mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 12:19:24 -05:00
Merge branch 'master' into php8
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
bin/configuration-test-generator export-ignore
bin/icon-test export-ignore
doc/ export-ignore
tst/ export-ignore
img/browserstack.svg export-ignore
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
# PrivateBin version history
* **1.4.1 (not yet released)**
* ADDED: Translations for Turkish, Slovak and Greek
* **1.5 (not yet released)**
* ADDED: script for data storage backend migrations (#1012)
* ADDED: Translations for Turkish, Slovak, Greek and Thai
* ADDED: S3 Storage backend (#994)
* CHANGED: Switched to Jdenticons as the default for comment icons (#793)
* ADDED: Jdenticons as an option for comment icons (#793)
* CHANGED: Avoid `SUPER` privilege for setting the `sql_mode` for MariaDB/MySQL (#919)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: zlib 1.2.13
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 2.4.6, jQuery 3.6.1, Showdown 2.1.0 & zlib 1.2.13
* FIXED: Revert to CREATE INDEX without IF NOT EXISTS clauses, to support MySQL (#943)
* FIXED: Apply table prefix to indexes as well, to support multiple instances sharing a single database (#943)
* FIXED: YOURLS integration via new proxy, storing signature in configuration (#725)
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
* Austin Huang - Oracle database support
* Felix J. Ogris - S3 Storage backend
* Mounir Idrassi & J. Mozdzen - secure YOURLS integration
* Felix J. Ogris - script for data backend migrations, dropped singleton behaviour of data backends
## Translations
* Hexalyse - French
@ -61,3 +62,4 @@
* Emir Ensar Rahmanlar - Turkish
* Stevo984 - Slovak
* Christos Karamolegkos - Greek
* jaideejung007 - Thai
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ install and configure PrivateBin on your server. It's available on
- `open_basedir` access to `/dev/urandom`
- mcrypt extension AND `open_basedir` access to `/dev/urandom`
- com_dotnet extension
- GD extension
- GD extension (when using identicon or vizhash icons, jdenticon works without it)
- zlib extension
- some disk space or a database supported by [PDO](https://php.net/manual/book.pdo.php)
- ability to create files and folders in the installation directory and the PATH
@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ install and configure PrivateBin on your server. It's available on
### Changing the Path
In the index.php you can define a different `PATH`. This is useful to secure
your installation. You can move the configuration, data files, templates and PHP
libraries (directories cfg, doc, data, lib, tpl, tst and vendor) outside of your
document root. This new location must still be accessible to your webserver and
PHP process (see also
your installation. You can move the utilities, configuration, data files,
templates and PHP libraries (directories bin, cfg, doc, data, lib, tpl, tst and
vendor) outside of your document root. This new location must still be
accessible to your webserver and PHP process (see also
[open_basedir setting](https://secure.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.open-basedir)).
> #### PATH Example
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
* DANGER: Too many options/settings and too high max iteration setting may trigger
* a fork bomb. Please save your work before executing this script.
include 'Bootstrap.php';
include PATH . 'tst' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Bootstrap.php';
$vd = array('view', 'delete');
$vcd = array('view', 'create', 'delete');
@ -392,7 +394,7 @@ class ConfigurationTestGenerator
$code .= '}' . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents('ConfigurationCombinationsTest.php', $code);
file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tst' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ConfigurationCombinationsTest.php', $code);
@ -428,7 +430,9 @@ class ConfigurationCombinationsTest extends TestCase
/* Setup Routine */
$this->_path = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'privatebin_data';
$this->_model = Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_path));
$this->_model = new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_path));
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use Identicon\Generator\GdGenerator;
use Identicon\Generator\ImageMagickGenerator;
use Identicon\Generator\SvgGenerator;
use Identicon\Identicon;
use Jdenticon\Identicon as Jdenticon;
use PrivateBin\Vizhash16x16;
@ -17,7 +18,19 @@ $vizhash = new Vizhash16x16();
$identiconGenerators = array(
'identicon GD' => new Identicon(new GdGenerator()),
'identicon ImageMagick' => new Identicon(new ImageMagickGenerator()),
'identicon SVG' => new Identicon(new SvgGenerator())
'identicon SVG' => new Identicon(new SvgGenerator()),
$jdenticon = new Jdenticon(array(
'size' => 16,
'style' => array(
'backgroundColor' => '#fff0', // fully transparent, for dark mode
'padding' => 0,
$jdenticonGenerators = array(
'jdenticon' => 'png',
'jdenticon ImageMagick' => 'png',
'jdenticon SVG' => 'svg',
$results = array(
'vizhash' => array(
@ -35,21 +48,30 @@ $results = array(
'identicon SVG' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
'jdenticon' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
'jdenticon ImageMagick' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
'jdenticon SVG' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
$hmacs = array();
echo 'generate ', ITERATIONS, ' hmacs and pre-populate the result array, so tests wont be slowed down', PHP_EOL;
for ($i = 0; $i < ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$hmacs[$i] = hash_hmac('sha512', '', bin2hex(random_bytes(256)));
$results['vizhash']['lengths'][$i] = 0;
$results['identicon GD']['lengths'][$i] = 0;
$results['identicon ImageMagick']['lengths'][$i] = 0;
$results['identicon SVG']['lengths'][$i] = 0;
foreach (array_keys($results) as $test) {
$results[$test]['lengths'][$i] = 0;
echo 'run vizhash tests', PHP_EOL;
$start = microtime(true);
foreach ($hmacs as $i => $hmac) {
@ -60,7 +82,6 @@ foreach ($hmacs as $i => $hmac) {
$results['vizhash']['time'] = microtime(true) - $start;
foreach ($identiconGenerators as $key => $identicon) {
echo 'run ', $key,' tests', PHP_EOL;
$start = microtime(true);
@ -71,9 +92,35 @@ foreach ($identiconGenerators as $key => $identicon) {
$results[$key]['time'] = microtime(true) - $start;
foreach ($jdenticonGenerators as $key => $format) {
echo 'run ', $key,' tests', PHP_EOL;
if ($key === 'jdenticon ImageMagick') {
$jdenticon->enableImageMagick = true;
} else {
$jdenticon->enableImageMagick = false;
$start = microtime(true);
foreach ($hmacs as $i => $hmac) {
$data = $jdenticon->getImageDataUri($format);
$results[$key]['lengths'][$i] = strlen($data);
$results[$key]['time'] = microtime(true) - $start;
define('PADDING_LENGTH', max(array_map(function ($key) { return strlen($key); }, array_keys($results))) + 1);
function ($key) {
return strlen($key);
) + 1
function format_result_line($generator, $min, $max, $avg, $sec) {
echo str_pad($generator, PADDING_LENGTH, ' '), "\t",
str_pad($min, 4, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT), "\t",
@ -84,7 +131,10 @@ function format_result_line($generator, $min, $max, $avg, $sec) {
echo PHP_EOL;
format_result_line('Generator:', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'seconds');
format_result_line(str_repeat('─', PADDING_LENGTH), str_repeat('─', 4), str_repeat('─', 4), str_repeat('─', 4), str_repeat('─', 7));
str_repeat('─', PADDING_LENGTH), str_repeat('─', 4), str_repeat('─', 4),
str_repeat('─', 4), str_repeat('─', 7)
foreach ($results as $generator => $result) {
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php
// change this, if your php files and data is outside of your webservers document root
require PATH . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
use PrivateBin\Configuration;
use PrivateBin\Model;
// third argument in getopt requires PHP >= 7.1
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0') < 0) {
dieerr('migrate requires php 7.1 or above to work. Sorry.');
$longopts = array(
$opts_arr = getopt("fhnv", $longopts, $rest);
if ($opts_arr === false) {
dieerr("Erroneous command line options. Please use -h");
if (array_key_exists("h", $opts_arr)) {
$delete_after = array_key_exists("delete-after", $opts_arr);
$delete_during = array_key_exists("delete-during", $opts_arr);
$force_overwrite = array_key_exists("f", $opts_arr);
$dryrun = array_key_exists("n", $opts_arr);
$verbose = array_key_exists("v", $opts_arr);
if ($rest >= $argc) {
dieerr("Missing source configuration directory");
if ($delete_after && $delete_during) {
dieerr("--delete-after and --delete-during are mutually exclusive");
$srcconf = getConfig("source", $argv[$rest]);
$dstconf = getConfig("destination", ($rest < $argc ? $argv[$rest] : ""));
if (($srcconf->getSection("model") == $dstconf->getSection("model")) &&
($srcconf->getSection("model_options") == $dstconf->getSection("model_options"))) {
dieerr("Source and destination storage configurations are identical");
$srcmodel = new Model($srcconf);
$srcstore = $srcmodel->getStore();
$dstmodel = new Model($dstconf);
$dststore = $dstmodel->getStore();
$ids = $srcstore->getAllPastes();
foreach ($ids as $id) {
debug("Reading paste id " . $id);
$paste = $srcstore->read($id);
$comments = $srcstore->readComments($id);
savePaste($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $id, $paste, $dststore);
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
saveComment($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $id, $comment, $dststore);
if ($delete_during) {
deletePaste($dryrun, $id, $srcstore);
if ($delete_after) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
deletePaste($dryrun, $id, $srcstore);
function deletePaste($dryrun, $pasteid, $srcstore)
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Deleting paste id " . $pasteid);
} else {
debug("Would delete paste id " . $pasteid);
function saveComment ($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $pasteid, $comment, $dststore)
$parentid = $comment["parentid"];
$commentid = $comment["id"];
if (!$dststore->existsComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid)) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Saving paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
$dststore->createComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid, $comment);
} else {
debug("Would save paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
} else if ($force_overwrite) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Overwriting paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
$dststore->createComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid, $comment);
} else {
debug("Would overwrite paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
} else {
if (!$dryrun) {
dieerr("Not overwriting paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
} else {
dieerr("Would not overwrite paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
function savePaste ($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $pasteid, $paste, $dststore)
if (!$dststore->exists($pasteid)) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Saving paste id " . $pasteid);
$dststore->create($pasteid, $paste);
} else {
debug("Would save paste id " . $pasteid);
} else if ($force_overwrite) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Overwriting paste id " . $pasteid);
$dststore->create($pasteid, $paste);
} else {
debug("Would overwrite paste id " . $pasteid);
} else {
if (!$dryrun) {
dieerr("Not overwriting paste id " . $pasteid);
} else {
dieerr("Would not overwrite paste id " . $pasteid);
function getConfig ($target, $confdir)
debug("Trying to load " . $target . " conf.php" .
($confdir === "" ? "" : " from " . $confdir));
putenv("CONFIG_PATH=" . $confdir);
$conf = new Configuration;
return $conf;
function dieerr ($text)
fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: %s" . PHP_EOL, $text);
function debug ($text) {
if ($GLOBALS["verbose"]) {
printf("DEBUG: %s" . PHP_EOL, $text);
function helpexit ()
print("migrate.php - Copy data between PrivateBin backends
migrate [--delete-after] [--delete-during] [-f] [-n] [-v] srcconfdir
migrate [-h]
--delete-after delete data from source after all pastes and comments have
successfully been copied to the destination
--delete-during delete data from source after the current paste and its
comments have successfully been copied to the destination
-f forcefully overwrite data which already exists at the
-n dry run, do not copy data
-v be verbose
<srcconfdir> use storage backend configration from conf.php found in
this directory as source
<dstconfdir> optionally, use storage backend configration from conf.php
found in this directory as destination; defaults to:
" . PATH . "cfg" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "conf.php
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ languageselection = false
; used to get the IP of a comment poster if the server salt is leaked and a
; SHA512 HMAC rainbow table is generated for all (relevant) IPs.
; Can be set to one these values:
; "none" / "vizhash" / "identicon" / "jdenticon" (default).
; "none" / "identicon" (default) / "jdenticon" / "vizhash".
; icon = "none"
; Content Security Policy headers allow a website to restrict what sources are
@ -370,16 +370,16 @@
"name": "nikic/php-parser",
"version": "v4.15.1",
"version": "v4.15.2",
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser.git",
"reference": "0ef6c55a3f47f89d7a374e6f835197a0b5fcf900"
"reference": "f59bbe44bf7d96f24f3e2b4ddc21cd52c1d2adbc"
"dist": {
"type": "zip",
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/nikic/PHP-Parser/zipball/0ef6c55a3f47f89d7a374e6f835197a0b5fcf900",
"reference": "0ef6c55a3f47f89d7a374e6f835197a0b5fcf900",
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/nikic/PHP-Parser/zipball/f59bbe44bf7d96f24f3e2b4ddc21cd52c1d2adbc",
"reference": "f59bbe44bf7d96f24f3e2b4ddc21cd52c1d2adbc",
"shasum": ""
"require": {
@ -420,9 +420,9 @@
"support": {
"issues": "https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/issues",
"source": "https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/tree/v4.15.1"
"source": "https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/tree/v4.15.2"
"time": "2022-09-04T07:30:47+00:00"
"time": "2022-11-12T15:38:23+00:00"
"name": "phar-io/manifest",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s เป็น pastebin ออนไลน์แบบโอเพ่นซอร์สที่มีสไตล์แบบมินิมัลลิสท์ เซิร์ฟเวอร์ไม่สามารถรู้ได้ว่าข้อมูลโค้ดที่มาฝากนั้นเป็นข้อมูลอะไร โดยจะถูก %sเข้ารหัส/ถอดรหัส%s ด้วยกระบวนการ AES จำนวน 256 บิตผ่านเบราว์เซอร์",
"More information on the <a href=\"https://privatebin.info/\">project page</a>.": "ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม ดูได้ที่<a href=\"https://privatebin.info/\">หน้าโครงการ</a>",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "ไม่รู้ไม่ชี้ดีที่สุด",
"en": "th",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "การฝากโค้ดไม่มีอยู่ อาจจะหมดอายุหรือถูกลบไปแล้ว",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "ขออภัย %s ต้องใช้ PHP %s ขึ้นไปจึงจะใช้งานได้",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s จำเป็นต้องตั้งค่าตัวแปร [%s] ในไฟล์กำหนดค่า",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"กรุณาเว้นระยะเวลาการส่งข้อมูลอย่างน้อย %d วินาที",
"กรุณาเว้นระยะเวลาการส่งข้อมูลอย่างน้อย %d วินาที",
"กรุณาเว้นระยะเวลาการส่งข้อมูลอย่างน้อย %d วินาที",
"กรุณาเว้นระยะเวลาการส่งข้อมูลอย่างน้อย %d วินาที"
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "การฝากโค้ดแบบเข้ารหัส ขีดจำกัดสูงสุดคือ %s",
"Invalid data.": "ข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "วันนี้คุณดวงไม่เฮงเลย ลองใหม่อีกครั้งนะ",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "ขออภัย เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในระหว่างบันทึกความคิดเห็น",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "ขออภัย เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในระหว่างบันทึกการฝากโค้ด",
"Invalid paste ID.": "ID การฝากโค้ดไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "ข้อมูลการฝากโค้ดนี้ไม่ได้เป็นรูปแบบลบทันทีเมื่อเปิดอ่าน",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "โทเค็นการลบไม่ถูกต้อง ข้อมูลการฝากโค้ดไม่ถูกลบ",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "ข้อมูลการฝากโค้ดถูกลบออกเรียบร้อยแล้ว",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "จำเป็นต้องใช้ JavaScript เพื่อให้ %s สามารถทำงานได้ ขออภัยในความไม่สะดวก",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s ต้องใช้เบราว์เซอร์สมัยใหม่ถึงจะสามารถใช้งานได้",
"New": "ใหม่",
"Send": "ส่ง",
"Clone": "โคลน",
"Raw text": "ข้อความล้วน",
"Expires": "หมดอายุ",
"Burn after reading": "ลบทันทีเมื่อเปิดอ่าน",
"Open discussion": "แสดงความคิดเห็นได้",
"Password (recommended)": "รหัสผ่าน (แนะนำให้ใส่)",
"Discussion": "ความคิดเห็น",
"Toggle navigation": "สลับเปิดปิดการนำทาง",
"%d seconds": [
"%d วินาที",
"%d วินาที",
"%d วินาที",
"%d วินาที"
"%d minutes": [
"%d นาที",
"%d นาที",
"%d นาที",
"%d นาที"
"%d hours": [
"%d ชั่วโมง",
"%d ชั่วโมง",
"%d ชั่วโมง",
"%d ชั่วโมง"
"%d days": [
"%d วัน",
"%d วัน",
"%d วัน",
"%d วัน"
"%d weeks": [
"%d สัปดาห์",
"%d สัปดาห์",
"%d สัปดาห์",
"%d สัปดาห์"
"%d months": [
"%d เดือน",
"%d เดือน",
"%d เดือน",
"%d เดือน"
"%d years": [
"%d ปี",
"%d ปี",
"%d ปี",
"%d ปี"
"Never": "ไม่หมดอายุ",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "โปรดทราบ: เว็บไซต์นี้เป็นการให้บริการแบบเบต้า ข้อมูลอาจถูกลบได้ตลอดเวลา หากคุณใช้บริการนี้ในทางที่ผิดอาจจะทำให้ข้อมูลของคุณสูญหายอย่างถาวรได้",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d วินาที",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d วินาที",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d วินาที",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d วินาที"
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d นาที",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d นาที",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d นาที",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d นาที"
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d ชั่วโมง",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d ชั่วโมง",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d ชั่วโมง",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d ชั่วโมง"
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d วัน",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d วัน",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d วัน",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d วัน"
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d เดือน",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d เดือน",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d เดือน",
"เอกสารนี้จะหมดอายุใน %d เดือน"
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "กรุณากรอกรหัสผ่านเพื่อเปิดข้อมูลการฝากโค้ดนี้:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "ไม่สามารถถอดรหัสข้อมูลได้ (คีย์ไม่ถูกต้องหรือไม่)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "ไม่สามารถลบการฝากโค้ดนี้ได้ เนื่องจากว่าไม่ได้ถูกเก็บไว้ในโหมดลบทันทีเมื่อเปิดอ่าน",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "เก็บไว้ดูคนเดียวนะ อย่าปิดหน้าต่างนี้ ข้อความนี้จะไม่สามารถแสดงได้อีก",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "ไม่สามารถถอดรหัสความคิดเห็นได้ คีย์ไม่ถูกต้องหรือไม่",
"Reply": "ตอบกลับ",
"Anonymous": "ไม่ระบุชื่อ",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "อวาตารสร้างมาจากไอพี",
"Add comment": "เพิ่มความคิดเห็น",
"Optional nickname…": "ใส่ชื่อคนให้ความคิดเห็น…",
"Post comment": "ส่งความคิดเห็น",
"Sending comment…": "กำลังส่งความคิดเห็น…",
"Comment posted.": "ส่งความคิดเห็นแล้ว",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "ไม่สามารถรีเฟรชการแสดงผลได้: %s",
"unknown status": "ไม่ทราบสถานะ",
"server error or not responding": "เซิร์ฟเวอร์มีข้อผิดพลาดหรือไม่ตอบสนอง",
"Could not post comment: %s": "ไม่สามารถส่งความคิดเห็นได้: %s",
