Translated using Weblate (Basque)

Currently translated at 75.7% (545 of 719 strings)

Co-authored-by: Unai Tolosa Pontesta <>
Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma
This commit is contained in:
Unai Tolosa Pontesta 2023-06-10 20:28:17 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 0d21529037
commit 0c364fc288

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
"Heartbeat Retry Interval": "Pultsu errepikatze interbaloak",
"Advanced": "Aurreratua",
"Upside Down Mode": "Alderantzizkako modua",
"Max. Redirects": "Berbideratze max.",
"Max. Redirects": "Birbideratze max.",
"Accepted Status Codes": "Onartutako egoera kodeak",
"Push URL": "Push URLa",
"needPushEvery": "URL hau {0} segunduro deitu beharko zenuke.",
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
"Token": "Tokena",
"Show URI": "Erakutsi URIa",
"Tags": "Etiketak",
"Add New below or Select...": "Gehitu beste bat behean edo hautatu...",
"Add New below or Select...": "Gehitu beste bat behean edo hautatu",
"Tag with this name already exist.": "Izen hau duen etiketa dagoeneko badago.",
"Tag with this value already exist.": "Balio hau duen etiketa dagoeneko badago.",
"color": "kolorea",
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
"Indigo": "Indigo",
"Purple": "Morea",
"Pink": "Arrosa",
"Search...": "Bilatu...",
"Search...": "Bilatu",
"Avg. Ping": "Batazbesteko Pinga",
"Avg. Response": "Batazbesteko erantzuna",
"Entry Page": "Sarrera orria",
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
"wayToGetDiscordURL": "You can get this by going to Server Settings -> Integrations -> Create Webhook",
"Bot Display Name": "Bot Display Name",
"Prefix Custom Message": "Prefix Custom Message",
"Hello @everyone is...": "Hello {'@'}everyone is...",
"Hello @everyone is...": "Kaixo {'@'}edonor da…",
"teams": "Microsoft Teams",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook URL",
"wayToGetTeamsURL": "You can learn how to create a webhook URL {0}.",
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
"Steam API Key": "Steam API Giltza",
"Shrink Database": "Shrink Datubasea",
"Pick a RR-Type...": "Pick a RR-Type...",
"Pick Accepted Status Codes...": "Hautatu onartutako egoera kodeak...",
"Pick Accepted Status Codes...": "Hautatu onartutako egoera kodeak",
"Default": "Lehenetsia",
"HTTP Options": "HTTP Aukerak",
"Create Incident": "Sortu inzidentzia",
@ -527,7 +527,7 @@
"There might be a typing error in the address.": "Idazketa-akats bat egon daiteke helbidean.",
"What you can try:": "Probatu dezakezuna:",
"Retype the address.": "Berridatzi helbidea.",
"Go back to the previous page.": "Itzuli aurreko orrialdera",
"Go back to the previous page.": "Itzuli aurreko orrialdera.",
"Coming Soon": "Laster",
"wayToGetClickSendSMSToken": "API erabiltzailea and API giltza hemendik lortu ditzakezu: {0} .",
"Connection String": "Konexio katea",
@ -537,5 +537,39 @@
"ntfy Topic": "ntfy Topic",
"Domain": "Domeinua",
"Workstation": "Lan gunea",
"disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg": "Ez Auth moduan zaude, pasahitza ez da beharrezkoa."
"disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg": "Ez Auth moduan zaude, pasahitza ez da beharrezkoa.",
"maintenanceStatus-ended": "Bukatuta",
"maintenanceStatus-unknown": "Ezezaguna",
"Enable": "Gaitu",
"Strategy": "Estrategia",
"General Monitor Type": "Monitorizazio mota orokorra",
"Select status pages...": "Hautatu egoera orriak…",
"Server Address": "Zerbitzari helbidea",
"Learn More": "Ikasi gehiago",
"weekdayShortTue": "Ast",
"weekdayShortWed": "Asz",
"Disable": "Desgaitu",
"warningTimezone": "Zerbitzariaren orduzona erabiltzen ari da",
"weekdayShortThu": "Og",
"weekdayShortMon": "Asl",
"Base URL": "Oinarri URLa",
"high": "altua",
"Economy": "Ekonomia",
"Help": "Laguntza",
"Game": "Jokoa",
"statusMaintenance": "Mantenuan",
"Maintenance": "Mantenua",
"Passive Monitor Type": "Monitorizazio mota pasiboa",
"Specific Monitor Type": "Zehaztutako monitorizazio mota",
"markdownSupported": "Markdown sintaxia onartzen du",
"Monitor": "Monitorizazio | Monitorizazioak",
"resendDisabled": "Berbidaltzea desgaituta",
"weekdayShortFri": "Ost",
"weekdayShortSat": "Lar",
"weekdayShortSun": "Iga",
"dayOfWeek": "Asteko eguna",
"dayOfMonth": "Hilabeteko eguna",
"lastDay": "Azken eguna",
"lastDay1": "Hilabeteko azken eguna",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consecutively": "Bidali jakinarazpena X aldiz jarraian erortzen bada"