Switching from heart to zap symbol for points.

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Dessalines 2020-03-04 14:13:08 -05:00
parent 7c274fdd35
commit f601d6cd03
2 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ export class CommentNode extends Component<CommentNodeProps, CommentNodeState> {
<li className="list-inline-item">
<span className={this.scoreColor}>
<svg class="small icon icon-inline mr-1">
<use xlinkHref="#icon-heart"></use>
<use xlinkHref="#icon-zap"></use>

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@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ export class Symbols extends Component<any, any> {
<symbol id="icon-zap" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M11.585 5.26l-0.577 4.616c0.033 0.716 0.465 1.124 0.992 1.124h6.865l-6.45 7.74 0.577-4.616c-0.033-0.716-0.465-1.124-0.992-1.124h-6.865zM12.232 1.36l-10 12c-0.354 0.424-0.296 1.055 0.128 1.408 0.187 0.157 0.415 0.233 0.64 0.232h7.867l-0.859 6.876c-0.069 0.548 0.32 1.048 0.868 1.116 0.349 0.044 0.678-0.098 0.892-0.352l10-12c0.354-0.424 0.296-1.055-0.128-1.408-0.187-0.157-0.415-0.233-0.64-0.232h-7.867l0.859-6.876c0.069-0.548-0.32-1.048-0.868-1.116-0.349-0.044-0.678 0.098-0.892 0.352z"></path>
<symbol id="icon-heart" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M20.133 5.317c0.88 0.881 1.319 2.031 1.319 3.184s-0.44 2.303-1.319 3.182l-8.133 8.133-8.133-8.133c-0.879-0.879-1.318-2.029-1.318-3.183s0.439-2.304 1.318-3.183 2.029-1.318 3.183-1.318 2.304 0.439 3.183 1.318l1.060 1.060c0.391 0.391 1.024 0.391 1.414 0l1.062-1.062c0.879-0.879 2.029-1.318 3.182-1.317s2.303 0.44 3.182 1.319zM21.547 3.903c-1.269-1.269-2.934-1.904-4.596-1.905s-3.327 0.634-4.597 1.903l-0.354 0.355-0.353-0.353c-1.269-1.269-2.935-1.904-4.597-1.904s-3.328 0.635-4.597 1.904-1.904 2.935-1.904 4.597 0.635 3.328 1.904 4.597l8.84 8.84c0.391 0.391 1.024 0.391 1.414 0l8.84-8.84c1.269-1.269 1.904-2.934 1.905-4.596s-0.634-3.327-1.905-4.598z"></path>