Intro We’ll be using yml/yaml format for all examples down below, I recommend using yml over toml as it is easier to read. You can find any YML to TOML converters if necessary. Override theme template By Hugo’s Lookup Order, you can override any part of a theme that you want. The following is a quick example. Let’s say you wish the list was different. All you have to do is copy the list template: your-site/themes/papermod/layouts/_defaults/list.html And paste it under your own layouts folder: your-site/layouts/_defaults/list.html Then you’re free to make any changes you want to the list. When Hugo builds your site, your copy of list.html will be used instead of the theme’s list.html. Enable Social-Metadata and SEO These include OpenGraph, Twitter Cards and Schema. params: env: production or set HUGO_ENV as “production” in system env-vars Failed to find a valid digest in the ‘integrity’ attribute for resource … ? Read about How Subresource Integrity helps: Subresource_Integrity Why was the asset not loading ? : How_browsers_handle_Subresource_Integrity Solution: Set the following in config.yml params: assets: disableFingerprinting: true Linked Issues: Archive Page . ├── config.yml ├── content/ │ ├── and add the following to it --- title: "Archive" layout: "archives" url: "/archives/" summary: archives --- Bundling Custom css with theme’s assets For adding custom css to be bundled inside one minimized css Create folder in yout project directory as .(site root) ├── config.yml ├── content/ ├── theme/hugo-PaperMod/ └── assets/ └── css/ └── extended/ All css files inside assets/css/extended will be bundled ! Note: blank.css is just the placeholder so that it doesn’t break the theme when no files are present under assets/css/extended Linked Issues: Papermod Theme: How to add custom CSS? Custom Head / Footer Custom css/js can be added by way mentioned below. .(site root) ├── config.yml ├── content/ ├── theme/hugo-PaperMod/ └── layouts ├── partials │ ├── comments.html │ ├── extend_footer.html Create a html page in directory structure as shown above. Contents of extend_head.html will be added to head of page. and contents of extend_footer.html will be added to bottom of page. Add menu to site You can add menu entries which will appear in the header of every page. To do so, add a menu section to your site’s config.yml: menu: main: - identifier: categories name: categories url: /categories/ weight: 10 - identifier: tags name: tags url: /tags/ weight: 20 - identifier: example name: url: weight: 30 name controls what will be displayed for the menu entry. url sets the URL that the entry points to. weight is used to control the positioning of entries. For more information on menus, see the Hugo wiki page. Pin a Post Post can be pinned/ displayed top on the list by adding a weight= var to page-variables example: --- title: "My Important post" date: 2020-09-15T11:30:03+00:00 weight: 1 --- --- title: "My 2nd Important post" date: 2020-09-15T11:30:03+00:00 weight: 2 --- Adding Custom Favicon(s) We support the following paths under /static directory and can be added accordingly. favicon.ico favicon-16x16.png favicon-32x32.png apple-touch-icon.png safari-pinned-tab.svg Favicon(s) can be generated by and can be simply put in /static folder. Other way is to add favicon(s) NOT located in /static folder. In site config add the following: params: assets: favicon: "" favicon16x16: "" favicon32x32: "" apple_touch_icon: "" safari_pinned_tab: "" absolute url means direct links to external resource: ex. example: params: assets: favicon: "/favicon.ico" favicon16x16: "/favicon-16x16.png" favicon32x32: "/favicon-32x32.png" apple_touch_icon: "/apple-touch-icon.png" safari_pinned_tab: "/safari-pinned-tab.svg" Centering image in markdown Add #center after image to center align an image  Using Hugo’s Syntax highlighter “chroma” Disable Highlight.js in site config.yml params: assets: disableHLJS: true Set hugo’s markdown styling in site config.yml markup: highlight: # anchorLineNos: true codeFences: true guessSyntax: true lineNos: true # noClasses: false style: monokai If you want lineNos: true, the background won’t be proper. This will only work with noClasses: false or pygmentsUseClasses: true. Read Generate Syntax Highlighter CSS Add the following to assets/css/extended/custom.css .chroma { background-color: unset; } More Info : Configure Markup - Highlight References Override a Hugo theme
