mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:46:38 -04:00
Merge branch 'better-feature-detection'
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
ecmaVersion: 2017
@ -11,17 +12,16 @@ env:
es6: true
jquery: true
node: true
mocha: true
DOMPurify: false
after: true
before: true
cleanup: true
describe: false
it: false
jsc: false
jsdom: true
kjua: true
DOMPurify: readonly
cleanup: writable
describe: readonly
jsc: readonly
jsdom: writable
kjua: writable
WebCrypto: writable
# http://eslint.org/docs/rules/
@ -68,8 +68,17 @@ languageselection = false
; custom scripts from third-party domains to your templates, e.g. tracking
; scripts or run your site behind certain DDoS-protection services.
; Check the documentation at https://content-security-policy.com/
; Note: If you use a bootstrap theme, you can remove the allow-popups from the sandbox restrictions.
; By default this disallows to load images from third-party servers, e.g. when they are embedded in pastes. If you wish to allow that, you can adjust the policy here. See https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/wiki/FAQ#why-does-not-it-load-embedded-images for details.
; Notes:
; - If you use a bootstrap theme, you can remove the allow-popups from the
; sandbox restrictions.
; - By default this disallows to load images from third-party servers, e.g. when
; they are embedded in pastes. If you wish to allow that, you can adjust the
; policy here. See https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/wiki/FAQ#why-does-not-it-load-embedded-images
; for details.
; - The 'unsafe-eval' is used in two cases; to check if the browser supports
; async functions and display an error if not and for Chrome to enable
; webassembly support (used for zlib compression). You can remove it if Chrome
; doesn't need to be supported and old browsers don't need to be warned.
; cspheader = "default-src 'none'; manifest-src 'self'; connect-src * blob:; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: blob:; media-src blob:; object-src blob:; sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-popups allow-modals"
; stay compatible with PrivateBin Alpha 0.19, less secure
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"Услугата %s се нуждае от JavaScript, за да работи.<br />Съжаляваме за неудобството.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s се нуждае от съвременен браузър за да работи.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Все още използваш Internet Explorer? Направи си услуга и го смени с модерен браузър:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Взимането на информацията беше неуспешно: %s",
"QR code": "QR код",
"I love you too, bot…": "И аз те обичам, бот…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"Този сайт използва несигурна HTTP връзка. Моля използвайте само за проби.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"<a href=\"%s\">Вижте тази страница</a> за повече информация.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Браузъра ви може да се нуждае от HTTPS връзка за да използва WebCrypto API. Пробвай <a href=\"%s\">да минеш на HTTPS</a>."
"Браузъра ви може да се нуждае от HTTPS връзка за да използва WebCrypto API. Пробвай <a href=\"%s\">да минеш на HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"JavaScript is required for %s to work.<br />Sorry for the inconvenience.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%%s requires a modern browser to work.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"I love you too, bot…": "I love you too, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>."
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"JavaScript ist eine Voraussetzung, um %s zu nutzen.<br />Bitte entschuldige die Unannehmlichkeiten.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s setzt einen modernen Browser voraus, um funktionieren zu können.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Du benutzt immer noch den Internet Explorer? Tu Dir einen Gefallen und wechsle zu einem moderneren Browser:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Text konnte nicht geladen werden: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"I love you too, bot…": "Ich mag Dich auch, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"Diese Webseite verwendet eine unsichere HTTP Verbindung! Bitte benutze sie nur zum Testen.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"<a href=\"%s\">Besuche diesen FAQ Eintrag</a> für weitere Informationen dazu.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Dein Browser benötigt möglicherweise eine HTTPS Verbindung um das WebCrypto API nutzen zu können. Versuche <a href=\"%s\">auf HTTPS zu wechseln</a>."
"Dein Browser benötigt möglicherweise eine HTTPS Verbindung um das WebCrypto API nutzen zu können. Versuche <a href=\"%s\">auf HTTPS zu wechseln</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Dein Browser unterstützt WebAssembly nicht, welches für zlib Komprimierung benötigt wird. Du kannst unkomprimierte Dokumente erzeugen, aber keine komprimierten lesen."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"JavaScript es necesario para que %s funcione.<br />Sentimos los inconvenientes ocasionados.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s requiere un navegador moderno para funcionar.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"¿Sigues usando Internet Explorer? Hazte un favor, cambia a un navegador moderno:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"No se pudieron obtener los datos: %s",
"QR code": "Código QR",
"I love you too, bot…": "I love you too, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>."
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"JavaScript est requis pour faire fonctionner %s. <br />Désolé pour cet inconvénient.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s nécessite un navigateur moderne pour fonctionner.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Encore sur Internet Explorer ? Faites-vous une faveur, passez à un navigateur moderne :",
@ -164,11 +162,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Impossible d'obtenir les données du paste: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"I love you too, bot…": "Je t’aime aussi, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"Ce site web utilise une connexion HTTP non sécurisée ! Veuillez l’utiliser uniquement pour des tests.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"Pour plus d'informations <a href=\"%s\">consultez cette rubrique de la FAQ</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Votre navigateur peut nécessiter une connexion HTTPS pour prendre en charge l’API WebCrypto. Essayez <a href=\"%s\">de passer en HTTPS</a>."
"Votre navigateur peut nécessiter une connexion HTTPS pour prendre en charge l’API WebCrypto. Essayez <a href=\"%s\">de passer en HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"JavaScript szükséges a %s működéséhez. Elnézést a fennakadásért.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"A %s működéséhez a jelenleginél újabb böngészőre van szükség.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Még mindig Internet Explorert használsz? Ideje váltani:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"I love you too, bot…": "I love you too, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>."
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"%s funziona solo con JavaScript attivo.<br />Ci dispiace per l'inconveniente.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s richiede un browser moderno e aggiornato per funzionare.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Usi ancora Internet Explorer? Ti consigliamo di passare ad un browser più sicuro:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"I love you too, bot…": "I love you too, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>."
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"JavaScript vereist om %s te laten werken.<br />Sorry voor het ongemak.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s vereist een moderne browser om te kunnen werken ",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Gebruik je nog steeds Internet explorer? Doe jezelf een plezier en maak gebruik van een moderne browser:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"I love you too, bot…": "I love you too, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>."
