mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 13:45:49 -05:00
Merge branch 'master' into dynu
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,18 +11,23 @@ jobs:
- name: External Trigger
- name: External Trigger
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
run: |
run: |
if [ -n "${{ secrets.PAUSE_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_SWAG_MASTER }}" ]; then
printf "# External trigger for docker-swag\n\n" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "**** Github secret PAUSE_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_SWAG_MASTER is set; skipping trigger. ****"
if grep -q "^swag_master" <<< "${SKIP_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER}"; then
echo "Github secret \`PAUSE_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_SWAG_MASTER\` is set; skipping trigger." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "> Github organizational variable \`SKIP_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER\` contains \`swag_master\`; skipping trigger." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
exit 0
exit 0
echo "**** External trigger running off of master branch. To disable this trigger, set a Github secret named \"PAUSE_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_SWAG_MASTER\". ****"
echo "External trigger running off of master branch. To disable this trigger, set a Github secret named \`PAUSE_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_SWAG_MASTER\`" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "> External trigger running off of master branch. To disable this trigger, add \`swag_master\` into the Github organizational variable \`SKIP_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER\`." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "**** Retrieving external version ****"
printf "\n## Retrieving external version\n\n" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
EXT_RELEASE=$(curl -sL "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/certbot/json" |jq -r '. | .info.version')
EXT_RELEASE=$(curl -sL "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/certbot/json" |jq -r '. | .info.version')
echo "Type is \`pip_version\`" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
if [ -z "${EXT_RELEASE}" ] || [ "${EXT_RELEASE}" == "null" ]; then
if [ -z "${EXT_RELEASE}" ] || [ "${EXT_RELEASE}" == "null" ]; then
echo "**** Can't retrieve external version, exiting ****"
echo "> Can't retrieve external version, exiting" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
FAILURE_REASON="Can't retrieve external version for swag branch master"
FAILURE_REASON="Can't retrieve external version for swag branch master"
GHA_TRIGGER_URL="https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}"
GHA_TRIGGER_URL="https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 16711680,
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 16711680,
@ -31,9 +36,8 @@ jobs:
exit 1
exit 1
EXT_RELEASE=$(echo ${EXT_RELEASE} | sed 's/[~,%@+;:/]//g')
EXT_RELEASE=$(echo ${EXT_RELEASE} | sed 's/[~,%@+;:/]//g')
echo "**** External version: ${EXT_RELEASE} ****"
echo "External version: \`${EXT_RELEASE}\`" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "External version: ${EXT_RELEASE}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "Retrieving last pushed version" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "**** Retrieving last pushed version ****"
token=$(curl -sX GET \
token=$(curl -sX GET \
@ -60,45 +64,54 @@ jobs:
IMAGE_RELEASE=$(echo ${image_info} | jq -r '.Labels.build_version' | awk '{print $3}')
IMAGE_RELEASE=$(echo ${image_info} | jq -r '.Labels.build_version' | awk '{print $3}')
IMAGE_VERSION=$(echo ${IMAGE_RELEASE} | awk -F'-ls' '{print $1}')
IMAGE_VERSION=$(echo ${IMAGE_RELEASE} | awk -F'-ls' '{print $1}')
if [ -z "${IMAGE_VERSION}" ]; then
if [ -z "${IMAGE_VERSION}" ]; then
echo "**** Can't retrieve last pushed version, exiting ****"
echo "Can't retrieve last pushed version, exiting" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
FAILURE_REASON="Can't retrieve last pushed version for swag tag latest"
FAILURE_REASON="Can't retrieve last pushed version for swag tag latest"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 16711680,
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 16711680,
"description": "**Trigger Failed** \n**Reason:** '"${FAILURE_REASON}"' \n"}],
"description": "**Trigger Failed** \n**Reason:** '"${FAILURE_REASON}"' \n"}],
"username": "Github Actions"}' ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}
"username": "Github Actions"}' ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}
exit 1
exit 1
echo "**** Last pushed version: ${IMAGE_VERSION} ****"
echo "Last pushed version: \`${IMAGE_VERSION}\`" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "Last pushed version: ${IMAGE_VERSION}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
if [ "${EXT_RELEASE}" == "${IMAGE_VERSION}" ]; then
if [ "${EXT_RELEASE}" == "${IMAGE_VERSION}" ]; then
echo "**** Version ${EXT_RELEASE} already pushed, exiting ****"
echo "Version \`${EXT_RELEASE}\` already pushed, exiting" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "Version ${EXT_RELEASE} already pushed, exiting" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
exit 0
exit 0
elif [ $(curl -s https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-swag/job/master/lastBuild/api/json | jq -r '.building') == "true" ]; then
elif [ $(curl -s https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-swag/job/master/lastBuild/api/json | jq -r '.building') == "true" ]; then
echo "**** New version ${EXT_RELEASE} found; but there already seems to be an active build on Jenkins; exiting ****"
echo "New version \`${EXT_RELEASE}\` found; but there already seems to be an active build on Jenkins; exiting" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "New version ${EXT_RELEASE} found; but there already seems to be an active build on Jenkins; exiting" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
exit 0
exit 0
echo "**** New version ${EXT_RELEASE} found; old version was ${IMAGE_VERSION}. Triggering new build ****"
if [[ "${artifacts_found}" == "false" ]]; then
echo "New version ${EXT_RELEASE} found; old version was ${IMAGE_VERSION}. Triggering new build" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
response=$(curl -iX POST \
echo "> New version detected, but not all artifacts are published yet; skipping trigger" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-swag/job/master/buildWithParameters?PACKAGE_CHECK=false \
FAILURE_REASON="New version ${EXT_RELEASE} for swag tag latest is detected, however not all artifacts are uploaded to upstream release yet. Will try again later."
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} | grep -i location | sed "s|^[L|l]ocation: \(.*\)|\1|")
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 9802903,
echo "**** Jenkins job queue url: ${response%$'\r'} ****"
"description": "**Trigger Failed** \n**Reason:** '"${FAILURE_REASON}"' \n"}],
echo "**** Sleeping 10 seconds until job starts ****"
"username": "Github Actions"}' ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}
sleep 10
buildurl=$(curl -s "${response%$'\r'}api/json" | jq -r '.executable.url')
printf "\n## Trigger new build\n\n" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "New version \`${EXT_RELEASE}\` found; old version was \`${IMAGE_VERSION}\`. Triggering new build" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "**** Jenkins job build url: ${buildurl} ****"
if "${artifacts_found}" == "true" ]]; then
echo "Jenkins job build url: ${buildurl}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "All artifacts seem to be uploaded." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "**** Attempting to change the Jenkins job description ****"
curl -iX POST \
response=$(curl -iX POST \
"${buildurl}submitDescription" \
https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-swag/job/master/buildWithParameters?PACKAGE_CHECK=false \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} | grep -i location | sed "s|^[L|l]ocation: \(.*\)|\1|")
--data-urlencode "description=GHA external trigger https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}" \
echo "Jenkins [job queue url](${response%$'\r'})" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
--data-urlencode "Submit=Submit"
echo "Sleeping 10 seconds until job starts" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "**** Notifying Discord ****"
sleep 10
TRIGGER_REASON="A version change was detected for swag tag latest. Old version:${IMAGE_VERSION} New version:${EXT_RELEASE}"
buildurl=$(curl -s "${response%$'\r'}api/json" | jq -r '.executable.url')
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 9802903,
"description": "**Build Triggered** \n**Reason:** '"${TRIGGER_REASON}"' \n**Build URL:** '"${buildurl}display/redirect"' \n"}],
echo "Jenkins job [build url](${buildurl})" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
"username": "Github Actions"}' ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}
echo "Attempting to change the Jenkins job description" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
curl -iX POST \
"${buildurl}submitDescription" \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} \
--data-urlencode "description=GHA external trigger https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}" \
--data-urlencode "Submit=Submit"
echo "**** Notifying Discord ****"
TRIGGER_REASON="A version change was detected for swag tag latest. Old version:${IMAGE_VERSION} New version:${EXT_RELEASE}"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 9802903,
"description": "**Build Triggered** \n**Reason:** '"${TRIGGER_REASON}"' \n**Build URL:** '"${buildurl}display/redirect"' \n"}],
"username": "Github Actions"}' ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}
@ -15,31 +15,31 @@ jobs:
- name: External Trigger Scheduler
- name: External Trigger Scheduler
run: |
run: |
echo "**** Branches found: ****"
printf "# External trigger scheduler for docker-swag\n\n" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes
printf "Found the branches:\n\n%s\n" "$(git for-each-ref --format='- %(refname:lstrip=3)' refs/remotes)" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
for br in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes)
for br in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:lstrip=3)' refs/remotes)
br=$(echo "$br" | sed 's|origin/||g')
if [[ "${br}" == "HEAD" ]]; then
echo "**** Evaluating branch ${br} ****"
printf "\nSkipping %s.\n" ${br} >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
printf "\n## Evaluating \`%s\`\n\n" ${br} >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
ls_jenkins_vars=$(curl -sX GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/${br}/jenkins-vars.yml)
ls_jenkins_vars=$(curl -sX GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/${br}/jenkins-vars.yml)
ls_branch=$(echo "${ls_jenkins_vars}" | yq -r '.ls_branch')
ls_branch=$(echo "${ls_jenkins_vars}" | yq -r '.ls_branch')
ls_trigger=$(echo "${ls_jenkins_vars}" | yq -r '.external_type')
ls_trigger=$(echo "${ls_jenkins_vars}" | yq -r '.external_type')
if [[ "${br}" == "${ls_branch}" ]] && [[ "${ls_trigger}" != "os" ]]; then
if [[ "${br}" == "${ls_branch}" ]] && [[ "${ls_trigger}" != "os" ]]; then
echo "**** Branch ${br} appears to be live and trigger is not os; checking workflow. ****"
echo "Branch appears to be live and trigger is not os; checking workflow." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
if curl -sfX GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/${br}/.github/workflows/external_trigger.yml > /dev/null 2>&1; then
if curl -sfX GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/${br}/.github/workflows/external_trigger.yml > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "**** Workflow exists. Triggering external trigger workflow for branch ${br} ****."
