    "PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
    "%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted <i>in the browser</i> using 256 bits AES. More information on the <a href=\"https://privatebin.info/\">project page</a>.":
        "%s es un 'pastebin' (o gestionari d’extrachs de tèxte e còdi font) minimalista e open source, dins lo qual lo servidor a pas cap de coneissença de las donadas mandadas. Las donadas son chifradas/deschifradas <i>dins lo navigator</i> per un chiframent AES 256 bits. Mai informacions sus <a href=\"https://privatebin.info/\">la pagina del projècte</a>.",
    "Because ignorance is bliss":
        "Perque lo bonaür es l’ignorància",
    "en": "oc",
    "Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.":
        "Lo tèxte existís pas, a expirat, o es estat suprimit.",
    "%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.":
        "O planhèm, %s necessita php %s o superior per foncionar.",
    "%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.":
        "%s fa besonh de la seccion de configuracion [%s] dins lo fichièr de configuracion per foncionar.",
    "Please wait %d seconds between each post.":
        "Mercés d'esperar %d segondas entre cada publicacion.",
    "Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.":
        "Lo tèxte es limitat a %s de donadas chifradas.",
    "Invalid data.":
        "Donadas invalidas.",
    "You are unlucky. Try again.":
        "Pas cap de fortuna. Tornatz ensajar.",
    "Error saving comment. Sorry.":
        "Error al moment de salvagardar lo comentari. O planhèm.",
    "Error saving paste. Sorry.":
        "Error al moment de salvagardar lo tèxte. O planhèm.",
    "Invalid paste ID.":
        "ID del tèxte invalid.",
    "Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.":
        "Lo tèxte es pas del tip \"Escafar aprèp lectura\".",
    "Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.":
        "Geton de supression incorrècte. Lo tèxte es pas estat suprimit.",
    "Paste was properly deleted.":
        "Lo tèxte es estat corrèctament  suprimit.",
    "JavaScript is required for %s to work.<br />Sorry for the inconvenience.":
        "JavaScript es requesit per far foncionar %s. <br />O planhèm per l’inconvenient.",
    "%s requires a modern browser to work.":
        "%s necessita un navigator modèrn per foncionar.",
    "Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
        "Encora sus Internet Explorer ? Fasètz-vos una favor, passatz a un navigator modèrn :",
    "Raw text":
        "Tèxte brut",
    "Burn after reading":
        "Escafar aprèp lectura",
    "Open discussion":
        "Autorizar la discussion",
    "Password (recommended)":
        "Senhal (recomandat)",
    "Toggle navigation":
        "Virar la navigacion",
    "%d seconds": ["%d segonda", "%d segondas"],
    "%d minutes": ["%d minuta", "%d minutas"],
    "%d hours": ["%d ora", "%d oras"],
    "%d days": ["%d jorn", "%d jorns"],
    "%d weeks": ["%d setmana", "%d setmanas"],
    "%d months": ["%d mes", "%d meses"],
    "%d years": ["%d an", "%d ans"],
    "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.":
        "Nota : Aquò es un servici d’espròva : las donadas pòdon èsser suprimidas a cada moment. De catons moriràn s’abusatz d’aqueste servici.",
    "This document will expire in %d seconds.":
        ["Ce document expirera dans %d seconde.", "Aqueste document expirarà dins %d segondas."],
    "This document will expire in %d minutes.":
        ["Ce document expirera dans %d minute.", "Aqueste document expirarà dins %d minutas."],
    "This document will expire in %d hours.":
        ["Ce document expirera dans %d heure.", "Aqueste document expirarà dins %d oras."],
    "This document will expire in %d days.":
        ["Ce document expirera dans %d jour.", "Aqueste document expirarà dins %d jorns."],
    "This document will expire in %d months.":
        ["Ce document expirera dans %d mois.", "Aqueste document expirarà dins %d meses."],
    "Please enter the password for this paste:":
        "Picatz lo senhal per aqueste tèxte :",
    "Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)":
        "Impossible de deschifrar las donadas (marrida clau ?)",
    "Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.":
