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class configurationTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
private $_options = array(
'main' => array(
'discussion' => true,
'opendiscussion' => false,
'password' => true,
'fileupload' => false,
'burnafterreadingselected' => false,
'defaultformatter' => 'plaintext',
'syntaxhighlightingtheme' => null,
'sizelimit' => 2097152,
'template' => 'bootstrap',
'notice' => '',
'languageselection' => false,
'languagedefault' => '',
'urlshortener' => '',
'zerobincompatibility' => false,
'expire' => array(
'default' => '1week',
'clone' => true,
'expire_options' => array(
'5min' => 300,
'10min' => 600,
'1hour' => 3600,
'1day' => 86400,
'1week' => 604800,
'1month' => 2592000,
'1year' => 31536000,
'never' => 0,
'formatter_options' => array(
'plaintext' => 'Plain Text',
'syntaxhighlighting' => 'Source Code',
'markdown' => 'Markdown',
'traffic' => array(
'limit' => 10,
'header' => null,
'dir' => '../data',
'model' => array(
'class' => 'zerobin_data',
'model_options' => array(
'dir' => '../data',
public function setUp()
/* Setup Routine */
public function tearDown()
/* Tear Down Routine */
public function testDefaultConfigFile()
$this->assertTrue(copy(CONF . '.bak', CONF), 'copy default configuration file');
$conf = new configuration;
$this->assertEquals($this->_options, $conf->get(), 'default configuration is correct');
public function testHandleFreshConfigFile()
helper::createIniFile(CONF, $this->_options);
$conf = new configuration;
$this->assertEquals($this->_options, $conf->get(), 'newly generated configuration is correct');
public function testHandleMissingConfigFile()
$conf = new configuration;
$this->assertEquals($this->_options, $conf->get(), 'returns correct defaults on missing file');
* @expectedException Exception
* @expectedExceptionCode 2
public function testHandleBlankConfigFile()
file_put_contents(CONF, '');
new configuration;
public function testHandleMinimalConfigFile()
file_put_contents(CONF, '[main]' . PHP_EOL . '[model]');
$conf = new configuration;
$this->assertEquals($this->_options, $conf->get(), 'returns correct defaults on empty file');
* @expectedException Exception
* @expectedExceptionCode 3
public function testHandleInvalidSection()
file_put_contents(CONF, '[main]' . PHP_EOL . '[model]');
$conf = new configuration;
$conf->getKey('foo', 'bar');
* @expectedException Exception
* @expectedExceptionCode 4
public function testHandleInvalidKey()
file_put_contents(CONF, '[main]' . PHP_EOL . '[model]');
$conf = new configuration;
public function testHandleGetKey()
file_put_contents(CONF, '[main]' . PHP_EOL . '[model]');
$conf = new configuration;
$this->assertEquals($this->_options['main']['sizelimit'], $conf->getKey('sizelimit'), 'get default size');
public function testHandleWrongTypes()
$original_options = $this->_options;
$original_options['main']['syntaxhighlightingtheme'] = 'foo';
$options = $original_options;
$options['main']['discussion'] = 'true';
$options['main']['opendiscussion'] = 0;
$options['main']['password'] = -1; // evaluates to TRUE
$options['main']['fileupload'] = 'false';
$options['expire_options']['foo'] = 'bar';
$options['formatter_options'][] = 'foo';
helper::createIniFile(CONF, $options);
$conf = new configuration;
$original_options['expire_options']['foo'] = intval('bar');
$original_options['formatter_options'][0] = 'foo';
$this->assertEquals($original_options, $conf->get(), 'incorrect types are corrected');
public function testHandleMissingSubKeys()
$options = $this->_options;
helper::createIniFile(CONF, $options);
$conf = new configuration;
$options['expire']['default'] = '5min';
$this->assertEquals($options, $conf->get(), 'not overriding "missing" subkeys');