#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash # shellcheck shell=bash # make folders mkdir -p \ /config/crontabs ## root # if crontabs do not exist in config if [[ ! -f /config/crontabs/root ]]; then # copy crontab from system if crontab -l -u root; then crontab -l -u root >/config/crontabs/root fi # if crontabs still do not exist in config (were not copied from system) # copy crontab from included defaults (using -n, do not overwrite an existing file) cp -n /etc/crontabs/root /config/crontabs/ 2> >(grep -v 'cp: not replacing') fi # set permissions and import user crontabs lsiown root:root /config/crontabs/root crontab -u root /config/crontabs/root ## abc # if crontabs do not exist in config if [[ ! -f /config/crontabs/abc ]]; then # copy crontab from system if crontab -l -u abc; then crontab -l -u abc >/config/crontabs/abc fi # if crontabs still do not exist in config (were not copied from system) # copy crontab from included defaults (using -n, do not overwrite an existing file) cp -n /etc/crontabs/abc /config/crontabs/ 2> >(grep -v 'cp: not replacing') fi # set permissions and import user crontabs lsiown abc:abc /config/crontabs/abc crontab -u abc /config/crontabs/abc