Merge pull request #2538 from deluxghost/master

Updated zh-CN.js
This commit is contained in:
Louis Lam 2023-01-06 10:46:37 +08:00 committed by GitHub
commit f3d3e064f8
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -2,17 +2,35 @@ export default {
languageName: "简体中文",
checkEverySecond: "检测频率 {0} 秒",
retryCheckEverySecond: "重试间隔 {0} 秒",
resendEveryXTimes: "每 {0} 次失败则重复发送一次",
resendDisabled: "为 0 时禁用重复发送",
retriesDescription: "服务被标记为故障并发送通知之前的最大重试次数",
ignoreTLSError: "忽略 HTTPS 站点的 TLS/SSL 错误",
upsideDownModeDescription: "反转状态监控,如果服务可访问,则认为是故障。",
maxRedirectDescription: "允许的最大重定向次数。设置为 0 禁用重定向。",
enableGRPCTls: "允许通过 TLS 连接发送 gRPC 请求",
grpcMethodDescription: "方法名会转换为小驼峰格式,例如 sayHello、check 等等",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "选择被视为成功响应的状态码。",
Maintenance: "维护",
statusMaintenance: "维护",
"Schedule maintenance": "计划维护",
"Affected Monitors": "受影响的监控项",
"Pick Affected Monitors...": "选择受影响的监控项…",
"Start of maintenance": "维护开始",
"All Status Pages": "所有状态页面",
"Select status pages...": "选择状态页面…",
recurringIntervalMessage: "每天一次 | 每 {0} 天一次",
affectedMonitorsDescription: "选择受当前维护影响的监控项",
affectedStatusPages: "在所选状态页面上显示此维护消息",
atLeastOneMonitor: "至少选择一个受影响的监控项",
passwordNotMatchMsg: "两次输入的密码不一致。",
notificationDescription: "通知必须被分配给监控项才能正常工作。",
keywordDescription: "在纯 HTML 或 JSON 响应中搜索关键字,区分大小写。",
pauseDashboardHome: "暂停",
deleteMonitorMsg: "确定要删除此监控项吗?",
deleteMaintenanceMsg: "确定要删除此维护吗?",
deleteNotificationMsg: "确定要为所有监控项删除此通知吗?",
dnsPortDescription: "DNS 服务器端口,默认为 53您可以在任何时候更改此端口.",
resolverserverDescription: "默认服务器是 Cloudflare。您随时可以修改解析服务器。",
rrtypeDescription: "选择要监控的资源记录类型",
pauseMonitorMsg: "确定要暂停吗?",
@ -34,7 +52,6 @@ export default {
Theme: "主题",
General: "常规",
"Primary Base URL": "站点主 URL",
About: "关于",
Version: "版本",
"Check Update On GitHub": "检查 GitHub 上的更新",
List: "列表",
@ -72,6 +89,7 @@ export default {
"Heartbeat Interval": "心跳间隔",
Retries: "重试次数",
"Heartbeat Retry Interval": "心跳重试间隔",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consequently": "连续失败时重复发送通知的间隔次数",
Advanced: "高级",
"Upside Down Mode": "反转监控",
"Max. Redirects": "最大重定向次数",
@ -125,7 +143,6 @@ export default {
"Last Result": "上次结果",
"Create your admin account": "创建管理员账户",
"Repeat Password": "重复密码",
Backup: "备份",
"Import Backup": "导入备份",
"Export Backup": "导出备份",
Export: "导出",
@ -160,7 +177,7 @@ export default {
Token: "令牌",
"Show URI": "显示 URI",
Tags: "标签",
"Add New below or Select...": "在下面添加或选择...",
"Add New below or Select...": "在下面添加或选择",
"Tag with this name already exist.": "相同名称的标签已存在。",
"Tag with this value already exist.": "相同内容的标签已存在。",
color: "颜色",
@ -173,7 +190,7 @@ export default {
Indigo: "靛蓝",
Purple: "紫色",
Pink: "粉色",
"Search...": "搜索...",
"Search...": "搜索",
"Avg. Ping": "平均 Ping",
"Avg. Response": "平均响应",
"Entry Page": "入口页面",
@ -192,6 +209,7 @@ export default {
here: "这里",
Required: "必填",
telegram: "Telegram",
"ZohoCliq": "ZohoCliq",
"Bot Token": "Bot Token",
wayToGetTelegramToken: "您可以从 {0} 获取 Token。",
"Chat ID": "Chat ID",