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"Javascript kreves for at %s skal fungere<br />Beklager.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s krever en moderne nettleser for å fungere.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Fortsatt bruker av Internet Explorer? Gjør deg selv en tjeneste og bytt til en moderne nettleser:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Kunne ikke hente utklippsdata: %s",
"QR code": "QR kode",
"I love you too, bot…": "Jeg elsker deg også, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"Denne websiden bruker usikker HTTP tilkobling! Bruk den kun for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"For mer informasjon <a href=\"%s\">se ofte stilte spørsmål</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Din nettleser har behov for HTTPS tilkobling for å støtte WebCrypto biblioteket. Prøv å <a href=\"%s\">bytt til HTTPS</a>."
"Din nettleser har behov for HTTPS tilkobling for å støtte WebCrypto biblioteket. Prøv å <a href=\"%s\">bytt til HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"JavaScript es requesit per far foncionar %s. <br />O planhèm per l’inconvenient.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s necessita un navigator modèrn per foncionar.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Encora sus Internet Explorer ? Fasètz-vos una favor, passatz a un navigator modèrn :",
@ -164,11 +162,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Recuperacion impossibla de las donadas copiadas : %s",
"QR code": "Còdi QR",
"I love you too, bot…": "T’aimi tanben, robòt…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"Aqueste site utiliza una connexion HTTP pas segura ! Mercés de l’utilizar pas que per d’ensages.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"Per mai d’informacions <a href=\"%s\">vejatz aqueste article de FAQ</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Se pòt que vòstre navigator faga besonh d’una connexion HTTPS per èsser compatible amb l’API WebCrypto. Ensajatz de <a href=\"%s\">passar al HTTPS</a>."
"Se pòt que vòstre navigator faga besonh d’una connexion HTTPS per èsser compatible amb l’API WebCrypto. Ensajatz de <a href=\"%s\">passar al HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"Do działania %sa jest wymagany JavaScript. Przepraszamy za tę niedogodność.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s wymaga do działania nowoczesnej przeglądarki.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Cały czas używasz Internet Explorera? Zrób sobie przysługę, przesiądź się na nowoczesną przeglądarkę:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Nie można było pobrać danych wklejki: %s",
"QR code": "Kod QR",
"I love you too, bot…": "I love you too, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>."
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"JavaScript é necessário para que %s funcione.<br />Pedimos desculpas pela inconveniência.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s requer um navegador moderno para funcionar.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Ainda usando Internet Explorer? Faça-se um favor, mude para um navegador moderno:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"I love you too, bot…": "I love you too, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>."
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"Для работы %s требуется включенный JavaScript.<br />Приносим извинения за неудобства.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"Для работы %s требуется более современный браузер.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"До сих пор используете Internet Explorer? Пожалейте себя, перейдите на более современный браузер:",
"Новая запись",
@ -165,11 +163,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Не удалось получить данные записи: %s",
"QR code": "QR код",
"I love you too, bot…": "Я тоже люблю тебя, бот…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"Данный сайт использует незащищенное HTTP подключение! Пожалуйста используйте его только для тестирования.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"Для продробностей <a href=\"%s\">прочтите информацию в FAQ</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Ваш браузер требует использования HTTPS подключения для поддержки WebCrypto API. Попробуйте <a href=\"%s\">переключиться на HTTPS</a>."
"Ваш браузер требует использования HTTPS подключения для поддержки WebCrypto API. Попробуйте <a href=\"%s\">переключиться на HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"Da %s deluje, moraš vklopiti JavaScript.<br />Oprosti za povročene nevšečnosti.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s za svoje delovanje potrebuje moderen brskalnik.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Še vedno uporabljaš Internet Explorer? Naredi si uslugo, preklopi na moderen brskalnik:",
"Nov prilepek",
@ -164,11 +162,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"I love you too, bot…": "I love you too, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>."
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
"%s需要JavaScript来进行加解密。<br />给你带来的不便敬请谅解。",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"还在使用Internet Explorer?对自己好点,换一个现代浏览器:",
@ -155,11 +153,12 @@
"Could not get paste data: %s":
"QR code": "二维码",
"I love you too, bot…": "I love you too, bot…",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.":
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.":
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.":
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>."
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.":
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones."
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ global.prettyPrintOne = window.PR.prettyPrintOne;
global.showdown = require('./showdown-1.9.1');
global.DOMPurify = require('./purify-2.0.1');
global.baseX = require('./base-x-').baseX;
global.Legacy = require('./legacy').Legacy;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
* PrivateBin
* a zero-knowledge paste bin
* @see {@link https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin}
* @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE ({@link http://sebsauvage.net})
* @license {@link https://www.opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php The zlib/libpng License}
* @version 1.3
* @name Legacy
* @namespace
* The logic in this file is intended to run in legacy browsers. Avoid any use of:
* - jQuery (doesn't work in older browsers)
* - ES5 or newer in general
* - const/let, use the traditional var declarations instead
* - async/await or Promises, use traditional callbacks
* - shorthand function notation "() => output", use the full "function() {return output;}" style
* - IE doesn't support:
* - URL(), use the traditional window.location object
* - endsWith(), use indexof()
* - yes, this logic needs to support IE 6, to at least display the error message
'use strict';
(function() {
* compatibility check
* @name Check
* @class
var Check = (function () {
var me = {};
* Status of the initial check, true means it passed
* @private
* @prop {bool}
var status = false;
* Initialization check did run
* @private
* @prop {bool}
var init = false;
* blacklist of UserAgents (parts) known to belong to a bot
* @private
* @enum {Array}
* @readonly
var badBotUA = [
* whitelist of top level domains to consider a secure context,
* regardless of protocol
* @private
* @enum {Array}
* @readonly
var tld = [
* whitelist of hostnames to consider a secure context,
* regardless of protocol
* @private
* @enum {Array}
* @readonly
// whitelists of TLDs & local hostnames
var hostname = [
* check if the context is secure
* @private
* @name Check.isSecureContext
* @function
* @return {bool}
function isSecureContext()
// use .isSecureContext if available
if (window.isSecureContext === true || window.isSecureContext === false) {
return window.isSecureContext;
// HTTP is obviously insecure
if (window.location.protocol !== 'http:') {
return true;
// filter out actually secure connections over HTTP
for (var i = 0; i < tld.length; i++) {
if (
window.location.hostname.length - tld[i].length
) !== -1
) {
return true;
// whitelist localhost for development
for (var j = 0; j < hostname.length; j++) {
if (window.location.hostname === hostname[j]) {
return true;
// totally INSECURE http protocol!
