{ "PrivateBin": "PrivateBin", "%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s je minimalističen, odprtokodni spletni 'pastebin', kjer server ne ve ničesar o prilepljenih podatkih. Podatki so zakodirani/odkodirani %sv brskalniku%s z uporabo 256 bitnega AES.", "More information on the <a href=\"https://privatebin.info/\">project page</a>.": "Več informacij na <a href=\"https://privatebin.info/\">spletni strani projekta.</a>.", "Because ignorance is bliss": "Ker kar ne veš ne boli.", "Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Prilepek ne obstaja, mu je potekla življenjska doba, ali pa je izbrisan.", "%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "Oprosti, %s za delovanje potrebuje vsaj php %s.", "%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s potrebuje sekcijo konfiguracij [%s] v konfiguracijski datoteki.", "Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [ "Prosim počakaj vsaj %d sekundo pred vsako naslednjo objavo.", "Prosim počakaj vsaj %d sekundi pred vsako naslednjo objavo.", "Prosim počakaj vsaj %d sekunde pred vsako naslednjo objavo.", "Prosim počakaj vsaj %d sekund pred vsako naslednjo objavo.", "Prosim počakaj vsaj %d sekund pred vsako naslednjo objavo.", "Prosim počakaj vsaj %d sekund pred vsako naslednjo objavo." ], "Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Velikost prilepka je omejena na %s zakodiranih podatkov.", "Invalid data.": "Neveljavni podatki.", "You are unlucky. Try again.": "Nimaš sreče, poskusi ponovno.", "Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Nekaj je šlo narobe pri shranjevanju komentarja. Oprosti.", "Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Nekaj je šlo narobe pri shranjevanju prilepka. Oprosti.", "Invalid paste ID.": "Napačen ID prilepka.", "Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Prilepek ni tipa zažgi-po-branju.", "Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Napačen token za izbris. Prilepek ni bil izbrisan..", "Paste was properly deleted.": "Prilepek je uspešno izbrisan.", "JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "Da %s deluje, moraš vklopiti JavaScript. Oprosti za povročene nevšečnosti.", "%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s za svoje delovanje potrebuje moderen brskalnik.", "New": "Nov prilepek", "Create": "Ustvari", "Clone": "Kloniraj", "Raw text": "Surov tekst", "Expires": "Poteče", "Burn after reading": "Zažgi (pobriši) po branju", "Open discussion": "Dovoli razpravo", "Password (recommended)": "Geslo (priporočeno)", "Discussion": "Razprava", "Toggle navigation": "Preklopi navigacijo", "%d seconds": [ "%d sekunda", "%d sekundi", "%d sekunde", "%d sekund", "%d sekund", "%d sekund" ], "%d minutes": [ "%d minuta", "%d minuti", "%d minute", "%d minut", "%d minut", "%d minut" ], "%d hours": [ "%d ura", "%d uri", "%d ure", "%d ur", "%d ur", "%d ur" ], "%d days": [ "%d dan", "%d dneva", "%d dnevi", "%d dni", "%d dni", "%d dni" ], "%d weeks": [ "%d teden", "%d tedna", "%d tedni", "%d tednov", "%d tednov", "%d tednov" ], "%d months": [ "%d mesec", "%d meseca", "%d meseci", "%d mesecev", "%d mesecev", "%d mesecev" ], "%d years": [ "%d leto", "%d leti", "%d leta", "%d let", "%d let", "%d let" ], "Never": "Nikoli", "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Ne pozabi: To je testna storitev: Podatki so lahko kadarkoli pobrisani. Mucki bodo umrli, če boš zlorabljala to storitev.", "This document will expire in %d seconds.": [ "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d sekundo.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d sekundi.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d sekunde.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d sekund.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d sekund.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d sekund." ], "This document will expire in %d minutes.": [ "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d minuto.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d minuti.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d minute.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d minut.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d minut.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d minut." ], "This document will expire in %d hours.": [ "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d uro.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d uri.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d ure.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d ur.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d ur.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d ur." ], "This document will expire in %d days.": [ "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d dan.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d dni.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d dni.