"Sending paste…": "กำลังส่งข้อมูล…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "การฝากโค้ดของคุณอยู่ที่ <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(กดปุ่ม [Ctrl]+[c] เพื่อคัดลอก)</span>",
"Delete data": "ลบข้อมูล",
"Could not create paste: %s": "ไม่สามารถสร้างข้อมูลการฝากโค้ดได้: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "ไม่สามารถถอดรหัสข้อมูลการฝากโค้ดได้: คีย์ถอดรหัสที่อยู่ใน URL หายไป (คุณได้ใช้ตัวเปลี่ยนเส้นทางหรือตัวย่อ URL ที่มีการตัดส่วนของ URL ออกหรือไม่)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "รูปแบบ",
"Plain Text": "ข้อความล้วน",
"Source Code": "ซอร์สโค้ด",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "ดาวน์โหลดไฟล์แนบ",
"Cloned: '%s'": "โคลนแล้ว: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "การโคลนข้อมูลการฝากโค้ด มีไฟล์ '%s' แนบมาด้วย",
"Attach a file": "แนบไฟล์",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "หรือสามารถลากและวางไฟล์หรือวางรูปภาพจากคลิปบอร์ดได้",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "ไฟล์มีขนาดใหญ่เกินไปที่จะแสดงตัวอย่าง กรุณาดาวน์โหลดเป็นไฟล์แนบแทน",
"Remove attachment": "ลบไฟล์แนบ",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "เบราว์เซอร์ของคุณไม่สนับสนุนการอัปโหลดไฟล์แบบเข้ารหัสได้ กรุณาใช้เบราว์เซอร์ที่ใหม่กว่า",
"Invalid attachment.": "ไฟล์แนบไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Options": "ตัวเลือก",
"Shorten URL": "สร้างลิงก์ย่อ",
"Editor": "ตัวแก้ไข",
"Preview": "ดูตัวอย่าง",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s กำหนดให้ PATH ลงท้ายด้วย \"%s\" กรุณาอัปเดต PATH ในไฟล์ index.php ของคุณ",
"Decrypt": "ถอดรหัส",
"Enter password": "กรอกรหัสผ่าน",
"Loading…": "กำลังโหลด…",
"Decrypting paste…": "กำลังถอดรหัสข้อมูลการฝากโค้ด…",
"Preparing new paste…": "กำลังเตรียมข้อมูลการฝากโค้ดใหม่…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "ในกรณีที่ข้อความนี้ยังปรากฎให้เห็นอยู่ กรุณาดู<a href=\"%s\">คำถามที่พบบ่อยนี้เพื่อใช้แก้ไขปัญหา</a>",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ ไม่มีข้อความการฝากโค้ด +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "ไม่สามารถดึงข้อมูลการฝากโค้ดได้: %s",
"QR code": "คิวอาร์โค้ด",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "เว็บไซต์นี้ใช้การเชื่อมต่อแบบ HTTP ที่ไม่ปลอดภัย! กรุณาใช้เพื่อการทดสอบเท่านั้น",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม <a href=\"%s\">กรุณาดูรายการคำถามที่พบบ่อยนี้</a>",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "เบราว์เซอร์ของคุณอาจต้องใช้การเชื่อมต่อ HTTPS เพื่อสนับสนุน API แบบ WebCrypto ลอง<a href=\"%s\">เปลี่ยนเป็น HTTPS</a>",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "เบราว์เซอร์ของคุณไม่สนับสนุน WebAssembly ที่ทำหน้าที่ในการบีบอัดข้อมูลในรูปแบบ zlib คุณยังสามารถสร้างเอกสารที่ไม่บีบอัด แต่จะไม่สามารถอ่านเอกสารที่บีบอัดได้",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "กำลังรอผู้ใช้กรอกรหัสผ่าน",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "ไม่สามารถถอดรหัสข้อมูลได้ คุณกรอกรหัสผ่านผิดหรือเปล่า กดปุ่มลองอีกครั้งด้านบน",
"Retry": "ลองอีกครั้ง",
"Showing raw text…": "กำลังแสดงข้อความล้วน…",
"Notice:": "โปรดทราบ:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "ลิงก์นี้จะหมดอายุหลังจาก %s",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "ลิงก์นี้สามารถเข้าถึงได้เพียงครั้งเดียวเท่านั้น ไม่ควรใช้ปุ่มย้อนกลับหรือรีเฟรชหน้าเว็บบนเบราว์เซอร์ของคุณ",
"Link:": "ลิงก์:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "ผู้รับอีเมลอาจทราบโซนเวลาของคุณได้ คุณต้องการแปลงโซนเวลาเป็น UTC หรือไม่",
"Use Current Timezone": "ใช้โซนเวลาปัจจุบัน",
"Convert To UTC": "แปลงเป็น UTC",
"Close": "ปิด",
"Encrypted note on %s": "เขารหัสบันทึกย่อบน %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "ไปที่ลิงก์นี้เพื่อดูบันทึกย่อทั้งหมด ส่ง URL นี้ให้ใครก็ได้เพื่อให้สามารถเข้าถึงบันทึกย่อได้",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "เครื่องมือสร้างลิงก์ย่ออาจเปิดเผยคีย์ถอดรหัสของคุณใน URL ได้",
"Save paste": "ดาวน์โหลดข้อมูลการฝากโค้ด",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "IP ของคุณไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้สร้างการฝากโค้ด",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "กำลังพยายามใช้เครื่องมือสร้างลิงก์ย่อ ที่ไม่ได้ชี้ไปที่อินสแตนซ์ของเรา",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเรียก YOURLS อาจเป็นปัญหามาจากการกำหนดค่า เช่น \"apiurl\" หรือ \"signature\" ไม่ถูกต้องหรือขาดหายไป",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการแยกวิเคราะห์การตอบสนองของ YOURLS"
@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ global.fs = require('fs');
global.WebCrypto = require('@peculiar/webcrypto').Crypto;
// application libraries to test
global.$ = global.jQuery = require('./jquery-3.6.0');
global.$ = global.jQuery = require('./jquery-3.6.1');
global.RawDeflate = require('./rawinflate-0.3').RawDeflate;
global.zlib = require('./zlib-1.2.13').zlib;
global.prettyPrint = window.PR.prettyPrint;
global.prettyPrintOne = window.PR.prettyPrintOne;
global.showdown = require('./showdown-2.0.3');
global.DOMPurify = require('./purify-2.3.6');
global.showdown = require('./showdown-2.1.0');
global.DOMPurify = require('./purify-2.4.6');
global.baseX = require('./base-x-4.0.0').baseX;
global.Legacy = require('./legacy').Legacy;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
* @prop {string[]}
* @readonly
const supportedLanguages = ['bg', 'ca', 'co', 'cs', 'de', 'el', 'es', 'et', 'fi', 'fr', 'he', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'jbo', 'lt', 'no', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'oc', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl', 'tr', 'uk', 'zh'];
const supportedLanguages = ['bg', 'ca', 'co', 'cs', 'de', 'el', 'es', 'et', 'fi', 'fr', 'he', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'jbo', 'lt', 'no', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'oc', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'zh'];
* built in language
@ -815,6 +815,7 @@ jQuery.PrivateBin = (function($, RawDeflate) {
return n === 1 ? 0 : (n === 2 ? 1 : ((n < 0 || n > 10) && (n % 10 === 0) ? 2 : 3));
case 'id':
case 'jbo':
case 'th':
return 0;
case 'lt':
return n % 10 === 1 && n % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ((n % 10 >= 2 && n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2);
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class Configuration
'languagedefault' => '',
'urlshortener' => '',
'qrcode' => true,
'icon' => 'jdenticon',
'icon' => 'identicon',
'cspheader' => 'default-src \'none\'; base-uri \'self\'; form-action \'none\'; manifest-src \'self\'; connect-src * blob:; script-src \'self\' \'unsafe-eval\'; style-src \'self\'; font-src \'self\'; frame-ancestors \'none\'; img-src \'self\' data: blob:; media-src blob:; object-src blob:; sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-popups allow-modals allow-downloads',
'zerobincompatibility' => false,
'httpwarning' => true,
@ -15,61 +15,17 @@ namespace PrivateBin\Data;
* AbstractData
* Abstract model for data access, implemented as a singleton.
* Abstract model for data access
abstract class AbstractData
* Singleton instance
* @access protected
* @static
* @var AbstractData
protected static $_instance = null;
* cache for the traffic limiter
* @access private
* @static
* @access protected
* @var array
protected static $_last_cache = array();
* Enforce singleton, disable constructor
* Instantiate using {@link getInstance()}, this object implements the singleton pattern.
* @access protected
protected function __construct()
* Enforce singleton, disable cloning
* Instantiate using {@link getInstance()}, this object implements the singleton pattern.
* @access private
private function __clone()
* Get instance of singleton
* @access public
* @static
* @param array $options
* @return AbstractData
public static function getInstance(array $options)
protected $_last_cache = array();
* Create a paste.
@ -150,9 +106,9 @@ abstract class AbstractData
public function purgeValues($namespace, $time)
if ($namespace === 'traffic_limiter') {
foreach (self::$_last_cache as $key => $last_submission) {
foreach ($this->_last_cache as $key => $last_submission) {
if ($last_submission <= $time) {
@ -207,6 +163,14 @@ abstract class AbstractData
* Returns all paste ids
* @access public
* @return array
abstract public function getAllPastes();
* Get next free slot for comment from postdate.
