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synced 2025-03-27 08:08:25 -04:00

3 URLs of images used on social networks are passed in absolute URL. Note that I did not pass all the images in absolute URLs, but, it could be consistent to do so, but, if the images work, maybe a relative call is more efficient? Remove the version of PrivateBin, at the end of each image. This apparently prevents the opengraph from working, and, so I deleted on all of the images, to remain consistent at this level. This will make fewer requests, and, anyway, the images are not intended to change with each version.
180 lines
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180 lines
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;<?php http_response_code(403); /*
; config file for PrivateBin
; An explanation of each setting can be find online at https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/wiki/Configuration.
; (optional) set a project name to be displayed on the website
; name = "PrivateBin"
; The full URL, with the domain name and directories that point to the PrivateBin files
; This URL is essential to allow Opengraph images to be displayed on social networks
; path = ""
; enable or disable the discussion feature, defaults to true
discussion = true
; preselect the discussion feature, defaults to false
opendiscussion = false
; enable or disable the password feature, defaults to true
password = true
; enable or disable the file upload feature, defaults to false
fileupload = false
; preselect the burn-after-reading feature, defaults to false
burnafterreadingselected = false
; which display mode to preselect by default, defaults to "plaintext"
; make sure the value exists in [formatter_options]
defaultformatter = "plaintext"
; (optional) set a syntax highlighting theme, as found in css/prettify/
; syntaxhighlightingtheme = "sons-of-obsidian"
; size limit per paste or comment in bytes, defaults to 10 Mebibytes
sizelimit = 10485760
; template to include, default is "bootstrap" (tpl/bootstrap.php)
template = "bootstrap"
; (optional) notice to display
; notice = "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service."
; by default PrivateBin will guess the visitors language based on the browsers
; settings. Optionally you can enable the language selection menu, which uses
; a session cookie to store the choice until the browser is closed.
languageselection = false
; set the language your installs defaults to, defaults to English
; if this is set and language selection is disabled, this will be the only language
; languagedefault = "en"
; (optional) URL shortener address to offer after a new paste is created
; it is suggested to only use this with self-hosted shorteners as this will leak
; the pastes encryption key
; urlshortener = "https://shortener.example.com/api?link="
; (optional) Let users create a QR code for sharing the paste URL with one click.
; It works both when a new paste is created and when you view a paste.
; qrcode = true
; (optional) IP based icons are a weak mechanism to detect if a comment was from
; a different user when the same username was used in a comment. It might be
; used to get the IP of a non anonymous comment poster if the server salt is
; leaked and a SHA256 HMAC rainbow table is generated for all (relevant) IPs.
; Can be set to one these values: "none" / "vizhash" / "identicon" (default).
; icon = "none"
; Content Security Policy headers allow a website to restrict what sources are
; allowed to be accessed in its context. You need to change this if you added
; custom scripts from third-party domains to your templates, e.g. tracking
; scripts or run your site behind certain DDoS-protection services.
; Check the documentation at https://content-security-policy.com/
; Notes:
; - If you use a bootstrap theme, you can remove the allow-popups from the
; sandbox restrictions.
; - By default this disallows to load images from third-party servers, e.g. when
; they are embedded in pastes. If you wish to allow that, you can adjust the
; policy here. See https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/wiki/FAQ#why-does-not-it-load-embedded-images
; for details.
; - The 'unsafe-eval' is used in two cases; to check if the browser supports
; async functions and display an error if not and for Chrome to enable
; webassembly support (used for zlib compression). You can remove it if Chrome
; doesn't need to be supported and old browsers don't need to be warned.
; cspheader = "default-src 'none'; manifest-src 'self'; connect-src * blob:; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' resource:; style-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: blob:; media-src blob:; object-src blob:; sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-popups allow-modals allow-downloads"
; stay compatible with PrivateBin Alpha 0.19, less secure
; if enabled will use base64.js version 1.7 instead of 2.1.9 and sha1 instead of
; sha256 in HMAC for the deletion token
; zerobincompatibility = false
; Enable or disable the warning message when the site is served over an insecure
; connection (insecure HTTP instead of HTTPS), defaults to true.
; Secure transport methods like Tor and I2P domains are automatically whitelisted.
; It is **strongly discouraged** to disable this.
; See https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/wiki/FAQ#why-does-it-show-me-an-error-about-an-insecure-connection for more information.
; httpwarning = true
; Pick compression algorithm or disable it. Only applies to pastes/comments
; created after changing the setting.
; Can be set to one these values: "none" / "zlib" (default).
; compression = "zlib"
; expire value that is selected per default
; make sure the value exists in [expire_options]
default = "1week"
; Set each one of these to the number of seconds in the expiration period,
; or 0 if it should never expire
5min = 300
10min = 600
1hour = 3600
1day = 86400
1week = 604800
; Well this is not *exactly* one month, it's 30 days:
1month = 2592000
1year = 31536000
never = 0
; Set available formatters, their order and their labels
plaintext = "Plain Text"
syntaxhighlighting = "Source Code"
markdown = "Markdown"
; time limit between calls from the same IP address in seconds
; Set this to 0 to disable rate limiting.
limit = 10
; (optional) if your website runs behind a reverse proxy or load balancer,
; set the HTTP header containing the visitors IP address, i.e. X_FORWARDED_FOR
; header = "X_FORWARDED_FOR"
; directory to store the traffic limits in
dir = PATH "data"
; minimum time limit between two purgings of expired pastes, it is only
; triggered when pastes are created
; Set this to 0 to run a purge every time a paste is created.
limit = 300
; maximum amount of expired pastes to delete in one purge
; Set this to 0 to disable purging. Set it higher, if you are running a large
; site
batchsize = 10
; directory to store the purge limit in
dir = PATH "data"
; name of data model class to load and directory for storage
; the default model "Filesystem" stores everything in the filesystem
class = Filesystem
dir = PATH "data"
; example of DB configuration for MySQL
;class = Database
;dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=privatebin;charset=UTF8"
;tbl = "privatebin_" ; table prefix
;usr = "privatebin"
;pwd = "Z3r0P4ss"
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
; example of DB configuration for SQLite
;class = Database
;dsn = "sqlite:" PATH "data/db.sq3"
;usr = null
;pwd = null
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT