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synced 2025-03-19 12:26:10 -04:00

* added deletion link. * small refactoring. * improved regex checks. * larger server alt on installation.
89 lines
2.0 KiB
89 lines
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; ZeroBin
; a zero-knowledge paste bin
; @link http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=php:zerobin
; @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (sebsauvage.net)
; @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php The zlib/libpng License
; @version 0.17
; enable or disable discussions
opendiscussion = true
; enable or disable syntax highlighting
syntaxhighlighting = true
; preselect the burn-after-reading feature by default
burnafterreadingselected = false
; size limit per paste or comment in bytes, default is 2 Mibibytes
sizelimit = 2097152
; template to include, default is "page" (tpl/page.html)
template = "page"
; expire value that is selected per default
; make sure the value exists in [expire_options]
default = "1month"
; Set each one of these to the number of seconds in the expiration period,
; or 0 if it should never expire
5min = 300
10min = 600
1hour = 3600
1day = 86400
1week = 604800
; Well this is not *exactly* one month, it's 30 days:
1month = 2592000
1year = 31536000
never = 0
; descriptive labels for the expiration times
; must match those in [expire_options]
5min = "5 minutes"
10min = "10 minutes"
1hour = "1 hour"
1day = "1 day"
1week = "1 week"
1month = "1 month"
1year = "1 year"
never = "Never"
; time limit between calls from the same IP address in seconds
; Set this to 0 to disable rate limiting.
limit = 10
dir = PATH "data"
; name of data model class to load and directory for storage
; the default model "zerobin_data" stores everything in the filesystem
class = zerobin_data
dir = PATH "data"
; example of DB configuration for MySQL
;class = zerobin_db
;dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=zerobin;charset=UTF8"
;tbl = "zerobin_" ; table prefix
;usr = "zerobin"
;pwd = "Z3r0P4ss"
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
; example of DB configuration for SQLite
;class = zerobin_db
;dsn = "sqlite:" PATH "data/db.sq3"
;usr = null
;pwd = null
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT