<?php /** * PrivateBin * * a zero-knowledge paste bin * * @link https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin * @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (sebsauvage.net) * @license https://www.opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php The zlib/libpng License * @version 1.3.2 */ namespace PrivateBin\Data; use Exception; use PDO; use PDOException; use PrivateBin\Controller; use PrivateBin\Json; /** * Database * * Model for database access, implemented as a singleton. */ class Database extends AbstractData { /** * cache for select queries * * @var array */ private static $_cache = array(); /** * instance of database connection * * @access private * @static * @var PDO */ private static $_db; /** * table prefix * * @access private * @static * @var string */ private static $_prefix = ''; /** * database type * * @access private * @static * @var string */ private static $_type = ''; /** * get instance of singleton * * @access public * @static * @param array $options * @throws Exception * @return Database */ public static function getInstance(array $options) { // if needed initialize the singleton if (!(self::$_instance instanceof self)) { self::$_instance = new self; } // set table prefix if given if (array_key_exists('tbl', $options)) { self::$_prefix = $options['tbl']; } // initialize the db connection with new options if ( array_key_exists('dsn', $options) && array_key_exists('usr', $options) && array_key_exists('pwd', $options) && array_key_exists('opt', $options) ) { // set default options $options['opt'][PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE] = PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION; $options['opt'][PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES] = false; $options['opt'][PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT] = true; $db_tables_exist = true; // setup type and dabase connection self::$_type = strtolower( substr($options['dsn'], 0, strpos($options['dsn'], ':')) ); $tableQuery = self::_getTableQuery(self::$_type); self::$_db = new PDO( $options['dsn'], $options['usr'], $options['pwd'], $options['opt'] ); // check if the database contains the required tables $tables = self::$_db->query($tableQuery)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); // create paste table if necessary if (!in_array(self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste'), $tables)) { self::_createPasteTable(); $db_tables_exist = false; } // create comment table if necessary if (!in_array(self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment'), $tables)) { self::_createCommentTable(); $db_tables_exist = false; } // create config table if necessary $db_version = Controller::VERSION; if (!in_array(self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config'), $tables)) { self::_createConfigTable(); // if we only needed to create the config table, the DB is older then 0.22 if ($db_tables_exist) { $db_version = '0.21'; } } else { $db_version = self::_getConfig('VERSION'); } // update database structure if necessary if (version_compare($db_version, Controller::VERSION, '<')) { self::_upgradeDatabase($db_version); } } else { throw new Exception( 'Missing configuration for key dsn, usr, pwd or opt in the section model_options, please check your configuration file', 6 ); } return self::$_instance; } /** * Create a paste. * * @access public * @param string $pasteid * @param array $paste * @return bool */ public function create($pasteid, array $paste) { if ( array_key_exists($pasteid, self::$_cache) ) { if (false !== self::$_cache[$pasteid]) { return false; } else { unset(self::$_cache[$pasteid]); } } $expire_date = 0; $opendiscussion = $burnafterreading = false; $attachment = $attachmentname = null; $meta = $paste['meta']; $isVersion1 = array_key_exists('data', $paste); list($createdKey) = self::_getVersionedKeys($isVersion1 ? 1 : 2); $created = (int) $meta[$createdKey]; unset($meta[$createdKey], $paste['meta']); if (array_key_exists('expire_date', $meta)) { $expire_date = (int) $meta['expire_date']; unset($meta['expire_date']); } if (array_key_exists('opendiscussion', $meta)) { $opendiscussion = $meta['opendiscussion']; unset($meta['opendiscussion']); } if (array_key_exists('burnafterreading', $meta)) { $burnafterreading = $meta['burnafterreading']; unset($meta['burnafterreading']); } if ($isVersion1) { if (array_key_exists('attachment', $meta)) { $attachment = $meta['attachment']; unset($meta['attachment']); } if (array_key_exists('attachmentname', $meta)) { $attachmentname = $meta['attachmentname']; unset($meta['attachmentname']); } } else { $opendiscussion = $paste['adata'][2]; $burnafterreading = $paste['adata'][3]; } return