Assets (js/css) The following is enabled by default minification - makes the assets size smallest as possible. bundling - bundles all the styles in one single asset fingerprint/intergity check. Default Theme light/dark/auto params: # defaultTheme: light # defaultTheme: dark defaultTheme: auto # to switch between dark or light according to browser theme Theme Switch Toggle (enabled by default) Shows icon besides title of page to change theme To disable it : disableThemeToggle: true You can refer following table for better understanding… defaultTheme disableThemeToggle checks local storage? checks system theme? Info auto true No Yes only system theme false Yes (if not-2) Yes (2) switch present dark true No No force dark only false Yes No switch present light true No No force light only false Yes No switch present Archives Layout Create a page with in content directory with following content --- title: "Archive" # in any language you want layout: "archives" # is necessary url: "/archive" summary: "archive" --- Note: Archives Layout does not support Multilingual Month Translations. ex: Regular Mode (default-mode) Home-Info Mode Use 1st entry as some Information add following to config file params: homeInfoParams: Title: Hi there wave Content: Can be Info, links, about... socialIcons: # optional - name: "" url: "" - name: "" url: "" ex. config.yml#L106 Profile Mode Shows Index/Home page as Full Page with Social Links and Image add following to config file params: profileMode: enabled: true title: "" # optional default will be site title imageUrl: "" # optional imageTitle: "" # optional imageWidth: 120 # custom size imageHeight: 120 # custom size buttons: - name: Archive url: "/archive" - name: Github url: "" socialIcons: # optional - name: "" url: "" - name: "" url: "" Search Add the following to site config, config.yml outputs: home: - HTML - RSS - JSON # is necessary Create a page with in content directory with following content --- title: "Search" # in any language you want layout: "search" # is necessary # url: "/archive" summary: "search" --- For Multilingual use ex. Note: Search will work only on current language, user is currently on ! Customizing Fusejs Options Refer for Options, Add those as shown below. params: fuseOpts: isCaseSensitive: false shouldSort: true location: 0 distance: 1000 threshold: 0.4 minMatchCharLength: 0 keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"] ex: Draft Page indication adds [draft] mark to indicate draft pages. Post Cover Image In post’s page-variables add : cover: image: "" # can also paste direct link from external site # ex. alt: "" caption: "" relative: false # To use relative path for cover image, used in hugo Page-bundles When you include images in the Page Bundle, multiple sizes of the image will automatically be provided using the HTML5 srcset field. To reduce generation time and size of the site, you can disable this feature using params: cover: responsiveImages: false To enable hyperlinks to the full image size on post pages, use params: cover: linkFullImages: true Share Buttons on post Displays Share Buttons at Bottom of each post to show share buttons add params: ShowShareButtons: true Show post reading time Displays Reading Time (the estimated time, in minutes, it takes to read the content.) To show reading time add Params: ShowReadingTime: true Show Table of Contents (Toc) on blog post Displays ToC on blog-pages To show ToC add following to page-variables ShowToc: true To keep Toc Open by default on a post add following to page-variables: TocOpen: true Multiple Authors To Use multiple authors for a post, in post-variables: --- author: ["Me", "You"] --- To use Multiple Authors Site-wide, in config.yml: params: author: ["Me", "You"] Comments to add comments, create a html file layouts/partials/comments.html and paste code provided by your comments provider also in config add this params: comments: true read more about this hugo-comments AccessKeys c - ToC Open/Close g - Go To Top h - Home (according to current lang) t - Theme toggle / - Jumps to search page if in menu What’s AccessKeys ? Enhanced SEO Enabled only when env: production Rich Results/Snippets Support Twitter Cards Support Open-Graph support Multilingual Support Misc Scroll-Bar themed (by default) Smooth Scroll between in-page links (by default) Scroll-to-Top Button (by default) Displays a Scroll-to-Top button in right-bottom corner Google Analytics integration Syntax highlighting RSS feeds
