## Info https://knexjs.org/guide/migrations.html#knexfile-in-other-languages ## Basic rules - All tables must have a primary key named `id` - Filename format: `YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM-patch-name.js` - Avoid native SQL syntax, use knex methods, because Uptime Kuma supports SQLite and MariaDB. ## Template ```js exports.up = function(knex) { }; exports.down = function(knex) { }; // exports.config = { transaction: false }; ``` ## Example Filename: 2023-06-30-1348-create-user-and-product.js ```js exports.up = function(knex) { return knex.schema .createTable('user', function (table) { table.increments('id'); table.string('first_name', 255).notNullable(); table.string('last_name', 255).notNullable(); }) .createTable('product', function (table) { table.increments('id'); table.decimal('price').notNullable(); table.string('name', 1000).notNullable(); }).then(() => { knex("products").insert([ { price: 10, name: "Apple" }, { price: 20, name: "Orange" }, ]); }); }; exports.down = function(knex) { return knex.schema .dropTable("product") .dropTable("user"); }; ``` https://knexjs.org/guide/migrations.html#transactions-in-migrations