echo "Triggering external trigger workflow for branch." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "Triggering external trigger workflow for branch ${br}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
curl -iX POST \
curl -iX POST \
-H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.CR_PAT }}" \
-H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.CR_PAT }}" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-d "{\"ref\":\"refs/heads/${br}\"}" \
-d "{\"ref\":\"refs/heads/${br}\"}" \
echo "**** Workflow doesn't exist; skipping trigger. ****"
echo "Skipping branch due to no external trigger workflow present." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "Skipping branch ${br} due to no external trigger workflow present." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "**** ${br} is either a dev branch, or has no external version; skipping trigger. ****"
echo "Skipping branch due to being detected as dev branch or having no external version." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "Skipping branch ${br} due to being detected as dev branch or having no external version." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
name: Package Trigger Main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.1
- name: Package Trigger
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
run: |
if [ -n "${{ secrets.PAUSE_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_SWAG_MASTER }}" ]; then
echo "**** Github secret PAUSE_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_SWAG_MASTER is set; skipping trigger. ****"
echo "Github secret \`PAUSE_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_SWAG_MASTER\` is set; skipping trigger." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
exit 0
if [ $(curl -s https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-swag/job/master/lastBuild/api/json | jq -r '.building') == "true" ]; then
echo "**** There already seems to be an active build on Jenkins; skipping package trigger ****"
echo "There already seems to be an active build on Jenkins; skipping package trigger" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
exit 0
echo "**** Package trigger running off of master branch. To disable, set a Github secret named \"PAUSE_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_SWAG_MASTER\". ****"
echo "Package trigger running off of master branch. To disable, set a Github secret named \`PAUSE_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_SWAG_MASTER\`" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
response=$(curl -iX POST \
https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-swag/job/master/buildWithParameters?PACKAGE_CHECK=true \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} | grep -i location | sed "s|^[L|l]ocation: \(.*\)|\1|")
echo "**** Jenkins job queue url: ${response%$'\r'} ****"
echo "**** Sleeping 10 seconds until job starts ****"
sleep 10
buildurl=$(curl -s "${response%$'\r'}api/json" | jq -r '.executable.url')
echo "**** Jenkins job build url: ${buildurl} ****"
echo "Jenkins job build url: ${buildurl}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "**** Attempting to change the Jenkins job description ****"
curl -iX POST \
"${buildurl}submitDescription" \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} \
--data-urlencode "description=GHA package trigger https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}" \
--data-urlencode "Submit=Submit"
@ -14,37 +14,69 @@ jobs:
fetch-depth: '0'
fetch-depth: '0'
- name: Package Trigger Scheduler
- name: Package Trigger Scheduler
run: |
run: |
echo "**** Branches found: ****"
printf "# Package trigger scheduler for docker-swag\n\n" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes
printf "Found the branches:\n\n%s\n" "$(git for-each-ref --format='- %(refname:lstrip=3)' refs/remotes)" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
for br in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes)
for br in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:lstrip=3)' refs/remotes)
br=$(echo "$br" | sed 's|origin/||g')
if [[ "${br}" == "HEAD" ]]; then
echo "**** Evaluating branch ${br} ****"
printf "\nSkipping %s.\n" ${br} >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
ls_branch=$(curl -sX GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/${br}/jenkins-vars.yml | yq -r '.ls_branch')
if [ "${br}" == "${ls_branch}" ]; then
echo "**** Branch ${br} appears to be live; checking workflow. ****"
printf "\n## Evaluating \`%s\`\n\n" ${br} >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
if curl -sfX GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/${br}/.github/workflows/package_trigger.yml > /dev/null 2>&1; then
JENKINS_VARS=$(curl -sX GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/${br}/jenkins-vars.yml)
echo "**** Workflow exists. Triggering package trigger workflow for branch ${br}. ****"
if [[ "${br}" == $(yq -r '.ls_branch' <<< "${JENKINS_VARS}") ]]; then
echo "Triggering package trigger workflow for branch ${br}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "Branch appears to be live; checking workflow." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
triggered_branches="${triggered_branches}${br} "
if [[ $(yq -r '.skip_package_check' <<< "${JENKINS_VARS}") == "true" ]]; then
curl -iX POST \
-H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.CR_PAT }}" \
echo "> Skipping branch ${br} due to \`skip_package_check\` being set in \`jenkins-vars.yml\`." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
skipped_branches="${skipped_branches}${br} "
-d "{\"ref\":\"refs/heads/${br}\"}" \
elif grep -q "^swag_${br}" <<< "${SKIP_PACKAGE_TRIGGER}"; then
sleep 30
echo "> Github organizational variable \`SKIP_PACKAGE_TRIGGER\` contains \`swag_${br}\`; skipping trigger." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
skipped_branches="${skipped_branches}${br} "
elif [ $(curl -s https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-swag/job/${br}/lastBuild/api/json | jq -r '.building') == "true" ]; then
echo "> There already seems to be an active build on Jenkins; skipping package trigger for ${br}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
skipped_branches="${skipped_branches}${br} "
echo "**** Workflow doesn't exist; skipping trigger. ****"
echo "Skipping branch ${br} due to no package trigger workflow present." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "> Triggering package trigger for branch ${br}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
printf "> To disable, add \`swag_%s\` into the Github organizational variable \`SKIP_PACKAGE_TRIGGER\`.\n\n" "${br}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
triggered_branches="${triggered_branches}${br} "
response=$(curl -iX POST \
https://ci.linuxserver.io/job/Docker-Pipeline-Builders/job/docker-swag/job/${br}/buildWithParameters?PACKAGE_CHECK=true \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} | grep -i location | sed "s|^[L|l]ocation: \(.*\)|\1|")
echo "Jenkins [job queue url](${response%$'\r'})" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "Sleeping 10 seconds until job starts" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
sleep 10
buildurl=$(curl -s "${response%$'\r'}api/json" | jq -r '.executable.url')
echo "Jenkins job [build url](${buildurl})" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "Attempting to change the Jenkins job description" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
curl -iX POST \
"${buildurl}submitDescription" \
--user ${{ secrets.JENKINS_USER }}:${{ secrets.JENKINS_TOKEN }} \
--data-urlencode "description=GHA package trigger https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}" \
--data-urlencode "Submit=Submit"
sleep 20
echo "**** ${br} appears to be a dev branch; skipping trigger. ****"
echo "Skipping branch ${br} due to being detected as dev branch." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "Skipping branch ${br} due to being detected as dev branch." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "**** Package check build(s) triggered for branch(es): ${triggered_branches} ****"
if [[ -n "${triggered_branches}" ]] || [[ -n "${skipped_branches}" ]]; then
echo "**** Notifying Discord ****"
if [[ -n "${triggered_branches}" ]]; then
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 9802903,
NOTIFY_BRANCHES="**Triggered:** ${triggered_branches} \n"
"description": "**Package Check Build(s) Triggered for swag** \n**Branch(es):** '"${triggered_branches}"' \n**Build URL:** '"https://ci.linuxserver.io/blue/organizations/jenkins/Docker-Pipeline-Builders%2Fdocker-swag/activity/"' \n"}],
"username": "Github Actions"}' ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}
if [[ -n "${skipped_branches}" ]]; then
NOTIFY_BRANCHES="${NOTIFY_BRANCHES}**Skipped:** ${skipped_branches} \n"
echo "**** Package check build(s) triggered for branch(es): ${triggered_branches} ****"
echo "**** Notifying Discord ****"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/354986384542662657/df91181b3f1cf0ef1592fbe18e0962d7.png","embeds": [{"color": 9802903,
"description": "**Package Check Build(s) Triggered for swag** \n'"${NOTIFY_BRANCHES}"'**Build URL:** '"https://ci.linuxserver.io/blue/organizations/jenkins/Docker-Pipeline-Builders%2Fdocker-swag/activity/"' \n"}],
"username": "Github Actions"}' ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ on:
- '**/run'
- '**/run'
- '**/finish'
- '**/finish'
- '**/check'
- '**/check'
- 'root/migrations/*'
uses: linuxserver/github-workflows/.github/workflows/init-svc-executable-permissions.yml@v1
uses: linuxserver/github-workflows/.github/workflows/init-svc-executable-permissions.yml@v1
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine-nginx:3.19
FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine-nginx:3.20
# set version label
# set version label
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ RUN \
apk add --no-cache \
apk add --no-cache \
fail2ban \
fail2ban \
gnupg \
gnupg \
iptables-legacy \
memcached \
memcached \
nginx-mod-http-brotli \
nginx-mod-http-brotli \
nginx-mod-http-dav-ext \
nginx-mod-http-dav-ext \
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ RUN \
php83-pdo_sqlite \
php83-pdo_sqlite \
php83-pear \
php83-pear \
php83-pecl-apcu \
php83-pecl-apcu \
php83-pecl-mcrypt \
php83-pecl-memcached \
php83-pecl-memcached \
php83-pecl-redis \
php83-pecl-redis \
php83-pgsql \
php83-pgsql \
@ -76,8 +78,6 @@ RUN \
php83-xmlreader \
php83-xmlreader \
php83-xsl \
php83-xsl \
whois && \
whois && \
apk add --no-cache --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community \
php83-pecl-mcrypt && \
echo "**** install certbot plugins ****" && \
echo "**** install certbot plugins ****" && \
if [ -z ${CERTBOT_VERSION+x} ]; then \
if [ -z ${CERTBOT_VERSION+x} ]; then \
CERTBOT_VERSION=$(curl -sL https://pypi.python.org/pypi/certbot/json |jq -r '. | .info.version'); \
CERTBOT_VERSION=$(curl -sL https://pypi.python.org/pypi/certbot/json |jq -r '. | .info.version'); \
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ RUN \
pip install -U --no-cache-dir \
pip install -U --no-cache-dir \
pip \
pip \
wheel && \
wheel && \
pip install -U --no-cache-dir --find-links https://wheel-index.linuxserver.io/alpine-3.19/ \
pip install -U --no-cache-dir --find-links https://wheel-index.linuxserver.io/alpine-3.20/ \
certbot==${CERTBOT_VERSION} \
certbot==${CERTBOT_VERSION} \
certbot-dns-acmedns \
certbot-dns-acmedns \
certbot-dns-aliyun \
certbot-dns-aliyun \
@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ RUN \
certbot-dns-glesys \
certbot-dns-glesys \
certbot-dns-godaddy \
certbot-dns-godaddy \
certbot-dns-google \
certbot-dns-google \
certbot-dns-google-domains \
certbot-dns-he \
certbot-dns-he \
certbot-dns-hetzner \
certbot-dns-hetzner \
certbot-dns-infomaniak \
certbot-dns-infomaniak \
@ -170,6 +169,7 @@ RUN \
tar xf \
tar xf \
/tmp/proxy-confs.tar.gz -C \
/tmp/proxy-confs.tar.gz -C \
/defaults/nginx/proxy-confs --strip-components=1 --exclude=linux*/.editorconfig --exclude=linux*/.gitattributes --exclude=linux*/.github --exclude=linux*/.gitignore --exclude=linux*/LICENSE && \
/defaults/nginx/proxy-confs --strip-components=1 --exclude=linux*/.editorconfig --exclude=linux*/.gitattributes --exclude=linux*/.github --exclude=linux*/.gitignore --exclude=linux*/LICENSE && \
printf "Linuxserver.io version: ${VERSION}\nBuild-date: ${BUILD_DATE}" > /build_version && \
echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
apk del --purge \
apk del --purge \
build-dependencies && \
build-dependencies && \
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine-nginx:arm64v8-3.19
FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine-nginx:arm64v8-3.20
# set version label
# set version label
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ RUN \
apk add --no-cache \
apk add --no-cache \
fail2ban \
fail2ban \
gnupg \
gnupg \
iptables-legacy \
memcached \
memcached \
nginx-mod-http-brotli \
nginx-mod-http-brotli \
nginx-mod-http-dav-ext \
nginx-mod-http-dav-ext \
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ RUN \
php83-pdo_sqlite \
php83-pdo_sqlite \
php83-pear \
php83-pear \
php83-pecl-apcu \
php83-pecl-apcu \
php83-pecl-mcrypt \
php83-pecl-memcached \
php83-pecl-memcached \
php83-pecl-redis \
php83-pecl-redis \
php83-pgsql \
php83-pgsql \
@ -76,8 +78,6 @@ RUN \
php83-xmlreader \
php83-xmlreader \
php83-xsl \
php83-xsl \
whois && \
whois && \
apk add --no-cache --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community \
php83-pecl-mcrypt && \
echo "**** install certbot plugins ****" && \
echo "**** install certbot plugins ****" && \