self::_exec( 'INSERT INTO ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . ' VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array( $pasteid, $isVersion1 ? $paste['data'] : Json::encode($paste), $created, $expire_date, (int) $opendiscussion, (int) $burnafterreading, Json::encode($meta), $attachment, $attachmentname, ) ); } /** * Read a paste. * * @access public * @param string $pasteid * @return array|false */ public function read($pasteid) { if (array_key_exists($pasteid, self::$_cache)) { return self::$_cache[$pasteid]; } self::$_cache[$pasteid] = false; $paste = self::_select( 'SELECT * FROM ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . ' WHERE dataid = ?', array($pasteid), true ); if ($paste === false) { return false; } // create array $data = Json::decode($paste['data']); $isVersion2 = array_key_exists('v', $data) && $data['v'] >= 2; if ($isVersion2) { self::$_cache[$pasteid] = $data; list($createdKey) = self::_getVersionedKeys(2); } else { self::$_cache[$pasteid] = array('data' => $paste['data']); list($createdKey) = self::_getVersionedKeys(1); } try { $paste['meta'] = Json::decode($paste['meta']); } catch (Exception $e) { $paste['meta'] = array(); } $paste = self::upgradePreV1Format($paste); self::$_cache[$pasteid]['meta'] = $paste['meta']; self::$_cache[$pasteid]['meta'][$createdKey] = (int) $paste['postdate']; $expire_date = (int) $paste['expiredate']; if ($expire_date > 0) { self::$_cache[$pasteid]['meta']['expire_date'] = $expire_date; } if ($isVersion2) { return self::$_cache[$pasteid]; } // support v1 attachments if (array_key_exists('attachment', $paste) && strlen($paste['attachment'])) { self::$_cache[$pasteid]['attachment'] = $paste['attachment']; if (array_key_exists('attachmentname', $paste) && strlen($paste['attachmentname'])) { self::$_cache[$pasteid]['attachmentname'] = $paste['attachmentname']; } } if ($paste['opendiscussion']) { self::$_cache[$pasteid]['meta']['opendiscussion'] = true; } if ($paste['burnafterreading']) { self::$_cache[$pasteid]['meta']['burnafterreading'] = true; } return self::$_cache[$pasteid]; } /** * Delete a paste and its discussion. * * @access public * @param string $pasteid */ public function delete($pasteid) { self::_exec( 'DELETE FROM ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . ' WHERE dataid = ?', array($pasteid) ); self::_exec( 'DELETE FROM ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . ' WHERE pasteid = ?', array($pasteid) ); if ( array_key_exists($pasteid, self::$_cache) ) { unset(self::$_cache[$pasteid]); } } /** * Test if a paste exists. * * @access public * @param string $pasteid * @return bool */ public function exists($pasteid) { if ( !array_key_exists($pasteid, self::$_cache) ) { self::$_cache[$pasteid] = $this->read($pasteid); } return (bool) self::$_cache[$pasteid]; } /** * Create a comment in a paste. * * @access public * @param string $pasteid * @param string $parentid * @param string $commentid * @param array $comment * @return bool */ public function createComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid, array $comment) { if (array_key_exists('data', $comment)) { $version = 1; $data = $comment['data']; } else { $version = 2; $data = Json::encode($comment); } list($createdKey, $iconKey) = self::_getVersionedKeys($version); $meta = $comment['meta']; unset($comment['meta']); foreach (array('nickname', $iconKey) as $key) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $meta)) { $meta[$key] = null; } } return self::_exec( 'INSERT INTO ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . ' VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array( $commentid, $pasteid, $parentid, $data, $meta['nickname'], $meta[$iconKey], $meta[$createdKey], ) ); } /** * Read all comments of paste. * * @access public * @param string $pasteid * @return array */ public function readComments($pasteid) { $rows = self::_select( 'SELECT * FROM ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . ' WHERE pasteid = ?', array($pasteid) ); // create comment list $comments = array(); if (count($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $i = $this->getOpenSlot($comments, (int) $row['postdate']); $data = Json::decode($row['data']); if (array_key_exists('v', $data) && $data['v'] >= 2) { $version = 2; $comments[$i] = $data; } else { $version = 1; $comments[$i] = array('data' => $row['data']); } list($createdKey, $iconKey) = self::_getVersionedKeys($version); $comments[$i]['id'] = $row['dataid']; $comments[$i]['parentid'] = $row['parentid']; $comments[$i]['meta'] = array($createdKey => (int) $row['postdate']); foreach (array('nickname' => 'nickname', 'vizhash' => $iconKey) as $rowKey => $commentKey) { if (array_key_exists($rowKey, $row) && !empty($row[$rowKey])) { $comments[$i]['meta'][$commentKey] = $row[$rowKey]; } } } ksort($comments); } return $comments; } /** * Test if a comment exists. * * @access public * @param string $pasteid * @param string $parentid * @param string $commentid * @return bool */ public function existsComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid) { return (bool) self::_select( 'SELECT dataid FROM ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . ' WHERE pasteid = ? AND parentid = ? AND dataid = ?', array($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid), true ); } /** * Returns up to batch size number of paste ids that have expired * * @access private * @param int $batchsize * @return array */ protected function _getExpiredPastes($batchsize) { $pastes = array(); $rows = self::_select( 'SELECT dataid FROM ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . ' WHERE expiredate < ? AND expiredate != ? LIMIT ?', array(time(), 0, $batchsize) ); if (count($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $pastes[] = $row['dataid']; } } return $pastes; } /** * execute a statement * * @access private * @static * @param string $sql * @param array $params * @throws PDOException * @return bool */ private static function _exec($sql, array $params) { $statement = self::$_db->prepare($sql); $result = $statement->execute($params); $statement->closeCursor(); return $result; } /** * run a select statement * * @access private * @static * @param string $sql * @param array $params * @param bool $firstOnly if only the first row should be returned * @throws PDOException * @return array|false */ private static function _select($sql, array $params, $firstOnly = false) { $statement = self::$_db->prepare($sql); $statement->execute($params); $result = $firstOnly ? $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $statement->closeCursor(); return $result; } /** * get version dependent key names * * @access private * @static * @param int $version * @return array */ private static function _getVersionedKeys($version) { if ($version === 1) { return array('postdate', 'vizhash'); } return array('created', 'icon'); } /** * get table list query, depending on the database type * * @access private * @static * @param string $type * @throws Exception * @return string */ private static function _getTableQuery($type) { switch ($type) { case 'ibm': $sql = 'SELECT tabname FROM SYSCAT.TABLES '; break; case 'informix': $sql = 'SELECT tabname FROM systables '; break; case 'mssql': $sql = 'SELECT name FROM sysobjects ' . "WHERE type = 'U' ORDER BY name"; break; case 'mysql': $sql = 'SHOW TABLES'; break; case 'oci': $sql = 'SELECT table_name FROM all_tables'; break; case 'pgsql': $sql = 'SELECT c.relname AS table_name ' . 'FROM pg_class c, pg_user u ' . "WHERE c.relowner = u.usesysid AND c.relkind = 'r' " . 'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_views WHERE viewname = c.relname) ' . "AND c.relname !~ '^(pg_|sql_)' " . 'UNION ' . 'SELECT c.relname AS table_name ' . 'FROM pg_class c ' . "WHERE c.relkind = 'r' " . 'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_views WHERE viewname = c.relname) ' . 'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_user WHERE usesysid = c.relowner) ' . "AND c.relname !~ '^pg_'"; break; case 'sqlite': $sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' " . 'UNION ALL SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master ' . "WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name"; break; default: throw new Exception( "PDO type $type is currently not supported.", 5 ); } return $sql; } /** * get a value by key from the config table * * @access private * @static * @param string $key * @throws PDOException * @return string */ private static function _getConfig($key) { $row = self::_select( 'SELECT value FROM ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config') . ' WHERE id = ?', array($key), true ); return $row['value']; } /** * get the primary key clauses, depending on the database driver * * @access private * @static * @param string $key * @return array */ private static function _getPrimaryKeyClauses($key = 'dataid') { $main_key = $after_key = ''; if (self::$_type === 'mysql') { $after_key = ", PRIMARY KEY ($key)"; } else { $main_key = ' PRIMARY KEY'; } return array($main_key, $after_key); } /** * get the data type, depending on the database driver * * PostgreSQL uses a different API for BLOBs then SQL, hence we use TEXT * * @access private * @static * @return string */ private static function _getDataType() { return self::$_type === 'pgsql' ? 