@ -25,59 +25,43 @@ use PrivateBin\Json;
class Database extends AbstractData
* cache for select queries
* @var array
private static $_cache = array();
* instance of database connection
* @access private
* @static
* @var PDO
private static $_db;
private $_db;
* table prefix
* @access private
* @static
* @var string
private static $_prefix = '';
private $_prefix = '';
* database type
* @access private
* @static
* @var string
private static $_type = '';
private $_type = '';
* get instance of singleton
* instantiates a new Database data backend
* @access public
* @static
* @param array $options
* @throws Exception
* @return Database
* @return
public static function getInstance(array $options)
public function __construct(array $options)
// if needed initialize the singleton
if (!(self::$_instance instanceof self)) {
self::$_instance = new self;
// set table prefix if given
if (array_key_exists('tbl', $options)) {
self::$_prefix = $options['tbl'];
$this->_prefix = $options['tbl'];
// initialize the db connection with new options
@ -94,16 +78,16 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
$db_tables_exist = true;
// setup type and dabase connection
self::$_type = strtolower(
$this->_type = strtolower(
substr($options['dsn'], 0, strpos($options['dsn'], ':'))
// MySQL uses backticks to quote identifiers by default,
// tell it to expect ANSI SQL double quotes
if (self::$_type === 'mysql' && defined('PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND')) {
if ($this->_type === 'mysql' && defined('PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND')) {
$tableQuery = self::_getTableQuery(self::$_type);
self::$_db = new PDO(
$tableQuery = $this->_getTableQuery($this->_type);
$this->_db = new PDO(
@ -111,43 +95,41 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
// check if the database contains the required tables
$tables = self::$_db->query($tableQuery)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
$tables = $this->_db->query($tableQuery)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
// create paste table if necessary
if (!in_array(self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste'), $tables)) {
if (!in_array($this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste'), $tables)) {
$db_tables_exist = false;
// create comment table if necessary
if (!in_array(self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment'), $tables)) {
if (!in_array($this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment'), $tables)) {
$db_tables_exist = false;
// create config table if necessary
$db_version = Controller::VERSION;
if (!in_array(self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config'), $tables)) {
if (!in_array($this->_sanitizeIdentifier('config'), $tables)) {
// if we only needed to create the config table, the DB is older then 0.22
if ($db_tables_exist) {
$db_version = '0.21';
} else {
$db_version = self::_getConfig('VERSION');
$db_version = $this->_getConfig('VERSION');
// update database structure if necessary
if (version_compare($db_version, Controller::VERSION, '<')) {
} else {
throw new Exception(
'Missing configuration for key dsn, usr, pwd or opt in the section model_options, please check your configuration file', 6
return self::$_instance;
@ -160,22 +142,12 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
public function create($pasteid, array $paste)
if (
array_key_exists($pasteid, self::$_cache)
) {
if (false !== self::$_cache[$pasteid]) {
return false;
} else {
$expire_date = 0;
$opendiscussion = $burnafterreading = false;
$attachment = $attachmentname = null;
$meta = $paste['meta'];
$isVersion1 = array_key_exists('data', $paste);
list($createdKey) = self::_getVersionedKeys($isVersion1 ? 1 : 2);
list($createdKey) = $this->_getVersionedKeys($isVersion1 ? 1 : 2);
$created = (int) $meta[$createdKey];
unset($meta[$createdKey], $paste['meta']);
if (array_key_exists('expire_date', $meta)) {
@ -204,8 +176,8 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
$burnafterreading = $paste['adata'][3];
try {
return self::_exec(
'INSERT INTO "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
return $this->_exec(
'INSERT INTO "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
'" VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',
@ -233,64 +205,59 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
public function read($pasteid)
if (array_key_exists($pasteid, self::$_cache)) {
return self::$_cache[$pasteid];
self::$_cache[$pasteid] = false;
try {
$paste = self::_select(
'SELECT * FROM "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
$row = $this->_select(
'SELECT * FROM "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
'" WHERE "dataid" = ?', array($pasteid), true
} catch (Exception $e) {
$paste = false;
$row = false;
if ($paste === false) {
if ($row === false) {
return false;
// create array
$data = Json::decode($paste['data']);
$data = Json::decode($row['data']);
$isVersion2 = array_key_exists('v', $data) && $data['v'] >= 2;
if ($isVersion2) {
self::$_cache[$pasteid] = $data;
list($createdKey) = self::_getVersionedKeys(2);
$paste = $data;
list($createdKey) = $this->_getVersionedKeys(2);
} else {
self::$_cache[$pasteid] = array('data' => $paste['data']);
list($createdKey) = self::_getVersionedKeys(1);
$paste = array('data' => $row['data']);
list($createdKey) = $this->_getVersionedKeys(1);
try {
$paste['meta'] = Json::decode($paste['meta']);
$row['meta'] = Json::decode($row['meta']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$paste['meta'] = array();
$row['meta'] = array();
$paste = self::upgradePreV1Format($paste);
self::$_cache[$pasteid]['meta'] = $paste['meta'];
self::$_cache[$pasteid]['meta'][$createdKey] = (int) $paste['postdate'];
$expire_date = (int) $paste['expiredate'];
$row = self::upgradePreV1Format($row);
$paste['meta'] = $row['meta'];
$paste['meta'][$createdKey] = (int) $row['postdate'];
$expire_date = (int) $row['expiredate'];
if ($expire_date > 0) {
self::$_cache[$pasteid]['meta']['expire_date'] = $expire_date;
$paste['meta']['expire_date'] = $expire_date;
if ($isVersion2) {
return self::$_cache[$pasteid];
return $paste;
// support v1 attachments
if (array_key_exists('attachment', $paste) && !empty($paste['attachment'])) {
self::$_cache[$pasteid]['attachment'] = $paste['attachment'];
if (array_key_exists('attachmentname', $paste) && !empty($paste['attachmentname'])) {
self::$_cache[$pasteid]['attachmentname'] = $paste['attachmentname'];
if (array_key_exists('attachment', $row) && !empty($row['attachment'])) {
$paste['attachment'] = $row['attachment'];
if (array_key_exists('attachmentname', $row) && !empty($row['attachmentname'])) {
$paste['attachmentname'] = $row['attachmentname'];
if ($paste['opendiscussion']) {
self::$_cache[$pasteid]['meta']['opendiscussion'] = true;
if ($row['opendiscussion']) {
$paste['meta']['opendiscussion'] = true;
if ($paste['burnafterreading']) {
self::$_cache[$pasteid]['meta']['burnafterreading'] = true;
if ($row['burnafterreading']) {
$paste['meta']['burnafterreading'] = true;
return self::$_cache[$pasteid];
return $paste;
@ -301,19 +268,14 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
public function delete($pasteid)
'DELETE FROM "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
'DELETE FROM "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
'" WHERE "dataid" = ?', array($pasteid)
'DELETE FROM "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') .
'DELETE FROM "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') .
'" WHERE "pasteid" = ?', array($pasteid)
if (
array_key_exists($pasteid, self::$_cache)
) {
@ -325,12 +287,15 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
public function exists($pasteid)
if (
!array_key_exists($pasteid, self::$_cache)
) {
self::$_cache[$pasteid] = $this->read($pasteid);
try {
$row = $this->_select(
'SELECT "dataid" FROM "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
'" WHERE "dataid" = ?', array($pasteid), true
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return (bool) self::$_cache[$pasteid];
return (bool) $row;
@ -352,7 +317,7 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
$version = 2;
$data = Json::encode($comment);
list($createdKey, $iconKey) = self::_getVersionedKeys($version);
list($createdKey, $iconKey) = $this->_getVersionedKeys($version);
$meta = $comment['meta'];
foreach (array('nickname', $iconKey) as $key) {
@ -361,8 +326,8 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
try {
return self::_exec(
'INSERT INTO "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') .
return $this->_exec(
'INSERT INTO "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') .
'" VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',
@ -388,8 +353,8 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
public function readComments($pasteid)
$rows = self::_select(
'SELECT * FROM "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') .
$rows = $this->_select(
'SELECT * FROM "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') .
'" WHERE "pasteid" = ?', array($pasteid)
@ -406,7 +371,7 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
$version = 1;
$comments[$i] = array('data' => $row['data']);
list($createdKey, $iconKey) = self::_getVersionedKeys($version);
list($createdKey, $iconKey) = $this->_getVersionedKeys($version);
$comments[$i]['id'] = $row['dataid'];
$comments[$i]['parentid'] = $row['parentid'];
$comments[$i]['meta'] = array($createdKey => (int) $row['postdate']);
@ -433,8 +398,8 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
public function existsComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid)
try {
return (bool) self::_select(
'SELECT "dataid" FROM "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') .
return (bool) $this->_select(
'SELECT "dataid" FROM "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') .
'" WHERE "pasteid" = ? AND "parentid" = ? AND "dataid" = ?',
array($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid), true
@ -455,15 +420,15 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
public function setValue($value, $namespace, $key = '')
if ($namespace === 'traffic_limiter') {
self::$_last_cache[$key] = $value;
$this->_last_cache[$key] = $value;
try {
$value = Json::encode(self::$_last_cache);
$value = Json::encode($this->_last_cache);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return self::_exec(
'UPDATE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
return $this->_exec(
'UPDATE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
'" SET "value" = ? WHERE "id" = ?',
array($value, strtoupper($namespace))
@ -483,8 +448,8 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
$value = $this->_getConfig($configKey);
if ($value === '') {
// initialize the row, so that setValue can rely on UPDATE queries
'INSERT INTO "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
'INSERT INTO "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
'" VALUES(?,?)',
array($configKey, '')
@ -492,7 +457,8 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
// migrate filesystem based salt into database
$file = 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'salt.php';
if ($namespace === 'salt' && is_readable($file)) {
$value = Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => 'data'))->getValue('salt');
$fs = new Filesystem(array('dir' => 'data'));
$value = $fs->getValue('salt');
$this->setValue($value, 'salt');
return $value;
@ -500,12 +466,12 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
if ($value && $namespace === 'traffic_limiter') {
try {
self::$_last_cache = Json::decode($value);
$this->_last_cache = Json::decode($value);
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::$_last_cache = array();
$this->_last_cache = array();
if (array_key_exists($key, self::$_last_cache)) {
return self::$_last_cache[$key];
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_last_cache)) {
return $this->_last_cache[$key];
return (string) $value;
@ -520,34 +486,37 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
protected function _getExpiredPastes($batchsize)
$pastes = array();
$rows = self::_select(
'SELECT "dataid" FROM "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
$statement = $this->_db->prepare(
'SELECT "dataid" FROM "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
'" WHERE "expiredate" < ? AND "expiredate" != ? ' .
(self::$_type === 'oci' ? 'FETCH NEXT ? ROWS ONLY' : 'LIMIT ?'),
array(time(), 0, $batchsize)
($this->_type === 'oci' ? 'FETCH NEXT ? ROWS ONLY' : 'LIMIT ?')
if (is_array($rows) && count($rows)) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$pastes[] = $row['dataid'];
return $pastes;
$statement->execute(array(time(), 0, $batchsize));
return $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
* @inheritDoc
public function getAllPastes()
return $this->_db->query(
'SELECT "dataid" FROM "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . '"'
)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
* execute a statement
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $sql
* @param array $params
* @throws PDOException
* @return bool
private static function _exec($sql, array $params)
private function _exec($sql, array $params)
$statement = self::$_db->prepare($sql);
$statement = $this->_db->prepare($sql);
foreach ($params as $key => &$parameter) {
$position = $key + 1;
if (is_int($parameter)) {
@ -567,20 +536,19 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* run a select statement
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $sql
* @param array $params
* @param bool $firstOnly if only the first row should be returned
* @throws PDOException
* @return array|false
private static function _select($sql, array $params, $firstOnly = false)
private function _select($sql, array $params, $firstOnly = false)
$statement = self::$_db->prepare($sql);
$statement = $this->_db->prepare($sql);
if ($firstOnly) {
$result = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} elseif (self::$_type === 'oci') {
} elseif ($this->_type === 'oci') {
// workaround for https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=46728
$result = array();
while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
@ -590,7 +558,7 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
$result = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (self::$_type === 'oci' && is_array($result)) {
if ($this->_type === 'oci' && is_array($result)) {
// returned CLOB values are streams, convert these into strings
$result = $firstOnly ?
array_map('PrivateBin\Data\Database::_sanitizeClob', $result) :
@ -603,11 +571,10 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* get version dependent key names
* @access private
* @static
* @param int $version
* @return array
private static function _getVersionedKeys($version)
private function _getVersionedKeys($version)
if ($version === 1) {
return array('postdate', 'vizhash');
@ -619,12 +586,11 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* get table list query, depending on the database type
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $type
* @throws Exception
* @return string
private static function _getTableQuery($type)
private function _getTableQuery($type)
switch ($type) {
case 'ibm':
@ -675,15 +641,14 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* get a value by key from the config table
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $key
* @return string
private static function _getConfig($key)
private function _getConfig($key)
try {
$row = self::_select(
'SELECT "value" FROM "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
$row = $this->_select(
'SELECT "value" FROM "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
'" WHERE "id" = ?', array($key), true
} catch (PDOException $e) {
@ -696,14 +661,13 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* get the primary key clauses, depending on the database driver
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $key
* @return array
private static function _getPrimaryKeyClauses($key = 'dataid')
private function _getPrimaryKeyClauses($key = 'dataid')
$main_key = $after_key = '';
switch (self::$_type) {
switch ($this->_type) {
case 'mysql':
case 'oci':
$after_key = ", PRIMARY KEY (\"$key\")";
@ -721,12 +685,11 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* PostgreSQL and OCI uses a different API for BLOBs then SQL, hence we use TEXT and CLOB
* @access private
* @static
* @return string
private static function _getDataType()
private function _getDataType()
switch (self::$_type) {
switch ($this->_type) {
case 'oci':
return 'CLOB';
case 'pgsql':
@ -742,12 +705,11 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* PostgreSQL and OCI use different APIs for BLOBs then SQL, hence we use TEXT and CLOB
* @access private
* @static
* @return string
private static function _getAttachmentType()
private function _getAttachmentType()
switch (self::$_type) {
switch ($this->_type) {
case 'oci':
return 'CLOB';
case 'pgsql':
@ -763,12 +725,11 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* OCI doesn't accept TEXT so it has to be VARCHAR2(4000)
* @access private
* @static
* @return string
private static function _getMetaType()
private function _getMetaType()
switch (self::$_type) {
switch ($this->_type) {
case 'oci':
return 'VARCHAR2(4000)';
@ -780,16 +741,15 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* create the paste table
* @access private
* @static
private static function _createPasteTable()
private function _createPasteTable()
list($main_key, $after_key) = self::_getPrimaryKeyClauses();
$dataType = self::_getDataType();
$attachmentType = self::_getAttachmentType();
$metaType = self::_getMetaType();
'CREATE TABLE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . '" ( ' .
list($main_key, $after_key) = $this->_getPrimaryKeyClauses();
$dataType = $this->_getDataType();
$attachmentType = $this->_getAttachmentType();
$metaType = $this->_getMetaType();
'CREATE TABLE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . '" ( ' .
"\"dataid\" CHAR(16) NOT NULL$main_key, " .
"\"data\" $attachmentType, " .
'"postdate" INT, ' .
@ -806,14 +766,13 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* create the paste table
* @access private
* @static
private static function _createCommentTable()
private function _createCommentTable()
list($main_key, $after_key) = self::_getPrimaryKeyClauses();
$dataType = self::_getDataType();
'CREATE TABLE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '" ( ' .
list($main_key, $after_key) = $this->_getPrimaryKeyClauses();
$dataType = $this->_getDataType();
'CREATE TABLE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '" ( ' .
"\"dataid\" CHAR(16) NOT NULL$main_key, " .
'"pasteid" CHAR(16), ' .
'"parentid" CHAR(16), ' .
@ -822,15 +781,15 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
"\"vizhash\" $dataType, " .
"\"postdate\" INT$after_key )"
if (self::$_type === 'oci') {
if ($this->_type === 'oci') {
already_exists exception;
columns_indexed exception;
pragma exception_init( already_exists, -955 );
pragma exception_init(columns_indexed, -1408);
execute immediate \'create index "comment_parent" on "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '" ("pasteid")\';
execute immediate \'create index "comment_parent" on "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '" ("pasteid")\';
when already_exists or columns_indexed then
@ -838,10 +797,10 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
} else {
// CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS not supported as of Oracle MySQL <= 8.0
self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment_parent') . '" ON "' .
self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '" ("pasteid")'
$this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment_parent') . '" ON "' .
$this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '" ("pasteid")'
@ -850,19 +809,18 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* create the paste table
* @access private
* @static
private static function _createConfigTable()
private function _createConfigTable()
list($main_key, $after_key) = self::_getPrimaryKeyClauses('id');
$charType = self::$_type === 'oci' ? 'VARCHAR2(16)' : 'CHAR(16)';
$textType = self::_getMetaType();
'CREATE TABLE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
list($main_key, $after_key) = $this->_getPrimaryKeyClauses('id');
$charType = $this->_type === 'oci' ? 'VARCHAR2(16)' : 'CHAR(16)';
$textType = $this->_getMetaType();
'CREATE TABLE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
"\" ( \"id\" $charType NOT NULL$main_key, \"value\" $textType$after_key )"
'INSERT INTO "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
'INSERT INTO "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
'" VALUES(?,?)',
array('VERSION', Controller::VERSION)
@ -890,90 +848,88 @@ class Database extends AbstractData
* sanitizes identifiers
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $identifier
* @return string
private static function _sanitizeIdentifier($identifier)
private function _sanitizeIdentifier($identifier)
return preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/', '', self::$_prefix . $identifier);
return preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/', '', $this->_prefix . $identifier);
* upgrade the database schema from an old version
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $oldversion
private static function _upgradeDatabase($oldversion)
private function _upgradeDatabase($oldversion)
$dataType = self::_getDataType();
$attachmentType = self::_getAttachmentType();
$dataType = $this->_getDataType();
$attachmentType = $this->_getAttachmentType();
switch ($oldversion) {
case '0.21':
// create the meta column if necessary (pre 0.21 change)
try {
'SELECT "meta" FROM "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . '" ' .
(self::$_type === 'oci' ? 'FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY' : 'LIMIT 1')
'SELECT "meta" FROM "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . '" ' .
($this->_type === 'oci' ? 'FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY' : 'LIMIT 1')
} catch (PDOException $e) {
self::$_db->exec('ALTER TABLE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . '" ADD COLUMN "meta" TEXT');
$this->_db->exec('ALTER TABLE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . '" ADD COLUMN "meta" TEXT');
// SQLite only allows one ALTER statement at a time...
'ALTER TABLE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
'ALTER TABLE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
"\" ADD COLUMN \"attachment\" $attachmentType"
'ALTER TABLE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . "\" ADD COLUMN \"attachmentname\" $dataType"
'ALTER TABLE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . "\" ADD COLUMN \"attachmentname\" $dataType"
// SQLite doesn't support MODIFY, but it allows TEXT of similar
// size as BLOB, so there is no need to change it there
if (self::$_type !== 'sqlite') {
'ALTER TABLE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
if ($this->_type !== 'sqlite') {
'ALTER TABLE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
"\" ADD PRIMARY KEY (\"dataid\"), MODIFY COLUMN \"data\" $dataType"
'ALTER TABLE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') .
'ALTER TABLE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') .
"\" ADD PRIMARY KEY (\"dataid\"), MODIFY COLUMN \"data\" $dataType, " .
