.PHONY: all coverage coverage-js coverage-php doc doc-js doc-php increment sign test test-js test-php help CURRENT_VERSION = 1.7.6 VERSION ?= 1.7.7 VERSION_FILES = README.md SECURITY.md doc/Installation.md js/package*.json lib/Controller.php Makefile REGEX_CURRENT_VERSION := $(shell echo $(CURRENT_VERSION) | sed "s/\./\\\./g") REGEX_VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed "s/\./\\\./g") all: coverage doc ## Equivalent to running `make coverage doc`. composer: ## Update composer dependencies (only production ones, optimize the autoloader) composer update --no-dev --optimize-autoloader coverage: coverage-js coverage-php ## Run all unit tests and generate code coverage reports. coverage-js: ## Run JS unit tests and generate code coverage reports. cd js && nyc mocha coverage-php: ## Run PHP unit tests and generate code coverage reports. cd tst && XDEBUG_MODE=coverage phpunit 2> /dev/null cd tst/log/php-coverage-report && sed -i "s#$(CURDIR)/##g" *.html */*.html doc: doc-js doc-php ## Generate all code documentation. doc-js: ## Generate JS code documentation. jsdoc -p -d doc/jsdoc js/privatebin.js js/legacy.js doc-php: ## Generate JS code documentation. phpdoc --visibility=public,protected,private --target=doc/phpdoc --directory=lib/ increment: ## Increment and commit new version number, set target version using `make increment VERSION=1.2.3`. for F in `grep -l -R $(REGEX_CURRENT_VERSION) $(VERSION_FILES)`; \ do \ sed -i "s/$(REGEX_CURRENT_VERSION)/$(REGEX_VERSION)/g" $$F; \ done git add $(VERSION_FILES) CHANGELOG.md git commit -m "incrementing version" sign: ## Sign a release. git tag --sign --message "Release v$(VERSION)" $(VERSION) git push origin $(VERSION) signrelease.sh test: test-js test-php ## Run all unit tests. test-js: ## Run JS unit tests. cd js && mocha test-php: ## Run PHP unit tests. cd tst && phpunit --no-coverage help: ## Displays these usage instructions. @echo "Usage: make " @echo @echo "Specify one or multiple of the following targets and they will be processed in the given order:" @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "%-16s%s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)