return false;
* checks whether this is a bot we dislike
* @private
* @name Check.isBadBot
* @function
* @return {bool}
function isBadBot() {
// check whether a bot user agent part can be found in the current
// user agent
for (var i = 0; i < badBotUA.length; i++) {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(badBotUA[i]) !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
* checks whether this is an unsupported browser, via feature detection
* @private
* @name Check.isOldBrowser
* @function
* @return {bool}
function isOldBrowser() {
// webcrypto support
if (!(
'crypto' in window &&
'getRandomValues' in window.crypto &&
'subtle' in window.crypto &&
'encrypt' in window.crypto.subtle &&
'decrypt' in window.crypto.subtle &&
'Uint8Array' in window &&
'Uint32Array' in window
)) {
return true;
// async & ES6 support
try {
eval('async () => {}');
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
return true;
} else {
throw e; // throws CSP error
return false;
* shows an error message
* @private
* @name Check.showError
* @param {string} message
* @function
function showError(message)
var element = document.getElementById('errormessage');
if (message.indexOf('<a') === -1) {
} else {
element.innerHTML = message;
* removes "hidden" CSS class from element with given ID
* @private
* @name Check.removeHiddenFromId
* @param {string} id
* @function
function removeHiddenFromId(id)
var element = document.getElementById(id);
if (element) {
element.className = element.className.replace(/\bhidden\b/g, '');
* returns if the check has concluded
* @name Check.getInit
* @function
* @return {bool}
me.getInit = function()
return init;
* returns the current status of the check
* @name Check.getStatus
* @function
* @return {bool}
me.getStatus = function()
return status;
* init on application start, returns an all-clear signal
* @name Check.init
* @function
me.init = function()
// prevent bots from viewing a paste and potentially deleting data
// when burn-after-reading is set
if (isBadBot()) {
showError('I love you too, bot…');
init = true;
if (isOldBrowser()) {
// some browsers (Chrome based ones) would have webcrypto support if using HTTPS
if (!isSecureContext()) {
init = true;
if (!isSecureContext()) {
init = true;
// only if everything passed, we set the status to true
status = true;
return me;
// main application start, called when DOM is fully loaded
if (document.readyState === 'complete' || (!document.attachEvent && document.readyState === 'interactive')) {
} else {
if (document.addEventListener) {
// first choice is DOMContentLoaded event
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', Check.init, false);
// backup is window load event
window.addEventListener('load', Check.init, false);
} else {
// must be IE
document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', Check.init);
window.attachEvent('onload', Check.init);
this.Legacy = {
Check: Check
@ -9,20 +9,12 @@
* @version 1.3
* @name PrivateBin
* @namespace
* global Base64, DOMPurify, FileReader, RawDeflate, history, navigator, prettyPrint, prettyPrintOne, showdown, kjua
/** global: Base64 */
/** global: DOMPurify */
/** global: FileReader */
/** global: RawDeflate */
/** global: history */
/** global: navigator */
/** global: prettyPrint */
/** global: prettyPrintOne */
/** global: showdown */
/** global: kjua */
jQuery.fn.draghover = function() {
'use strict';
return this.each(function() {
let collection = $(),
self = $(this);
@ -566,12 +558,11 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
// if $element is given, apply text to element
if ($element !== null) {
// get last text node of element
let content = $element.contents();
if (content.length > 1) {
content[content.length - 1].nodeValue = ' ' + output;
} else {
// avoid HTML entity encoding if translation contains link
if (output.indexOf('<a') === -1) {
} else {
@ -781,15 +772,20 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
* @private
* @param {string} message
* @param {string} mode
* @param {object} zlib
* @throws {string}
* @return {ArrayBuffer} data
async function compress(message, mode)
async function compress(message, mode, zlib)
message = stringToArraybuffer(
if (mode === 'zlib') {
return z.deflate(message).buffer;
if (typeof zlib === 'undefined') {
throw 'Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.'
return zlib.deflate(message).buffer;
return message;
@ -803,13 +799,18 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
* @private
* @param {ArrayBuffer} data
* @param {string} mode
* @param {object} zlib
* @throws {string}
* @return {string} message
async function decompress(data, mode)
async function decompress(data, mode, zlib)
if (mode === 'zlib' || mode === 'none') {
if (mode === 'zlib') {
data = z.inflate(
if (typeof zlib === 'undefined') {
throw 'Error decompressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.'
data = zlib.inflate(
new Uint8Array(data)
@ -883,7 +884,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
password = Array.prototype.map.call(
new Uint8Array(passwordBuffer),
x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)
@ -903,7 +904,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
{name: 'PBKDF2'}, // we use PBKDF2 for key derivation
false, // the key may not be exported
['deriveKey'] // we may only use it for key derivation
// derive a stronger key for use with AES
return window.crypto.subtle.deriveKey(
@ -920,7 +921,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
false, // the key may not be exported
['encrypt', 'decrypt'] // we may only use it for en- and decryption
@ -957,18 +958,24 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
me.cipher = async function(key, password, message, adata)
let zlib = (await z);
// AES in Galois Counter Mode, keysize 256 bit,
// authentication tag 128 bit, 10000 iterations in key derivation
const spec = [
getRandomBytes(16), // initialization vector
getRandomBytes(8), // salt
100000, // iterations
256, // key size
128, // tag size
'aes', // algorithm
'gcm', // algorithm mode
$('body').data('compression') || 'zlib' // compression
], encodedSpec = [];
const compression = (
typeof zlib === 'undefined' ?
'none' : // client lacks support for WASM
($('body').data('compression') || 'zlib')
spec = [
getRandomBytes(16), // initialization vector
getRandomBytes(8), // salt
100000, // iterations
256, // key size
128, // tag size
'aes', // algorithm
'gcm', // algorithm mode
compression // compression
], encodedSpec = [];
for (let i = 0; i < spec.length; ++i) {
encodedSpec[i] = i < 2 ? btoa(spec[i]) : spec[i];
@ -987,8 +994,8 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
await window.crypto.subtle.encrypt(
cryptoSettings(JSON.stringify(adata), spec),
await deriveKey(key, password, spec),
await compress(message, spec[7])
await compress(message, compression, zlib)
@ -1008,7 +1015,8 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
me.decipher = async function(key, password, data)
let adataString, spec, cipherMessage;
let adataString, spec, cipherMessage, plaintext;
let zlib = (await z);
if (data instanceof Array) {
// version 2
adataString = JSON.stringify(data[1]);
@ -1035,20 +1043,29 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
spec[0] = atob(spec[0]);
spec[1] = atob(spec[1]);
if (spec[7] === 'zlib') {
if (typeof zlib === 'undefined') {
throw 'Error decompressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.'
try {
return await decompress(
await window.crypto.subtle.decrypt(
cryptoSettings(adataString, spec),
await deriveKey(key, password, spec),
plaintext = await window.crypto.subtle.decrypt(
cryptoSettings(adataString, spec),
await deriveKey(key, password, spec),
} catch(err) {
return '';
try {
return await decompress(plaintext, spec[7], zlib);
} catch(err) {
return err;
@ -1194,7 +1211,6 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
me.getPasteId = function()
const idRegEx = /^[a-z0-9]{16}$/;
const idRegExFind = /[a-z0-9]{16}/;
// return cached value
if (id !== null) {
@ -1483,7 +1499,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
const alertType = [
'loading', // not in bootstrap CSS, but using a plausible value here
'info', // status icon
'warning', // not used yet
'warning', // warning icon
'danger' // error icon
@ -1527,28 +1543,35 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
icon = null; // icons not supported in this case
let $translationTarget = $element;
// handle icon
if (icon !== null && // icon was passed
icon !== currentIcon[id] // and it differs from current icon
) {
let $glyphIcon = $element.find(':first');
// handle icon, if template uses one
const $glyphIcon = $element.find(':first');
if ($glyphIcon.length) {
// if there is an icon, we need to provide an inner element
// to translate the message into, instead of the parent
$translationTarget = $('<span>');
$element.html(' ').prepend($glyphIcon).append($translationTarget);
// remove (previous) icon
if (icon !== null && // icon was passed
icon !== currentIcon[id] // and it differs from current icon
) {
// remove (previous) icon
// any other thing as a string (e.g. 'null') (only) removes the icon
if (typeof icon === 'string') {
// set new icon
currentIcon[id] = 'glyphicon-' + icon;
// any other thing as a string (e.g. 'null') (only) removes the icon
if (typeof icon === 'string') {
// set new icon
currentIcon[id] = 'glyphicon-' + icon;
// show text
if (args !== null) {
// add jQuery object to it as first parameter
// pass it to I18n
I18n._.apply(this, args);
@ -1573,6 +1596,25 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
handleNotification(1, $statusMessage, message, icon);
* display a warning message
* This automatically passes the text to I18n for translation.
* @name Alert.showWarning
* @function
* @param {string|array} message string, use an array for %s/%d options
* @param {string|null} icon optional, the icon to show, default:
* leave previous icon
me.showWarning = function(message, icon)
handleNotification(2, $errorMessage, message, icon);
* display an error message
@ -1699,7 +1741,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
currentIcon = [
'glyphicon-time', // loading icon
'glyphicon-info-sign', // status icon
'', // reserved for warning, not used yet
'glyphicon-warning-sign', // warning icon
'glyphicon-alert' // error icon
@ -1768,14 +1810,14 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
I18n._('Cannot parse response from URL shortener.')
Alert.showError('Cannot parse response from URL shortener.');
.fail(function(data, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.error(textStatus, errorThrown);
// we don't know why it failed, could be CORS of the external server not setup properly, in which case we follow old behavior to open it in new tab
// we don't know why it failed, could be CORS of the external
// server not setup properly, in which case we follow old
// behavior to open it in new tab
@ -2731,9 +2773,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
// revert loading status…
I18n._('Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.')
Alert.showWarning('Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.');
@ -2965,11 +3005,11 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
me.init = function()
$attachment = $('#attachment');
$dragAndDropFileName = $('#dragAndDropFileName');
$dropzone = $('#dropzone');
if($attachment.length) {
$attachmentLink = $('#attachment a');
$attachmentPreview = $('#attachmentPreview');
$dragAndDropFileName = $('#dragAndDropFileName');
$dropzone = $('#dropzone');
$fileInput = $('#file');
@ -4194,8 +4234,6 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
const PasteEncrypter = (function () {
const me = {};
let requirementsChecked = false;
* called after successful paste upload
@ -4428,16 +4466,13 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
cipherMessage['attachment'] = await fileReading;
} else {
I18n._('Cannot process attachment data.')
throw new TypeError('Cannot process attachment data.');
const error = 'Cannot process attachment data.';
throw new TypeError(error);
} catch (error) {
I18n._('Cannot retrieve attachment.')
Alert.showError('Cannot retrieve attachment.');
throw error;
@ -4494,7 +4529,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
// if all tries failed, we can only return an error
if (plaindata.length === 0) {
throw 'failed to decipher data';
return false;
return plaindata;
@ -4523,13 +4558,14 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
if (password.length === 0) {
throw 'waiting on user to provide a password';
} else {
displayDecryptionError('failed to decipher paste text: Incorrect password?');
throw 'waiting on user to provide correct password';
// reset password, so it can be re-entered
throw 'Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.';
let format = '',
text = '';
if (paste.v > 1) {
// version 2 paste
const pasteMessage = JSON.parse(pastePlain);
@ -4616,29 +4652,6 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
* displays and logs decryption errors
* @name PasteDecrypter.displayDecryptionError
* @private
* @function
* @param {string} message
function displayDecryptionError(message)
// log detailed error, but display generic translation
I18n._('Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.')
// reset password, so it can be re-entered
* show decrypted text in the display area, including discussion (if open)
@ -4690,170 +4703,13 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
.catch((err) => {
// wait for the user to type in the password,
// then PasteDecrypter.run will be called again
return me;
* initial (security) check
* @name InitialCheck
* @param {object} window
* @param {object} document
* @class
const InitialCheck = (function () {
const me = {};
* blacklist of UserAgents (parts) known to belong to a bot
* @private
* @enum {Array}
* @readonly
const badBotUA = [
* check if the connection is insecure
* @private
* @name InitialCheck.isInsecureConnection
* @function
* @return {bool}
function isInsecureConnection()
// use .isSecureContext if available
if (window.isSecureContext === true || window.isSecureContext === false) {
return !window.isSecureContext;
const url = new URL(window.location);
// HTTP is obviously insecure
if (url.protocol !== 'http:') {
return false;
// filter out actually secure connections over HTTP
for (const tld of ['.onion', '.i2p']) {
if (url.hostname.endsWith(tld)) {
return false;
// whitelist localhost for development
for (const hostname of ['localhost', '', '[::1]']) {
if (url.hostname === hostname) {
return false;
// totally INSECURE http protocol!
return true;
* checks whether this is a bot we dislike
* @private
* @name InitialCheck.isBadBot
* @function
* @return {bool}
function isBadBot() {
// check whether a bot user agent part can be found in the current
// user agent
for (const UAfragment of badBotUA) {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(UAfragment) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
* checks whether this is an unsupported browser, via feature detection
* @private
* @name InitialCheck.isOldBrowser
* @function
* @return {bool}
function isOldBrowser() {
// webcrypto support
if (typeof window.crypto !== 'object') {
return true;
if (typeof WebAssembly !== 'object' && typeof WebAssembly.instantiate !== 'function') {
return true;
try {
// [\0, 'a', 's', 'm', (uint_32) 1] - smallest valid wasm module
const module = new WebAssembly.Module(Uint8Array.of(0x0, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
if (
module instanceof WebAssembly.Module &&
new WebAssembly.Instance(module) instanceof WebAssembly.Instance
) {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return true;
// not checking for async/await, ES6, Promise or Uint8Array support,
// as most browsers introduced these earlier then webassembly and webcrypto:
// https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/pull/431#issuecomment-493129359
return false;
* init on application start, returns an all-clear signal
* @name InitialCheck.init
* @function
* @return {bool}
me.init = function()
// prevent bots from viewing a paste and potentially deleting data
// when burn-after-reading is set
if (isBadBot()) {
Alert.showError('I love you too, bot…');
return false;
if (isOldBrowser()) {
// some browsers (Chrome based ones) would have webcrypto support if using HTTPS
if (isInsecureConnection()) {
Alert.showError(['Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href="%s">switching to HTTPS</a>.', 'https' + window.location.href.slice(4)]);
return false;
if (isInsecureConnection()) {
return true;
return me;
* (controller) main PrivateBin logic
@ -4926,9 +4782,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
// missing decryption key (or paste ID) in URL?
if (window.location.hash.length === 0) {
I18n._('Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)')
Alert.showError('Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)');
@ -5030,13 +4884,29 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
* try initializing zlib or display a warning if it fails,
* extracted from main init to allow unit testing
* @name Controller.initZ
* @function
me.initZ = function()
z = zlib.catch(function () {
if ($('body').data('compression') !== 'none') {
Alert.showWarning('Your browser doesn\'t support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can\'t read compressed ones.');
* application start
* @name Controller.init
* @function
me.init = async function()
me.init = function()
// first load translations
@ -5054,11 +4924,18 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
z = (await zlib);
if (!InitialCheck.init()) {
// check for legacy browsers before going any further
if (!Legacy.Check.getInit()) {
// Legacy check didn't complete, wait and try again
setTimeout(init, 500);
if (!Legacy.Check.getStatus()) {
// something major is wrong, stop right away
// check whether existing paste needs to be shown
try {
@ -5098,7 +4975,6 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
ServerInteraction: ServerInteraction,
PasteEncrypter: PasteEncrypter,
PasteDecrypter: PasteDecrypter,
InitialCheck: InitialCheck,
Controller: Controller
})(jQuery, RawDeflate);
@ -4,16 +4,55 @@ var common = require('../common');
describe('Alert', function () {
describe('showStatus', function () {
'shows a status message',
'shows a status message (basic)',
function (icon, message) {
icon = icon.join('');
message = message.join('');
var expected = '<div id="status" role="alert" ' +
const expected = '<div id="status">' + message + '</div>';
'<div id="status"></div>'
$.PrivateBin.Alert.showStatus(message, icon);
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
'shows a status message (bootstrap)',
function (message) {
message = message.join('');
const expected = '<div id="status" role="alert" ' +
'class="statusmessage alert alert-info"><span ' +
'class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" ' +
'aria-hidden="true"></span> <span>' + message + '</span></div>';
'<div id="status" role="alert" class="statusmessage ' +
'alert alert-info hidden"><span class="glyphicon ' +
'glyphicon-info-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span> </div>'
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
'shows a status message (bootstrap, custom icon)',
function (icon, message) {
icon = icon.join('');
message = message.join('');
const expected = '<div id="status" role="alert" ' +
'class="statusmessage alert alert-info"><span ' +
'class="glyphicon glyphicon-' + icon +
'" aria-hidden="true"></span> ' + message + '</div>';
'" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span>' + message + '</span></div>';
'<div id="status" role="alert" class="statusmessage ' +
'alert alert-info hidden"><span class="glyphicon ' +
@ -21,7 +60,76 @@ describe('Alert', function () {
$.PrivateBin.Alert.showStatus(message, icon);
var result = $('body').html();
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
describe('showWarning', function () {
before(function () {
'shows a warning message (basic)',
function (icon, message) {
icon = icon.join('');
message = message.join('');
const expected = '<div id="errormessage">' + message + '</div>';
'<div id="errormessage"></div>'
$.PrivateBin.Alert.showWarning(message, icon);
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
'shows a warning message (bootstrap)',
function (message) {
message = message.join('');
const expected = '<div id="errormessage" role="alert" ' +
'class="statusmessage alert alert-danger"><span ' +
'class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign" ' +
'aria-hidden="true"></span> <span>' + message + '</span></div>';
'<div id="errormessage" role="alert" class="statusmessage ' +
'alert alert-danger hidden"><span class="glyphicon ' +
'glyphicon-alert" aria-hidden="true"></span> </div>'
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
'shows a warning message (bootstrap, custom icon)',
function (icon, message) {
icon = icon.join('');
message = message.join('');
const expected = '<div id="errormessage" role="alert" ' +
'class="statusmessage alert alert-danger"><span ' +
'class="glyphicon glyphicon-' + icon +
'" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span>' + message + '</span></div>';
'<div id="errormessage" role="alert" class="statusmessage ' +
'alert alert-danger hidden"><span class="glyphicon ' +
'glyphicon-alert" aria-hidden="true"></span> </div>'
$.PrivateBin.Alert.showWarning(message, icon);
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
@ -33,16 +141,56 @@ describe('Alert', function () {
'shows an error message',
'shows an error message (basic)',
function (icon, message) {
icon = icon.join('');
message = message.join('');
var expected = '<div id="errormessage" role="alert" ' +
const expected = '<div id="errormessage">' + message + '</div>';
'<div id="errormessage"></div>'
$.PrivateBin.Alert.showError(message, icon);
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
'shows an error message (bootstrap)',
function (icon, message) {
message = message.join('');
const expected = '<div id="errormessage" role="alert" ' +
'class="statusmessage alert alert-danger"><span ' +
'class="glyphicon glyphicon-alert" ' +
'aria-hidden="true"></span> <span>' + message + '</span></div>';
'<div id="errormessage" role="alert" class="statusmessage ' +
'alert alert-danger hidden"><span class="glyphicon ' +
'glyphicon-alert" aria-hidden="true"></span> </div>'
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
'shows an error message (bootstrap, custom icon)',
function (icon, message) {
icon = icon.join('');
message = message.join('');
const expected = '<div id="errormessage" role="alert" ' +
'class="statusmessage alert alert-danger"><span ' +
'class="glyphicon glyphicon-' + icon +
'" aria-hidden="true"></span> ' + message + '</div>';
'" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span>' + message + '</span></div>';
'<div id="errormessage" role="alert" class="statusmessage ' +
'alert alert-danger hidden"><span class="glyphicon ' +
@ -50,7 +198,7 @@ describe('Alert', function () {
$.PrivateBin.Alert.showError(message, icon);
var result = $('body').html();
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
@ -62,17 +210,36 @@ describe('Alert', function () {
'shows remaining time',
'shows remaining time (basic)',
function (message, string, number) {
message = message.join('');
string = string.join('');
var expected = '<div id="remainingtime" role="alert" ' +
const expected = '<div id="remainingtime" class="">' + string + message + number + '</div>';
'<div id="remainingtime" class="hidden"></div>'
$.PrivateBin.Alert.showRemaining(['%s' + message + '%d', string, number]);
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
'shows remaining time (bootstrap)',
function (message, string, number) {
message = message.join('');
string = string.join('');
const expected = '<div id="remainingtime" role="alert" ' +
'class="alert alert-info"><span ' +
'class="glyphicon glyphicon-fire" aria-hidden="true">' +
'</span> ' + string + message + number + '</div>';
'</span> <span>' + string + message + number + '</span></div>';
'<div id="remainingtime" role="alert" class="hidden ' +
'alert alert-info"><span class="glyphicon ' +
@ -80,7 +247,7 @@ describe('Alert', function () {
$.PrivateBin.Alert.showRemaining(['%s' + message + '%d', string, number]);
var result = $('body').html();
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
@ -92,20 +259,42 @@ describe('Alert', function () {
'shows a loading message',
'shows a loading message (basic)',
function (message, icon) {
message = message.join('');
icon = icon.join('');
var defaultMessage = 'Loading…';
const defaultMessage = 'Loading…';
if (message.length === 0) {
message = defaultMessage;
var expected = '<ul class="nav navbar-nav"><li ' +
const expected = '<div id="loadingindicator" class="">' + message + '</div>';
'<div id="loadingindicator" class="hidden">' + defaultMessage + '</div>'
$.PrivateBin.Alert.showLoading(message, icon);
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
'shows a loading message (bootstrap)',
function (message, icon) {
message = message.join('');
icon = icon.join('');
const defaultMessage = 'Loading…';
if (message.length === 0) {
message = defaultMessage;
const expected = '<ul class="nav navbar-nav"><li ' +
'id="loadingindicator" class="navbar-text"><span ' +
'class="glyphicon glyphicon-' + icon +
'" aria-hidden="true"></span> ' + message + '</li></ul>';
'" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span>' + message + '</span></li></ul>';
'<ul class="nav navbar-nav"><li id="loadingindicator" ' +
'class="navbar-text hidden"><span class="glyphicon ' +
@ -114,7 +303,7 @@ describe('Alert', function () {
$.PrivateBin.Alert.showLoading(message, icon);
var result = $('body').html();
const result = $('body').html();
return expected === result;
@ -182,7 +371,7 @@ describe('Alert', function () {
function (trigger, message) {
message = message.join('');
var handlerCalled = false,
let handlerCalled = false,
defaultMessage = 'Loading…',
functions = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
'use strict';
var common = require('../common');
/* global Legacy, WebCrypto */
describe('Check', function () {
describe('init', function () {
before(function () {
it('returns false and shows error, if a bot UA is detected', function () {
jsc.elements(['Bot', 'bot']),
function (prefix, botBit, suffix) {
const clean = jsdom(
'<html><body><div id="errormessage" class="hidden"></div>' +
'</body></html>', {
'userAgent': prefix + botBit + suffix
const result1 = Legacy.Check.getInit() && !Legacy.Check.getStatus(),
result2 = (document.getElementById('errormessage').className !== 'hidden');
return result1 && result2;
{tests: 10});