Intro We’ll be using yml/yaml format for all examples down below, I recommend using yml over toml as it is easier to read. You can find any YML to TOML converters if necessary. Assets (js/css) The following is enabled by default minification - makes the assets size smallest as possible. bundling - bundles all the styles in one single asset fingerprint/intergity check. Default Theme light/dark/auto params: # defaultTheme: light # defaultTheme: dark defaultTheme: auto # to switch between dark or light according to browser theme Theme Switch Toggle (enabled by default) Shows icon besides title of page to change theme To disable it : disableThemeToggle: true You can refer following table for better understanding… defaultTheme disableThemeToggle checks local storage? checks system theme? Info auto true No Yes only system theme false Yes (if not-2) Yes (2) switch present dark true No No force dark only false Yes No switch present light true No No force light only false Yes No switch present Archives Layout Create a page with in content directory with following content . ├── config.yml ├── content/ │ ├── and add the following to it --- title: "Archive" layout: "archives" url: "/archives/" summary: archives --- Note: Archives Layout does not support Multilingual Month Translations. ex: Regular Mode (default-mode) Home-Info Mode Use 1st entry as some Information add following to config file params: homeInfoParams: Title: Hi there wave Content: Can be Info, links, about... socialIcons: # optional - name: "" url: "" - name: "" url: "" ex. config.yml#L106 Profile Mode Shows Index/Home page as Full Page with Social Links and Image add following to config file params: profileMode: enabled: true title: "" # optional default will be site title imageUrl: "" # optional imageTitle: "" # optional imageWidth: 120 # custom size imageHeight: 120 # custom size buttons: - name: Archive url: "/archive" - name: Github url: "" socialIcons: # optional - name: "" url: "" - name: "" url: "" Search PaperMod uses Fuse.js Basic for seach functionality Add the following to site config, config.yml outputs: home: - HTML - RSS - JSON # is necessary Create a page with in content directory with following content --- title: "Search" # in any language you want layout: "search" # is necessary # url: "/archive" # description: "Description for Search" summary: "search" --- To hide a particular page from being searched, add it in post’s fron’t matter --- searchHidden: true ex: For Multilingual use ex. Note: Search will work only on current language, user is currently on ! Customizing Fusejs Options Refer for Options, Add those as shown below. params: fuseOpts: isCaseSensitive: false shouldSort: true location: 0 distance: 1000 threshold: 0.4 minMatchCharLength: 0 keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"] Draft Page indication adds [draft] mark to indicate draft pages. Post Cover Image In post’s page-variables add : cover: image: "" # can also paste direct link from external site # ex. alt: "" caption: "" relative: false # To use relative path for cover image, used in hugo Page-bundles When you include images in the Page Bundle, multiple sizes of the image will automatically be provided using the HTML5 srcset field. To reduce generation time and size of the site, you can disable this feature using params: cover: responsiveImages: false To enable hyperlinks to the full image size on post pages, use params: cover: linkFullImages: true Share Buttons on post Displays Share Buttons at Bottom of each post to show share buttons add params: ShowShareButtons: true Show post reading time Displays Reading Time (the estimated time, in minutes, it takes to read the content.) To show reading time add Params: ShowReadingTime: true Show Table of Contents (Toc) on blog post Displays ToC on blog-pages To show ToC