-auth", "Failed API auth attempt: rate limit exceeded"); callback(null, false); } }); } /** * Custom authorizer for express-basic-auth * @param {string} username Username to login with * @param {string} password Password to login with * @param {authCallback} callback Callback to handle login result * @returns {void} */ function userAuthorizer(username, password, callback) { // Login Rate Limit loginRateLimiter.pass(null, 0).then((pass) => { if (pass) { exports.login(username, password).then((user) => { callback(null, user != null); if (user == null) { log.warn("basic-auth", "Failed basic auth attempt: invalid username/password"); loginRateLimiter.removeTokens(1); } }); } else { log.warn("basic-auth", "Failed basic auth attempt: rate limit exceeded"); callback(null, false); } }); } /** * Use basic auth if auth is not disabled * @param {express.Request} req Express request object * @param {express.Response} res Express response object * @param {express.NextFunction} next Next handler in chain * @returns {Promise} */ exports.basicAuth = async function (req, res, next) { const middleware = basicAuth({ authorizer: userAuthorizer, authorizeAsync: true, challenge: true, }); const disabledAuth = await Settings.get("disableAuth"); if (!disabledAuth) { middleware(req, res, next); } else { next(); } }; /** * Use use API Key if API keys enabled, else use basic auth * @param {express.Request} req Express request object * @param {express.Response} res Express response object * @param {express.NextFunction} next Next handler in chain * @returns {Promise} */ exports.apiAuth = async function (req, res, next) { if (!await Settings.get("disableAuth")) { let usingAPIKeys = await Settings.get("apiKeysEnabled"); let middleware; if (usingAPIKeys) { middleware = basicAuth({ authorizer: apiAuthorizer, authorizeAsync: true, challenge: true, }); } else { middleware = basicAuth({ authorizer: userAuthorizer, authorizeAsync: true, challenge: true, }); } middleware(req, res, next); } else { next(); } };