'shows error, if no webcrypto is detected',
jsc.elements(['localhost', '', '[::1]', '']),
jsc.elements(['.onion', '.i2p', '']),
function (secureProtocol, localhost, domain, tld) {
const isDomain = localhost === '',
isSecureContext = secureProtocol || !isDomain || tld.length > 0,
clean = jsdom(
'<html><body><div id="errormessage" class="hidden"></div>' +
'<div id="oldnotice" class="hidden"></div>' +
'<div id="insecurecontextnotice" class="hidden"></div></body></html>',
'url': (secureProtocol ? 'https' : 'http' ) + '://' +
(isDomain ? domain.join('') + tld : localhost) + '/'
const result1 = Legacy.Check.getInit() && !Legacy.Check.getStatus(),
result2 = isSecureContext === (document.getElementById('insecurecontextnotice').className === 'hidden'),
result3 = (document.getElementById('oldnotice').className !== 'hidden');
return result1 && result2 && result3;
'shows error, if HTTP only site is detected',
function (secureProtocol, domain) {
const clean = jsdom(
'<html><body><div id="httpnotice" class="hidden"></div>' +
'url': (secureProtocol ? 'https' : 'http' ) + '://' + domain.join('') + '/'
window.crypto = new WebCrypto();
const result1 = Legacy.Check.getInit() && Legacy.Check.getStatus(),
result2 = secureProtocol === (document.getElementById('httpnotice').className === 'hidden');
return result1 && result2;
@ -18,13 +18,15 @@ describe('CryptTool', function () {
// pause to let async functions conclude
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 300));
let clean = jsdom();
// ensure zlib is getting loaded
window.crypto = new WebCrypto();
message = message.trim();
let cipherMessage = await $.PrivateBin.CryptTool.cipher(
key, password, message, []
plaintext = await $.PrivateBin.CryptTool.decipher(
key, password, cipherMessage
key, password, cipherMessage
return message === plaintext;
@ -179,6 +181,8 @@ describe('CryptTool', function () {
let message = fs.readFileSync('test/compression-sample.txt', 'utf8'),
clean = jsdom();
window.crypto = new WebCrypto();
// ensure zlib is getting loaded
let cipherMessage = await $.PrivateBin.CryptTool.cipher(
'foo', 'bar', message, []
@ -222,6 +226,8 @@ isWhile : interp (while expr sBody) (MemElem mem) =
conseq_or_bottom inv (interp (nth_iterate sBody n) (MemElem mem))
let clean = jsdom();
// ensure zlib is getting loaded
window.crypto = new WebCrypto();
let cipherMessage = await $.PrivateBin.CryptTool.cipher(
key, password, message, []
@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ describe('Helper', function () {
function (prefix, uint, middle, string, postfix) {
prefix = prefix.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '%%');
middle = middle.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '%%');
postfix = postfix.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '%%');
prefix = prefix.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '');
middle = middle.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '');
postfix = postfix.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '');
var params = [prefix + '%d' + middle + '%s' + postfix, uint, string],
result = prefix + uint + middle + string + postfix;
return result === $.PrivateBin.Helper.sprintf.apply(this, params);
@ -199,9 +199,9 @@ describe('Helper', function () {
function (prefix, uint, middle, string, postfix) {
prefix = prefix.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '%%');
middle = middle.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '%%');
postfix = postfix.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '%%');
prefix = prefix.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '');
middle = middle.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '');
postfix = postfix.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '');
var params = [prefix + '%s' + middle + '%d' + postfix, string, uint],
result = prefix + string + middle + uint + postfix;
return result === $.PrivateBin.Helper.sprintf.apply(this, params);
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var common = require('../common');
describe('InitialCheck', function () {
describe('init', function () {
before(function () {
it('returns false and shows error, if a bot UA is detected', function () {
jsc.elements(['Bot', 'bot']),
function (prefix, botBit, suffix) {
const clean = jsdom('', {
'userAgent': prefix + botBit + suffix
'<html><body><div id="errormessage" class="hidden"></div>' +
window.crypto = null;
const result1 = !$.PrivateBin.InitialCheck.init(),
result2 = !$('#errormessage').hasClass('hidden');
return result1 && result2;
{tests: 10});
'shows error, if no webcrypto is detected',
jsc.elements(['localhost', '', '[::1]', '']),
jsc.elements(['.onion', '.i2p', '']),
function (secureProtocol, localhost, domain, tld) {
const isDomain = localhost === '',
isSecureContext = secureProtocol || !isDomain || tld.length > 0,
clean = jsdom('', {
'url': (secureProtocol ? 'https' : 'http' ) + '://' +
(isDomain ? domain.join('') + tld : localhost) + '/'
'<html><body><div id="errormessage" class="hidden"></div>'+
'<div id="oldnotice" class="hidden"></div></body></html>'
const result1 = !$.PrivateBin.InitialCheck.init(),
result2 = isSecureContext === $('#errormessage').hasClass('hidden'),
result3 = !$('#oldnotice').hasClass('hidden');
return result1 && result2 && result3;
'shows error, if HTTP only site is detected',
jsc.elements(['localhost', '', '[::1]', '']),
jsc.elements(['.onion', '.i2p', '']),
function (secureProtocol, localhost, domain, tld) {
const isDomain = localhost === '',
isSecureContext = secureProtocol || !isDomain || tld.length > 0,
clean = jsdom('', {
'url': (secureProtocol ? 'https' : 'http' ) + '://' +
(isDomain ? domain.join('') + tld : localhost) + '/'
'<html><body><div id="httpnotice" class="hidden"></div>'+
window.crypto = null;
const result1 = $.PrivateBin.InitialCheck.init(),
result2 = isSecureContext === $('#httpnotice').hasClass('hidden');
return result1 && result2;
@ -388,6 +388,7 @@ class Controller
$page->assign('URLSHORTENER', $this->_conf->getKey('urlshortener'));
$page->assign('QRCODE', $this->_conf->getKey('qrcode'));
$page->assign('HTTPWARNING', $this->_conf->getKey('httpwarning'));
$page->assign('HTTPSLINK', 'https://' . $this->_request->getHost() . $this->_request->getRequestUri());
$page->assign('COMPRESSION', $this->_conf->getKey('compression'));
@ -193,6 +193,19 @@ class Request
$this->_params[$param] : $default;
* Get host as requested by the client
* @access public
* @return string
public function getHost()
return array_key_exists('HTTP_HOST', $_SERVER) ?
htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) :
* Get request URI
@ -202,8 +215,8 @@ class Request
public function getRequestUri()
return array_key_exists('REQUEST_URI', $_SERVER) ?