if [ -z ${CERTBOT_VERSION+x} ]; then \
if [ -z ${CERTBOT_VERSION+x} ]; then \
CERTBOT_VERSION=$(curl -sL https://pypi.python.org/pypi/certbot/json |jq -r '. | .info.version'); \
CERTBOT_VERSION=$(curl -sL https://pypi.python.org/pypi/certbot/json |jq -r '. | .info.version'); \
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ RUN \
pip install -U --no-cache-dir \
pip install -U --no-cache-dir \
pip \
pip \
wheel && \
wheel && \
pip install -U --no-cache-dir --find-links https://wheel-index.linuxserver.io/alpine-3.19/ \
pip install -U --no-cache-dir --find-links https://wheel-index.linuxserver.io/alpine-3.20/ \
certbot==${CERTBOT_VERSION} \
certbot==${CERTBOT_VERSION} \
certbot-dns-acmedns \
certbot-dns-acmedns \
certbot-dns-aliyun \
certbot-dns-aliyun \
@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ RUN \
certbot-dns-glesys \
certbot-dns-glesys \
certbot-dns-godaddy \
certbot-dns-godaddy \
certbot-dns-google \
certbot-dns-google \
certbot-dns-google-domains \
certbot-dns-he \
certbot-dns-he \
certbot-dns-hetzner \
certbot-dns-hetzner \
certbot-dns-infomaniak \
certbot-dns-infomaniak \
@ -170,6 +169,7 @@ RUN \
tar xf \
tar xf \
/tmp/proxy-confs.tar.gz -C \
/tmp/proxy-confs.tar.gz -C \
/defaults/nginx/proxy-confs --strip-components=1 --exclude=linux*/.editorconfig --exclude=linux*/.gitattributes --exclude=linux*/.github --exclude=linux*/.gitignore --exclude=linux*/LICENSE && \
/defaults/nginx/proxy-confs --strip-components=1 --exclude=linux*/.editorconfig --exclude=linux*/.gitattributes --exclude=linux*/.github --exclude=linux*/.gitignore --exclude=linux*/LICENSE && \
printf "Linuxserver.io version: ${VERSION}\nBuild-date: ${BUILD_DATE}" > /build_version && \
echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
apk del --purge \
apk del --purge \
build-dependencies && \
build-dependencies && \
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ pipeline {
EXT_PIP = 'certbot'
EXT_PIP = 'certbot'
LS_USER = 'linuxserver'
LS_USER = 'linuxserver'
@ -37,9 +39,23 @@ pipeline {
stages {
stages {
stage("Set git config"){
sh '''#!/bin/bash
cat ${GIT_SIGNING_KEY} > /config/.ssh/id_sign
chmod 600 /config/.ssh/id_sign
ssh-keygen -y -f /config/.ssh/id_sign > /config/.ssh/id_sign.pub
echo "Using $(ssh-keygen -lf /config/.ssh/id_sign) to sign commits"
git config --global gpg.format ssh
git config --global user.signingkey /config/.ssh/id_sign
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
// Setup all the basic environment variables needed for the build
// Setup all the basic environment variables needed for the build
stage("Set ENV Variables base"){
stage("Set ENV Variables base"){
echo "Running on node: ${NODE_NAME}"
sh '''#! /bin/bash
sh '''#! /bin/bash
containers=$(docker ps -aq)
containers=$(docker ps -aq)
if [[ -n "${containers}" ]]; then
if [[ -n "${containers}" ]]; then
@ -66,7 +82,7 @@ pipeline {
env.CODE_URL = 'https://github.com/' + env.LS_USER + '/' + env.LS_REPO + '/commit/' + env.GIT_COMMIT
env.CODE_URL = 'https://github.com/' + env.LS_USER + '/' + env.LS_REPO + '/commit/' + env.GIT_COMMIT
env.DOCKERHUB_LINK = 'https://hub.docker.com/r/' + env.DOCKERHUB_IMAGE + '/tags/'
env.DOCKERHUB_LINK = 'https://hub.docker.com/r/' + env.DOCKERHUB_IMAGE + '/tags/'
env.TEMPLATED_FILES = 'Jenkinsfile README.md LICENSE .editorconfig ./.github/CONTRIBUTING.md ./.github/FUNDING.yml ./.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml ./.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.bug.yml ./.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.feature.yml ./.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md ./.github/workflows/external_trigger_scheduler.yml ./.github/workflows/greetings.yml ./.github/workflows/package_trigger_scheduler.yml ./.github/workflows/call_issue_pr_tracker.yml ./.github/workflows/call_issues_cron.yml ./.github/workflows/permissions.yml ./.github/workflows/external_trigger.yml ./.github/workflows/package_trigger.yml ./root/donate.txt'
env.TEMPLATED_FILES = 'Jenkinsfile README.md LICENSE .editorconfig ./.github/CONTRIBUTING.md ./.github/FUNDING.yml ./.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml ./.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.bug.yml ./.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.feature.yml ./.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md ./.github/workflows/external_trigger_scheduler.yml ./.github/workflows/greetings.yml ./.github/workflows/package_trigger_scheduler.yml ./.github/workflows/call_issue_pr_tracker.yml ./.github/workflows/call_issues_cron.yml ./.github/workflows/permissions.yml ./.github/workflows/external_trigger.yml ./root/donate.txt'
sh '''#! /bin/bash
sh '''#! /bin/bash
echo "The default github branch detected as ${GH_DEFAULT_BRANCH}" '''
echo "The default github branch detected as ${GH_DEFAULT_BRANCH}" '''
@ -245,7 +261,7 @@ pipeline {
-v ${WORKSPACE}:/mnt \
-v ${WORKSPACE}:/mnt \
-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\"${S3_KEY}\" \
-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\"${S3_KEY}\" \
ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine:3.19 s6-envdir -fn -- /var/run/s6/container_environment /bin/bash -c "\
ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine:3.20 s6-envdir -fn -- /var/run/s6/container_environment /bin/bash -c "\
apk add --no-cache python3 && \
apk add --no-cache python3 && \
python3 -m venv /lsiopy && \
python3 -m venv /lsiopy && \
pip install --no-cache-dir -U pip && \
pip install --no-cache-dir -U pip && \
@ -295,7 +311,7 @@ pipeline {
echo "Jenkinsfile is up to date."
echo "Jenkinsfile is up to date."
echo "Starting Stage 2 - Delete old templates"
echo "Starting Stage 2 - Delete old templates"
OLD_TEMPLATES=".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.bug.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.feature.md .github/workflows/call_invalid_helper.yml .github/workflows/stale.yml Dockerfile.armhf"
OLD_TEMPLATES=".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.bug.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.feature.md .github/workflows/call_invalid_helper.yml .github/workflows/stale.yml .github/workflows/package_trigger.yml"
for i in ${OLD_TEMPLATES}; do
for i in ${OLD_TEMPLATES}; do
if [[ -f "${i}" ]]; then
if [[ -f "${i}" ]]; then
@ -352,7 +368,7 @@ pipeline {
echo "Starting Stage 4 - External repo updates: Docs, Unraid Template and Readme Sync to Docker Hub"
echo "Starting Stage 4 - External repo updates: Docs, Unraid Template and Readme Sync to Docker Hub"
mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/docs
mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/docs
git clone https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-documentation.git ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-documentation.git ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation
if [[ "${BRANCH_NAME}" == "${GH_DEFAULT_BRANCH}" ]] && [[ (! -f ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation/docs/images/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md) || ("$(md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation/docs/images/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md | awk '{ print $1 }')" != "$(md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md | awk '{ print $1 }')") ]]; then
if [[ "${BRANCH_NAME}" == "${GH_DEFAULT_BRANCH}" ]] && [[ (! -f ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation/docs/images/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md) || ("$(md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation/docs/images/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md | awk '{ print $1 }')" != "$(md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md | awk '{ print $1 }')") ]]; then
cp ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation/docs/images/
cp ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation/docs/images/
cd ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation
cd ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation
@ -370,8 +386,8 @@ pipeline {
echo "Docs update not needed, skipping"
echo "Docs update not needed, skipping"
mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/unraid
mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/unraid
git clone https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-templates.git ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/docker-templates
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-templates.git ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/docker-templates
git clone https://github.com/linuxserver/templates.git ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/linuxserver/templates.git ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates
if [[ -f ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/docker-templates/linuxserver.io/img/${CONTAINER_NAME}-logo.png ]]; then
if [[ -f ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/docker-templates/linuxserver.io/img/${CONTAINER_NAME}-logo.png ]]; then
sed -i "s|master/linuxserver.io/img/linuxserver-ls-logo.png|master/linuxserver.io/img/${CONTAINER_NAME}-logo.png|" ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml
sed -i "s|master/linuxserver.io/img/linuxserver-ls-logo.png|master/linuxserver.io/img/${CONTAINER_NAME}-logo.png|" ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml
elif [[ -f ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/docker-templates/linuxserver.io/img/${CONTAINER_NAME}-icon.png ]]; then
elif [[ -f ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/docker-templates/linuxserver.io/img/${CONTAINER_NAME}-icon.png ]]; then
@ -381,9 +397,9 @@ pipeline {
echo "Updating Unraid template"
echo "Updating Unraid template"
cd ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/
cd ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/
GH_TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(git remote show origin | grep "HEAD branch:" | sed 's|.*HEAD branch: ||')
GH_TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(git remote show origin | grep "HEAD branch:" | sed 's|.*HEAD branch: ||')
if grep -wq "${CONTAINER_NAME}" ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/ignore.list && [[ -f ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/deprecated/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml ]]; then
if grep -wq "^${CONTAINER_NAME}$" ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/ignore.list && [[ -f ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/deprecated/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml ]]; then
echo "Image is on the ignore list, and already in the deprecation folder."
echo "Image is on the ignore list, and already in the deprecation folder."
elif grep -wq "${CONTAINER_NAME}" ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/ignore.list; then
elif grep -wq "^${CONTAINER_NAME}$" ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/ignore.list; then
echo "Image is on the ignore list, marking Unraid template as deprecated"
echo "Image is on the ignore list, marking Unraid template as deprecated"
cp ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/
cp ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/
git add -u unraid/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml
git add -u unraid/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml
@ -476,10 +492,10 @@ pipeline {
/* #######################
/* #######################
GitLab Mirroring
GitLab Mirroring and Quay.io Repo Visibility
####################### */
####################### */
// Ping into Gitlab to mirror this repo and have a registry endpoint
// Ping into Gitlab to mirror this repo and have a registry endpoint & mark this repo on Quay.io as public
stage("GitLab Mirror"){
stage("GitLab Mirror and Quay.io Visibility"){
when {
when {
environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: ''
environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: ''
@ -495,6 +511,8 @@ pipeline {
"visibility":"public"}' '''
"visibility":"public"}' '''
sh '''curl -H "Private-Token: ${GITLAB_TOKEN}" -X PUT "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/Linuxserver.io%2F${LS_REPO}" \
sh '''curl -H "Private-Token: ${GITLAB_TOKEN}" -X PUT "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/Linuxserver.io%2F${LS_REPO}" \
-d "mirror=true&import_url=https://github.com/linuxserver/${LS_REPO}.git" '''
-d "mirror=true&import_url=https://github.com/linuxserver/${LS_REPO}.git" '''
sh '''curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${QUAYIO_API_TOKEN}" -X POST "https://quay.io/api/v1/repository${QUAYIMAGE/quay.io/}/changevisibility" \
-d '{"visibility":"public"}' ||: '''
/* ###############
/* ###############
@ -525,6 +543,7 @@ pipeline {
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.title=Swag\" \
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.title=Swag\" \
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.description=SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL). It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention.\" \
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.description=SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL). It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention.\" \
--no-cache --pull -t ${IMAGE}:${META_TAG} --platform=linux/amd64 \
--no-cache --pull -t ${IMAGE}:${META_TAG} --platform=linux/amd64 \
--provenance=false --sbom=false \
--build-arg ${BUILD_VERSION_ARG}=${EXT_RELEASE} --build-arg VERSION=\"${VERSION_TAG}\" --build-arg BUILD_DATE=${GITHUB_DATE} ."
--build-arg ${BUILD_VERSION_ARG}=${EXT_RELEASE} --build-arg VERSION=\"${VERSION_TAG}\" --build-arg BUILD_DATE=${GITHUB_DATE} ."