'TEXT' : 'BLOB'; } /** * get the attachment type, depending on the database driver * * PostgreSQL uses a different API for BLOBs then SQL, hence we use TEXT * * @access private * @static * @return string */ private static function _getAttachmentType() { return self::$_type === 'pgsql' ? 'TEXT' : 'MEDIUMBLOB'; } /** * create the paste table * * @access private * @static */ private static function _createPasteTable() { list($main_key, $after_key) = self::_getPrimaryKeyClauses(); $dataType = self::_getDataType(); $attachmentType = self::_getAttachmentType(); self::$_db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . ' ( ' . "dataid CHAR(16) NOT NULL$main_key, " . "data $attachmentType, " . 'postdate INT, ' . 'expiredate INT, ' . 'opendiscussion INT, ' . 'burnafterreading INT, ' . 'meta TEXT, ' . "attachment $attachmentType, " . "attachmentname $dataType$after_key );" ); } /** * create the paste table * * @access private * @static */ private static function _createCommentTable() { list($main_key, $after_key) = self::_getPrimaryKeyClauses(); $dataType = self::_getDataType(); self::$_db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . ' ( ' . "dataid CHAR(16) NOT NULL$main_key, " . 'pasteid CHAR(16), ' . 'parentid CHAR(16), ' . "data $dataType, " . "nickname $dataType, " . "vizhash $dataType, " . "postdate INT$after_key );" ); self::$_db->exec( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS comment_parent ON ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '(pasteid);' ); } /** * create the paste table * * @access private * @static */ private static function _createConfigTable() { list($main_key, $after_key) = self::_getPrimaryKeyClauses('id'); self::$_db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config') . " ( id CHAR(16) NOT NULL$main_key, value TEXT$after_key );" ); self::_exec( 'INSERT INTO ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config') . ' VALUES(?,?)', array('VERSION', Controller::VERSION) ); } /** * sanitizes identifiers * * @access private * @static * @param string $identifier * @return string */ private static function _sanitizeIdentifier($identifier) { return preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/', '', self::$_prefix . $identifier); } /** * upgrade the database schema from an old version * * @access private * @static * @param string $oldversion */ private static function _upgradeDatabase($oldversion) { $dataType = self::_getDataType(); $attachmentType = self::_getAttachmentType(); switch ($oldversion) { case '0.21': // create the meta column if necessary (pre 0.21 change) try { self::$_db->exec('SELECT meta FROM ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . ' LIMIT 1;'); } catch (PDOException $e) { self::$_db->exec('ALTER TABLE ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . ' ADD COLUMN meta TEXT;'); } // SQLite only allows one ALTER statement at a time... self::$_db->exec( 'ALTER TABLE ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . " ADD COLUMN attachment $attachmentType;" ); self::$_db->exec( 'ALTER TABLE ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . " ADD COLUMN attachmentname $dataType;" ); // SQLite doesn't support MODIFY, but it allows TEXT of similar // size as BLOB, so there is no need to change it there if (self::$_type !== 'sqlite') { self::$_db->exec( 'ALTER TABLE ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . " ADD PRIMARY KEY (dataid), MODIFY COLUMN data $dataType;" ); self::$_db->exec( 'ALTER TABLE ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . " ADD PRIMARY KEY (dataid), MODIFY COLUMN data $dataType, " . "MODIFY COLUMN nickname $dataType, MODIFY COLUMN vizhash $dataType;" ); } else { self::$_db->exec( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS paste_dataid ON ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . '(dataid);' ); self::$_db->exec( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS comment_dataid ON ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '(dataid);' ); } self::$_db->exec( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS comment_parent ON ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '(pasteid);' ); // no break, continue with updates for 0.22 and later case '1.3': // SQLite doesn't support MODIFY, but it allows TEXT of similar // size as BLOB and PostgreSQL uses TEXT, so there is no need // to change it there if (self::$_type !== 'sqlite' && self::$_type !== 'pgsql') { self::$_db->exec( 'ALTER TABLE ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . " MODIFY COLUMN data $attachmentType;" ); } // no break, continue with updates for all newer versions default: self::_exec( 'UPDATE ' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config') . ' SET value = ? WHERE id = ?', array(Controller::VERSION, 'VERSION') ); } } }