# TODO: The when: platform conditionals aren't working currently # See https://github.com/woodpecker-ci/woodpecker/issues/1677 variables: - &rust_image "rust:1.80" - &rust_nightly_image "rustlang/rust:nightly" - &install_pnpm "corepack enable pnpm" - &install_binstall "wget -O- https://github.com/cargo-bins/cargo-binstall/releases/latest/download/cargo-binstall-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tgz | tar -xvz -C /usr/local/cargo/bin" - install_diesel_cli: &install_diesel_cli - apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client - cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres - export PATH="$CARGO_HOME/bin:$PATH" - &slow_check_paths - event: pull_request path: include: [ # rust source code "crates/**", "src/**", "**/Cargo.toml", "Cargo.lock", # database migrations "migrations/**", # typescript tests "api_tests/**", # config files and scripts used by ci ".woodpecker.yml", ".rustfmt.toml", "scripts/update_config_defaults.sh", "diesel.toml", ".gitmodules", ] steps: prepare_repo: image: alpine:3 commands: - apk add git - git submodule init - git submodule update when: - event: [pull_request, tag] prettier_check: image: tmknom/prettier:3.0.0 commands: - prettier -c . '!**/volumes' '!**/dist' '!target' '!**/translations' '!api_tests/pnpm-lock.yaml' when: - event: pull_request toml_fmt: image: tamasfe/taplo:0.8.1 commands: - taplo format --check when: - event: pull_request sql_fmt: image: backplane/pgformatter commands: - ./scripts/sql_format_check.sh when: - event: pull_request cargo_fmt: image: *rust_nightly_image environment: # store cargo data in repo folder so that it gets cached between steps CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - rustup component add rustfmt - cargo +nightly fmt -- --check when: - event: pull_request cargo_machete: image: *rust_nightly_image commands: - *install_binstall - cargo binstall -y cargo-machete - cargo machete when: - event: pull_request ignored_files: image: alpine:3 commands: - apk add git - IGNORED=$(git ls-files --cached -i --exclude-standard) - if [[ "$IGNORED" ]]; then echo "Ignored files present:\n$IGNORED\n"; exit 1; fi when: - event: pull_request # make sure api builds with default features (used by other crates relying on lemmy api) check_api_common_default_features: image: *rust_image environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - cargo check --package lemmy_api_common when: *slow_check_paths lemmy_api_common_doesnt_depend_on_diesel: image: *rust_image environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - "! cargo tree -p lemmy_api_common --no-default-features -i diesel" when: *slow_check_paths lemmy_api_common_works_with_wasm: image: *rust_image environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - "rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown" - "cargo check --target wasm32-unknown-unknown -p lemmy_api_common" when: *slow_check_paths check_defaults_hjson_updated: image: *rust_image environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - export LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION=./config/config.hjson - ./scripts/update_config_defaults.sh config/defaults_current.hjson - diff config/defaults.hjson config/defaults_current.hjson when: *slow_check_paths check_diesel_schema: image: *rust_image environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432/lemmy commands: - <<: *install_diesel_cli - diesel migration run - diesel print-schema --config-file=diesel.toml > tmp.schema - diff tmp.schema crates/db_schema/src/schema.rs when: *slow_check_paths check_db_perf_tool: image: *rust_image environment: LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432/lemmy RUST_BACKTRACE: "1" CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: # same as scripts/db_perf.sh but without creating a new database server - export LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION=config/config.hjson - cargo run --package lemmy_db_perf -- --posts 10 --read-post-pages 1 when: *slow_check_paths cargo_clippy: image: *rust_image environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - rustup component add clippy - cargo clippy --workspace --tests --all-targets -- -D warnings when: *slow_check_paths cargo_build: image: *rust_image environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - cargo build - mv target/debug/lemmy_server target/lemmy_server when: *slow_check_paths cargo_test: image: *rust_image environment: LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432/lemmy RUST_BACKTRACE: "1" CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home LEMMY_TEST_FAST_FEDERATION: "1" commands: - export LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION=../../config/config.hjson - cargo test --workspace --no-fail-fast when: *slow_check_paths check_diesel_migration: # TODO: use willsquire/diesel-cli image when shared libraries become optional in lemmy_server image: *rust_image environment: LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432/lemmy RUST_BACKTRACE: "1" CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432/lemmy PGUSER: lemmy PGPASSWORD: password PGHOST: database PGDATABASE: lemmy commands: # Install diesel_cli - <<: *install_diesel_cli # Run all migrations - diesel migration run - psql -c "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS r CASCADE;" - pg_dump --no-owner --no-privileges --no-table-access-method --schema-only --no-sync -f before.sqldump # Make sure that the newest migration is revertable without the `r` schema - diesel migration redo # Run schema setup twice, which fails on the 2nd time if `DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS r CASCADE` drops the wrong things - alias lemmy_schema_setup="target/lemmy_server --disable-scheduled-tasks --disable-http-server --disable-activity-sending" - lemmy_schema_setup - lemmy_schema_setup # Make sure that the newest migration is revertable with the `r` schema - diesel migration redo # Check for changes in the schema, which would be caused by an incorrect migration - psql -c "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS r CASCADE;" - pg_dump --no-owner --no-privileges --no-table-access-method --schema-only --no-sync -f after.sqldump - diff before.sqldump after.sqldump when: *slow_check_paths run_federation_tests: image: node:20-bookworm-slim environment: LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432 DO_WRITE_HOSTS_FILE: "1" commands: - *install_pnpm - apt-get update && apt-get install -y bash curl postgresql-client - bash api_tests/prepare-drone-federation-test.sh - cd api_tests/ - pnpm i - pnpm api-test when: *slow_check_paths federation_tests_server_output: image: alpine:3 commands: # `|| true` prevents this step from appearing to fail if the server output files don't exist - cat target/log/lemmy_*.out || true - "# If you can't see all output, then use the download button" when: - event: pull_request status: failure publish_release_docker: image: woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx secrets: [docker_username, docker_password] settings: repo: dessalines/lemmy dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile platforms: linux/amd64, linux/arm64 build_args: - RUST_RELEASE_MODE=release tag: ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} when: - event: tag nightly_build: image: woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx secrets: [docker_username, docker_password] settings: repo: dessalines/lemmy dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64 build_args: - RUST_RELEASE_MODE=release tag: dev when: - event: cron # using https://github.com/pksunkara/cargo-workspaces publish_to_crates_io: image: *rust_image commands: - *install_binstall # Install cargo-workspaces - cargo binstall -y cargo-workspaces - cp -r migrations crates/db_schema/ - cargo workspaces publish --token "$CARGO_API_TOKEN" --from-git --allow-dirty --no-verify --allow-branch "${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" --yes custom "${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" secrets: [cargo_api_token] when: - event: tag notify_on_failure: image: alpine:3 commands: - apk add curl - "curl -d'Lemmy CI build failed: ${CI_PIPELINE_URL}' ntfy.sh/lemmy_drone_ci" when: - event: [pull_request, tag] status: failure notify_on_tag_deploy: image: alpine:3 commands: - apk add curl - "curl -d'lemmy:${CI_COMMIT_TAG} deployed' ntfy.sh/lemmy_drone_ci" when: - event: tag services: database: # 15-alpine image necessary because of diesel tests image: pgautoupgrade/pgautoupgrade:15-alpine environment: POSTGRES_USER: lemmy POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password