@ -556,6 +575,7 @@ pipeline {
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.title=Swag\" \
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.title=Swag\" \
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.description=SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL). It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention.\" \
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.description=SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL). It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention.\" \
--no-cache --pull -t ${IMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} --platform=linux/amd64 \
--no-cache --pull -t ${IMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} --platform=linux/amd64 \
--provenance=false --sbom=false \
--build-arg ${BUILD_VERSION_ARG}=${EXT_RELEASE} --build-arg VERSION=\"${VERSION_TAG}\" --build-arg BUILD_DATE=${GITHUB_DATE} ."
--build-arg ${BUILD_VERSION_ARG}=${EXT_RELEASE} --build-arg VERSION=\"${VERSION_TAG}\" --build-arg BUILD_DATE=${GITHUB_DATE} ."
@ -584,9 +604,10 @@ pipeline {
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.title=Swag\" \
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.title=Swag\" \
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.description=SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL). It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention.\" \
--label \"org.opencontainers.image.description=SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL). It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention.\" \
--no-cache --pull -f Dockerfile.aarch64 -t ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} --platform=linux/arm64 \
--no-cache --pull -f Dockerfile.aarch64 -t ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} --platform=linux/arm64 \
--provenance=false --sbom=false \
--build-arg ${BUILD_VERSION_ARG}=${EXT_RELEASE} --build-arg VERSION=\"${VERSION_TAG}\" --build-arg BUILD_DATE=${GITHUB_DATE} ."
--build-arg ${BUILD_VERSION_ARG}=${EXT_RELEASE} --build-arg VERSION=\"${VERSION_TAG}\" --build-arg BUILD_DATE=${GITHUB_DATE} ."
sh "docker tag ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER}"
sh "docker tag ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER}"
retry(5) {
retry_backoff(5,5) {
sh "docker push ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER}"
sh "docker push ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER}"
sh '''#! /bin/bash
sh '''#! /bin/bash
@ -698,18 +719,27 @@ pipeline {
sh '''#! /bin/bash
sh '''#! /bin/bash
set -e
set -e
if grep -q 'docker-baseimage' <<< "${LS_REPO}"; then
echo "Detected baseimage, setting LSIO_FIRST_PARTY=true"
if [ -n "${CI_DOCKERENV}" ]; then
docker pull ghcr.io/linuxserver/ci:latest
docker pull ghcr.io/linuxserver/ci:latest
if [ "${MULTIARCH}" == "true" ]; then
if [ "${MULTIARCH}" == "true" ]; then
docker pull ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER}
docker pull ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} --platform=arm64
docker tag ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG}
docker tag ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG}
docker run --rm \
docker run --rm \
--shm-size=1gb \
--shm-size=1gb \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-e IMAGE=\"${IMAGE}\" \
-e IMAGE=\"${IMAGE}\" \
-e TAGS=\"${CI_TAGS}\" \
-e TAGS=\"${CI_TAGS}\" \
-e META_TAG=\"${META_TAG}\" \
-e META_TAG=\"${META_TAG}\" \
-e RELEASE_TAG=\"latest\" \
-e PORT=\"${CI_PORT}\" \
-e PORT=\"${CI_PORT}\" \
-e SSL=\"${CI_SSL}\" \
-e SSL=\"${CI_SSL}\" \
-e BASE=\"${DIST_IMAGE}\" \
-e BASE=\"${DIST_IMAGE}\" \
@ -719,6 +749,7 @@ pipeline {
-e WEB_AUTH=\"${CI_AUTH}\" \
-e WEB_AUTH=\"${CI_AUTH}\" \
-t ghcr.io/linuxserver/ci:latest \
-t ghcr.io/linuxserver/ci:latest \
python3 test_build.py'''
python3 test_build.py'''
@ -742,7 +773,7 @@ pipeline {
passwordVariable: 'QUAYPASS'
passwordVariable: 'QUAYPASS'
]) {
]) {
retry(5) {
retry_backoff(5,5) {
sh '''#! /bin/bash
sh '''#! /bin/bash
set -e
set -e
echo $DOCKERHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u linuxserverci --password-stdin
echo $DOCKERHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u linuxserverci --password-stdin
@ -760,7 +791,7 @@ pipeline {
docker push ${PUSHIMAGE}:${META_TAG}
docker push ${PUSHIMAGE}:${META_TAG}
if [ -n "${SEMVER}" ]; then
if [ -n "${SEMVER}" ]; then
docker push ${PUSHIMAGE}:${SEMVER}
docker push ${PUSHIMAGE}:${SEMVER}
@ -783,7 +814,7 @@ pipeline {
passwordVariable: 'QUAYPASS'
passwordVariable: 'QUAYPASS'
]) {
]) {
retry(5) {
retry_backoff(5,5) {
sh '''#! /bin/bash
sh '''#! /bin/bash
set -e
set -e
echo $DOCKERHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u linuxserverci --password-stdin
echo $DOCKERHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u linuxserverci --password-stdin
@ -791,7 +822,7 @@ pipeline {
echo $GITLAB_TOKEN | docker login registry.gitlab.com -u LinuxServer.io --password-stdin
echo $GITLAB_TOKEN | docker login registry.gitlab.com -u LinuxServer.io --password-stdin
echo $QUAYPASS | docker login quay.io -u $QUAYUSER --password-stdin
echo $QUAYPASS | docker login quay.io -u $QUAYUSER --password-stdin
if [ "${CI}" == "false" ]; then
if [ "${CI}" == "false" ]; then
docker pull ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER}
docker pull ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} --platform=arm64
docker tag ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG}
docker tag ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG}
@ -815,35 +846,13 @@ pipeline {
docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${SEMVER}
docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${SEMVER}
docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${SEMVER}
docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${SEMVER}
docker manifest push --purge ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:latest || :
docker manifest create ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:latest ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-latest ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-latest
docker manifest annotate ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:latest ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-latest --os linux --arch arm64 --variant v8
docker buildx imagetools create -t ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:latest ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-latest ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-latest
docker manifest push --purge ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${META_TAG} || :
docker buildx imagetools create -t ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG}
docker manifest create ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG}
docker buildx imagetools create -t ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${EXT_RELEASE_TAG}
docker manifest annotate ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} --os linux --arch arm64 --variant v8
docker manifest push --purge ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} || :
docker manifest annotate ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} --os linux --arch arm64 --variant v8
if [ -n "${SEMVER}" ]; then
if [ -n "${SEMVER}" ]; then
docker manifest push --purge ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${SEMVER} || :
docker buildx imagetools create -t ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${SEMVER} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${SEMVER} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${SEMVER}
docker manifest create ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${SEMVER} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${SEMVER} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${SEMVER}
docker manifest annotate ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${SEMVER} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${SEMVER} --os linux --arch arm64 --variant v8
token=$(curl -sX GET "https://ghcr.io/token?scope=repository%3Alinuxserver%2F${CONTAINER_NAME}%3Apull" | jq -r '.token')
digest=$(curl -s \
--header "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
if [[ $(echo "$digest" | jq -r '.layers') != "null" ]]; then
docker manifest push --purge ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm32v7-latest || :
docker manifest create ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm32v7-latest ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-latest
docker manifest push --purge ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm32v7-latest
docker manifest push --purge ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:latest
docker manifest push --purge ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${META_TAG}
docker manifest push --purge ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${EXT_RELEASE_TAG}
if [ -n "${SEMVER}" ]; then
docker manifest push --purge ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${SEMVER}
@ -868,7 +877,7 @@ pipeline {
"object": "'${COMMIT_SHA}'",\
"object": "'${COMMIT_SHA}'",\
"message": "Tagging Release '${EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN}'-ls'${LS_TAG_NUMBER}' to master",\
"message": "Tagging Release '${EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN}'-ls'${LS_TAG_NUMBER}' to master",\
"type": "commit",\
"type": "commit",\
"tagger": {"name": "LinuxServer Jenkins","email": "jenkins@linuxserver.io","date": "'${GITHUB_DATE}'"}}' '''
"tagger": {"name": "LinuxServer-CI","email": "ci@linuxserver.io","date": "'${GITHUB_DATE}'"}}' '''
echo "Pushing New release for Tag"
echo "Pushing New release for Tag"
sh '''#! /bin/bash
sh '''#! /bin/bash
echo "Updating PIP version of ${EXT_PIP} to ${EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN}" > releasebody.json
echo "Updating PIP version of ${EXT_PIP} to ${EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN}" > releasebody.json
@ -1000,18 +1009,53 @@ EOF
###################### */
###################### */
post {
post {
always {
always {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
rm -rf /config/.ssh/id_sign
rm -rf /config/.ssh/id_sign.pub
git config --global --unset gpg.format
git config --global --unset user.signingkey
git config --global --unset commit.gpgsign
env.JOB_DATE = sh(
script: '''date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z' ''',
returnStdout: true).trim()
if (env.EXIT_STATUS == "ABORTED"){
if (env.EXIT_STATUS == "ABORTED"){
sh 'echo "build aborted"'
sh 'echo "build aborted"'
else if (currentBuild.currentResult == "SUCCESS"){
if (currentBuild.currentResult == "SUCCESS"){
sh ''' curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/jenkins-avatar.png","embeds": [{"color": 1681177,\
if (env.GITHUBIMAGE =~ /lspipepr/){
"description": "**Build:** '${BUILD_NUMBER}'\\n**CI Results:** '${CI_URL}'\\n**ShellCheck Results:** '${SHELLCHECK_URL}'\\n**Status:** Success\\n**Job:** '${RUN_DISPLAY_URL}'\\n**Change:** '${CODE_URL}'\\n**External Release:**: '${RELEASE_LINK}'\\n**DockerHub:** '${DOCKERHUB_LINK}'\\n"}],\
"username": "Jenkins"}' ${BUILDS_DISCORD} '''
else {
}else if (env.GITHUBIMAGE =~ /lsiodev/){
sh ''' curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/jenkins-avatar.png","embeds": [{"color": 16711680,\
"description": "**Build:** '${BUILD_NUMBER}'\\n**CI Results:** '${CI_URL}'\\n**ShellCheck Results:** '${SHELLCHECK_URL}'\\n**Status:** failure\\n**Job:** '${RUN_DISPLAY_URL}'\\n**Change:** '${CODE_URL}'\\n**External Release:**: '${RELEASE_LINK}'\\n**DockerHub:** '${DOCKERHUB_LINK}'\\n"}],\
if (env.GITHUBIMAGE =~ /lspipepr/){
}else if (env.GITHUBIMAGE =~ /lsiodev/){
sh ''' curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/jenkins-avatar.png","embeds": [{"'color'": '${JOB_WEBHOOK_COLOUR}',\
"footer": {"text" : "'"${JOB_WEBHOOK_FOOTER}"'"},\
"timestamp": "'${JOB_DATE}'",\
"description": "**Build:** '${BUILD_NUMBER}'\\n**CI Results:** '${CI_URL}'\\n**ShellCheck Results:** '${SHELLCHECK_URL}'\\n**Status:** '${JOB_WEBHOOK_STATUS}'\\n**Job:** '${RUN_DISPLAY_URL}'\\n**Change:** '${CODE_URL}'\\n**External Release:**: '${RELEASE_LINK}'\\n**DockerHub:** '${DOCKERHUB_LINK}'\\n"}],\
"username": "Jenkins"}' ${BUILDS_DISCORD} '''
"username": "Jenkins"}' ${BUILDS_DISCORD} '''
@ -1029,3 +1073,20 @@ EOF
def retry_backoff(int max_attempts, int power_base, Closure c) {
int n = 0
while (n < max_attempts) {
try {
} catch (err) {
if ((n + 1) >= max_attempts) {
throw err
sleep(power_base ** n)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Find us at:
# [linuxserver/swag](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag)
# [linuxserver/swag](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag)
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ The architectures supported by this image are:
### Certbot Plugins
### Certbot Plugins
SWAG includes many Certbot plugins out of the box, but not all plugins can be includes.