        "Impossible de suprimir lo tèxte, perque es pas estat gardat en mòde \"Escafar aprèp lectura\".",
    "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.":
        "PER VÒSTRES UÈLHS SOLAMENT. Tampetz pas aquesta fenèstra, aqueste tèxte poirà pas mai èsser afichat.",
    "Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?":
        "Impossible de deschifrar lo comentari ; marrida clau ?",
    "Avatar generated from IP address":
        "Avatar anonime (Vizhash de l’adreça IP)",
    "Add comment":
        "Apondre un comentari",
    "Optional nickname…":
        "Escais opcional…",
    "Post comment":
        "Mandar lo comentari",
    "Sending comment…":
        "Mandadís del comentari…",
    "Comment posted.":
        "Comentari mandat.",
    "Could not refresh display: %s":
        "Impossible d’actualizar l’afichatge : %s",
    "unknown status":
        "Estatut desconegut",
    "server error or not responding":
        "Lo servidor respond pas o a rescontrat una error",
    "Could not post comment: %s":
        "Impossible de mandar lo comentari : %s",
    "Sending paste…":
        "Mandadís del tèxte…",
    "Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>":
        "Vòstre tèxte es disponible a l’adreça <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Picatz sus [Ctrl]+[c] per copiar)</span>",
    "Delete data":
        "Supprimir las donadas del tèxte",
    "Could not create paste: %s":
        "Impossible de crear lo tèxte : %s",
    "Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)":
        "Impossible de deschifrar lo tèxte : clau de deschiframent absenta de l’URL (Avètz utilizat un redirector o un site de reduccion d’URL que suprimís una partida de l’URL ?)",
    "B": "o",
    "KiB": "Kio",
    "MiB": "Mio",
    "GiB": "Gio",
    "TiB": "Tio",
    "PiB": "Pio",
    "EiB": "Eio",
    "ZiB": "Zio",
    "YiB": "Yio",
    "Format": "Format",
    "Plain Text": "Tèxte brut",
    "Source Code": "Còdi font",
    "Markdown": "Markdown",
    "Download attachment": "Telecargar la pèça junta",
    "Cloned: '%s'": "Clonar : '%s'",
    "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Aqueste fichièr clonat '%s' es estat ajustat a aqueste tèxte.",
    "Attach a file": "Juntar un fichièr",
    "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "autrament lisatz lo fichièr o pegatz l’imatge del quichapapièrs",
    "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Fichièr tròp pesuc per mostrar un apercebut. Telecargatz la pèca junta.",
    "Remove attachment": "Levar la pèça junta",
    "Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.":
        "Vòstre navigator es pas compatible amb lo mandadís de fichièrs chifrats. Mercés d’emplegar un navigator mai recent.",
    "Invalid attachment.": "Pèça junta invalida.",
    "Options": "Opcions",
    "Shorten URL": "Acorchir l’URL",
    "Editor": "Editar",
    "Preview": "Previsualizar",
    "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.":
        "%s demanda que lo PATH termine en \"%s\". Mercés de metre a jorn lo PATH dins vòstre index.php.",
    "Enter password":
        "Picatz lo senhal",
    "Loading…": "Cargament…",
    "Decrypting paste…": "Deschirament del tèxte…",
    "Preparing new paste…": "Preparacion…",
    "In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.":
        "Se per cas aqueste messatge quite pas de s’afichar mercés de gaitar <a href=\"%s\">aquesta FAQ per las solucions</a> (en anglés).",
    "+++ no paste text +++": "+++ cap de tèxte pegat +++",
    "Could not get paste data: %s":
        "Recuperacion impossibla de las donadas copiadas : %s",
    "QR code": "Còdi QR",
    "I love you too, bot…": "T’aimi tanben, robòt…",
    "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
        "Aqueste site utiliza una connexion HTTP pas segura ! Mercés de l’utilizar pas que per d’ensages.",
    "For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
        "Per mai d’informacions <a href=\"%s\">vejatz aqueste article de FAQ</a>.",
    "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
        "Se pòt que vòstre navigator faga besonh d’una connexion HTTPS per èsser compatible amb l’API WebCrypto. Ensajatz de <a href=\"%s\">passar al HTTPS</a>.",
    "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
        "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."