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synced 2025-03-24 14:56:44 -04:00
slight JS refactoring
This commit is contained in:
@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
// For IE<10: Doesn't support white-space:pre-wrap; so we have to do this...
if ($('#oldienotice').is(':visible')) {
var html = this.htmlEntities(text).replace(/\n/ig,'\r\n<br>');
var html = this.htmlEntities(text).replace(/\n/ig, '\r\n<br>');
element.html('<pre>' + html + '</pre>');
// for other (sane) browsers:
@ -230,11 +230,14 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
* @return {string}
getCookie: function(cname) {
var name = cname + '=';
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
var name = cname + '=',
ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; ++i) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) === ' ') c = c.substring(1);
while (c.charAt(0) === ' ')
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) === 0)
return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
@ -243,6 +246,77 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
return '';
* get the current script location (without search or hash part of the URL),
* eg. http://example.com/path/?aaaa#bbbb --> http://example.com/path/
* @name helper.scriptLocation
* @function
* @return {string} current script location
scriptLocation: function()
var scriptLocation = window.location.href.substring(
window.location.href.length - window.location.search.length - window.location.hash.length
), hashIndex = scriptLocation.indexOf('#');
if (hashIndex !== -1)
scriptLocation = scriptLocation.substring(0, hashIndex);
return scriptLocation;
* get the pastes unique identifier from the URL,
* eg. http://example.com/path/?c05354954c49a487#c05354954c49a487 returns c05354954c49a487
* @name helper.pasteId
* @function
* @return {string} unique identifier
pasteId: function()
return window.location.search.substring(1);
* return the deciphering key stored in anchor part of the URL
* @name helper.pageKey
* @function
* @return {string} key
pageKey: function()
// Some web 2.0 services and redirectors add data AFTER the anchor
// (such as &utm_source=...). We will strip any additional data.
var key = window.location.hash.substring(1), // Get key
i = key.indexOf('=');
// First, strip everything after the equal sign (=) which signals end of base64 string.
if (i > -1)
key = key.substring(0, i + 1);
// If the equal sign was not present, some parameters may remain:
i = key.indexOf('&');
if (i > -1)
key = key.substring(0, i);
// Then add trailing equal sign if it's missing
if (key.charAt(key.length - 1) !== '=')
key += '=';
return key;
* convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
@ -404,8 +478,11 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
loadTranslations: function()
var selectedLang = helper.getCookie('lang');
var language = selectedLang.length > 0 ? selectedLang : (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage).substring(0, 2);
var language = helper.getCookie('lang');
if (language.length === 0)
language = (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage).substring(0, 2);
// note that 'en' is built in, so no translation is necessary
if (i18n.supportedLanguages.indexOf(language) === -1)
@ -555,76 +632,6 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
createdPasteUrl: '',
* get the current script location (without search or hash part of the URL),
* eg. http://example.com/zero/?aaaa#bbbb --> http://example.com/zero/
* @name controller.scriptLocation
* @function
* @return {string} current script location
scriptLocation: function()
var scriptLocation = window.location.href.substring(0,window.location.href.length
- window.location.search.length - window.location.hash.length),
hashIndex = scriptLocation.indexOf('#');
if (hashIndex !== -1)
scriptLocation = scriptLocation.substring(0, hashIndex);
return scriptLocation;
* get the pastes unique identifier from the URL,
* eg. http://example.com/zero/?c05354954c49a487#c05354954c49a487 returns c05354954c49a487
* @name controller.pasteID
* @function
* @return {string} unique identifier
pasteID: function()
return window.location.search.substring(1);
* return the deciphering key stored in anchor part of the URL
* @name controller.pageKey
* @function
* @return {string} key
pageKey: function()
// Some web 2.0 services and redirectors add data AFTER the anchor
// (such as &utm_source=...). We will strip any additional data.
var key = window.location.hash.substring(1), // Get key
i = key.indexOf('=');
// First, strip everything after the equal sign (=) which signals end of base64 string.
if (i > -1)
key = key.substring(0, i + 1);
// If the equal sign was not present, some parameters may remain:
i = key.indexOf('&');
if (i > -1)
key = key.substring(0, i);
// Then add trailing equal sign if it's missing
if (key.charAt(key.length - 1) !== '=')
key += '=';
return key;
* ask the user for the password and set it
@ -722,8 +729,8 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
displayMessages: function(paste)
paste = paste || $.parseJSON(this.cipherData.text());
var key = this.pageKey();
var password = this.passwordInput.val();
var key = helper.pageKey(),
password = this.passwordInput.val();
if (!this.prettyPrint.hasClass('prettyprinted')) {
// Try to decrypt the paste.
@ -813,7 +820,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
// unfortunately many web servers don't support DELETE (and PUT) out of the box
type: 'POST',
url: this.scriptLocation() + '?' + this.pasteID(),
url: helper.scriptLocation() + '?' + helper.pasteId(),
data: {deletetoken: 'burnafterreading'},
dataType: 'json',
headers: this.headers
@ -838,24 +845,27 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
// iterate over comments
for (var i = 0; i < paste.comments.length; ++i)
var place = this.comments;
var comment = paste.comments[i];
var commenttext = filter.decipher(key, password, comment.data);
// if parent comment exists, display below (CSS will automatically shift it to the right)
var cname = '#comment_' + comment.parentid;
var place = this.comments,
comment = paste.comments[i],
commenttext = filter.decipher(key, password, comment.data),
// if parent comment exists, display below (CSS will automatically shift it to the right)
cname = '#comment_' + comment.parentid,
divComment = $('<article><div class="comment" id="comment_' + comment.id
+ '"><div class="commentmeta"><span class="nickname"></span>'
+ '<span class="commentdate"></span></div>'
+ '<div class="commentdata"></div>'
+ '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm">'
+ i18n._('Reply') + '</button></div></article>'),
divCommentData = divComment.find('div.commentdata');
// if the element exists in page
if ($(cname).length)
place = $(cname);
var divComment = $('<article><div class="comment" id="comment_' + comment.id + '">'
+ '<div class="commentmeta"><span class="nickname"></span><span class="commentdate"></span></div><div class="commentdata"></div>'
+ '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm">' + i18n._('Reply') + '</button>'
+ '</div></article>');
divComment.find('button').click({commentid: comment.id}, $.proxy(this.openReply, this));
helper.setElementText(divComment.find('div.commentdata'), commenttext);
helper.setElementText(divCommentData, commenttext);
// try to get optional nickname
var nick = filter.decipher(key, password, comment.meta.nickname);
@ -887,7 +897,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
'<div class="comment"><button class="btn btn-default btn-sm">' +
i18n._('Add comment') + '</button></div>'
divComment.find('button').click({commentid: this.pasteID()}, $.proxy(this.openReply, this));
divComment.find('button').click({commentid: helper.pasteId()}, $.proxy(this.openReply, this));
@ -903,20 +913,26 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
openReply: function(event)
var source = $(event.target),
commentid = event.data.commentid,
hint = i18n._('Optional nickname...');
// remove any other reply area
var reply = $(
'<div class="reply">' +
'<input type="text" id="nickname" class="form-control" title="' + hint + '" placeholder="' + hint + '" />' +
'<textarea id="replymessage" class="replymessage form-control" cols="80" rows="7"></textarea>' +
'<br /><div id="replystatus"></div><button id="replybutton" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">' +
i18n._('Post comment') + '</button></div>'
var source = $(event.target),
commentid = event.data.commentid,
hint = i18n._('Optional nickname...'),
reply = $(
'<div class="reply"><input type="text" id="nickname" ' +
'class="form-control" title="' + hint + '" placeholder="' +
hint + '" /><textarea id="replymessage" class="replymessage ' +
'form-control" cols="80" rows="7"></textarea><br />' +
'<div id="replystatus"></div><button id="replybutton" ' +
'class="btn btn-default btn-sm">' + i18n._('Post comment') +
{parentid: commentid},
$.proxy(this.sendComment, this)
reply.find('button').click({parentid: commentid}, $.proxy(this.sendComment, this));
this.replyStatus = $('#replystatus');
@ -941,24 +957,25 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
this.showStatus(i18n._('Sending comment...'), true);
var parentid = event.data.parentid;
var cipherdata = filter.cipher(this.pageKey(), this.passwordInput.val(), replyMessage.val());
var ciphernickname = '';
var nick = $('#nickname').val();
if (nick !== '')
var parentid = event.data.parentid,
key = helper.pageKey(),
cipherdata = filter.cipher(key, this.passwordInput.val(), replyMessage.val()),
ciphernickname = '',
nick = $('#nickname').val();
if (nick.length > 0)
ciphernickname = filter.cipher(this.pageKey(), this.passwordInput.val(), nick);
ciphernickname = filter.cipher(key, this.passwordInput.val(), nick);
var data_to_send = {
data: cipherdata,
parentid: parentid,
pasteid: this.pasteID(),
pasteid: helper.pasteId(),
nickname: ciphernickname
type: 'POST',
url: this.scriptLocation(),
url: helper.scriptLocation(),
data: data_to_send,
dataType: 'json',
headers: this.headers,
@ -969,7 +986,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
controller.showStatus(i18n._('Comment posted.'));
type: 'GET',
url: controller.scriptLocation() + '?' + controller.pasteID(),
url: helper.scriptLocation() + '?' + helper.pasteId(),
dataType: 'json',
headers: controller.headers,
success: function(data)
@ -1040,8 +1057,8 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
this.showStatus(i18n._('Sending paste...'), true);
var randomkey = sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(sjcl.random.randomWords(8, 0), 0);
var password = this.passwordInput.val();
var randomkey = sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(sjcl.random.randomWords(8, 0), 0),
password = this.passwordInput.val();