SWAG includes many Certbot plugins out of the box, but not all plugins can be included.
If you need a plugin that is not included, the quickest way to have the plugin available is to use our [Universal Package Install Docker Mod](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-mods/tree/universal-package-install).
If you need a plugin that is not included, the quickest way to have the plugin available is to use our [Universal Package Install Docker Mod](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-mods/tree/universal-package-install).
Set the following environment variables on your container:
Set the following environment variables on your container:
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Containers are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those abov
| `-e VALIDATION=http` | Certbot validation method to use, options are `http` or `dns` (`dns` method also requires `DNSPLUGIN` variable set). |
| `-e VALIDATION=http` | Certbot validation method to use, options are `http` or `dns` (`dns` method also requires `DNSPLUGIN` variable set). |
| `-e SUBDOMAINS=www,` | Subdomains you'd like the cert to cover (comma separated, no spaces) ie. `www,ftp,cloud`. For a wildcard cert, set this *exactly* to `wildcard` (wildcard cert is available via `dns` validation only) |
| `-e SUBDOMAINS=www,` | Subdomains you'd like the cert to cover (comma separated, no spaces) ie. `www,ftp,cloud`. For a wildcard cert, set this *exactly* to `wildcard` (wildcard cert is available via `dns` validation only) |
| `-e CERTPROVIDER=` | Optionally define the cert provider. Set to `zerossl` for ZeroSSL certs (requires existing [ZeroSSL account](https://app.zerossl.com/signup) and the e-mail address entered in `EMAIL` env var). Otherwise defaults to Let's Encrypt. |
| `-e CERTPROVIDER=` | Optionally define the cert provider. Set to `zerossl` for ZeroSSL certs (requires existing [ZeroSSL account](https://app.zerossl.com/signup) and the e-mail address entered in `EMAIL` env var). Otherwise defaults to Let's Encrypt. |
| `-e DNSPLUGIN=cloudflare` | Required if `VALIDATION` is set to `dns`. Options are `acmedns`, `aliyun`, `azure`, `bunny`, `cloudflare`, `cpanel`, `desec`, `digitalocean`, `directadmin`, `dnsimple`, `dnsmadeeasy`, `dnspod`, `do`, `domeneshop`, `dreamhost`, `duckdns`, `dynu`, `freedns`, `gandi`, `gehirn`, `glesys`, `godaddy`, `google`, `google-domains`, `he`, `hetzner`, `infomaniak`, `inwx`, `ionos`, `linode`, `loopia`, `luadns`, `namecheap`, `netcup`, `njalla`, `nsone`, `ovh`, `porkbun`, `rfc2136`, `route53`, `sakuracloud`, `standalone`, `transip`, and `vultr`. Also need to enter the credentials into the corresponding ini (or json for some plugins) file under `/config/dns-conf`. |
| `-e DNSPLUGIN=cloudflare` | Required if `VALIDATION` is set to `dns`. Options are `acmedns`, `aliyun`, `azure`, `bunny`, `cloudflare`, `cpanel`, `desec`, `digitalocean`, `directadmin`, `dnsimple`, `dnsmadeeasy`, `dnspod`, `do`, `domeneshop`, `dreamhost`, `duckdns`, `dynudns`, `freedns`, `gandi`, `gehirn`, `glesys`, `godaddy`, `google`, `he`, `hetzner`, `infomaniak`, `inwx`, `ionos`, `linode`, `loopia`, `luadns`, `namecheap`, `netcup`, `njalla`, `nsone`, `ovh`, `porkbun`, `rfc2136`, `route53`, `sakuracloud`, `standalone`, `transip`, and `vultr`. Also need to enter the credentials into the corresponding ini (or json for some plugins) file under `/config/dns-conf`. |
| `-e PROPAGATION=` | Optionally override (in seconds) the default propagation time for the dns plugins. |
| `-e PROPAGATION=` | Optionally override (in seconds) the default propagation time for the dns plugins. |
| `-e EMAIL=` | Optional e-mail address used for cert expiration notifications (Required for ZeroSSL). |
| `-e EMAIL=` | Optional e-mail address used for cert expiration notifications (Required for ZeroSSL). |
| `-e ONLY_SUBDOMAINS=false` | If you wish to get certs only for certain subdomains, but not the main domain (main domain may be hosted on another machine and cannot be validated), set this to `true` |
| `-e ONLY_SUBDOMAINS=false` | If you wish to get certs only for certain subdomains, but not the main domain (main domain may be hosted on another machine and cannot be validated), set this to `true` |
@ -375,7 +375,8 @@ Below are the instructions for updating containers:
### Image Update Notifications - Diun (Docker Image Update Notifier)
### Image Update Notifications - Diun (Docker Image Update Notifier)
**tip**: We recommend [Diun](https://crazymax.dev/diun/) for update notifications. Other tools that automatically update containers unattended are not recommended or supported.
>We recommend [Diun](https://crazymax.dev/diun/) for update notifications. Other tools that automatically update containers unattended are not recommended or supported.
## Building locally
## Building locally
@ -400,6 +401,9 @@ Once registered you can define the dockerfile to use with `-f Dockerfile.aarch64
## Versions
## Versions
* **30.08.24:** - Fix zerossl cert revocation.
* **24.07.14:** - Rebase to Alpine 3.20. Remove deprecated Google Domains certbot plugin. Existing users should update their nginx confs to avoid http2 deprecation warnings.
* **01.07.24:** - Fall back to iptables-legacy if iptables doesn't work.
* **23.03.24:** - Fix perms on the generated `priv-fullchain-bundle.pem`.
* **23.03.24:** - Fix perms on the generated `priv-fullchain-bundle.pem`.
* **14.03.24:** - [Existing users should update:](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/master/README.md#updating-configs) authelia-location.conf, authelia-server.conf - Update Authelia conf samples with support for 4.38.
* **14.03.24:** - [Existing users should update:](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/master/README.md#updating-configs) authelia-location.conf, authelia-server.conf - Update Authelia conf samples with support for 4.38.
* **11.03.24:** - Restore support for DynuDNS using `certbot-dns-dynudns`.
* **11.03.24:** - Restore support for DynuDNS using `certbot-dns-dynudns`.
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ external_type: pip_version
release_type: stable
release_type: stable
release_tag: latest
release_tag: latest
ls_branch: master
ls_branch: master
build_armhf: false
- EXT_PIP = 'certbot'
- EXT_PIP = 'certbot'
@ -1,52 +1,50 @@
ConfigArgParse 1.7 python
PyJWT 2.8.0 python
PyNamecheap 0.0.3 python
PyYAML 6.0.1 python
Simple Launcher dotnet (+5 duplicates)
Simple Launcher dotnet (+5 duplicates)
acme 2.10.0 python
acme 2.11.0 python
alpine-baselayout 3.4.3-r2 apk
alpine-baselayout 3.6.5-r0 apk
alpine-baselayout-data 3.4.3-r2 apk
alpine-baselayout-data 3.6.5-r0 apk
alpine-keys 2.4-r1 apk
alpine-keys 2.4-r1 apk
alpine-release 3.19.1-r0 apk
alpine-release 3.20.3-r0 apk
aom-libs 3.7.1-r0 apk
aom-libs 3.9.1-r0 apk
apache2-utils 2.4.59-r0 apk
apache2-utils 2.4.62-r0 apk
apk-tools 2.14.4-r0 apk
apk-tools 2.14.4-r0 apk
apr 1.7.4-r0 apk
apr 1.7.5-r0 apk
apr-util 1.6.3-r1 apk
apr-util 1.6.3-r1 apk
argon2-libs 20190702-r5 apk
argon2-libs 20190702-r5 apk
attrs 23.2.0 python
attrs 24.2.0 python
autocommand 2.2.2 python
azure-common 1.1.28 python
azure-common 1.1.28 python
azure-core 1.30.1 python
azure-core 1.31.0 python
azure-identity 1.16.0 python
azure-identity 1.19.0 python
azure-mgmt-core 1.4.0 python
azure-mgmt-core 1.4.0 python
azure-mgmt-dns 8.1.0 python
azure-mgmt-dns 8.1.0 python
bash 5.2.21-r0 apk
backports-tarfile 1.2.0 python
bash 5.2.26-r0 apk
beautifulsoup4 4.12.3 python
beautifulsoup4 4.12.3 python
boto3 1.34.108 python
boto3 1.35.44 python
botocore 1.34.108 python
botocore 1.35.44 python
brotli-libs 1.1.0-r1 apk
brotli-libs 1.1.0-r2 apk
bs4 0.0.2 python
bs4 0.0.2 python
busybox 1.36.1-r15 apk
busybox 1.36.1-r29 apk
busybox-binsh 1.36.1-r15 apk
busybox-binsh 1.36.1-r29 apk
c-ares 1.27.0-r0 apk
c-ares 1.28.1-r0 apk
c-client 2007f-r15 apk
c-client 2007f-r15 apk
ca-certificates 20240226-r0 apk
ca-certificates 20240705-r0 apk
ca-certificates-bundle 20240226-r0 apk
ca-certificates-bundle 20240705-r0 apk
cachetools 5.3.3 python
cachetools 5.5.0 python
catatonit 0.2.0-r0 apk
catatonit 0.2.0-r0 apk
certbot 2.10.0 python
certbot 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-acmedns 0.1.0 python
certbot-dns-acmedns 0.1.0 python
certbot-dns-aliyun 2.0.0 python
certbot-dns-aliyun 2.0.0 python
certbot-dns-azure 2.5.0 python
certbot-dns-azure 2.5.0 python
certbot-dns-bunny 0.0.9 python
certbot-dns-bunny 0.0.9 python
certbot-dns-cloudflare 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-cloudflare 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-cpanel 0.4.0 python
certbot-dns-cpanel 0.4.0 python
certbot-dns-desec 1.2.1 python
certbot-dns-desec 1.2.1 python
certbot-dns-digitalocean 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-digitalocean 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-directadmin 1.0.4 python
certbot-dns-directadmin 1.0.4 python
certbot-dns-dnsimple 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-dnsimple 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-dnspod 0.1.0 python
certbot-dns-dnspod 0.1.0 python
certbot-dns-do 0.31.0 python
certbot-dns-do 0.31.0 python
certbot-dns-domeneshop 0.2.9 python
certbot-dns-domeneshop 0.2.9 python
@ -54,296 +52,312 @@ certbot-dns-dreamhost 1.0 python
certbot-dns-duckdns 1.3 python
certbot-dns-duckdns 1.3 python
certbot-dns-dynudns 0.0.6 python
certbot-dns-dynudns 0.0.6 python
certbot-dns-freedns 0.2.0 python
certbot-dns-freedns 0.2.0 python
certbot-dns-gehirn 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-gehirn 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-glesys 2.1.0 python
certbot-dns-glesys 2.1.0 python
certbot-dns-godaddy 2.8.0 python
certbot-dns-godaddy 2.8.0 python
certbot-dns-google 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-google 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-google-domains 0.1.11 python
certbot-dns-he 1.0.0 python
certbot-dns-he 1.0.0 python
certbot-dns-hetzner 2.0.0 python
certbot-dns-hetzner 2.0.1 python
certbot-dns-infomaniak 0.2.2 python
certbot-dns-infomaniak 0.2.2 python
certbot-dns-inwx 2.2.0 python
certbot-dns-inwx 2.2.0 python
certbot-dns-ionos 2024.1.8 python