) : '/';
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@
# directory.
User-agent: *
Allow: /index.php
Disallow: /
@ -71,10 +71,8 @@ if ($MARKDOWN):
<script type="text/javascript" data-cfasync="false" src="js/purify-2.0.1.js" integrity="sha512-ddI36MdUoXp/o7yhQtr9/qj4G3oFwCRga4jCGaoUYtORg0PPmFKVKG4Ess3fIknYzxwwKMlrIL9o4NwuPTCc1Q==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" data-cfasync="false" src="js/privatebin.js?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" integrity="sha512-86VTqw2HsaCQ0DAunK2MH68P+8RLbbaK7HZP8nwDtwNoF44usxDCptmD8TC+zwQc7HM46AkrvVFb3ZkIb6VhMQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">body {padding-left:60px;padding-right:60px;} #ienotice {display:block;}</style>
<script type="text/javascript" data-cfasync="false" src="js/legacy.js?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" integrity="sha512-dReLYyMJO3kV7/etVKlGWSbmJoWavMpbgG8Hg3759MNHv0mYuonh4Azif3y0F0oopKKlz3vtj8XZV7VY+e6dSQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" data-cfasync="false" src="js/privatebin.js?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" integrity="sha512-4iMFqnyyoJ/FJ33aHov+QeItaZ0JegMUjx7J5pXeknEwjXzx4oLw9F9ePI3WK/h3sUYTOK+hdv2JINNGMwi2Vg==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="img/apple-touch-icon.png?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" sizes="180x180" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="img/favicon-32x32.png?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" sizes="32x32" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="img/favicon-16x16.png?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" sizes="16x16" />
@ -446,10 +444,6 @@ endif;
<div id="oldnotice" role="alert" class="hidden alert alert-danger">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-alert" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<?php echo I18n::_('%s requires a modern browser to work.', I18n::_($NAME)), PHP_EOL; ?>
<div id="ienotice" role="alert" class="hidden alert alert-danger">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<?php echo I18n::_('Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:'), PHP_EOL; ?>
<a href="https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/">Firefox</a>,
<a href="https://www.opera.com/">Opera</a>,
<a href="https://www.google.com/chrome">Chrome</a>…
@ -462,6 +456,10 @@ if ($HTTPWARNING):
<?php echo I18n::_('This website is using an insecure connection! Please only use it for testing.'), PHP_EOL; ?><br />
<span class="small"><?php echo I18n::_('For more information <a href="%s">see this FAQ entry</a>.', 'https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/wiki/FAQ#why-does-it-show-me-an-error-about-an-insecure-connection'); ?></span>
<div id="insecurecontextnotice" role="alert" class="hidden alert alert-danger">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-alert" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<?php echo I18n::_('Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href="%s">switching to HTTPS</a>.', $HTTPSLINK); ?>
@ -49,10 +49,8 @@ if ($MARKDOWN):
<script type="text/javascript" data-cfasync="false" src="js/purify-2.0.1.js" integrity="sha512-ddI36MdUoXp/o7yhQtr9/qj4G3oFwCRga4jCGaoUYtORg0PPmFKVKG4Ess3fIknYzxwwKMlrIL9o4NwuPTCc1Q==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" data-cfasync="false" src="js/privatebin.js?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" integrity="sha512-86VTqw2HsaCQ0DAunK2MH68P+8RLbbaK7HZP8nwDtwNoF44usxDCptmD8TC+zwQc7HM46AkrvVFb3ZkIb6VhMQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">body {padding-left:60px;padding-right:60px;} #ienotice {display:block;}</style>
<script type="text/javascript" data-cfasync="false" src="js/legacy.js?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" integrity="sha512-dReLYyMJO3kV7/etVKlGWSbmJoWavMpbgG8Hg3759MNHv0mYuonh4Azif3y0F0oopKKlz3vtj8XZV7VY+e6dSQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" data-cfasync="false" src="js/privatebin.js?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" integrity="sha512-4iMFqnyyoJ/FJ33aHov+QeItaZ0JegMUjx7J5pXeknEwjXzx4oLw9F9ePI3WK/h3sUYTOK+hdv2JINNGMwi2Vg==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="img/apple-touch-icon.png?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" sizes="180x180" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="img/favicon-32x32.png?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" sizes="32x32" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="img/favicon-16x16.png?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" sizes="16x16" />
@ -77,8 +75,7 @@ endif;
<h2 class="title"><?php echo I18n::_('Because ignorance is bliss'); ?></h2><br />
<h3 class="title"><?php echo $VERSION; ?></h3>
<noscript><div id="noscript" class="nonworking"><?php echo I18n::_('JavaScript is required for %s to work.<br />Sorry for the inconvenience.', I18n::_($NAME)); ?></div></noscript>
<div id="oldnotice" class="nonworking"><?php echo I18n::_('%s requires a modern browser to work.', I18n::_($NAME)); ?></div>
<div id="ienotice" class="nonworking"><?php echo I18n::_('Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:'), PHP_EOL; ?>
<div id="oldnotice" class="nonworking hidden"><?php echo I18n::_('%s requires a modern browser to work.', I18n::_($NAME)), PHP_EOL; ?>
<a href="https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/">Firefox</a>,
<a href="https://www.opera.com/">Opera</a>,
<a href="https://www.google.com/chrome">Chrome</a>…
@ -86,10 +83,13 @@ endif;
<div id="httpnotice" class="errorMessage">
<div id="httpnotice" class="errorMessage hidden">
<?php echo I18n::_('This website is using an insecure connection! Please only use it for testing.'); ?>
<span class="small"><?php echo I18n::_('For more information <a href="%s">see this FAQ entry</a>.', 'https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/wiki/FAQ#why-does-it-show-me-an-error-about-an-insecure-connection'); ?></span>
<div id="insecurecontextnotice" class="errorMessage hidden">
<?php echo I18n::_('Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href="%s">switching to HTTPS</a>.', $HTTPSLINK); ?>
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class ViewTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$page->assign('URLSHORTENER', '');
$page->assign('QRCODE', true);
$page->assign('HTTPWARNING', true);
$page->assign('HTTPSLINK', 'https://example.com/');
$page->assign('COMPRESSION', 'zlib');
$dir = dir(PATH . 'tpl');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user