"MODIFY COLUMN \"nickname\" $dataType, MODIFY COLUMN \"vizhash\" $dataType"
} else {
self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste_dataid') . '" ON "' .
self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . '" ("dataid")'
$this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste_dataid') . '" ON "' .
$this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') . '" ("dataid")'
self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment_dataid') . '" ON "' .
self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '" ("dataid")'
$this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment_dataid') . '" ON "' .
$this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '" ("dataid")'
// CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS not supported as of Oracle MySQL <= 8.0
self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment_parent') . '" ON "' .
self::_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '" ("pasteid")'
$this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment_parent') . '" ON "' .
$this->_sanitizeIdentifier('comment') . '" ("pasteid")'
// no break, continue with updates for 0.22 and later
case '1.3':
// SQLite doesn't support MODIFY, but it allows TEXT of similar
// size as BLOB and PostgreSQL uses TEXT, so there is no need
// to change it there
if (self::$_type !== 'sqlite' && self::$_type !== 'pgsql') {
'ALTER TABLE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
if ($this->_type !== 'sqlite' && $this->_type !== 'pgsql') {
'ALTER TABLE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('paste') .
"\" MODIFY COLUMN \"data\" $attachmentType"
// no break, continue with updates for all newer versions
'UPDATE "' . self::_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
'UPDATE "' . $this->_sanitizeIdentifier('config') .
'" SET "value" = ? WHERE "id" = ?',
array(Controller::VERSION, 'VERSION')
@ -40,33 +40,26 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
* path in which to persist something
* @access private
* @static
* @var string
private static $_path = 'data';
private $_path = 'data';
* get instance of singleton
* instantiates a new Filesystem data backend
* @access public
* @static
* @param array $options
* @return Filesystem
* @return
public static function getInstance(array $options)
public function __construct(array $options)
// if needed initialize the singleton
if (!(self::$_instance instanceof self)) {
self::$_instance = new self;
// if given update the data directory
if (
is_array($options) &&
array_key_exists('dir', $options)
) {
self::$_path = $options['dir'];
$this->_path = $options['dir'];
return self::$_instance;
@ -79,7 +72,7 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
public function create($pasteid, array $paste)
$storagedir = self::_dataid2path($pasteid);
$storagedir = $this->_dataid2path($pasteid);
$file = $storagedir . $pasteid . '.php';
if (is_file($file)) {
return false;
@ -87,7 +80,7 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
if (!is_dir($storagedir)) {
mkdir($storagedir, 0700, true);
return self::_store($file, $paste);
return $this->_store($file, $paste);
@ -101,7 +94,7 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
if (
!$this->exists($pasteid) ||
!$paste = self::_get(self::_dataid2path($pasteid) . $pasteid . '.php')
!$paste = $this->_get($this->_dataid2path($pasteid) . $pasteid . '.php')
) {
return false;
@ -116,7 +109,7 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
public function delete($pasteid)
$pastedir = self::_dataid2path($pasteid);
$pastedir = $this->_dataid2path($pasteid);
if (is_dir($pastedir)) {
// Delete the paste itself.
if (is_file($pastedir . $pasteid . '.php')) {
@ -124,7 +117,7 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
// Delete discussion if it exists.
$discdir = self::_dataid2discussionpath($pasteid);
$discdir = $this->_dataid2discussionpath($pasteid);
if (is_dir($discdir)) {
// Delete all files in discussion directory
$dir = dir($discdir);
@ -148,20 +141,20 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
public function exists($pasteid)
$basePath = self::_dataid2path($pasteid) . $pasteid;
$basePath = $this->_dataid2path($pasteid) . $pasteid;
$pastePath = $basePath . '.php';
// convert to PHP protected files if needed
if (is_readable($basePath)) {
self::_prependRename($basePath, $pastePath);
$this->_prependRename($basePath, $pastePath);
// convert comments, too
$discdir = self::_dataid2discussionpath($pasteid);
$discdir = $this->_dataid2discussionpath($pasteid);
if (is_dir($discdir)) {
$dir = dir($discdir);
while (false !== ($filename = $dir->read())) {
if (substr($filename, -4) !== '.php' && strlen($filename) >= 16) {
$commentFilename = $discdir . $filename . '.php';
self::_prependRename($discdir . $filename, $commentFilename);
$this->_prependRename($discdir . $filename, $commentFilename);
@ -182,7 +175,7 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
public function createComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid, array $comment)
$storagedir = self::_dataid2discussionpath($pasteid);
$storagedir = $this->_dataid2discussionpath($pasteid);
$file = $storagedir . $pasteid . '.' . $commentid . '.' . $parentid . '.php';
if (is_file($file)) {
return false;
@ -190,7 +183,7 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
if (!is_dir($storagedir)) {
mkdir($storagedir, 0700, true);
return self::_store($file, $comment);
return $this->_store($file, $comment);
@ -203,7 +196,7 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
public function readComments($pasteid)
$comments = array();
$discdir = self::_dataid2discussionpath($pasteid);
$discdir = $this->_dataid2discussionpath($pasteid);
if (is_dir($discdir)) {
$dir = dir($discdir);
while (false !== ($filename = $dir->read())) {
@ -212,7 +205,7 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
// - commentid is the comment identifier itself.
// - parentid is the comment this comment replies to (It can be pasteid)
if (is_file($discdir . $filename)) {
$comment = self::_get($discdir . $filename);
$comment = $this->_get($discdir . $filename);
$items = explode('.', $filename);
// Add some meta information not contained in file.
$comment['id'] = $items[1];
@ -243,7 +236,7 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
public function existsComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid)
return is_file(
self::_dataid2discussionpath($pasteid) .
$this->_dataid2discussionpath($pasteid) .
$pasteid . '.' . $commentid . '.' . $parentid . '.php'
@ -261,20 +254,20 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
switch ($namespace) {
case 'purge_limiter':
return self::_storeString(
self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'purge_limiter.php',
return $this->_storeString(
$this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'purge_limiter.php',
'<?php' . PHP_EOL . '$GLOBALS[\'purge_limiter\'] = ' . $value . ';'
case 'salt':
return self::_storeString(
self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'salt.php',
return $this->_storeString(
$this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'salt.php',
'<?php # |' . $value . '|'
case 'traffic_limiter':
self::$_last_cache[$key] = $value;
return self::_storeString(
self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'traffic_limiter.php',
'<?php' . PHP_EOL . '$GLOBALS[\'traffic_limiter\'] = ' . var_export(self::$_last_cache, true) . ';'
$this->_last_cache[$key] = $value;
return $this->_storeString(
$this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'traffic_limiter.php',
'<?php' . PHP_EOL . '$GLOBALS[\'traffic_limiter\'] = ' . var_export($this->_last_cache, true) . ';'
return false;
@ -292,14 +285,14 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
switch ($namespace) {
case 'purge_limiter':
$file = self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'purge_limiter.php';
$file = $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'purge_limiter.php';
if (is_readable($file)) {
require $file;
return $GLOBALS['purge_limiter'];
case 'salt':
$file = self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'salt.php';
$file = $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'salt.php';
if (is_readable($file)) {
$items = explode('|', file_get_contents($file));
if (is_array($items) && count($items) == 3) {
@ -308,12 +301,12 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
case 'traffic_limiter':
$file = self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'traffic_limiter.php';
$file = $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'traffic_limiter.php';
if (is_readable($file)) {
require $file;
self::$_last_cache = $GLOBALS['traffic_limiter'];
if (array_key_exists($key, self::$_last_cache)) {
return self::$_last_cache[$key];
$this->_last_cache = $GLOBALS['traffic_limiter'];
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_last_cache)) {
return $this->_last_cache[$key];
@ -325,11 +318,10 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
* get the data
* @access public
* @static
* @param string $filename
* @return array|false $data
private static function _get($filename)
private function _get($filename)
return Json::decode(
@ -348,63 +340,25 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
protected function _getExpiredPastes($batchsize)
$pastes = array();
$firstLevel = array_filter(
if (count($firstLevel) > 0) {
// try at most 10 times the $batchsize pastes before giving up
for ($i = 0, $max = $batchsize * 10; $i < $max; ++$i) {
$firstKey = array_rand($firstLevel);
$secondLevel = array_filter(
scandir(self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $firstLevel[$firstKey]),
// skip this folder in the next checks if it is empty
if (count($secondLevel) == 0) {
$secondKey = array_rand($secondLevel);
$path = self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
$firstLevel[$firstKey] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$thirdLevel = array_filter(
function ($filename) {
return strlen($filename) >= 20 ?
substr($filename, 0, -4) :
if (count($thirdLevel) == 0) {
$thirdKey = array_rand($thirdLevel);
$pasteid = $thirdLevel[$thirdKey];
if (in_array($pasteid, $pastes)) {
if ($this->exists($pasteid)) {
$data = $this->read($pasteid);
if (
array_key_exists('expire_date', $data['meta']) &&
$data['meta']['expire_date'] < time()
) {
$pastes[] = $pasteid;
if (count($pastes) >= $batchsize) {
$pastes = array();
$files = $this->_getPasteIterator();
$count = 0;
$time = time();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file->isDir()) {
$pasteid = $file->getBasename('.php');
if ($this->exists($pasteid)) {
$data = $this->read($pasteid);
if (
array_key_exists('expire_date', $data['meta']) &&
$data['meta']['expire_date'] < $time
) {
$pastes[] = $pasteid;
if ($count >= $batchsize) {
@ -412,6 +366,21 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
return $pastes;
* @inheritDoc
public function getAllPastes()
$pastes = array();
$files = $this->_getPasteIterator();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file->isFile()) {
$pastes[] = $file->getBasename('.php');
return $pastes;
* Convert paste id to storage path.