certbot-dns-ionos 2024.1.8 python
certbot-dns-linode 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-linode 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-loopia 1.0.1 python
certbot-dns-loopia 1.0.1 python
certbot-dns-luadns 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-luadns 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-namecheap 1.0.0 python
certbot-dns-namecheap 1.0.0 python
certbot-dns-netcup 1.4.3 python
certbot-dns-netcup 1.4.3 python
certbot-dns-njalla 1.0.0 python
certbot-dns-njalla 1.0.0 python
certbot-dns-nsone 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-nsone 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-ovh 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-ovh 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-porkbun 0.8 python
certbot-dns-porkbun 0.8 python
certbot-dns-rfc2136 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-rfc2136 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-route53 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-route53 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-sakuracloud 2.10.0 python
certbot-dns-sakuracloud 2.11.0 python
certbot-dns-standalone 1.1 python
certbot-dns-standalone 1.1 python
certbot-dns-transip 0.5.2 python
certbot-dns-transip 0.5.2 python
certbot-dns-vultr 1.1.0 python
certbot-dns-vultr 1.1.0 python
certbot-plugin-gandi 1.5.0 python
certbot-plugin-gandi 1.5.0 python
certifi 2024.2.2 python
certifi 2024.8.30 python
cffi 1.16.0 python
cffi 1.17.1 python
charset-normalizer 3.3.2 python
charset-normalizer 3.4.0 python
cloudflare 2.20.0 python
cloudflare 2.19.4 python
composer 2.7.6 binary
composer 2.7.9 binary
configobj 5.0.8 python
configargparse 1.7 python
coreutils 9.4-r2 apk
configobj 5.0.9 python
coreutils-env 9.4-r2 apk
coreutils 9.5-r1 apk
coreutils-fmt 9.4-r2 apk
coreutils-env 9.5-r1 apk
coreutils-sha512sum 9.4-r2 apk
coreutils-fmt 9.5-r1 apk
cryptography 42.0.7 python
coreutils-sha512sum 9.5-r1 apk
curl 8.5.0-r0 apk
cryptography 43.0.3 python
dataclasses-json 0.5.14 python
curl 8.9.1-r2 apk
distro 1.9.0 python
distro 1.9.0 python
dns-lexicon 3.17.0 python
dns-lexicon 3.18.0 python
dnslib 0.9.24 python
dnslib 0.9.25 python
dnspython 2.6.1 python
dnspython 2.7.0 python
domeneshop 0.4.4 python
domeneshop 0.4.4 python
fail2ban 1.0.2 python
fail2ban 1.1.0 python
fail2ban 1.0.2-r3 apk
fail2ban 1.1.0-r0 apk
fail2ban-pyc 1.0.2-r3 apk
fail2ban-pyc 1.1.0-r0 apk
filelock 3.14.0 python
filelock 3.16.1 python
findutils 4.9.0-r5 apk
findutils 4.9.0-r5 apk
fontconfig 2.14.2-r4 apk
fontconfig 2.15.0-r1 apk
freetype 2.13.2-r0 apk
freetype 2.13.2-r0 apk
future 1.0.0 python
future 1.0.0 python
gdbm 1.23-r1 apk
gdbm 1.23-r1 apk
git 2.43.4-r0 apk
git 2.45.2-r0 apk
git-perl 2.43.4-r0 apk
git-init-template 2.45.2-r0 apk
gmp 6.3.0-r0 apk
git-perl 2.45.2-r0 apk
gnupg 2.4.4-r0 apk
gmp 6.3.0-r1 apk
gnupg-dirmngr 2.4.4-r0 apk
gnupg 2.4.5-r0 apk
gnupg-gpgconf 2.4.4-r0 apk
gnupg-dirmngr 2.4.5-r0 apk
gnupg-keyboxd 2.4.4-r0 apk
gnupg-gpgconf 2.4.5-r0 apk
gnupg-utils 2.4.4-r0 apk
gnupg-keyboxd 2.4.5-r0 apk
gnupg-wks-client 2.4.4-r0 apk
gnupg-utils 2.4.5-r0 apk
gnutls 3.8.4-r0 apk
gnupg-wks-client 2.4.5-r0 apk
google-api-core 2.19.0 python
gnutls 3.8.5-r0 apk
google-api-python-client 2.129.0 python
google-api-core 2.21.0 python
google-auth 2.29.0 python
google-api-python-client 2.149.0 python
google-auth 2.35.0 python
google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0 python
google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0 python
googleapis-common-protos 1.63.0 python
googleapis-common-protos 1.65.0 python
gpg 2.4.4-r0 apk
gpg 2.4.5-r0 apk
gpg-agent 2.4.4-r0 apk
gpg-agent 2.4.5-r0 apk
gpg-wks-server 2.4.4-r0 apk
gpg-wks-server 2.4.5-r0 apk
gpgsm 2.4.4-r0 apk
gpgsm 2.4.5-r0 apk
gpgv 2.4.4-r0 apk
gpgv 2.4.5-r0 apk
httplib2 0.22.0 python
httplib2 0.22.0 python
icu-data-en 74.1-r0 apk
icu-data-en 74.2-r0 apk
icu-libs 74.1-r0 apk
icu-libs 74.2-r0 apk
idna 3.7 python
idna 3.10 python
importlib-metadata 8.0.0 python
importlib-resources 6.4.0 python
inflect 7.3.1 python
iptables 1.8.10-r3 apk
iptables 1.8.10-r3 apk
isodate 0.6.1 python
iptables-legacy 1.8.10-r3 apk
isodate 0.7.2 python
jaraco-collections 5.1.0 python
jaraco-context 5.3.0 python
jaraco-functools 4.0.1 python
jaraco-text 3.12.1 python
jmespath 1.0.1 python
jmespath 1.0.1 python
josepy 1.14.0 python
josepy 1.14.0 python
jq 1.7.1-r0 apk
jq 1.7.1-r0 apk
jsonlines 4.0.0 python
jsonlines 4.0.0 python
jsonpickle 3.0.4 python
jsonpickle 3.3.0 python
libacl 2.3.1-r4 apk
libacl 2.3.2-r0 apk
libassuan 2.5.6-r1 apk
libassuan 2.5.7-r0 apk
libattr 2.5.1-r5 apk
libattr 2.5.2-r0 apk
libavif 1.0.3-r0 apk
libavif 1.0.4-r0 apk
libbsd 0.11.7-r3 apk
libbsd 0.12.2-r0 apk
libbz2 1.0.8-r6 apk
libbz2 1.0.8-r6 apk
libc-utils 0.7.2-r5 apk
libcrypto3 3.3.2-r0 apk
libcrypto3 3.1.4-r6 apk
libcurl 8.9.1-r2 apk
libcurl 8.5.0-r0 apk
libdav1d 1.4.2-r0 apk
libdav1d 1.3.0-r1 apk
libedit 20240517.3.1-r0 apk
libedit 20230828.3.1-r3 apk
libevent 2.1.12-r7 apk
libevent 2.1.12-r7 apk
libexpat 2.6.2-r0 apk
libexpat 2.6.3-r0 apk
libffi 3.4.4-r3 apk
libffi 3.4.6-r0 apk
libgcc 13.2.1_git20231014-r0 apk
libgcc 13.2.1_git20240309-r0 apk
libgcrypt 1.10.3-r0 apk
libgcrypt 1.10.3-r0 apk
libgd 2.3.3-r8 apk
libgd 2.3.3-r9 apk
libgpg-error 1.47-r2 apk
libgpg-error 1.49-r0 apk
libice 1.1.1-r5 apk
libice 1.1.1-r6 apk
libidn2 2.3.4-r4 apk
libidn2 2.3.7-r0 apk
libintl 0.22.3-r0 apk
libintl 0.22.5-r0 apk
libjpeg-turbo 3.0.1-r0 apk
libip4tc 1.8.10-r3 apk
libksba 1.6.5-r0 apk
libip6tc 1.8.10-r3 apk
libldap 2.6.6-r1 apk
libjpeg-turbo 3.0.3-r0 apk
libmaxminddb-libs 1.7.1-r2 apk
libksba 1.6.6-r0 apk
libldap 2.6.8-r0 apk
libmaxminddb-libs 1.9.1-r0 apk
libmcrypt 2.5.8-r10 apk
libmcrypt 2.5.8-r10 apk
libmd 1.1.0-r0 apk
libmd 1.1.0-r0 apk
libmemcached-libs 1.1.4-r1 apk
libmemcached-libs 1.1.4-r1 apk
libmnl 1.0.5-r2 apk
libmnl 1.0.5-r2 apk
libncursesw 6.4_p20231125-r0 apk
libncursesw 6.4_p20240420-r1 apk
libnftnl 1.2.6-r0 apk
libnftnl 1.2.6-r0 apk
libpanelw 6.4_p20231125-r0 apk
libpanelw 6.4_p20240420-r1 apk
libpng 1.6.40-r0 apk
libpng 1.6.44-r0 apk
libpq 16.3-r0 apk
libpq 16.3-r0 apk
libproc2 4.0.4-r0 apk
libproc2 4.0.4-r0 apk
libsasl 2.1.28-r5 apk
libpsl 0.21.5-r1 apk
libseccomp 2.5.5-r0 apk
libsasl 2.1.28-r6 apk
libseccomp 2.5.5-r1 apk
libsharpyuv 1.3.2-r0 apk
libsharpyuv 1.3.2-r0 apk
libsm 1.2.4-r3 apk
libsm 1.2.4-r4 apk
libsodium 1.0.19-r0 apk
libsodium 1.0.19-r0 apk
libssl3 3.1.4-r6 apk
libssl3 3.3.2-r0 apk
libstdc++ 13.2.1_git20231014-r0 apk
libstdc++ 13.2.1_git20240309-r0 apk
libtasn1 4.19.0-r2 apk
libtasn1 4.19.0-r2 apk
libunistring 1.1-r2 apk
libunistring 1.2-r0 apk
libuuid 2.39.3-r0 apk
libuuid 2.40.1-r1 apk
libwebp 1.3.2-r0 apk
libwebp 1.3.2-r0 apk
libx11 1.8.7-r0 apk
libx11 1.8.9-r1 apk
libxau 1.0.11-r3 apk
libxau 1.0.11-r4 apk
libxcb 1.16-r0 apk
libxcb 1.16.1-r0 apk
libxdmcp 1.1.4-r3 apk
libxdmcp 1.1.5-r1 apk
libxext 1.3.5-r3 apk
libxext 1.3.6-r2 apk
libxml2 2.11.7-r0 apk
libxml2 2.12.7-r0 apk
libxpm 3.5.17-r0 apk
libxpm 3.5.17-r0 apk
libxslt 1.1.39-r0 apk
libxslt 1.1.39-r1 apk
libxt 1.3.0-r4 apk
libxt 1.3.0-r5 apk
libxtables 1.8.10-r3 apk
libxtables 1.8.10-r3 apk
libzip 1.10.1-r0 apk
libzip 1.10.1-r0 apk
linux-pam 1.5.3-r7 apk
linux-pam 1.6.0-r0 apk
logrotate 3.21.0-r1 apk
logrotate 3.21.0-r1 apk
loopialib 0.2.0 python
loopialib 0.2.0 python
lxml 5.2.2 python
lxml 5.3.0 python
lz4-libs 1.9.4-r5 apk
lz4-libs 1.9.4-r5 apk
marshmallow 3.21.2 python
memcached 1.6.27-r0 apk
memcached 1.6.22-r0 apk
mock 5.1.0 python
mock 5.1.0 python
mpdecimal 2.5.1-r2 apk
more-itertools 10.3.0 python
msal 1.28.0 python
mpdecimal 4.0.0-r0 apk
msal-extensions 1.1.0 python
msal 1.31.0 python
musl 1.2.4_git20230717-r4 apk
msal-extensions 1.2.0 python
musl-utils 1.2.4_git20230717-r4 apk
musl 1.2.5-r0 apk
mypy-extensions 1.0.0 python
musl-utils 1.2.5-r0 apk
nano 7.2-r1 apk
my-test-package 1.0 python
ncurses-terminfo-base 6.4_p20231125-r0 apk
nano 8.0-r0 apk
ncurses-terminfo-base 6.4_p20240420-r1 apk
netcat-openbsd 1.226-r0 apk
netcat-openbsd 1.226-r0 apk
nettle 3.9.1-r0 apk
nettle 3.9.1-r0 apk
nghttp2-libs 1.58.0-r0 apk
nghttp2-libs 1.62.1-r0 apk
nginx 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-devel-kit 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-devel-kit 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-brotli 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-brotli 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-dav-ext 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-dav-ext 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-echo 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-echo 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-fancyindex 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-fancyindex 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-geoip2 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-geoip2 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-headers-more 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-headers-more 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-image-filter 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-image-filter 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-perl 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-perl 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-redis2 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-redis2 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-set-misc 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-set-misc 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-upload-progress 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-upload-progress 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-http-xslt-filter 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-http-xslt-filter 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-mail 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-mail 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-rtmp 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-rtmp 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-stream 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-stream 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-mod-stream-geoip2 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-mod-stream-geoip2 1.26.2-r0 apk
