const { MonitorType } = require("./monitor-type"); const { UP } = require("../../src/util"); const childProcessAsync = require("promisify-child-process"); /** * A TailscalePing class extends the MonitorType. * It runs Tailscale ping to monitor the status of a specific node. */ class TailscalePing extends MonitorType { name = "tailscale-ping"; /** * Checks the ping status of the URL associated with the monitor. * It then parses the Tailscale ping command output to update the heatrbeat. * * @param {Object} monitor - The monitor object associated with the check. * @param {Object} heartbeat - The heartbeat object to update. * @throws Will throw an error if checking Tailscale ping encounters any error */ async check(monitor, heartbeat) { try { let tailscaleOutput = await this.runTailscalePing(monitor.hostname, monitor.interval); this.parseTailscaleOutput(tailscaleOutput, heartbeat); } catch (err) { // trigger log function somewhere to display a notification or alert to the user (but how?) throw new Error(`Error checking Tailscale ping: ${err}`); } } /** * Runs the Tailscale ping command to the given URL. * * @param {string} hostname - The hostname to ping. * @param {number} interval * @returns {Promise} - A Promise that resolves to the output of the Tailscale ping command * @throws Will throw an error if the command execution encounters any error. */ async runTailscalePing(hostname, interval) { let timeout = interval * 1000 * 0.8; let res = await childProcessAsync.spawn("tailscale", [ "ping", "--c", "1", hostname ], { timeout: timeout, encoding: "utf8", }); if (res.stderr && res.stderr.toString()) { throw new Error(`Error in output: ${res.stderr.toString()}`); } if (res.stdout && res.stdout.toString()) { return res.stdout.toString(); } else { throw new Error("No output from Tailscale ping"); } } /** * Parses the output of the Tailscale ping command to update the heartbeat. * * @param {string} tailscaleOutput - The output of the Tailscale ping command. * @param {Object} heartbeat - The heartbeat object to update. * @throws Will throw an eror if the output contains any unexpected string. */ parseTailscaleOutput(tailscaleOutput, heartbeat) { let lines = tailscaleOutput.split("\n"); for (let line of lines) { if (line.includes("pong from")) { heartbeat.status = UP; let time = line.split(" in ")[1].split(" ")[0]; = parseInt(time); heartbeat.msg = "OK"; break; } else if (line.includes("timed out")) { throw new Error(`Ping timed out: "${line}"`); // Immediately throws upon "timed out" message, the server is expected to re-call the check function } else if (line.includes("no matching peer")) { throw new Error(`Nonexistant or inaccessible due to ACLs: "${line}"`); } else if (line.includes("is local Tailscale IP")) { throw new Error(`Tailscale only works if used on other machines: "${line}"`); } else if (line !== "") { throw new Error(`Unexpected output: "${line}"`); } } } } module.exports = { TailscalePing, };