getKey('limit', 'traffic')); self::setPath($conf->getKey('dir', 'traffic')); self::setExemptedIp($conf->getKey('exemptedIp', 'traffic')); if (($option = $conf->getKey('header', 'traffic')) !== null) { $httpHeader = 'HTTP_' . $option; if (array_key_exists($httpHeader, $_SERVER) && !empty($_SERVER[$httpHeader])) { self::$_ipKey = $httpHeader; } } } /** * get a HMAC of the current visitors IP address * * @access public * @static * @param string $algo * @return string */ public static function getHash($algo = 'sha512') { return hash_hmac($algo, $_SERVER[self::$_ipKey], ServerSalt::get()); } /** * Validate $_ipKey against configured ipranges. If matched we will ignore the ip * * @access private * @static * @param string $ipRange * @return bool */ private static function matchIp($ipRange = null) { if (is_string($ipRange)) { $ipRange = trim($ipRange); } $address = Factory::addressFromString($_SERVER[self::$_ipKey]); $range = Factory::rangeFromString($ipRange); // address could not be parsed, we might not be in IP space and try a string comparison instead if (is_null($address)) { return $_SERVER[self::$_ipKey] === $ipRange; } // range could not be parsed, possibly an invalid ip range given in config if (is_null($range)) { return false; } // Ip-lib throws an exception when something goes wrong, if so we want to catch it and set contained to false try { return $address->matches($range); } catch (Exception $e) { // If something is wrong with matching the ip, we assume it doesn't match return false; } } /** * traffic limiter * * Make sure the IP address makes at most 1 request every 10 seconds. * * @access public * @static * @throws Exception * @return bool */ public static function canPass() { // disable limits if set to less then 1 if (self::$_limit < 1) { return true; } // Check if $_ipKey is exempted from ratelimiting if (!is_null(self::$_exemptedIp)) { $exIp_array = explode(',', self::$_exemptedIp); foreach ($exIp_array as $ipRange) { if (self::matchIp($ipRange) === true) { return true; } } } $file = 'traffic_limiter.php'; if (self::_exists($file)) { require self::getPath($file); $tl = $GLOBALS['traffic_limiter']; } else { $tl = array(); } // purge file of expired hashes to keep it small $now = time(); foreach ($tl as $key => $time) { if ($time + self::$_limit < $now) { unset($tl[$key]); } } // this hash is used as an array key, hence a shorter algo is used $hash = self::getHash('sha256'); if (array_key_exists($hash, $tl) && ($tl[$hash] + self::$_limit >= $now)) { $result = false; } else { $tl[$hash] = time(); $result = true; } self::_store( $file, '