nginx-vim 1.24.0-r16 apk
nginx-vim 1.26.2-r0 apk
npth 1.6-r4 apk
npth 1.6-r4 apk
oniguruma 6.9.9-r0 apk
oniguruma 6.9.9-r0 apk
openssl 3.1.4-r6 apk
openssl 3.3.2-r0 apk
p11-kit 0.25.3-r0 apk
p11-kit 0.25.3-r0 apk
packaging 24.0 python
packaging 24.1 python
parsedatetime 2.6 python
parsedatetime 2.6 python
pcre 8.45-r3 apk
pcre 8.45-r3 apk
pcre2 10.42-r2 apk
pcre2 10.43-r0 apk
perl 5.38.2-r0 apk
perl 5.38.2-r0 apk
perl-error 0.17029-r2 apk
perl-error 0.17029-r2 apk
perl-git 2.43.4-r0 apk
perl-git 2.45.2-r0 apk
php83 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-bcmath 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-bcmath 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-bz2 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-bz2 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-common 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-common 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-ctype 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-ctype 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-curl 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-curl 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-dom 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-dom 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-exif 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-exif 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-fileinfo 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-fileinfo 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-fpm 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-fpm 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-ftp 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-ftp 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-gd 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-gd 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-gmp 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-gmp 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-iconv 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-iconv 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-imap 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-imap 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-intl 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-intl 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-ldap 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-ldap 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-mbstring 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-mbstring 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-mysqli 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-mysqli 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-mysqlnd 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-mysqlnd 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-opcache 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-opcache 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-openssl 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-openssl 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-pdo 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-pdo 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-pdo_mysql 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-pdo_mysql 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-pdo_odbc 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-pdo_odbc 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-pdo_pgsql 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-pdo_pgsql 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-pdo_sqlite 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-pdo_sqlite 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-pear 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-pear 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-pecl-apcu 5.1.23-r0 apk
php83-pecl-apcu 5.1.23-r0 apk
php83-pecl-igbinary 3.2.15-r0 apk
php83-pecl-igbinary 3.2.15-r0 apk
php83-pecl-mcrypt 1.0.7-r0 apk
php83-pecl-mcrypt 1.0.7-r0 apk
php83-pecl-memcached 3.2.0-r0 apk
php83-pecl-memcached 3.2.0-r0 apk
php83-pecl-msgpack 2.2.0-r1 apk
php83-pecl-msgpack 2.2.0-r2 apk
php83-pecl-redis 6.0.2-r0 apk
php83-pecl-redis 6.1.0-r0 apk
php83-pgsql 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-pgsql 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-phar 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-phar 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-posix 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-posix 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-session 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-session 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-simplexml 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-simplexml 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-soap 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-soap 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-sockets 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-sockets 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-sodium 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-sodium 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-sqlite3 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-sqlite3 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-tokenizer 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-tokenizer 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-xml 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-xml 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-xmlreader 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-xmlreader 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-xmlwriter 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-xmlwriter 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-xsl 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-xsl 8.3.12-r0 apk
php83-zip 8.3.7-r0 apk
php83-zip 8.3.12-r0 apk
pinentry 1.2.1-r1 apk
pinentry 1.3.0-r0 apk
pip 24.0 python
pip 24.2 python
pkb-client 1.2 python
pkb-client 1.2 python
platformdirs 4.2.2 python
popt 1.19-r3 apk
popt 1.19-r3 apk
portalocker 2.8.2 python
portalocker 2.10.1 python
procps-ng 4.0.4-r0 apk
procps-ng 4.0.4-r0 apk
proto-plus 1.23.0 python
proto-plus 1.24.0 python
protobuf 4.25.3 python
protobuf 5.28.2 python
publicsuffixlist 0.9.4 python
pyOpenSSL 24.1.0 python
pyRFC3339 1.1 python
pyacmedns 0.4 python
pyacmedns 0.4 python
pyasn1 0.6.0 python
pyasn1 0.6.1 python
pyasn1_modules 0.4.0 python
pyasn1-modules 0.4.1 python
pyc 3.11.9-r0 apk
pyc 3.12.7-r0 apk
pycparser 2.22 python
pycparser 2.22 python
pyjwt 2.9.0 python
pynamecheap 0.0.3 python
pyopenssl 24.2.1 python
pyotp 2.9.0 python
pyotp 2.9.0 python
pyparsing 3.1.2 python
pyparsing 3.2.0 python
pyrfc3339 1.1 python
python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0 python
python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0 python
python-digitalocean 1.17.0 python
python-digitalocean 1.17.0 python
python-transip 0.6.0 python
python-transip 0.6.0 python
python3 3.11.9-r0 apk
python3 3.12.7-r0 apk
python3-pyc 3.11.9-r0 apk
python3-pyc 3.12.7-r0 apk
python3-pycache-pyc0 3.11.9-r0 apk
python3-pycache-pyc0 3.12.7-r0 apk
pytz 2024.1 python
pytz 2024.2 python
readline 8.2.1-r2 apk
pyyaml 6.0.2 python
requests 2.31.0 python
readline 8.2.10-r0 apk
requests-file 2.0.0 python
requests 2.32.3 python
requests-file 2.1.0 python
requests-mock 1.12.1 python
requests-mock 1.12.1 python
rsa 4.9 python
rsa 4.9 python
s3transfer 0.10.1 python
s3transfer 0.10.3 python
scanelf 1.3.7-r2 apk
scanelf 1.3.7-r2 apk
setuptools 65.5.0 python
setuptools 75.2.0 python
shadow 4.14.2-r0 apk
shadow 4.15.1-r0 apk
six 1.16.0 python
six 1.16.0 python
skalibs apk
skalibs apk
soupsieve 2.5 python
soupsieve 2.6 python
sqlite-libs 3.44.2-r0 apk
sqlite-libs 3.45.3-r1 apk
ssl_client 1.36.1-r15 apk
ssl_client 1.36.1-r29 apk
tiff 4.6.0-r0 apk
tiff 4.6.0t-r0 apk
tldextract 5.1.2 python
tldextract 5.1.2 python
typing-inspect 0.9.0 python
tomli 2.0.1 python
typing_extensions 4.11.0 python
typeguard 4.3.0 python
tzdata 2024a-r0 apk
typing-extensions 4.12.2 python (+1 duplicate)
tzdata 2024b-r0 apk
unixodbc 2.3.12-r0 apk
unixodbc 2.3.12-r0 apk
uritemplate 4.1.1 python
uritemplate 4.1.1 python
urllib3 2.2.1 python
urllib3 2.2.3 python
utmps-libs apk
utmps-libs apk
wheel 0.43.0 python
wheel 0.43.0 python
whois 5.5.20-r0 apk
wheel 0.44.0 python
xz-libs 5.4.5-r0 apk
whois 5.5.23-r0 apk
zlib 1.3.1-r0 apk
xz-libs 5.6.2-r0 apk
zope.interface 6.4 python
zipp 3.19.2 python
zstd-libs 1.5.5-r8 apk
zlib 1.3.1-r1 apk
zope-interface 7.1.0 python
zstd-libs 1.5.6-r0 apk
@ -7,40 +7,24 @@ project_logo: "https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/raw/master/linuxs
project_blurb: "SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL). It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention."
project_blurb: "SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL). It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention."
project_lsio_github_repo_url: "https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-{{ project_name }}"
project_lsio_github_repo_url: "https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-{{ project_name }}"
project_blurb_optional_extras_enabled: false
project_blurb_optional_extras: []
# supported architectures
# supported architectures
- { arch: "{{ arch_x86_64 }}", tag: "amd64-latest"}
- { arch: "{{ arch_x86_64 }}", tag: "amd64-latest"}
- { arch: "{{ arch_arm64 }}", tag: "arm64v8-latest"}
- { arch: "{{ arch_arm64 }}", tag: "arm64v8-latest"}
# development version
development_versions: false
- { tag: "latest", desc: "Stable releases" }
# container parameters
# container parameters
common_param_env_vars_enabled: true #PGID, PUID, etc, you can set it to 'optional'
common_param_env_vars_enabled: true
param_container_name: "{{ project_name }}"
param_container_name: "{{ project_name }}"
param_usage_include_net: false #you can set it to 'optional'
param_net: "host"
param_net_desc: "Shares host networking with container."
