// Package metrics provides an abstraction around metrics collection
// in order to bundle all metrics related calls in one location
package metrics

import (


const (
	metricSecretsCreated      = "secrets_created"
	metricSecretsRead         = "secrets_read"
	metricSecretsCreateErrors = "secrets_create_errors"
	meticsSecretsReadErrors   = "secrets_read_errors"
	metricsSecretsStored      = "secrets_stored"

	labelReason = "reason"

	namespace = "ots"

type (
	// Collector contains all required methods to collect metrics
	// and to populate them into the Handler
	Collector struct {
		secretsCreated      prometheus.Counter
		secretsRead         prometheus.Counter
		secretsCreateErrors *prometheus.CounterVec
		secretsReadErrors   *prometheus.CounterVec
		secretsStored       prometheus.Gauge

// Handler returns the handler to be registered at /metrics
func Handler() http.Handler { return promhttp.Handler() }

// New creates a new Collector and registers the metrics
func New() *Collector {
	return &Collector{
		secretsCreated: promauto.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Name:      metricSecretsCreated,
			Help:      "number of successfully created secrets",

		secretsRead: promauto.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Name:      metricSecretsRead,
			Help:      "number of fetched (and destroyed) secrets",

		secretsCreateErrors: promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Name:      metricSecretsCreateErrors,
			Help:      "number of errors on secret creation for each reason",
		}, []string{labelReason}),

		secretsReadErrors: promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Name:      meticsSecretsReadErrors,
			Help:      "number of read-errors for each reason",
		}, []string{labelReason}),

		secretsStored: promauto.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Name:      metricsSecretsStored,
			Help:      "number of secrets currently held in the backend store",

// CountSecretCreated signalizes a secret has successfully been created
func (c Collector) CountSecretCreated() { c.secretsCreated.Inc() }

// CountSecretRead signalizes a secret has successfully been read and destroyed
func (c Collector) CountSecretRead() { c.secretsRead.Inc() }

// CountSecretCreateError signalizes an error occurred during secret
// creation. The reason must not be the error.Error() but a simple
// static string describing the error.
func (c Collector) CountSecretCreateError(reason string) {

// CountSecretReadError signalizes an error occurred during secret
// read. The reason must not be the error.Error() but a simple
// static string describing the error.
func (c Collector) CountSecretReadError(reason string) {

// UpdateSecretsCount sets the current amount of secrets stored in the
// backend storage
func (c Collector) UpdateSecretsCount(count int64) {