@ -423,13 +392,12 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
* eg. input 'e3570978f9e4aa90' --> output 'data/e3/57/'
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $dataid
* @return string
private static function _dataid2path($dataid)
private function _dataid2path($dataid)
return self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
return $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
substr($dataid, 0, 2) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
substr($dataid, 2, 2) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
@ -440,56 +408,44 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
* eg. input 'e3570978f9e4aa90' --> output 'data/e3/57/e3570978f9e4aa90.discussion/'
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $dataid
* @return string
private static function _dataid2discussionpath($dataid)
private function _dataid2discussionpath($dataid)
return self::_dataid2path($dataid) . $dataid .
return $this->_dataid2path($dataid) . $dataid .
'.discussion' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
* Check that the given element is a valid first level directory.
* Get an iterator matching paste files.
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $element
* @return bool
* @return \GlobIterator
private static function _isFirstLevelDir($element)
private function _getPasteIterator()
return self::_isSecondLevelDir($element) &&
is_dir(self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $element);
* Check that the given element is a valid second level directory.
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $element
* @return bool
private static function _isSecondLevelDir($element)
return (bool) preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{2}$/', $element);
return new \GlobIterator($this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
'[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
'[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
'[a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9]' .
// need to return both files with and without .php suffix, so they can
// be hardened by _prependRename(), which is hooked into exists()
* store the data
* @access public
* @static
* @param string $filename
* @param array $data
* @return bool
private static function _store($filename, array $data)
private function _store($filename, array $data)
try {
return self::_storeString(
return $this->_storeString(
self::PROTECTION_LINE . PHP_EOL . Json::encode($data)
@ -502,20 +458,19 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
* store a string
* @access public
* @static
* @param string $filename
* @param string $data
* @return bool
private static function _storeString($filename, $data)
private function _storeString($filename, $data)
// Create storage directory if it does not exist.
if (!is_dir(self::$_path)) {
if (!@mkdir(self::$_path, 0700)) {
if (!is_dir($this->_path)) {
if (!@mkdir($this->_path, 0700)) {
return false;
$file = self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess';
$file = $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess';
if (!is_file($file)) {
$writtenBytes = 0;
if ($fileCreated = @touch($file)) {
@ -553,12 +508,11 @@ class Filesystem extends AbstractData
* rename a file, prepending the protection line at the beginning
* @access public
* @static
* @param string $srcFile
* @param string $destFile
* @return void
private static function _prependRename($srcFile, $destFile)
private function _prependRename($srcFile, $destFile)
// don't overwrite already converted file
if (!is_readable($destFile)) {
@ -14,54 +14,43 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
* GCS client
* @access private
* @static
* @var StorageClient
private static $_client = null;
private $_client = null;
* GCS bucket
* @access private
* @static
* @var Bucket
private static $_bucket = null;
private $_bucket = null;
* object prefix
* @access private
* @static
* @var string
private static $_prefix = 'pastes';
private $_prefix = 'pastes';
* bucket acl type
* @access private
* @static
* @var bool
private static $_uniformacl = false;
private $_uniformacl = false;
* returns a Google Cloud Storage data backend.
* instantiantes a new Google Cloud Storage data backend.
* @access public
* @static
* @param array $options
* @return GoogleCloudStorage
* @return
public static function getInstance(array $options)
public function __construct(array $options)
// if needed initialize the singleton
if (!(self::$_instance instanceof self)) {
self::$_instance = new self;
$bucket = null;
if (getenv('PRIVATEBIN_GCS_BUCKET')) {
$bucket = getenv('PRIVATEBIN_GCS_BUCKET');
@ -69,24 +58,22 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
$bucket = $options['bucket'];
if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('prefix', $options)) {
self::$_prefix = $options['prefix'];
$this->_prefix = $options['prefix'];
if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('uniformacl', $options)) {
self::$_uniformacl = $options['uniformacl'];
$this->_uniformacl = $options['uniformacl'];
if (empty(self::$_client)) {
self::$_client = class_exists('StorageClientStub', false) ?
new \StorageClientStub(array()) :
new StorageClient(array('suppressKeyFileNotice' => true));
$this->_client = class_exists('StorageClientStub', false) ?
new \StorageClientStub(array()) :
new StorageClient(array('suppressKeyFileNotice' => true));
if (isset($bucket)) {
$this->_bucket = $this->_client->bucket($bucket);
self::$_bucket = self::$_client->bucket($bucket);
return self::$_instance;
* returns the google storage object key for $pasteid in self::$_bucket.
* returns the google storage object key for $pasteid in $this->_bucket.
* @access private
* @param $pasteid string to get the key for
@ -94,14 +81,14 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
private function _getKey($pasteid)
if (self::$_prefix != '') {
return self::$_prefix . '/' . $pasteid;
if ($this->_prefix != '') {
return $this->_prefix . '/' . $pasteid;
return $pasteid;
* Uploads the payload in the self::$_bucket under the specified key.
* Uploads the payload in the $this->_bucket under the specified key.
* The entire payload is stored as a JSON document. The metadata is replicated
* as the GCS object's metadata except for the fields attachment, attachmentname
* and salt.
@ -126,12 +113,12 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
'metadata' => $metadata,
if (!self::$_uniformacl) {
if (!$this->_uniformacl) {
$data['predefinedAcl'] = 'private';
self::$_bucket->upload(Json::encode($payload), $data);
$this->_bucket->upload(Json::encode($payload), $data);
} catch (Exception $e) {
error_log('failed to upload ' . $key . ' to ' . self::$_bucket->name() . ', ' .
error_log('failed to upload ' . $key . ' to ' . $this->_bucket->name() . ', ' .
trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $e->getMessage())));
return false;
@ -156,13 +143,13 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
public function read($pasteid)
try {
$o = self::$_bucket->object($this->_getKey($pasteid));
$o = $this->_bucket->object($this->_getKey($pasteid));
$data = $o->downloadAsString();
return Json::decode($data);
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
return false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
error_log('failed to read ' . $pasteid . ' from ' . self::$_bucket->name() . ', ' .
error_log('failed to read ' . $pasteid . ' from ' . $this->_bucket->name() . ', ' .
trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $e->getMessage())));
return false;
@ -176,9 +163,9 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
$name = $this->_getKey($pasteid);
try {
foreach (self::$_bucket->objects(array('prefix' => $name . '/discussion/')) as $comment) {
foreach ($this->_bucket->objects(array('prefix' => $name . '/discussion/')) as $comment) {
try {
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
// ignore if already deleted.
@ -188,7 +175,7 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
try {
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
// ignore if already deleted
@ -199,7 +186,7 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
public function exists($pasteid)
$o = self::$_bucket->object($this->_getKey($pasteid));
$o = $this->_bucket->object($this->_getKey($pasteid));
return $o->exists();
@ -223,8 +210,8 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
$comments = array();
$prefix = $this->_getKey($pasteid) . '/discussion/';
try {
foreach (self::$_bucket->objects(array('prefix' => $prefix)) as $key) {
$comment = JSON::decode(self::$_bucket->object($key->name())->downloadAsString());
foreach ($this->_bucket->objects(array('prefix' => $prefix)) as $key) {
$comment = JSON::decode($this->_bucket->object($key->name())->downloadAsString());
$comment['id'] = basename($key->name());
$slot = $this->getOpenSlot($comments, (int) $comment['meta']['created']);
$comments[$slot] = $comment;
@ -241,7 +228,7 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
public function existsComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid)
$name = $this->_getKey($pasteid) . '/discussion/' . $parentid . '/' . $commentid;
$o = self::$_bucket->object($name);
$o = $this->_bucket->object($name);
return $o->exists();
@ -252,7 +239,7 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
$path = 'config/' . $namespace;
try {
foreach (self::$_bucket->objects(array('prefix' => $path)) as $object) {
foreach ($this->_bucket->objects(array('prefix' => $path)) as $object) {
$name = $object->name();
if (strlen($name) > strlen($path) && substr($name, strlen($path), 1) !== '/') {
@ -300,12 +287,12 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
'metadata' => $metadata,
if (!self::$_uniformacl) {
if (!$this->_uniformacl) {
$data['predefinedAcl'] = 'private';
self::$_bucket->upload($value, $data);
$this->_bucket->upload($value, $data);
} catch (Exception $e) {
error_log('failed to set key ' . $key . ' to ' . self::$_bucket->name() . ', ' .
error_log('failed to set key ' . $key . ' to ' . $this->_bucket->name() . ', ' .
trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $e->getMessage())));
return false;
@ -323,7 +310,7 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
$key = 'config/' . $namespace . '/' . $key;
try {
$o = self::$_bucket->object($key);
$o = $this->_bucket->object($key);
return $o->downloadAsString();
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
return '';
@ -338,12 +325,12 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
$expired = array();
$now = time();
$prefix = self::$_prefix;
$prefix = $this->_prefix;
if ($prefix != '') {
$prefix .= '/';
try {
foreach (self::$_bucket->objects(array('prefix' => $prefix)) as $object) {
foreach ($this->_bucket->objects(array('prefix' => $prefix)) as $object) {
$metadata = $object->info()['metadata'];
if ($metadata != null && array_key_exists('expire_date', $metadata)) {
$expire_at = intval($metadata['expire_date']);
@ -361,4 +348,28 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage extends AbstractData
return $expired;
* @inheritDoc
public function getAllPastes()
$pastes = array();
$prefix = $this->_prefix;
if ($prefix != '') {
$prefix .= '/';
try {
foreach ($this->_bucket->objects(array('prefix' => $prefix)) as $object) {
$candidate = substr($object->name(), strlen($prefix));
if (strpos($candidate, '/') === false) {
$pastes[] = $candidate;
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
// no objects in the bucket yet
return $pastes;
@ -45,86 +45,71 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
* S3 client
* @access private
* @static
* @var S3Client
private static $_client = null;
private $_client = null;
* S3 client options
* @access private
* @static
* @var array
private static $_options = array();
private $_options = array();
* S3 bucket
* @access private
* @static
* @var string
private static $_bucket = null;
private $_bucket = null;
* S3 prefix for all PrivateBin data in this bucket
* @access private
* @static
* @var string
private static $_prefix = '';
private $_prefix = '';
* returns an S3 data backend.