add following to page-variables ShowToc: true To keep Toc Open by default on a post add following to page-variables: TocOpen: true BreadCrumb Navigation Adds BreadCrumb Navigation above Post’s Title to show subsections and Navigation to Home params: ShowBreadCrumbs: true Can be diabled for particular page’s front-matter --- ShowBreadCrumbs: false --- Other Posts suggestion below a post Adds a Previous / Next post suggestion under a single post params: ShowPostNavLinks: true Multiple Authors To Use multiple authors for a post, in post-variables: --- author: ["Me", "You"] --- To use Multiple Authors Site-wide, in config.yml: params: author: ["Me", "You"] Comments to add comments, create a html file layouts/partials/comments.html and paste code provided by your comments provider also in config add this params: comments: true read more about this hugo-comments AccessKeys c - ToC Open/Close g - Go To Top h - Home (according to current lang) t - Theme toggle / - Jumps to search page if in menu What’s AccessKeys ? Enhanced SEO Enabled only when env: production Rich Results/Snippets Support Twitter Cards Support Open-Graph support Multilingual Support Misc Scroll-Bar themed (by default) Smooth Scroll between in-page links (by default) Scroll-to-Top Button (by default) Displays a Scroll-to-Top button in right-bottom corner Google Analytics integration Syntax highlighting RSS feeds
Social Icons No. name platform link 1 123rf 2 adobestock 3 behance 4 buymeacoffee 5 codepen 6 cryptohack 7 dev 8 discogs 9 discord 10 dreamstime 11 dribbble 12 email - 13 facebook 14 freepik 15 github 16 gitlab 17 hackerrank 18 hackthebox 19 instagram 20 kakaotalk 21 keybase 22 kofi 23 lastfm 24 linkedin 25 mastodon 26 medium 27 mixcloud 28 nuget 29 paypal 30 qq 31 reddit 32 rss - 33 soundcloud 34 shutterstock 35 slack 36 snapchat 37 sourcerer 38 stackoverflow 39 steam 40 telegram 41 twitch 42 twitter 43 youtube 44 other - Usage : socialIcons: # optional - name: "" url: "" - name: "" url: "" Share Icons No. Platform 1 twitter 2 linkedin 3 reddit 4 facebook 5 whatsapp 6 telegram Usage: params: ShowShareButtons: true You can see Below how share Icons Look.
Social Icons No. Name Platform Link 1 123rf 2 adobestock 3 behance 4 buymeacoffee 5 codepen 6 cryptohack 7 dev 8 discogs 9 discord 10 dreamstime 11 dribbble 12 email - 13 facebook 14 freepik 15 github 16 gitlab 17 hackerrank 18 hackthebox 19 instagram 20 kakaotalk 21 keybase 22 kofi 23 lastfm 24 linkedin 25 mastodon 26 medium 27 mixcloud 28 nuget 29 paypal 30 qq 31 reddit 32 rss - 33 soundcloud 34 shutterstock 35 slack 36 snapchat 37 sourcerer 38 stackoverflow 39 steam 40 telegram 41 twitch 42 twitter 43 youtube 44 other - Usage : socialIcons: # optional - name: "" url: "" - name: "" url: "" Share Icons No. Platform 1 twitter 2 linkedin 3 reddit 4 facebook 5 whatsapp 6 telegram Usage: params: ShowShareButtons: true
Guide Follow Quick Start guide to setup hugo and create a new site. Make sure you install latest version of hugo(=0.74.0). After you have created a new site, at Step 3 follow the steps: Method 1 Inside the folder of your Hugo site, run: git clone themes/PaperMod --depth=1 Note: You may use --branch v3.0 to end of above command if you want to stick to specific release. Updating theme : cd themes/PaperMod git pull Method 2 you can use as submodule with git submodule add themes/PaperMod --depth=1 git submodule update --init --recursive Note: You may use --branch v3.0 to end of above command if you want to stick to specific release. Updating theme : git submodule update --remote --merge Method 3 Or you can Download as Zip from Github Page and extract in your themes directory Finally … Add in config.yml: theme: "PaperMod" Quick Links Papermod - Features Papermod - FAQs Papermod - Variables Papermod - Icons ChangeLog Sample config.yml Example Site Structure is present here: exampleSite Use appropriately baseURL: "" title: ExampleSite paginate: 5 theme: PaperMod enableRobotsTXT: true buildDrafts: false buildFuture: false buildExpired: false googleAnalytics: UA-123-45 minify: disableXML: true minifyOutput: true params: env: production # to enable google analytics, opengraph, twitter-cards and schema. title: ExampleSite description: "ExampleSite description" author: Me # author: ["Me", "You"] # multiple authors images: [""] defaultTheme: auto # dark, light disableThemeToggle: false ShowReadingTime: true ShowShareButtons: true disableSpecial1stPost: false comments: false hidemeta: false showtoc: false tocopen: false assets: # disableHLJS: true # to disable highlight.js # disableFingerprinting: true favicon: "" favicon16x16: "" favicon32x32: "" apple_touch_icon: "" safari_pinned_tab: "" label: text: "Home" icon: /apple-touch-icon.png iconHeight: 35 # profile-mode profileMode: enabled: false # needs to be explicitly set title: ExampleSite imageUrl: "" imageWidth: 120 imageHeight: 120 imageTitle: my image buttons: - name: Posts url: posts - name: Tags url: tags # home-info mode homeInfoParams: Title: "Hi there \U0001F44B" Content: Welcome to my blog socialIcons: - name: twitter url: "" - name: stackoverflow url: "" - name: github url: "" analytics: google: SiteVerificationTag: "XYZabc" cover: hidden: true # hide everywhere but not in structured data hiddenInList: true # hide on list pages and home hiddenInSingle: true # hide on single page # for search # fuseOpts: isCaseSensitive: false shouldSort: true location: 0 distance: 1000 threshold: 0.4 minMatchCharLength: 0 keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"] menu: main: - identifier: categories name: categories url: /categories/ weight: 10 - identifier: tags name: tags url: /tags/ weight: 20 - identifier: example name: url: weight: 30 # Read: # markup: # highlight: # # anchorLineNos: true # codeFences: true # guessSyntax: true # lineNos: true # # noClasses: false # style: monokai Sample --- title: "My 1st post" date: 2020-09-15T11:30:03+00:00 # weight: 1 # aliases: ["/first"] tags: ["first"] author: "Me" # author: ["Me", "You"] # multiple authors showToc: true TocOpen: false draft: false hidemeta: false comments: false description: "Desc Text." disableHLJS: true # to disable highlightjs disableShare: false disableHLJS: false cover: image: "" # image path/url alt: "" # alt text caption: "" # display caption under cover relative: false # when using page bundles set this to true hidden: true # only hide on current single page ---
Guide Follow Quick Start guide to setup hugo and create a new site. Make sure you install latest version of hugo(=0.74.0). After you have created a new site, at Step 3 follow the steps: Method 1 Inside the folder of your Hugo site, run: git clone themes/PaperMod --depth=1 Note: You may use --branch v3.0 to end of above command if you want to stick to specific release. Updating theme : cd themes/PaperMod git pull Method 2 you can use as submodule with git submodule add themes/PaperMod --depth=1 git submodule update --init --recursive Note: You may use --branch v4.0 to end of above command if you want to stick to specific release. Updating theme : git submodule update --remote --merge Method 3 Or you can Download as Zip from Github Page and extract in your themes directory Direct Links: Master Branch (Latest) v4.0 v3.0 v2.0 v1.0 Finally … Add in config.yml: theme: "PaperMod" Quick Links Papermod - Features Papermod - FAQs Papermod - Variables Papermod - Icons ChangeLog Sample config.yml Example Site Structure is present here: exampleSite Use appropriately baseURL: "" title: ExampleSite paginate: 5 theme: PaperMod enableRobotsTXT: true buildDrafts: false buildFuture: false buildExpired: false googleAnalytics: UA-123-45 minify: disableXML: true minifyOutput: true params: env: production # to enable google analytics, opengraph, twitter-cards and schema. title: ExampleSite description: "ExampleSite description" author: Me # author: ["Me", "You"] # multiple authors images: [""] defaultTheme: auto # dark, light disableThemeToggle: false ShowReadingTime: true ShowShareButtons: true disableSpecial1stPost: false comments: false hidemeta: false showtoc: false tocopen: false assets: # disableHLJS: true # to disable highlight.js # disableFingerprinting: true favicon: "" favicon16x16: "" favicon32x32: "" apple_touch_icon: "" safari_pinned_tab: "" label: text: "Home" icon: /apple-touch-icon.png iconHeight: 35 # profile-mode profileMode: enabled: false # needs to be explicitly set title: ExampleSite imageUrl: "" imageWidth: 120 imageHeight: 120 imageTitle: my