'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); describe('Model', function () { describe('getExpirationDefault', function () { before(function () { $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); cleanup = jsdom(); }); jsc.property( 'returns the contents of the element with id "pasteExpiration"', 'nearray asciinestring', 'string', 'small nat', function (keys, value, key) { keys = keys.map($.PrivateBin.Helper.htmlEntities); value = $.PrivateBin.Helper.htmlEntities(value); var content = keys.length > key ? keys[key] : keys[0], contents = ''; $('body').html(contents); var result = $.PrivateBin.Helper.htmlEntities( $.PrivateBin.Model.getExpirationDefault() ); $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); return content === result; } ); }); describe('getFormatDefault', function () { before(function () { $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); }); after(function () { cleanup(); }); jsc.property( 'returns the contents of the element with id "pasteFormatter"', 'nearray asciinestring', 'string', 'small nat', function (keys, value, key) { keys = keys.map($.PrivateBin.Helper.htmlEntities); value = $.PrivateBin.Helper.htmlEntities(value); var content = keys.length > key ? keys[key] : keys[0], contents = ''; $('body').html(contents); var result = $.PrivateBin.Helper.htmlEntities( $.PrivateBin.Model.getFormatDefault() ); $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); return content === result; } ); }); describe('getPasteId', function () { this.timeout(30000); beforeEach(function () { $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); }); jsc.property( 'returns the query string without separator, if any', common.jscUrl(true, false), jsc.tuple(new Array(16).fill(common.jscHexString)), jsc.array(common.jscQueryString()), jsc.array(common.jscQueryString()), function (url, pasteId, queryStart, queryEnd) { if (queryStart.length > 0) { queryStart.push('&'); } if (queryEnd.length > 0) { queryEnd.unshift('&'); } url.query = queryStart.concat(pasteId, queryEnd); const pasteIdString = pasteId.join(''), clean = jsdom('', {url: common.urlToString(url)}); const result = $.PrivateBin.Model.getPasteId(); $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); clean(); return pasteIdString === result; } ); jsc.property( 'throws exception on empty query string', common.jscUrl(true, false), function (url) { let clean = jsdom('', {url: common.urlToString(url)}), result = false; try { $.PrivateBin.Model.getPasteId(); } catch(err) { result = true; } $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); clean(); return result; } ); }); describe('getPasteKey', function () { this.timeout(30000); beforeEach(function () { $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); }); jsc.property( 'returns the fragment of a v1 URL', common.jscUrl(), function (url) { url.fragment = '0OIl'; // any non-base58 string const clean = jsdom('', {url: common.urlToString(url)}), result = $.PrivateBin.Model.getPasteKey(); $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); clean(); return url.fragment === result; } ); jsc.property( 'returns the fragment stripped of trailing query parts', common.jscUrl(), jsc.array(common.jscHashString()), function (url, trail) { const fragment = url.fragment.padStart(32, '\u0000'); url.fragment = $.PrivateBin.CryptTool.base58encode(fragment) + '&' + trail.join(''); const clean = jsdom('', {url: common.urlToString(url)}), result = $.PrivateBin.Model.getPasteKey(); $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); clean(); return fragment === result; } ); jsc.property( 'returns the fragment of a v2 URL', common.jscUrl(), function (url) { // base58 strips leading NULL bytes, so the string is padded with these if not found const fragment = url.fragment.padStart(32, '\u0000'); url.fragment = $.PrivateBin.CryptTool.base58encode(fragment); const clean = jsdom('', {url: common.urlToString(url)}), result = $.PrivateBin.Model.getPasteKey(); $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); clean(); return fragment === result; } ); jsc.property( 'returns the v2 fragment stripped of trailing query parts', common.jscUrl(), jsc.array(common.jscHashString()), function (url, trail) { // base58 strips leading NULL bytes, so the string is padded with these if not found const fragment = url.fragment.padStart(32, '\u0000'); url.fragment = $.PrivateBin.CryptTool.base58encode(fragment) + '&' + trail.join(''); const clean = jsdom('', {url: common.urlToString(url)}), result = $.PrivateBin.Model.getPasteKey(); $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); clean(); return fragment === result; } ); jsc.property( 'throws exception on empty fragment of the URL', common.jscUrl(false), function (url) { let clean = jsdom('', {url: common.urlToString(url)}), result = false; try { $.PrivateBin.Model.getPasteKey(); } catch(err) { result = true; } $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); clean(); return result; } ); }); describe('getTemplate', function () { beforeEach(function () { $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); }); jsc.property( 'returns the contents of the element with id "[name]template"', jsc.nearray(common.jscAlnumString()), jsc.nearray(common.jscA2zString()), jsc.nearray(common.jscAlnumString()), function (id, element, value) { id = id.join(''); element = element.join(''); value = value.join('').trim(); //
, and tags can't contain strings, // table tags can't be alone, so test with a

instead if (['br', 'col', 'hr', 'img', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'wbr'].indexOf(element) >= 0) { element = 'p'; } $('body').html( '

<' + element + ' id="' + id + 'template">' + value + '
' ); $.PrivateBin.Model.init(); var template = '<' + element + ' id="' + id + '">' + value + '', result = $.PrivateBin.Model.getTemplate(id).wrap('

').parent().html(); $.PrivateBin.Model.reset(); return template === result; } ); }); });