@ -204,6 +222,8 @@ export default {
"Content Type": "Content Type",
webhookJsonDesc: "{0} 适合现代的 HTTP 服务器,例如 Express.js",
webhookFormDataDesc: "{multipart} 适合 PHP其中 JSON 需要使用 {decodeFunction} 解码",
webhookAdditionalHeadersTitle: "额外 Header",
webhookAdditionalHeadersDesc: "设置通过此 Webhook 发送的额外 Header。",
smtp: "电子邮件SMTP",
secureOptionNone: "无 / STARTTLS常用端口 25、587",
secureOptionTLS: "TLS常用端口 465",
@ -222,6 +242,7 @@ export default {
teams: "Microsoft Teams",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook URL",
wayToGetTeamsURL: "您可以在{0}了解如何获取 Webhook URL。",
wayToGetZohoCliqURL: "您可以在{0}了解如何创建 Webhook URL。",
signal: "Signal",
Number: "号码",
Recipients: "收件人",
@ -243,6 +264,7 @@ export default {
"": "Rocket.Chat",
pushover: "Pushover",
pushy: "Pushy",
PushByTechulus: "Push by Techulus",
octopush: "Octopush",
promosms: "PromoSMS",
clicksendsms: "ClickSend SMS",
@ -250,9 +272,10 @@ export default {
apprise: "Apprise (支持 50+ 种通知服务)",
GoogleChat: "Google Chat仅 Google Workspace",
pushbullet: "Pushbullet",
AliyunSMS: "阿里云短信服务",
Kook: "Kook",
wayToGetKookBotToken: "在 {0} 创建应用并获取机器人 Token",
wayToGetKookGuildID: "在Kook设置中打开 ‘开发者模式’,然后右键频道可获取其 ID",
wayToGetKookGuildID: "在 Kook 设置中打开“开发者模式”,然后右键点击频道可获取其 ID",
"Guild ID": "频道 ID",
line: "Line Messenger",
mattermost: "Mattermost",
@ -298,6 +321,7 @@ export default {
promosmsTypeSpeed: "SMS SPEED - 最高优先级。非常快速可靠,但更贵(大约两倍 SMS FULL 的价格)。",
promosmsPhoneNumber: "电话号码(波兰地区收信人可以不填区号)",
promosmsSMSSender: "短信发信人名称已注册的名称或以下默认值之一InfoSMS、SMS Info、MaxSMS、INFO、SMS",
Feishu: "飞书",
"Feishu WebHookUrl": "飞书 WebHook URL",
matrixHomeserverURL: "服务器 URL包含 http(s):// 和可选的端口号)",
"Internal Room Id": "内部房间 ID",
@ -316,14 +340,18 @@ export default {
"One record": "一条记录",
steamApiKeyDescription: "要监控 Steam 游戏服务器,您需要 Steam Web-API 密钥。您可以在这里注册您的 API 密钥: ",
"Current User": "当前用户",
topic: "Topic",
topicExplanation: "要监控的 MQTT Topic",
successMessage: "成功消息",
successMessageExplanation: "视为成功的 MQTT 消息",
recent: "最近",
Done: "完成",
Info: "信息",
Security: "安全性",
"Steam API Key": "Steam API 密钥",
"Shrink Database": "压缩数据库",
"Pick a RR-Type...": "选择资源记录类型...",
"Pick Accepted Status Codes...": "选择有效的状态码...",
"Pick a RR-Type...": "选择资源记录类型",
"Pick Accepted Status Codes...": "选择有效的状态码",
Default: "默认",
"HTTP Options": "HTTP 选项",
"Create Incident": "创建事件",
@ -333,6 +361,8 @@ export default {
info: "信息",
warning: "警告",
danger: "危险",
error: "错误",
critical: "关键",
primary: "主要",
light: "明亮",
dark: "黑暗",
@ -360,7 +390,20 @@ export default {
serwersmsAPIPassword: "API 密码",
serwersmsPhoneNumber: "电话号码",
serwersmsSenderName: "SMS 发信人名称(需要在客户中心注册)",
smseagle: "SMSEagle",
smseagleTo: "电话号码",
smseagleGroup: "通讯录群组名",
smseagleContact: "通讯录联系人",
smseagleRecipientType: "收信人类型",
smseagleRecipient: "收信人(多个需用半角逗号分隔)",
smseagleToken: "API Access token",
smseagleUrl: "您的 SMSEagle 设备 URL",
smseagleEncoding: "以 Unicode 发送",
smseaglePriority: "消息优先级0-9默认为 0",
stackfield: "Stackfield",
Customize: "自定义",
"Custom Footer": "自定义底部",
"Custom CSS": "自定义 CSS",
smtpDkimSettings: "DKIM 设置",