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d dni.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d dni.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d dni." ], "This document will expire in %d months.": [ "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d mesec.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d meseca.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d mesece.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d mesecev.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d mesecev.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d mesecev." ], "Please enter the password for this paste:": "Prosim vnesi geslo tega prilepka:", "Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Nemogoče odkodirati podakte (Imaš napačen ključ?)", "Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Prilepek je nemogoče izbrisati, ni bil shranjen v načinu \"zažgi po branju\".", "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "SAMO ZA TVOJE OČI. Ne zapri tega okna (zavihka), to sporočilo ne bo prikazano nikoli več.", "Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Ne morem odkodirati komentarja: Imaš napačen ključ?", "Reply": "Odgovori", "Anonymous": "Aninomno", "Avatar generated from IP address": "Anonimen avatar (Vizhash IP naslova)", "Add comment": "Dodaj komentar", "Optional nickname…": "Uporabniško ime (lahko izpustiš)", "Post comment": "Objavi komentar", "Sending comment…": "Pošiljam komentar …", "Comment posted.": "Komentar poslan.", "Could not refresh display: %s": "Ne morem osvežiti zaslona : %s", "unknown status": "neznan status", "server error or not responding": "napaka na strežniku, ali pa se strežnik ne odziva", "Could not post comment: %s": "Komentarja ni bilo mogoče objaviti : %s", "Sending paste…": "Pošiljam prilepek…", "Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Tvoj prilepek je dostopen na naslovu: <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Pritisni [Ctrl]+[c] ali [Cmd] + [c] in skopiraj)</span>", "Delete data": "Izbriši podatke", "Could not create paste: %s": "Ne morem ustvariti prilepka: %s", "Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Ne morem odkodirati prilepka: V URL-ju manjka ključ (A si uporabil krajšalnik URL-jev, ki odstrani del URL-ja?)", "B": "o", "KiB": "KB", "MiB": "MB", "GiB": "GB", "TiB": "TB", "PiB": "PB", "EiB": "EB", "ZiB": "ZB", "YiB": "YB", "Format": "Format", "Plain Text": "Surov tekst", "Source Code": "Odprta koda", "Markdown": "Markdown", "Download attachment": "Pretoči priponko", "Cloned: '%s'": "'%s' klonirana", "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.", "Attach a file": "Pripni datoteko", "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard", "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.", "Remove attachment": "Odstrani priponko", "Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Tvoj brskalnik ne omogoča nalaganje zakodiranih datotek. Prosim uporabi novejši brskalnik.", "Invalid attachment.": "Neveljavna priponka.", "Options": "Možnosti", "Shorten URL": "Skrajšajte URL", "Editor": "Uredi", "Preview": "Predogled", "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.", "Decrypt": "Decrypt", "Enter password": "Prosim vnesi geslo", "Loading…": "Loading…", "Decrypting paste…": "Decrypting paste…", "Preparing new paste…": "Preparing new paste…", "In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a> (in English).", "+++ no paste text +++": "+++ no paste text +++", "Could not get paste data: %s": "Could not get paste data: %s", "QR code": "QR code", "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.", "For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.", "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.", "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.", "waiting on user to provide a password": "waiting on user to provide a password", "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.", "Retry": "Retry", "Showing raw text…": "Showing raw text…", "Notice:": "Notice:", "This link will expire after %s.": "This link will expire after %s.", "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.", "Link:": "Link:", "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?", "Use Current Timezone": "Use Current Timezone", "Convert To UTC": "Convert To UTC", "Close": "Close", "Encrypted note on %s": "Encrypted note on %s", "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.", "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.", "Save paste": "Save paste", "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.", "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.", "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".", "Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.", "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?", "Yes, see it": "Yes, see it" }