#![recursion_limit = "512"] #[macro_use] pub extern crate strum_macros; #[macro_use] pub extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] pub extern crate failure; #[macro_use] pub extern crate diesel; pub extern crate actix; pub extern crate actix_web; pub extern crate bcrypt; pub extern crate chrono; pub extern crate comrak; pub extern crate dotenv; pub extern crate jsonwebtoken; pub extern crate lettre; pub extern crate lettre_email; extern crate log; pub extern crate openssl; pub extern crate rand; pub extern crate regex; pub extern crate rss; pub extern crate serde; pub extern crate serde_json; pub extern crate sha2; pub extern crate strum; pub mod api; pub mod apub; pub mod db; pub mod rate_limit; pub mod routes; pub mod schema; pub mod settings; pub mod version; pub mod websocket; use crate::settings::Settings; use actix_web::dev::ConnectionInfo; use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset, Local, NaiveDateTime, Utc}; use isahc::prelude::*; use lettre::smtp::authentication::{Credentials, Mechanism}; use lettre::smtp::extension::ClientId; use lettre::smtp::ConnectionReuseParameters; use lettre::{ClientSecurity, SmtpClient, Transport}; use lettre_email::Email; use log::error; use percent_encoding::{utf8_percent_encode, NON_ALPHANUMERIC}; use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use regex::{Regex, RegexBuilder}; use serde::Deserialize; pub type ConnectionId = usize; pub type PostId = i32; pub type CommunityId = i32; pub type UserId = i32; pub type IPAddr = String; pub fn to_datetime_utc(ndt: NaiveDateTime) -> DateTime { DateTime::::from_utc(ndt, Utc) } pub fn naive_now() -> NaiveDateTime { chrono::prelude::Utc::now().naive_utc() } pub fn naive_from_unix(time: i64) -> NaiveDateTime { NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(time, 0) } pub fn convert_datetime(datetime: NaiveDateTime) -> DateTime { let now = Local::now(); DateTime::::from_utc(datetime, *now.offset()) } pub fn is_email_regex(test: &str) -> bool { EMAIL_REGEX.is_match(test) } pub fn remove_slurs(test: &str) -> String { SLUR_REGEX.replace_all(test, "*removed*").to_string() } pub fn slur_check(test: &str) -> Result<(), Vec<&str>> { let mut matches: Vec<&str> = SLUR_REGEX.find_iter(test).map(|mat| mat.as_str()).collect(); // Unique matches.sort_unstable(); matches.dedup(); if matches.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { Err(matches) } } pub fn slurs_vec_to_str(slurs: Vec<&str>) -> String { let start = "No slurs - "; let combined = &slurs.join(", "); [start, combined].concat() } pub fn extract_usernames(test: &str) -> Vec<&str> { let mut matches: Vec<&str> = USERNAME_MATCHES_REGEX .find_iter(test) .map(|mat| mat.as_str()) .collect(); // Unique matches.sort_unstable(); matches.dedup(); // Remove /u/ matches.iter().map(|t| &t[3..]).collect() } pub fn generate_random_string() -> String { thread_rng().sample_iter(&Alphanumeric).take(30).collect() } pub fn send_email( subject: &str, to_email: &str, to_username: &str, html: &str, ) -> Result<(), String> { let email_config = Settings::get().email.ok_or("no_email_setup")?; let email = Email::builder() .to((to_email, to_username)) .from(email_config.smtp_from_address.to_owned()) .subject(subject) .html(html) .build() .unwrap(); let mailer = if email_config.use_tls { SmtpClient::new_simple(&email_config.smtp_server).unwrap() } else { SmtpClient::new(&email_config.smtp_server, ClientSecurity::None).unwrap() } .hello_name(ClientId::Domain(Settings::get().hostname)) .smtp_utf8(true) .authentication_mechanism(Mechanism::Plain) .connection_reuse(ConnectionReuseParameters::ReuseUnlimited); let mailer = if let (Some(login), Some(password)) = (&email_config.smtp_login, &email_config.smtp_password) { mailer.credentials(Credentials::new(login.to_owned(), password.to_owned())) } else { mailer }; let mut transport = mailer.transport(); let result = transport.send(email.into()); transport.close(); match result { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(e) => Err(e.to_string()), } } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct IframelyResponse { title: Option, description: Option, thumbnail_url: Option, html: Option, } pub fn fetch_iframely(url: &str) -> Result { let fetch_url = format!("http://iframely/oembed?url={}", url); let text = isahc::get(&fetch_url)?.text()?; let res: IframelyResponse = serde_json::from_str(&text)?; Ok(res) } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct PictshareResponse { status: String, url: String, } pub fn fetch_pictshare(image_url: &str) -> Result { let fetch_url = format!( "http://pictshare/api/geturl.php?url={}", utf8_percent_encode(image_url, NON_ALPHANUMERIC) ); let text = isahc::get(&fetch_url)?.text()?; let res: PictshareResponse = serde_json::from_str(&text)?; Ok(res) } fn fetch_iframely_and_pictshare_data( url: Option, ) -> ( Option, Option, Option, Option, ) { // Fetch iframely data let (iframely_title, iframely_description, iframely_thumbnail_url, iframely_html) = match url { Some(url) => match fetch_iframely(&url) { Ok(res) => (res.title, res.description, res.thumbnail_url, res.html), Err(e) => { error!("iframely err: {}", e); (None, None, None, None) } }, None => (None, None, None, None), }; // Fetch pictshare thumbnail let pictshare_thumbnail = match iframely_thumbnail_url { Some(iframely_thumbnail_url) => match fetch_pictshare(&iframely_thumbnail_url) { Ok(res) => Some(res.url), Err(e) => { error!("pictshare err: {}", e); None } }, None => None, }; ( iframely_title, iframely_description, iframely_html, pictshare_thumbnail, ) } pub fn markdown_to_html(text: &str) -> String { comrak::markdown_to_html(text, &comrak::ComrakOptions::default()) } pub fn get_ip(conn_info: &ConnectionInfo) -> String { conn_info .remote() .unwrap_or("") .split(':') .next() .unwrap_or("") .to_string() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::{extract_usernames, is_email_regex, remove_slurs, slur_check, slurs_vec_to_str}; #[test] fn test_email() { assert!(is_email_regex("gush@gmail.com")); assert!(!is_email_regex("nada_neutho")); } #[test] fn test_slur_filter() { let test = "coons test dindu ladyboy tranny retardeds. Capitalized Niggerz. This is a bunch of other safe text."; let slur_free = "No slurs here"; assert_eq!( remove_slurs(&test), "*removed* test *removed* *removed* *removed* *removed*. Capitalized *removed*. This is a bunch of other safe text." .to_string() ); let has_slurs_vec = vec![ "Niggerz", "coons", "dindu", "ladyboy", "retardeds", "tranny", ]; let has_slurs_err_str = "No slurs - Niggerz, coons, dindu, ladyboy, retardeds, tranny"; assert_eq!(slur_check(test), Err(has_slurs_vec)); assert_eq!(slur_check(slur_free), Ok(())); if let Err(slur_vec) = slur_check(test) { assert_eq!(&slurs_vec_to_str(slur_vec), has_slurs_err_str); } } #[test] fn test_extract_usernames() { let usernames = extract_usernames("this is a user mention for [/u/testme](/u/testme) and thats all. Oh [/u/another](/u/another) user. And the first again [/u/testme](/u/testme) okay"); let expected = vec!["another", "testme"]; assert_eq!(usernames, expected); } // These helped with testing // #[test] // fn test_iframely() { // let res = fetch_iframely("https://www.redspark.nu/?p=15341"); // assert!(res.is_ok()); // } // #[test] // fn test_pictshare() { // let res = fetch_pictshare("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/27/The_Mandalorian_logo.jpg"); // assert!(res.is_ok()); // let res_other = fetch_pictshare("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/27/The_Mandalorian_logo.jpgaoeu"); // assert!(res_other.is_err()); // } // #[test] // fn test_send_email() { // let result = send_email("not a subject", "test_email@gmail.com", "ur user", "

HI there

"); // assert!(result.is_ok()); // } } lazy_static! { static ref EMAIL_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&’*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$").unwrap(); static ref SLUR_REGEX: Regex = RegexBuilder::new(r"(fag(g|got|tard)?|maricos?|cock\s?sucker(s|ing)?|nig(\b|g?(a|er)?(s|z)?)\b|dindu(s?)|mudslime?s?|kikes?|mongoloids?|towel\s*heads?|\bspi(c|k)s?\b|\bchinks?|niglets?|beaners?|\bnips?\b|\bcoons?\b|jungle\s*bunn(y|ies?)|jigg?aboo?s?|\bpakis?\b|rag\s*heads?|gooks?|cunts?|bitch(es|ing|y)?|puss(y|ies?)|twats?|feminazis?|whor(es?|ing)|\bslut(s|t?y)?|\btrann?(y|ies?)|ladyboy(s?)|\b(b|re|r)tard(ed)?s?)").case_insensitive(true).build().unwrap(); static ref USERNAME_MATCHES_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"/u/[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*").unwrap(); }