param_usage_include_env: true
param_usage_include_env: true
- { env_var: "TZ", env_value: "Europe/London", desc: "Specify a timezone to use EG Europe/London." }
- { env_var: "URL", env_value: "yourdomain.url", desc: "Top url you have control over (`customdomain.com` if you own it, or `customsubdomain.ddnsprovider.com` if dynamic dns)." }
- { env_var: "URL", env_value: "yourdomain.url", desc: "Top url you have control over (`customdomain.com` if you own it, or `customsubdomain.ddnsprovider.com` if dynamic dns)." }
- { env_var: "VALIDATION", env_value: "http", desc: "Certbot validation method to use, options are `http` or `dns` (`dns` method also requires `DNSPLUGIN` variable set)." }
- { env_var: "VALIDATION", env_value: "http", desc: "Certbot validation method to use, options are `http` or `dns` (`dns` method also requires `DNSPLUGIN` variable set).", env_options: ["http", "dns"] }
param_usage_include_vols: true
param_usage_include_vols: true
- { vol_path: "/config", vol_host_path: "/path/to/{{ project_name }}/config", desc: "Persistent config files" }
- { vol_path: "/config", vol_host_path: "/path/to/{{ project_name }}/config", desc: "Persistent config files" }
param_usage_include_ports: true
param_usage_include_ports: true
- { external_port: "443", internal_port: "443", port_desc: "Https port" }
- { external_port: "443", internal_port: "443", port_desc: "Https port" }
param_device_map: false
- { device_path: "/dev/dri", device_host_path: "/dev/dri", desc: "For hardware transcoding" }
cap_add_param: true
cap_add_param: true
- { cap_add_var: "NET_ADMIN" }
- { cap_add_var: "NET_ADMIN" }
@ -50,27 +34,15 @@ opt_param_usage_include_env: true
- { env_var: "SUBDOMAINS", env_value: "www,", desc: "Subdomains you'd like the cert to cover (comma separated, no spaces) ie. `www,ftp,cloud`. For a wildcard cert, set this *exactly* to `wildcard` (wildcard cert is available via `dns` validation only)" }
- { env_var: "SUBDOMAINS", env_value: "www,", desc: "Subdomains you'd like the cert to cover (comma separated, no spaces) ie. `www,ftp,cloud`. For a wildcard cert, set this *exactly* to `wildcard` (wildcard cert is available via `dns` validation only)" }
- { env_var: "CERTPROVIDER", env_value: "", desc: "Optionally define the cert provider. Set to `zerossl` for ZeroSSL certs (requires existing [ZeroSSL account](https://app.zerossl.com/signup) and the e-mail address entered in `EMAIL` env var). Otherwise defaults to Let's Encrypt." }
- { env_var: "CERTPROVIDER", env_value: "", desc: "Optionally define the cert provider. Set to `zerossl` for ZeroSSL certs (requires existing [ZeroSSL account](https://app.zerossl.com/signup) and the e-mail address entered in `EMAIL` env var). Otherwise defaults to Let's Encrypt." }
- { env_var: "DNSPLUGIN", env_value: "cloudflare", desc: "Required if `VALIDATION` is set to `dns`. Options are `acmedns`, `aliyun`, `azure`, `bunny`, `cloudflare`, `cpanel`, `desec`, `digitalocean`, `directadmin`, `dnsimple`, `dnsmadeeasy`, `dnspod`, `do`, `domeneshop`, `dreamhost`, `duckdns`, `dynu`, `freedns`, `gandi`, `gehirn`, `glesys`, `godaddy`, `google`, `google-domains`, `he`, `hetzner`, `infomaniak`, `inwx`, `ionos`, `linode`, `loopia`, `luadns`, `namecheap`, `netcup`, `njalla`, `nsone`, `ovh`, `porkbun`, `rfc2136`, `route53`, `sakuracloud`, `standalone`, `transip`, and `vultr`. Also need to enter the credentials into the corresponding ini (or json for some plugins) file under `/config/dns-conf`." }
- { env_var: "DNSPLUGIN", env_value: "cloudflare", desc: "Required if `VALIDATION` is set to `dns`. Options are `acmedns`, `aliyun`, `azure`, `bunny`, `cloudflare`, `cpanel`, `desec`, `digitalocean`, `directadmin`, `dnsimple`, `dnsmadeeasy`, `dnspod`, `do`, `domeneshop`, `dreamhost`, `duckdns`, `dynu`, `freedns`, `gandi`, `gehirn`, `glesys`, `godaddy`, `google`, `he`, `hetzner`, `infomaniak`, `inwx`, `ionos`, `linode`, `loopia`, `luadns`, `namecheap`, `netcup`, `njalla`, `nsone`, `ovh`, `porkbun`, `rfc2136`, `route53`, `sakuracloud`, `standalone`, `transip`, and `vultr`. Also need to enter the credentials into the corresponding ini (or json for some plugins) file under `/config/dns-conf`." }
- { env_var: "PROPAGATION", env_value: "", desc: "Optionally override (in seconds) the default propagation time for the dns plugins." }
- { env_var: "PROPAGATION", env_value: "", desc: "Optionally override (in seconds) the default propagation time for the dns plugins." }
- { env_var: "EMAIL", env_value: "", desc: "Optional e-mail address used for cert expiration notifications (Required for ZeroSSL)." }
- { env_var: "EMAIL", env_value: "", desc: "Optional e-mail address used for cert expiration notifications (Required for ZeroSSL)." }
- { env_var: "ONLY_SUBDOMAINS", env_value: "false", desc: "If you wish to get certs only for certain subdomains, but not the main domain (main domain may be hosted on another machine and cannot be validated), set this to `true`" }
- { env_var: "ONLY_SUBDOMAINS", env_value: "false", desc: "If you wish to get certs only for certain subdomains, but not the main domain (main domain may be hosted on another machine and cannot be validated), set this to `true`" }
- { env_var: "EXTRA_DOMAINS", env_value: "", desc: "Additional fully qualified domain names (comma separated, no spaces) ie. `extradomain.com,subdomain.anotherdomain.org,*.anotherdomain.org`" }
- { env_var: "EXTRA_DOMAINS", env_value: "", desc: "Additional fully qualified domain names (comma separated, no spaces) ie. `extradomain.com,subdomain.anotherdomain.org,*.anotherdomain.org`" }
- { env_var: "STAGING", env_value: "false", desc: "Set to `true` to retrieve certs in staging mode. Rate limits will be much higher, but the resulting cert will not pass the browser's security test. Only to be used for testing purposes." }
- { env_var: "STAGING", env_value: "false", desc: "Set to `true` to retrieve certs in staging mode. Rate limits will be much higher, but the resulting cert will not pass the browser's security test. Only to be used for testing purposes." }
opt_param_usage_include_vols: false
- { vol_path: "/config", vol_host_path: "/path/to/{{ project_name }}/config", desc: "Persistent config files" }
opt_param_usage_include_ports: true
opt_param_usage_include_ports: true
- { external_port: "80", internal_port: "80", port_desc: "Http port (required for http validation and http -> https redirect)" }
- { external_port: "80", internal_port: "80", port_desc: "Http port (required for http validation and http -> https redirect)" }
opt_param_device_map: false
- { device_path: "/dev/dri", device_host_path: "/dev/dri", desc: "For hardware transcoding" }
opt_cap_add_param: false
- { cap_add_var: "NET_ADMIN" }
optional_block_1: false
optional_block_1_items: ""
# application setup block
# application setup block
app_setup_block_enabled: true
app_setup_block_enabled: true
@ -92,7 +64,7 @@ app_setup_block: |
### Certbot Plugins
### Certbot Plugins
SWAG includes many Certbot plugins out of the box, but not all plugins can be includes.
SWAG includes many Certbot plugins out of the box, but not all plugins can be included.
If you need a plugin that is not included, the quickest way to have the plugin available is to use our [Universal Package Install Docker Mod](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-mods/tree/universal-package-install).
If you need a plugin that is not included, the quickest way to have the plugin available is to use our [Universal Package Install Docker Mod](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-mods/tree/universal-package-install).
Set the following environment variables on your container:
Set the following environment variables on your container:
@ -168,6 +140,10 @@ app_setup_block: |
# changelog
# changelog
- { date: "21.10.24:", desc: "Fix naming issue with Dynu plugin. If you are using Dynu, please make sure your credentials are set in /config/dns-conf/dynu.ini and your DNSPLUGIN variable is set to dynu (not dynudns)." }
- { date: "30.08.24:", desc: "Fix zerossl cert revocation." }
- { date: "24.07.14:", desc: "Rebase to Alpine 3.20. Remove deprecated Google Domains certbot plugin. Existing users should update their nginx confs to avoid http2 deprecation warnings."}
- { date: "01.07.24:", desc: "Fall back to iptables-legacy if iptables doesn't work." }
- { date: "23.03.24:", desc: "Fix perms on the generated `priv-fullchain-bundle.pem`." }
- { date: "23.03.24:", desc: "Fix perms on the generated `priv-fullchain-bundle.pem`." }
- { date: "14.03.24:", desc: "[Existing users should update:](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/master/README.md#updating-configs) authelia-location.conf, authelia-server.conf - Update Authelia conf samples with support for 4.38." }
- { date: "14.03.24:", desc: "[Existing users should update:](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/master/README.md#updating-configs) authelia-location.conf, authelia-server.conf - Update Authelia conf samples with support for 4.38." }
- { date: "11.03.24:", desc: "Restore support for DynuDNS using `certbot-dns-dynudns`." }
- { date: "11.03.24:", desc: "Restore support for DynuDNS using `certbot-dns-dynudns`." }
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# Instructions: https://github.com/aaomidi/certbot-dns-google-domains#credentials
# Replace with your value
dns_google_domains_access_token = abcdef
dns_google_domains_zone = example.com
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## Version 2024/03/06 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/nginx/site-confs/default.conf.sample
## Version 2024/07/16 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/nginx/site-confs/default.conf.sample
# redirect all traffic to https
# redirect all traffic to https
server {
server {
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ server {
# main server block
# main server block
server {
server {
listen 443 ssl http2 default_server;
listen 443 ssl default_server;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2 default_server;
listen [::]:443 ssl default_server;
server_name _;
server_name _;
@ -189,24 +189,15 @@ if [[ ! "${URL}" = "${ORIGURL}" ]] ||
[[ ! "${STAGING}" = "${ORIGSTAGING}" ]] ||
[[ ! "${STAGING}" = "${ORIGSTAGING}" ]] ||
echo "Different validation parameters entered than what was used before. Revoking and deleting existing certificate, and an updated one will be created"
echo "Different validation parameters entered than what was used before. Revoking and deleting existing certificate, and an updated one will be created"
if [[ "${ORIGCERTPROVIDER}" = "zerossl" ]] && [[ -n "${ORIGEMAIL}" ]]; then
if [[ "${ORIGCERTPROVIDER}" = "zerossl" ]]; then
REV_ZEROSSL_EAB_KID=$(awk -F "=" '/eab-kid/ {print $2}' "/config/etc/letsencrypt/renewal/${ORIGDOMAIN}.conf" | tr -d ' ')
REV_ZEROSSL_EAB_HMAC_KEY=$(awk -F "=" '/eab-hmac-key/ {print $2}' "/config/etc/letsencrypt/renewal/${ORIGDOMAIN}.conf" | tr -d ' ')
if [[ -z "${REV_ZEROSSL_EAB_KID}" ]] || [[ -z "${REV_ZEROSSL_EAB_HMAC_KEY}" ]]; then
REV_ZEROSSL_EAB_KID=$(awk -F "=" '/eab-kid/ {print $2}' /config/etc/letsencrypt/cli.ini | tr -d ' ')
REV_ZEROSSL_EAB_HMAC_KEY=$(awk -F "=" '/eab-hmac-key/ {print $2}' /config/etc/letsencrypt/cli.ini | tr -d ' ')
if [[ -n "${REV_ZEROSSL_EAB_KID}" ]] && [[ -n "${REV_ZEROSSL_EAB_HMAC_KEY}" ]]; then
REV_ACMESERVER+=("--eab-kid" "${REV_ZEROSSL_EAB_KID}" "--eab-hmac-key" "${REV_ZEROSSL_EAB_HMAC_KEY}")
elif [[ "${ORIGSTAGING}" = "true" ]]; then
elif [[ "${ORIGSTAGING}" = "true" ]]; then
if [[ -f /config/etc/letsencrypt/live/"${ORIGDOMAIN}"/fullchain.pem ]]; then
if [[ -f /config/etc/letsencrypt/live/"${ORIGDOMAIN}"/fullchain.pem ]]; then
certbot revoke --non-interactive --cert-path /config/etc/letsencrypt/live/"${ORIGDOMAIN}"/fullchain.pem --server "${REV_ACMESERVER[@]}" || true
certbot revoke --non-interactive --cert-path /config/etc/letsencrypt/live/"${ORIGDOMAIN}"/fullchain.pem --key-path /config/etc/letsencrypt/live/"${ORIGDOMAIN}"/privkey.pem --server "${REV_ACMESERVER[@]}" || true
certbot revoke --non-interactive --cert-name "${ORIGDOMAIN}" --server "${REV_ACMESERVER[@]}" || true
certbot revoke --non-interactive --cert-name "${ORIGDOMAIN}" --server "${REV_ACMESERVER[@]}" || true
@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# shellcheck shell=bash
# shellcheck shell=bash
if ! iptables -L &> /dev/null; then
ln -sf /sbin/xtables-legacy-multi /sbin/iptables
ln -sf /sbin/xtables-legacy-multi /sbin/iptables-save
ln -sf /sbin/xtables-legacy-multi /sbin/iptables-restore
ln -sf /sbin/xtables-legacy-multi /sbin/ip6tables
ln -sf /sbin/xtables-legacy-multi /sbin/ip6tables-save
ln -sf /sbin/xtables-legacy-multi /sbin/ip6tables-restore
# copy/update the fail2ban config defaults to/in /config
# copy/update the fail2ban config defaults to/in /config
cp -R /defaults/fail2ban/filter.d /config/fail2ban/
cp -R /defaults/fail2ban/filter.d /config/fail2ban/
cp -R /defaults/fail2ban/action.d /config/fail2ban/
cp -R /defaults/fail2ban/action.d /config/fail2ban/
Reference in New Issue
Block a user