<?php error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT ); // change this, if your php files and data is outside of your webservers document root if (!defined('PATH')) define('PATH', '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (!defined('PUBLIC_PATH')) define('PUBLIC_PATH', '..'); require PATH . 'lib/auto.php'; class helper { /** * delete directory and all its contents recursively * * @param string $path * @throws Exception */ public static function rmdir($path) { $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dir = dir($path); while(false !== ($file = $dir->read())) { if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if(is_dir($path . $file)) { self::rmdir($path . $file); } elseif(is_file($path . $file)) { if(!@unlink($path . $file)) { throw new Exception('Error deleting file "' . $path . $file . '".'); } } } } $dir->close(); if(!@rmdir($path)) { throw new Exception('Error deleting directory "' . $path . '".'); } } /** * create ini file * * @param string $pathToFile * @param array $values */ public static function createIniFile($pathToFile, $values) { if (count($values)) { @unlink($pathToFile); $ini = fopen($pathToFile, 'a'); foreach ($values as $section => $options) { fwrite($ini, "[$section]" . PHP_EOL); foreach($options as $option => $setting) { if (is_null($setting)) { continue; } elseif (is_string($setting)) { $setting = '"' . $setting . '"'; } else { $setting = var_export($setting, true); } fwrite($ini, "$option = $setting" . PHP_EOL); } fwrite($ini, PHP_EOL); } fclose($ini); } } /** * a var_export that returns arrays without line breaks * by linus@flowingcreativity.net via php.net * * @param mixed $var * @param bool $return * @return void|string */ public static function var_export_min($var, $return = false) { if (is_array($var)) { $toImplode = array(); foreach ($var as $key => $value) { $toImplode[] = var_export($key, true) . ' => ' . self::var_export_min($value, true); } $code = 'array(' . implode(', ', $toImplode) . ')'; if ($return) { return $code; } else { echo $code; } } else { return var_export($var, $return); } } }