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synced 2025-03-17 19:36:04 -04:00
Update all instances of text in language files
This commit is contained in:
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "محاولة تقصير عنوان URL لا يشير إلى خادمنا.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "خطأ في الاتصال بـ YOURLS. ربما تكون هناك مشكلة في التضبيط، مثل \"apiurl\" أو \"التوقيع\" الخاطئ أو المفقود.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "خطأ في تحليل استجابة YOURLS.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "لا يمكن عرض اللصق احرقه بعد قراءته إلا مرة واحدة عند تحميله. هل تريد فتحه الآن؟",
"Yes, load it": "نعم، حمله"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "لا يمكن عرض اللصق احرقه بعد قراءته إلا مرة واحدة عند تحميله. هل تريد فتحه الآن؟",
"Yes, see it": "نعم، حمله"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Pruvate d’ammuzzà un indirizzu web chì ùn punta micca versu a vostra instanza.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Sbagliu à a chjama di YOURLS. Seria forse una cunfigurazione gattiva, tale una \"apiurl\" o \"signature\" falsa o assente.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Sbagliu durante l’analisa di a risposta di YOURLS.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Si pò affissà l’appiccichi « Squassà dopu a lettura » solu dopu u so caricamentu. Vulete aprelu subitu ?",
"Yes, load it": "Iè, caricatelu"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Si pò affissà l’appiccichi « Squassà dopu a lettura » solu dopu u so caricamentu. Vulete aprelu subitu ?",
"Yes, see it": "Iè, caricatelu"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Versuch eine URL zu verkürzen, die nicht auf unsere Instanz zeigt.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Fehler beim Aufruf von YOURLS. Wahrscheinlich ein Konfigurationsproblem, wie eine falsche oder fehlende \"apiurl\" oder \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Fehler beim Verarbeiten der YOURLS-Antwort.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Texte des \"Einmal\"-Typs können nach dem Öffnen nur einmal angezeigt werden. Möchtest Du ihn jetzt öffnen?",
"Yes, load it": "Ja, jetzt öffnen"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Texte des \"Einmal\"-Typs können nach dem Öffnen nur einmal angezeigt werden. Möchtest Du ihn jetzt öffnen?",
"Yes, see it": "Ja, jetzt öffnen"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, see it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Intentando acortar una URL que no apunta a nuestra instancia.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Püüame lühendada URL-i, mis ei viita meie instantsile.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Viga YOURLS-i kutsumisel. Tõenäoliselt konfiguratsiooniprobleem, näiteks vale või puuduv \"apiurl\" või \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Viga YOURLS vastuse parsimisel.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Yritetään lyhentää URL-osoite, joka ei osoita meidän instanssiiin.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Virhe kutsuttaessa YOURLS. Luultavasti asetusongelma kuten väärä tai puuttuuva \"apiurl\" tai \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Virhe jäsennettäessä YOURLS-vastausta.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Essayer de raccourcir une URL qui ne pointe pas vers notre instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Erreur lors de l'appel de YOURLS. Peut-être un problème de configuration, comme \"apiurl\" ou \"signature\" manquant.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Erreur d'analyse de la réponse YOURLS.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Les pastes de type \"Effacer après la lecture\" ne peuvent être affichés qu'une seule fois. Voulez-vous l'ouvrir maintenant ?",
"Yes, load it": "Oui, chargez-le"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Les pastes de type \"Effacer après la lecture\" ne peuvent être affichés qu'une seule fois. Voulez-vous l'ouvrir maintenant ?",
"Yes, see it": "Oui, chargez-le"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Tantativo in corso di accorciare un URL che non punta alla nostra istanza.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Errore nella chiamata a YOURLS. Probabilmente un problema di configurazione, come un \"apiurl\" o una \"signature\" sbagliati o mancanti.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Errore nell'analizzare la risposta YOURLS.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Messaggi di tipo Distruggi-dopo-lettura piovono essere visualizzata solo una volta al caricamento. Vuoi aprirle ora?",
"Yes, load it": "Sì, caricalo"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Messaggi di tipo Distruggi-dopo-lettura piovono essere visualizzata solo una volta al caricamento. Vuoi aprirle ora?",
"Yes, see it": "Sì, caricalo"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "このインスタンスを指していないURLを短縮しようとしています。",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "YOURLSの呼び出し中にエラーが発生しました。\"apiurl\"または\"signature\"等の設定に問題がある可能性があります。",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "YOURLSレスポンスの解析中にエラーが発生しました。",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Bandoma sutrumpinti URL adresą, kuris nenurodo į mūsų egzempliorių.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Klaida iškviečiant YOURLS. Tikriausiai, konfigūracijos klaida, pavyzdžiui, neteisingi „apiurl“ ar „signature“, arba jų nėra.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Klaida nagrinėjant YOURLS atsaką.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Proberen om een URL te verkorten dat niet naar ons systeem wijst.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Foutmelding ophalen YOURLS. Waarschijnlijk een configuratiefout, zoals een verkeerde of missende \"apiurl\" of \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Foutmelding bij parsen van YOURLS respons.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Brand na het lezen van de plagen kan slechts eenmaal worden weergegeven wanneer deze worden geladen. Wilt u het nu openen?",
