2023-10-02 21:52:24 +02:00
import base64 from 'base64-js'
2023-04-14 13:06:14 +02:00
const opensslBanner = new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder('utf8').encode('Salted__'))
const pbkdf2Params = { hash: 'SHA-512', iterations: 300000, name: 'PBKDF2' }
2023-10-02 21:52:24 +02:00
* @param {String} cipherText Encrypted data in base64 encoded form
* @param {String} passphrase Encryption passphrase used for key-derivation
* @returns String
function dec(cipherText, passphrase) {
return decrypt(passphrase, cipherText)
* @param {String} plainText Data to encrypt
* @param {String} passphrase Encryption passphrase used for key-derivation
* @returns String
function enc(plainText, passphrase) {
return encrypt(passphrase, generateSalt(), plainText)
* @param {String} passphrase Encryption passphrase used for key-derivation
* @param {String} encData Encrypted data in base64 encoded form
* @returns String
2023-04-14 13:06:14 +02:00
function decrypt(passphrase, encData) {
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const data = base64.toByteArray(encData)
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return deriveKey(passphrase, data.slice(8, 16))
.then(({ iv, key }) => window.crypto.subtle.decrypt({ iv, name: 'AES-CBC' }, key, data.slice(16)))
.then(data => new TextDecoder('utf8').decode(data))
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* @param {String} passphrase
* @param {Uint8Array} salt
* @returns Object
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function deriveKey(passphrase, salt) {
return window.crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', new TextEncoder('utf8').encode(passphrase), 'PBKDF2', false, ['deriveBits'])
.then(passwordKey => window.crypto.subtle.deriveBits({ ...pbkdf2Params, salt }, passwordKey, 384))
.then(key => window.crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', key.slice(0, 32), { name: 'AES-CBC' }, false, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'])
.then(aesKey => ({ iv: key.slice(32, 48), key: aesKey })))
2023-10-02 21:52:24 +02:00
* @param {String} passphrase Encryption passphrase used for key-derivation
* @param {Uint8Array} salt Cryptographically random salt of 8 byte length
* @param {String} plainData Data to encrypt
* @returns String
2023-04-14 13:06:14 +02:00
function encrypt(passphrase, salt, plainData) {
return deriveKey(passphrase, salt)
.then(({ iv, key }) => window.crypto.subtle.encrypt({ iv, name: 'AES-CBC' }, key, new TextEncoder('utf8').encode(plainData)))
.then(encData => new Uint8Array([...opensslBanner, ...salt, ...new Uint8Array(encData)]))
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.then(data => base64.fromByteArray(data))
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2023-10-02 21:52:24 +02:00
* Generates a cryptographically secure random salt
* @returns Uint8Array
2023-04-14 13:06:14 +02:00
function generateSalt() {
const salt = new Uint8Array(8) // Salt MUST consist of 8 byte
return window.crypto.getRandomValues(salt)
2023-10-02 21:52:24 +02:00
export default { dec, enc }