image buttons: - name: Posts url: posts - name: Tags url: tags # home-info mode homeInfoParams: Title: "Hi there \U0001F44B" Content: Welcome to my blog socialIcons: - name: twitter url: "" - name: stackoverflow url: "" - name: github url: "" analytics: google: SiteVerificationTag: "XYZabc" cover: hidden: true # hide everywhere but not in structured data hiddenInList: true # hide on list pages and home hiddenInSingle: true # hide on single page # for search # fuseOpts: isCaseSensitive: false shouldSort: true location: 0 distance: 1000 threshold: 0.4 minMatchCharLength: 0 keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"] menu: main: - identifier: categories name: categories url: /categories/ weight: 10 - identifier: tags name: tags url: /tags/ weight: 20 - identifier: example name: url: weight: 30 # Read: # pygmentsUseClasses: true # markup: # highlight: # # anchorLineNos: true # codeFences: true # guessSyntax: true # lineNos: true # style: monokai Sample --- title: "My 1st post" date: 2020-09-15T11:30:03+00:00 # weight: 1 # aliases: ["/first"] tags: ["first"] author: "Me" # author: ["Me", "You"] # multiple authors showToc: true TocOpen: false draft: false hidemeta: false comments: false description: "Desc Text." disableHLJS: true # to disable highlightjs disableShare: false disableHLJS: false searchHidden: true cover: image: "" # image path/url alt: "" # alt text caption: "" # display caption under cover relative: false # when using page bundles set this to true hidden: true # only hide on current single page --- You can use it by creating archetypes/ hugo new --kind post
Below are variables used with this theme… Site Variables under Params name type example Description env string ‘production’ To set env to production title string ‘My Blog’ To set title description string ‘This is a blog of mine’ To set site description author string |list ‘Me’ | [‘Me’,‘You’] To show multiple Authors images string ‘myimage.png’ Link or path of image for opengraph, twitter-cards ShowReadingTime boolean true | false To show read time in post meta ShowShareButtons boolean true | false To show/hide share buttons under post defaultTheme string light | dark | auto To set default theme disableThemeToggle boolean true | false To disable theme toggle icon shown besides label disableSpecial1stPost boolean true | false To disable no-card special appearance of 1st post hidemeta boolean true | false To Hide meta elements : date, read-time, author and available-translations for page showtoc boolean true | false To show/hide Table of Contents tocopen boolean true | false To keep open ToC by default on page load comments boolean true | false To show/hide comments fuseOpts socialIcons string “XYZabc” label.text string ‘Home’ To display different label text other than title label.icon string ‘/apple-touch-icon.png’ To display a logo image in label label.iconHeight integer 35 To set size of label logo image assets.favicon string ‘icon.ico’ To set favicon, can be path or external link assets.disableHLJS assets.disableFingerprinting cover.linkFullImages boolean true | false To open full size cover images on click on cover cover.responsiveImages boolean true | false To enable/disable generation of responsive cover images cover.hidden cover.hiddenInList cover.hiddenInSingle profileMode.enabled profileMode.title profileMode.imageUrl profileMode.imageWidth profileMode.imageHeight profileMode.imageTitle profileMode.buttons Page Variables Name Type Example Description showtoc boolean true | false To show/hide Table of Contents tocopen boolean true | false To keep open ToC by default on page load hidemeta boolean true | false To Hide meta elements : date, read-time, author and available-translations for page comments boolean true | false To show/hide comments description string ‘description text’ Show Post Description under Title disableShare boolean true | false To hide/show share icons under a page disableHLJS author string |list ‘Me’ | [‘Me’,‘You’] To show multiple Authors cover.image string ‘featured.jpg’ To add a cover image cover.caption string ‘caption for image’ To add caption to cover image cover.alt string ‘this is cover image’ Alternate text to show if image doesn’t load/show up cover.relative boolean true | false To use relative path for cover image, used in hugo Page-bundles cover.hidden weight integer 5 To set page order or to pin a post to Top of list