"Yes, load it": "Ja, laad het"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Brand na het lezen van de plagen kan slechts eenmaal worden weergegeven wanneer deze worden geladen. Wilt u het nu openen?",
"Yes, see it": "Ja, laad het"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Prøver å forkorte en URL som ikke peker i vår instans.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Feil ved å ringe YOURLS. Sannsynligvis et konfigurasjonsproblem, som feil eller mangler, \"apiurl\" eller \"signatur\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Feil ved analyse av YOURLS svar.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Brenne etter lesing av pasta kan kun vises når den lastes inn. Vil du åpne den nå?",
"Yes, load it": "Ja, last den"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Brenne etter lesing av pasta kan kun vises når den lastes inn. Vil du åpne den nå?",
"Yes, see it": "Ja, last den"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Ensag d’abracar una URL que mena pas a nòstra instància.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error en cridant YOURLS. Es probablament un problèma de configuracion, quicòm coma « apirul » o « signature » marrit o absent.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error d'analisi de la responsa YOURLS.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Tentando encurtar uma URL que não aponta para a nossa instância.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Încercarea de a scurta un URL care nu direcționează spre instanța noastră.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Eroare la apelarea YOURLS. Probabil o problemă de configurare, cum ar fi \"apiurl\" sau \"signature\" greșite sau lipsă.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Eroare la analizarea răspunsului YOURLS.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Paste-urile care se șterg după citire pot fi afișate numai o dată după încărcare. Doriți să o deschideți acum?",
"Yes, load it": "Da, deschide-o"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Paste-urile care se șterg după citire pot fi afișate numai o dată după încărcare. Doriți să o deschideți acum?",
"Yes, see it": "Da, deschide-o"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Попытка сократить URL, который указывает не на наш сервер.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Ошибка обращения к YOURLS. Возможно в конфигурации допущена ошибка, например неверный или отсутствующий параметр \"apiurl\" или \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Ошибка разбора ответа от YOURLS.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Записи, удаляемые после прочтения, могут быть отображены после загрузки только один раз. Вы хотите открыть её сейчас?",
"Yes, load it": "Да, загрузить"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Записи, удаляемые после прочтения, могут быть отображены после загрузки только один раз. Вы хотите открыть её сейчас?",
"Yes, see it": "Да, загрузить"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Pokúšate sa skrátiť adresu URL, ktorá neukazuje na túto inštanciu.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "กำลังพยายามใช้เครื่องมือสร้างลิงก์ย่อ ที่ไม่ได้ชี้ไปที่อินสแตนซ์ของเรา",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเรียก YOURLS อาจเป็นปัญหามาจากการกำหนดค่า เช่น \"apiurl\" หรือ \"signature\" ไม่ถูกต้องหรือขาดหายไป",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการแยกวิเคราะห์การตอบสนองของ YOURLS",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?",
"Yes, load it": "Yes, load it"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Спроба скоротити URL, який не вказує на наш екземпляр.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Помилка виклику YOURLS. Ймовірно проблема з конфігурацією, наприклад \"apiurl\" чи \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Помилка розбору відповіді YOURLS.",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "Спалити після вставки читання можна вивести лише один раз під час завантаження. Відкрити його зараз?",
"Yes, load it": "Так, завантажити"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Спалити після вставки читання можна вивести лише один раз під час завантаження. Відкрити його зараз?",
"Yes, see it": "Так, завантажити"
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "尝试缩短一个不指向我们实例的URL。",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "调用 YOURLS 时出错。可能是配置问题,例如“apiurl”或“signature”错误或缺失。",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "解析 YOURLS 响应时出错。",
"Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?": "读取粘贴后只能在加载时显示一次。您想现在打开吗?",
"Yes, load it": "是的,加载它"
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "读取粘贴后只能在加载时显示一次。您想现在打开吗?",
"Yes, see it": "是的,加载它"
@ -2282,7 +2282,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
} else {
if (window.confirm(
I18n._('Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?')
I18n._('This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?')
)) {
} else {
@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ if (count($class)) {
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="<?php echo I18n::_('Close') ?>"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>
<h4 class="modal-title"><?php echo I18n::_('Burn after reading pastes can only be displayed once upon loading it. Do you want to open it now?') ?></h4>
<h4 class="modal-title"><?php echo I18n::_('This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?') ?></h4>
<div class="modal-body text-center">
<button id="loadconfirm-open-now" type="button" class="btn btn-success" data-dismiss="modal"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download"></span> <?php echo I18n::_('Yes, load it') ?></button>
<button id="loadconfirm-open-now" type="button" class="btn btn-success" data-dismiss="modal"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download"></span> <?php echo I18n::_('Yes, see it') ?></button>
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