'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); function urlStrings(schema, longUrl, shortUrl) { longUrl.schema = schema; shortUrl.schema = schema; let longUrlString = common.urlToString(longUrl), shortUrlString = common.urlToString(shortUrl); // ensure the two random URLs actually are sorted as expected if (longUrlString.length <= shortUrlString.length) { if (longUrlString.length === shortUrlString.length) { longUrl.address.unshift('a'); longUrlString = common.urlToString(longUrl); } else { [longUrlString, shortUrlString] = [shortUrlString, longUrlString]; } } return [longUrlString, shortUrlString]; } describe('PasteStatus', function () { describe('createPasteNotification', function () { this.timeout(30000); jsc.property( 'creates a notification after a successfull paste upload', common.jscUrl(), common.jscUrl(false), function (url1, url2) { const expected1 = common.urlToString(url1).replace(/&(gt|lt)$/, '&$1a'), expected2 = common.urlToString(url2).replace(/&(gt|lt)$/, '&$1a'), clean = jsdom(); $('body').html(''); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.init(); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.createPasteNotification(expected1, expected2); const result1 = $('#pasteurl')[0].href, result2 = $('#deletelink')[0].href; clean(); return result1 === expected1 && result2 === expected2; } ); }); describe('extractUrl', function () { this.timeout(30000); jsc.property( 'extracts and updates IDN URLs found in given response', common.jscSchemas(false), 'nestring', common.jscUrl(), function (schema, domain, url) { domain = domain.replace(/\P{Letter}|[\u00AA-\u00BA]/gu, '').toLowerCase(); if (domain.length === 0) { domain = 'a'; } url.schema = schema; url.address.unshift('.'); url.address = domain.split('').concat(url.address); const urlString = common.urlToString(url), expected = urlString.substring((schema + '://' + domain).length), clean = jsdom(); $('body').html('
'); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.init(); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.createPasteNotification('', ''); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.extractUrl(urlString); const result = $('#pasteurl')[0].href; clean(); return result.endsWith(expected) && ( result.startsWith(schema + '://xn--') || result.startsWith(schema + '://' + domain) ); } ); // YOURLS API samples from: https://yourls.org/readme.html#API;apireturn jsc.property( 'extracts and updates URLs found in YOURLS API JSON response', common.jscSchemas(false), common.jscUrl(), common.jscUrl(false), function (schema, longUrl, shortUrl) { const [longUrlString, shortUrlString] = urlStrings(schema, longUrl, shortUrl), yourlsResponse = { url: { keyword: longUrl.address.join(''), url: longUrlString, title: "example title", date: "2014-10-24 16:01:39", ip: "" }, status: "success", message: longUrlString + " added to database", title: "example title", shorturl: shortUrlString, statusCode: 200 }, clean = jsdom(); $('body').html('
'); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.init(); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.createPasteNotification('', ''); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.extractUrl(JSON.stringify(yourlsResponse, undefined, 4)); const result = $('#pasteurl')[0].href; clean(); return result === shortUrlString; } ); jsc.property( 'extracts and updates URLs found in YOURLS API XML response', common.jscSchemas(false), common.jscUrl(), common.jscUrl(false), function (schema, longUrl, shortUrl) { const [longUrlString, shortUrlString] = urlStrings(schema, longUrl, shortUrl), yourlsResponse = '\n' + ' ' + longUrl.address.join('') + '\n' + ' ' + shortUrlString + '\n' + ' ' + longUrlString + '\n' + ' success\n' + ' 200\n' + '', clean = jsdom(); $('body').html('
'); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.init(); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.createPasteNotification('', ''); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.extractUrl(yourlsResponse); const result = $('#pasteurl')[0].href; clean(); return result === shortUrlString; } ); jsc.property( 'extracts and updates URLs found in YOURLS proxy HTML response', common.jscSchemas(false), common.jscUrl(), common.jscUrl(false), function (schema, longUrl, shortUrl) { const [longUrlString, shortUrlString] = urlStrings(schema, longUrl, shortUrl), yourlsResponse = '\n' + '\n' + '\t\n' + '\t\t\n' + '\t\t\n' + '\t\t\n' + '\t\t\n' + '\t\tPrivateBin\n' + '\t\n' + '\t\n' + '\t\t

Your paste is ' + shortUrlString + ' (Hit Ctrl+c to copy)

\n' + '\t\n' + '', clean = jsdom(); $('body').html('
'); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.init(); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.createPasteNotification('', ''); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.extractUrl(yourlsResponse); const result = $('#pasteurl')[0].href; clean(); return result === shortUrlString; } ); }); describe('showRemainingTime', function () { this.timeout(30000); jsc.property( 'shows burn after reading message or remaining time v1', 'bool', 'nat', common.jscUrl(), function (burnafterreading, remainingTime, url) { let clean = jsdom('', {url: common.urlToString(url)}), result; $('body').html(''); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.init(); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.showRemainingTime($.PrivateBin.Helper.PasteFactory({'meta': { 'burnafterreading': burnafterreading, 'remaining_time': remainingTime }})); if (burnafterreading) { result = $('#remainingtime').hasClass('foryoureyesonly') && !$('#remainingtime').hasClass('hidden'); } else if (remainingTime) { result =!$('#remainingtime').hasClass('foryoureyesonly') && !$('#remainingtime').hasClass('hidden'); } else { result = $('#remainingtime').hasClass('hidden') && !$('#remainingtime').hasClass('foryoureyesonly'); } clean(); return result; } ); jsc.property( 'shows burn after reading message or remaining time v2', 'bool', 'nat', common.jscUrl(), function (burnafterreading, remainingTime, url) { let clean = jsdom('', {url: common.urlToString(url)}), result; $('body').html(''); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.init(); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.showRemainingTime($.PrivateBin.Helper.PasteFactory({ 'adata': [null, null, null, burnafterreading], 'v': 2, 'meta': { 'time_to_live': remainingTime } })); if (burnafterreading) { result = $('#remainingtime').hasClass('foryoureyesonly') && !$('#remainingtime').hasClass('hidden'); } else if (remainingTime) { result =!$('#remainingtime').hasClass('foryoureyesonly') && !$('#remainingtime').hasClass('hidden'); } else { result = $('#remainingtime').hasClass('hidden') && !$('#remainingtime').hasClass('foryoureyesonly'); } clean(); return result; } ); }); describe('hideMessages', function () { it( 'hides all messages', function() { $('body').html( '
' ); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.init(); $.PrivateBin.PasteStatus.hideMessages(); assert.ok( $('#remainingtime').hasClass('hidden') && $('#pastesuccess').hasClass('hidden') ); } ); }); });