smtpDkimDesc: "请访问 Nodemailer DKIM {0} 了解配置方法。",
documentation: "文档",
@ -370,16 +413,13 @@ export default {
smtpDkimHashAlgo: "哈希算法(可选)",
smtpDkimheaderFieldNames: "包含在哈希计算对象内的 Header 列表(可选)",
smtpDkimskipFields: "不包含在哈希计算对象内的 Header 列表(可选)",
Feishu: "飞书",
AliyunSMS: "阿里云短信服务",
"Sms template must contain parameters: ": "短信模板必须包含以下变量:",
DingDing: "钉钉自定义机器人",
WebHookUrl: "钉钉自定义机器人 Webhook 地址",
SecretKey: "钉钉自定义机器人加签密钥",
"For safety, must use secret key": "出于安全考虑,必须使用加签密钥",
WeCom: "企业微信群机器人",
"WeCom Bot Key": "企业微信群机器人 Key",
PushByTechulus: "Push by Techulus",
wayToGetPagerDutyKey: "您可以在 Service -> Service Directory -> (选择一个 Service) -> Integrations -> Add integration 页面中搜索“Events API V2”以获取此 Integration Key更多信息请看{0}",
"Integration Key": "Integration Key",
"Integration URL": "Integration URL",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged": "自动标记为已解决或已读",
"do nothing": "不做任何操作",
"auto acknowledged": "自动标记为已读",
"auto resolve": "自动标记为已解决",
gorush: "Gorush",
alerta: "Alerta",
alertaApiEndpoint: "API 接入点",
@ -396,9 +436,6 @@ export default {
proxyDescription: "代理必须配置到至少一个监控项后才会工作。",
enableProxyDescription: "此代理必须启用才能对监控项的网络请求起作用。您可以通过修改激活状态,临时在所有监控项中禁用此代理。",
setAsDefaultProxyDescription: "此代理会对新创建的监控项默认激活,您仍可以在监控项配置中单独禁用此代理。",
"Proxy Protocol": "代理协议",
"Proxy Server": "代理服务器",
"Server Address": "服务器地址",
"Certificate Chain": "证书链",
Valid: "有效",
Invalid: "无效",
@ -407,9 +444,14 @@ export default {
PhoneNumbers: "PhoneNumbers",
TemplateCode: "TemplateCode",
SignName: "SignName",
"Sms template must contain parameters: ": "短信模板必须包含以下变量:",
"Bark Endpoint": "Bark 接入点",
"Bark Group": "Bark 群组",
"Bark Sound": "Bark 铃声",
DingDing: "钉钉自定义机器人",
WebHookUrl: "钉钉自定义机器人 Webhook 地址",
SecretKey: "钉钉自定义机器人加签密钥",
"For safety, must use secret key": "出于安全考虑,必须使用加签密钥",
"Device Token": "Apple Device Token",
Platform: "平台",
iOS: "iOS",
@ -418,21 +460,18 @@ export default {
High: "高",
Retry: "重试次数",
Topic: "Gorush Topic",
WeCom: "企业微信群机器人",
"WeCom Bot Key": "企业微信群机器人 Key",
"Setup Proxy": "设置代理",
"Proxy Protocol": "代理协议",
"Proxy Server": "代理服务器",
"Server Address": "服务器地址",
"Proxy server has authentication": "代理服务器启用了身份验证功能",
User: "用户名",
Installed: "已安装",
"Not installed": "未安装",
Running: "运行中",
"Not running": "未运行",
"Message:": "信息:",
wayToGetCloudflaredURL: "(可从 {0} 下载 cloudflared",
cloudflareWebsite: "Cloudflare 网站",
"Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:": "不知道如何获取 Token请阅读指南",
"The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.": "如果您正在通过 Cloudflare Tunnel 访问网站,则停止可能会导致当前连接断开。您确定要停止吗?请输入密码以确认。",
"Other Software": "其他软件",
"For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.": "例如nginx、Apache 和 Traefik。",
"Please read": "请阅读",
"Remove Token": "移除 Token",
Start: "启动",
Stop: "停止",
@ -450,6 +489,18 @@ export default {
"New Status Page": "新的状态页",
"Page Not Found": "未找到该页面",
"Reverse Proxy": "反向代理",
Backup: "备份",
About: "关于",
wayToGetCloudflaredURL: "(可从 {0} 下载 cloudflared",
cloudflareWebsite: "Cloudflare 网站",
"Message:": "信息:",
"Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:": "不知道如何获取 Token请阅读指南",
"The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.": "如果您正在通过 Cloudflare Tunnel 访问网站,则停止可能会导致当前连接断开。您确定要停止吗?请输入密码以确认。",
"HTTP Headers": "HTTP 头",
"Trust Proxy": "可信的代理类字段",
"Other Software": "其他软件",
"For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.": "例如nginx、Apache 和 Traefik。",
"Please read": "请阅读",
"Subject:": "颁发给:",
"Valid To:": "有效期至:",
"Days Remaining:": "剩余有效天数:",
@ -459,26 +510,28 @@ export default {
"Domain Name Expiry Notification": "域名到期时通知",
Proxy: "代理",
"Date Created": "创建于",
HomeAssistant: "Home Assistant",
onebotHttpAddress: "OneBot HTTP 地址",
onebotMessageType: "OneBot 消息类型",
onebotGroupMessage: "群聊",
onebotPrivateMessage: "私聊",
onebotUserOrGroupId: "群组/用户 ID",
onebotSafetyTips: "出于安全原因,请务必设置 AccessToken",
topic: "Topic",
topicExplanation: "MQTT 传递给监控的 Topic",
successMessage: "成功时消息",
successMessageExplanation: "MQTT 成功时所传递的消息",
Customize: "自定义",
"Custom Footer": "自定义底部",
"Custom CSS": "自定义 CSS",
"PushDeer Key": "PushDeer Key",
"Footer Text": "底部自定义文本",
"Show Powered By": "显示 Powered By",
"Domain Names": "域名",
signedInDisp: "当前用户: {0}",
signedInDispDisabled: "已禁用身份验证",
RadiusSecret: "Radius 共享机密",
RadiusSecretDescription: "客户端和服务器之间共享的密钥",
RadiusCalledStationId: "NAS 网络访问服务器号码Called Station Id",
RadiusCalledStationIdDescription: "所访问的服务器的标识",
RadiusCallingStationId: "呼叫方号码Calling Station Id",
RadiusCallingStationIdDescription: "发出请求的设备的标识",
"Certificate Expiry Notification": "证书到期时通知",
"API Username": "API 凭证 Username",
"API Key": "API 凭证 Key",
"API Username": "API Username",
"API Key": "API Key",
"Recipient Number": "收件人手机号码",
"From Name/Number": "发件人名称/手机号码",
"Leave blank to use a shared sender number.": "留空以使用平台共享的发件人手机号码",
@ -526,38 +579,11 @@ export default {
"Retype the address.": "重新输入地址;",
"Go back to the previous page.": "返回到上一页面。",
"Coming Soon": "即将推出",
wayToGetClickSendSMSToken: "您可以从 {0} 获取 API 凭证 Username 和 凭证 Key。",
signedInDisp: "当前用户: {0}",
signedInDispDisabled: "已禁用身份验证",
dnsPortDescription: "DNS 服务器端口,默认为 53你可以在任何时候更改此端口.",
error: "错误",
critical: "关键",
wayToGetPagerDutyKey: "你可以在 Service -> Service Directory -> (选择一个 Service) -> Integrations -> Add integration 页面中搜索 \"Events API V2\" 以获取此 Integration Key更多信息请参见 {0}",
"Integration Key": "Integration Key",
"Integration URL": "Integration URL",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged": "自动标记为已解决或已读",
"do nothing": "不做任何操作",
"auto acknowledged": "自动标记为已读",
"auto resolve": "自动标记为已解决",
wayToGetClickSendSMSToken: "您可以在{0}获取 API Username 和 API Key。",
"Connection String": "连接字符串",
Query: "查询语句",
settingsCertificateExpiry: "TLS 证书过期通知",
certificationExpiryDescription: "HTTPS 监控项发现被监控目标的 TLS 证书剩余有效期少于以下天数时将发出通知:",
"ntfy Topic": "ntfy 主题",
Domain: "域名",
Workstation: "工作站",
resendEveryXTimes: "每 {0} 次失败则重复发送一次",
resendDisabled: "为 0 时禁用重复发送",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consequently": "连续失败时重复发送通知的间隔次数",
"HTTP Headers": "HTTP 头",
"Trust Proxy": "可信的代理类字段",
HomeAssistant: "Home Assistant",