Below are variables used with this theme… Site Variables under Params name type example Description env string ‘production’ To set env to production title string ‘My Blog’ To set title description string ‘This is a blog of mine’ To set site description author string |list ‘Me’ | [‘Me’,‘You’] To show multiple Authors images string ‘myimage.png’ Link or path of image for opengraph, twitter-cards ShowReadingTime boolean true | false To show read time in post meta ShowShareButtons boolean true | false To show/hide share buttons under post defaultTheme string light | dark | auto To set default theme disableThemeToggle boolean true | false To disable theme toggle icon shown besides label disableSpecial1stPost boolean true | false To disable no-card special appearance of 1st post hidemeta boolean true | false To Hide meta elements : date, read-time, author and available-translations for page showtoc boolean true | false To show/hide Table of Contents tocopen boolean true | false To keep open ToC by default on page load ShowPostNavLinks boolean true | false Show Previous and Next Posts below a Post ShowBreadCrumbs boolean true | false Show BreadCrumb Navigation above single post/page comments boolean true | false To show/hide comments string “XYZabc” Site Verification Tag for Google Analytics string “XYZabc” Site Verification Tag for Bing string “XYZabc” Site Verification Tag for Yandex fuseOpts - - Details socialIcons - - Details label - - Details assets - - Details cover - - Details profileMode - - Details label name type example Description label.text string ‘Home’ To display different label text other than title label.icon string ‘/apple-touch-icon.png’ To display a logo image in label label.iconHeight integer 35 To set size of label logo image profileMode name type example Description profileMode.enabled boolean true | false profileMode.title string “Title” profileMode.imageUrl string “image.png” | “" profileMode.imageWidth string "” profileMode.imageHeight string "" profileMode.imageTitle string “This image is a picture of ..” profileMode.buttons - - assets name type example Description assets.favicon string ‘icon.ico’ To set favicon, can be path or external link assets.disableHLJS boolean assets.disableFingerprinting boolean cover name type example Description cover.linkFullImages boolean true | false To open full size cover images on click on cover cover.responsiveImages boolean true | false To enable/disable generation of responsive cover images cover.hidden boolean true | fals cover.hiddenInList boolean true | fals cover.hiddenInSingle boolean true | fals fuseOpts fuseOpts: isCaseSensitive: false shouldSort: true location: 0 distance: 1000 threshold: 0.4 minMatchCharLength: 0 keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"] ## can be less but not more than shown in list socialIcons socialIcons: - name: "" url: "" - name: "" url: "" profileMode: buttons: - name: Archive url: "/archive" - name: Github url: "" Page Variables Name Type Example Description showtoc boolean true | false To show/hide Table of Contents tocopen boolean true | false To keep open ToC by default on page load hidemeta boolean true | false To Hide meta elements : date, read-time, author and available-translations for page comments boolean true | false To show/hide comments description string ‘description text’ Show Post Description under Title disableShare boolean true | false To hide/show share icons under a page disableHLJS boolean true | false searchHidden boolean true | false ShowBreadCrumbs boolean true | false Show BreadCrumb Navigation above single post/page author string |list ‘Me’ | [‘Me’,‘You’] To show multiple Authors cover.image string ‘featured.jpg’ To add a cover image cover.caption string ‘caption for image’ To add caption to cover image cover.alt string ‘this is cover image’ Alternate text to show if image doesn’t load/show up cover.relative boolean true | false To use relative path for cover image, used in hugo Page-bundles cover.hidden boolean true | false weight integer 5 To set page order or to pin a post to Top of list