if(files && files[0])
if(typeof FileReader === undefined)
@ -1088,14 +1105,14 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
sendDataContinue: function(randomkey, cipherdata_attachment, cipherdata_attachment_name)
var cipherdata = filter.cipher(randomkey, this.passwordInput.val(), this.message.val());
var data_to_send = {
data: cipherdata,
expire: $('#pasteExpiration').val(),
formatter: $('#pasteFormatter').val(),
burnafterreading: this.burnAfterReading.is(':checked') ? 1 : 0,
opendiscussion: this.openDiscussion.is(':checked') ? 1 : 0
var cipherdata = filter.cipher(randomkey, this.passwordInput.val(), this.message.val()),
data_to_send = {
data: cipherdata,
expire: $('#pasteExpiration').val(),
formatter: $('#pasteFormatter').val(),
burnafterreading: this.burnAfterReading.is(':checked') ? 1 : 0,
opendiscussion: this.openDiscussion.is(':checked') ? 1 : 0
if (cipherdata_attachment.length > 0)
data_to_send.attachment = cipherdata_attachment;
@ -1106,7 +1123,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
type: 'POST',
url: this.scriptLocation(),
url: helper.scriptLocation(),
data: data_to_send,
dataType: 'json',
headers: this.headers,
@ -1114,8 +1131,8 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
if (data.status === 0) {
var url = controller.scriptLocation() + '?' + data.id + '#' + randomkey;
var deleteUrl = controller.scriptLocation() + '?pasteid=' + data.id + '&deletetoken=' + data.deletetoken;
var url = helper.scriptLocation() + '?' + data.id + '#' + randomkey,
deleteUrl = helper.scriptLocation() + '?pasteid=' + data.id + '&deletetoken=' + data.deletetoken;
history.pushState({type: 'newpaste'}, '', url);
@ -1153,26 +1170,6 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
* handle history (pop) state changes
* currently this does only handle redirects to the home page.
* @name controller.historyChange
* @function
* @param {Event} event
historyChange: function(event)
if (event.originalEvent.state === null && // no state object passed
this.scriptLocation() === event.originalEvent.target.location.href && // target location is home page
this.scriptLocation() === window.location.href // and we are not already on the home page
) {
// redirect to home page
window.location.href = this.scriptLocation();
* check if a URL shortener was defined and create HTML containing a link to it
@ -1325,7 +1322,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
reloadPage: function(event)
window.location.href = this.scriptLocation();
window.location.href = helper.scriptLocation();
@ -1341,8 +1338,8 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
var paste = $('#pasteFormatter').val() === 'markdown' ?
this.prettyPrint.text() : this.clearText.text();
null, document.title, this.scriptLocation() + '?' +
this.pasteID() + '#' + this.pageKey()
null, document.title, helper.scriptLocation() + '?' +
helper.pasteId() + '#' + helper.pageKey()
// we use text/html instead of text/plain to avoid a bug when
// reloading the raw text view (it reverts to type text/html)
@ -1364,7 +1361,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
// erase the id and the key in url
history.replaceState(null, document.title, this.scriptLocation());
history.replaceState(null, document.title, helper.scriptLocation());
if (this.attachmentLink.attr('href'))
@ -1485,6 +1482,27 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = function($, sjcl, Base64, RawDeflate) {
this.formatPaste($('#pasteFormatter').val(), this.message.val());
* handle history (pop) state changes
* currently this does only handle redirects to the home page.
* @name controller.historyChange
* @function
* @param {Event} event
historyChange: function(event)
var currentLocation = helper.scriptLocation();
if (event.originalEvent.state === null && // no state object passed
event.originalEvent.target.location.href === currentLocation && // target location is home page
window.location.href === currentLocation // and we are not already on the home page
) {
// redirect to home page
window.location.href = currentLocation;
* create a new paste
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ if ($MARKDOWN):
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/privatebin.js?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/privatebin.js?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" integrity="sha512-RbM1let1vUccPguggBRaKCuVkfyje+lMaZuoLJ9nuCBlULVkgxvJ6XCoQTSOOxdQvDRJ2j1u2DYQFoKA6sqPQg==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!--[if lt IE 10]>
<style type="text/css">body {padding-left:60px;padding-right:60px;} #ienotice {display:block;} #oldienotice {display:block;}</style>
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ if ($MARKDOWN):
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/privatebin.js?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" integrity="sha512-YW9b0ChcI/zuJwUZxdQW3zb/LO999he3fOtiio2MhickC7YyrzgvIcgvFMUYZjJ79tYiNzDLmMAZKRMvqoQoGw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/privatebin.js?<?php echo rawurlencode($VERSION); ?>" integrity="sha512-RbM1let1vUccPguggBRaKCuVkfyje+lMaZuoLJ9nuCBlULVkgxvJ6XCoQTSOOxdQvDRJ2j1u2DYQFoKA6sqPQg==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!--[if lt IE 10]>
<style type="text/css">body {padding-left:60px;padding-right:60px;} #ienotice {display:block;} #oldienotice {display:block;}</style>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user