'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); describe('UiHelper', function () { // TODO: As per https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom/issues/1565 there is no navigation support in jsdom, yet. // for now we use a mock function to trigger the event describe('historyChange', function () { this.timeout(30000); beforeEach(function () { $.PrivateBin.Helper.reset(); cleanup(); }); jsc.property( 'redirects to home, when the state is null', common.jscUrl(false, false), function (url) { const expected = common.urlToString(url), clean = jsdom('', {url: expected}); $.PrivateBin.UiHelper.mockHistoryChange(); $.PrivateBin.Helper.reset(); var result = window.location.href; clean(); return expected === result; } ); jsc.property( 'does not redirect to home, when a new paste is created', common.jscUrl(false), jsc.nearray(common.jscBase64String()), function (url, fragment) { url.fragment = fragment.join(''); const expected = common.urlToString(url), clean = jsdom('', {url: expected}); $.PrivateBin.UiHelper.mockHistoryChange([ {type: 'newpaste'}, '', expected ]); $.PrivateBin.Helper.reset(); var result = window.location.href; clean(); return expected === result; } ); }); describe('reloadHome', function () { // TODO triggers error messages in jsDOM since version 11 /* this.timeout(30000); before(function () { $.PrivateBin.Helper.reset(); }); jsc.property( 'redirects to home', common.jscUrl(), function (url) { const clean = jsdom('', {url: common.urlToString(url)}); delete(url.query); delete(url.fragment); const expected = common.urlToString(url); $.PrivateBin.UiHelper.reloadHome(); $.PrivateBin.Helper.reset(); var result = window.location.href; clean(); return expected === result; } ); */ }); describe('isVisible', function () { // TODO As per https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom/issues/1048 there is no layout support in jsdom, yet. // once it is supported or a workaround is found, uncomment the section below /* before(function () { $.PrivateBin.Helper.reset(); }); jsc.property( 'detect visible elements', jsc.nearray(common.jscAlnumString()), jsc.nearray(common.jscA2zString()), function (id, element) { id = id.join(''); element = element.join(''); var clean = jsdom( '<' + element + ' id="' + id + '">' ); var result = $.PrivateBin.UiHelper.isVisible($('#' + id)); clean(); return result; } ); */ }); describe('scrollTo', function () { // TODO Did not find a way to test that, see isVisible test above }); });