RadiusSecret: "Radius 共享机密",
RadiusSecretDescription: "客户端和服务器之间共享的密钥",
RadiusCalledStationId: "NAS 网络访问服务器号码Called Station Id",
RadiusCalledStationIdDescription: "所访问的服务器的标识",
RadiusCallingStationId: "呼叫方号码Calling Station Id",
RadiusCallingStationIdDescription: "发出请求的设备的标识",
"Setup Docker Host": "配置 Docker 宿主信息",
"Connection Type": "连接方式",
"Docker Daemon": "Docker 守护进程",
@ -568,6 +594,9 @@ export default {
"Container Name / ID": "容器名称 / ID",
"Docker Host": "Docker 宿主",
"Docker Hosts": "Docker 宿主",
"ntfy Topic": "ntfy Topic",
Domain: "域名",
Workstation: "工作站",
disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg: "您现在正处于 No Auth 模式,无需输入密码",
trustProxyDescription: "信任 'X-Forwarded-*' 头。如果您的 Uptime Kuma 是通过 Nginx 或 Apache 等反代服务对外提供访问的话,则您应当启用本功能以获取正确的客户端 IP。",
wayToGetLineNotifyToken: "您可以在 {0} 获取 Access token",
@ -584,7 +613,7 @@ export default {
"Event data:": "事件数据:",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.": "然后您可以选择关联操作,例如切换到 RGB 灯发出红光的场景",
"Frontend Version": "前端版本",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!": "前端版本与后端版本不",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!": "前端版本与后端版本不匹配",
"Base URL": "API 基础地址",
goAlertInfo: "GoAlert 是一个用于呼叫调度、自动汇报和通知(如 SMS 或语音呼叫)的开源应用程序。在正确的时间以正确的方式自动让正确的人参与!{0}",
goAlertIntegrationKeyInfo: "使用形如 aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee 的通用 API 集成密钥,通常是复制来的链接中的 token 参数值。",
@ -598,5 +627,57 @@ export default {
"Gateway Type": "网关类型",
SMSManager: "SMSManager",
"You can divide numbers with": "可用的分隔符:",
"or": "或",
or: "或",
recurringInterval: "时间间隔",
Recurring: "重复",
strategyManual: "手动启用/禁用",
warningTimezone: "使用服务器时区",
weekdayShortMon: "周一",
weekdayShortTue: "周二",
weekdayShortWed: "周三",
weekdayShortThu: "周四",
weekdayShortFri: "周五",
weekdayShortSat: "周六",
weekdayShortSun: "周日",
dayOfWeek: "每周计划",
dayOfMonth: "每月计划",
lastDay: "结束日",
lastDay1: "每月最后一天",
lastDay2: "每月倒数第二天",
lastDay3: "每月倒数第三天",
lastDay4: "每月倒数第四天",
"No Maintenance": "无维护计划",
pauseMaintenanceMsg: "确定要暂停吗?",
"maintenanceStatus-under-maintenance": "正在维护",
"maintenanceStatus-inactive": "未启用",
"maintenanceStatus-scheduled": "已计划",
"maintenanceStatus-ended": "已结束",
"maintenanceStatus-unknown": "未知",
"Display Timezone": "显示时区",
"Server Timezone": "服务器时区",
statusPageMaintenanceEndDate: "结束时间",
IconUrl: "图标 URL",
"Enable DNS Cache": "启用 DNS 缓存",
Enable: "启用",
Disable: "禁用",
dnsCacheDescription: "可能无法在某些 IPv6 环境工作,如果遇到问题请禁用。",
"Single Maintenance Window": "单一时间窗口",
"Maintenance Time Window of a Day": "每日维护时间窗口",
"Effective Date Range": "生效日期范围",
"Schedule Maintenance": "计划维护",
"Date and Time": "日期时间",
"DateTime Range": "日期时间范围",
Strategy: "策略",
"Free Mobile User Identifier": "Free Mobile User Identifier",
"Free Mobile API Key": "Free Mobile API Key",
"Enable TLS": "启用 TLS",
"Proto Service Name": "Proto 服务名称",
"Proto Method": "Proto 方法",
"Proto Content": "Proto 内容",
Economy: "经济",
Lowcost: "低价",
high: "高价",
"General Monitor Type": "常规监控类型",
"Passive Monitor Type": "被动监控类型",
"Specific Monitor Type": "针对监控类型",