* instantiates a new S3 data backend.
* @access public
* @static
* @param array $options
* @return S3Storage
* @return
public static function getInstance(array $options)
public function __construct(array $options)
// if needed initialize the singleton
if (!(self::$_instance instanceof self)) {
self::$_instance = new self;
self::$_options = array();
self::$_options['credentials'] = array();
$this->_options['credentials'] = array();
if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('region', $options)) {
self::$_options['region'] = $options['region'];
$this->_options['region'] = $options['region'];
if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('version', $options)) {
self::$_options['version'] = $options['version'];
$this->_options['version'] = $options['version'];
if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('endpoint', $options)) {
self::$_options['endpoint'] = $options['endpoint'];
$this->_options['endpoint'] = $options['endpoint'];
if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('accesskey', $options)) {
self::$_options['credentials']['key'] = $options['accesskey'];
$this->_options['credentials']['key'] = $options['accesskey'];
if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('secretkey', $options)) {
self::$_options['credentials']['secret'] = $options['secretkey'];
$this->_options['credentials']['secret'] = $options['secretkey'];
if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('use_path_style_endpoint', $options)) {
self::$_options['use_path_style_endpoint'] = filter_var($options['use_path_style_endpoint'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
$this->_options['use_path_style_endpoint'] = filter_var($options['use_path_style_endpoint'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('bucket', $options)) {
self::$_bucket = $options['bucket'];
$this->_bucket = $options['bucket'];
if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('prefix', $options)) {
self::$_prefix = $options['prefix'];
$this->_prefix = $options['prefix'];
if (empty(self::$_client)) {
self::$_client = new S3Client(self::$_options);
return self::$_instance;
$this->_client = new S3Client($this->_options);
@ -138,12 +123,12 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
$allObjects = array();
$options = array(
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Prefix' => $prefix,
do {
$objectsListResponse = self::$_client->listObjects($options);
$objectsListResponse = $this->_client->listObjects($options);
$objects = $objectsListResponse['Contents'] ?? array();
foreach ($objects as $object) {
$allObjects[] = $object;
@ -155,7 +140,7 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
* returns the S3 storage object key for $pasteid in self::$_bucket.
* returns the S3 storage object key for $pasteid in $this->_bucket.
* @access private
* @param $pasteid string to get the key for
@ -163,14 +148,14 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
private function _getKey($pasteid)
if (self::$_prefix != '') {
return self::$_prefix . '/' . $pasteid;
if ($this->_prefix != '') {
return $this->_prefix . '/' . $pasteid;
return $pasteid;
* Uploads the payload in the self::$_bucket under the specified key.
* Uploads the payload in the $this->_bucket under the specified key.
* The entire payload is stored as a JSON document. The metadata is replicated
* as the S3 object's metadata except for the fields attachment, attachmentname
* and salt.
@ -187,15 +172,15 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
$metadata[$k] = strval($v);
try {
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Key' => $key,
'Body' => Json::encode($payload),
'ContentType' => 'application/json',
'Metadata' => $metadata,
} catch (S3Exception $e) {
error_log('failed to upload ' . $key . ' to ' . self::$_bucket . ', ' .
error_log('failed to upload ' . $key . ' to ' . $this->_bucket . ', ' .
trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $e->getMessage())));
return false;
@ -220,14 +205,14 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
public function read($pasteid)
try {
$object = self::$_client->getObject(array(
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
$object = $this->_client->getObject(array(
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Key' => $this->_getKey($pasteid),
$data = $object['Body']->getContents();
return Json::decode($data);
} catch (S3Exception $e) {
error_log('failed to read ' . $pasteid . ' from ' . self::$_bucket . ', ' .
error_log('failed to read ' . $pasteid . ' from ' . $this->_bucket . ', ' .
trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $e->getMessage())));
return false;
@ -244,8 +229,8 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
$comments = $this->_listAllObjects($name . '/discussion/');
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
try {
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Key' => $comment['Key'],
} catch (S3Exception $e) {
@ -257,8 +242,8 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
try {
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Key' => $name,
} catch (S3Exception $e) {
@ -271,7 +256,7 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
public function exists($pasteid)
return self::$_client->doesObjectExistV2(self::$_bucket, $this->_getKey($pasteid));
return $this->_client->doesObjectExistV2($this->_bucket, $this->_getKey($pasteid));
@ -296,8 +281,8 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
try {
$entries = $this->_listAllObjects($prefix);
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$object = self::$_client->getObject(array(
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
$object = $this->_client->getObject(array(
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Key' => $entry['Key'],
$body = JSON::decode($object['Body']->getContents());
@ -319,7 +304,7 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
public function existsComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid)
$name = $this->_getKey($pasteid) . '/discussion/' . $parentid . '/' . $commentid;
return self::$_client->doesObjectExistV2(self::$_bucket, $name);
return $this->_client->doesObjectExistV2($this->_bucket, $name);
@ -327,7 +312,7 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
public function purgeValues($namespace, $time)
$path = self::$_prefix;
$path = $this->_prefix;
if ($path != '') {
$path .= '/';
@ -339,16 +324,16 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
if (strlen($name) > strlen($path) && substr($name, strlen($path), 1) !== '/') {
$head = self::$_client->headObject(array(
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
$head = $this->_client->headObject(array(
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Key' => $name,
if (array_key_exists('Metadata', $head) && array_key_exists('value', $head['Metadata'])) {
$value = $head['Metadata']['value'];
if ($head->get('Metadata') != null && array_key_exists('value', $head->get('Metadata'))) {
$value = $head->get('Metadata')['value'];
if (is_numeric($value) && intval($value) < $time) {
try {
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Key' => $name,
} catch (S3Exception $e) {
@ -369,7 +354,7 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
public function setValue($value, $namespace, $key = '')
$prefix = self::$_prefix;
$prefix = $this->_prefix;
if ($prefix != '') {
$prefix .= '/';
@ -385,15 +370,15 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
$metadata['value'] = strval($value);
try {
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Key' => $key,
'Body' => $value,
'ContentType' => 'application/json',
'Metadata' => $metadata,
} catch (S3Exception $e) {
error_log('failed to set key ' . $key . ' to ' . self::$_bucket . ', ' .
error_log('failed to set key ' . $key . ' to ' . $this->_bucket . ', ' .
trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $e->getMessage())));
return false;
@ -405,7 +390,7 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
public function getValue($namespace, $key = '')
$prefix = self::$_prefix;
$prefix = $this->_prefix;
if ($prefix != '') {
$prefix .= '/';
@ -417,8 +402,8 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
try {
$object = self::$_client->getObject(array(
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
$object = $this->_client->getObject(array(
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Key' => $key,
return $object['Body']->getContents();
@ -434,19 +419,19 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
$expired = array();
$now = time();
$prefix = self::$_prefix;
$prefix = $this->_prefix;
if ($prefix != '') {
$prefix .= '/';
try {
foreach ($this->_listAllObjects($prefix) as $object) {
$head = self::$_client->headObject(array(
'Bucket' => self::$_bucket,
$head = $this->_client->headObject(array(
'Bucket' => $this->_bucket,
'Key' => $object['Key'],
if (array_key_exists('Metadata', $head) && array_key_exists('expire_date', $head['Metadata'])) {
$expire_at = intval($head['Metadata']['expire_date']);
if ($head->get('Metadata') != null && array_key_exists('expire_date', $head->get('Metadata'))) {
$expire_at = intval($head->get('Metadata')['expire_date']);
if ($expire_at != 0 && $expire_at < $now) {
array_push($expired, $object['Key']);
@ -461,4 +446,28 @@ class S3Storage extends AbstractData
return $expired;
* @inheritDoc
public function getAllPastes()
$pastes = array();
$prefix = $this->_prefix;
if ($prefix != '') {
$prefix .= '/';
try {
foreach ($this->_listAllObjects($prefix) as $object) {
$candidate = substr($object['Key'], strlen($prefix));
if (strpos($candidate, '/') === false) {
$pastes[] = $candidate;
} catch (S3Exception $e) {
// no objects in the bucket yet
return $pastes;
@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ class I18n
return $n === 1 ? 0 : ($n === 2 ? 1 : (($n < 0 || $n > 10) && ($n % 10 === 0) ? 2 : 3));
case 'id':
case 'jbo':
case 'th':
return 0;
case 'lt':
return $n % 10 === 1 && $n % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : (($n % 10 >= 2 && $n % 100 < 10 || $n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2);
@ -81,10 +81,8 @@ class Model
public function getStore()
if ($this->_store === null) {
$this->_store = forward_static_call(
'PrivateBin\\Data\\' . $this->_conf->getKey('class', 'model') . '::getInstance',
$class = 'PrivateBin\\Data\\' . $this->_conf->getKey('class', 'model');
$this->_store = new $class($this->_conf->getSection('model_options'));
return $this->_store;
@ -165,7 +165,10 @@ class Comment extends AbstractModel
if ($icon != 'none') {
$pngdata = '';
$hmac = TrafficLimiter::getHash();
if ($icon == 'jdenticon') {
if ($icon == 'identicon') {
$identicon = new Identicon();
$pngdata = $identicon->getImageDataUri($hmac, 16);
} elseif ($icon == 'jdenticon') {
$jdenticon = new Jdenticon(array(
'hash' => $hmac,
'size' => 16,
@ -175,9 +178,6 @@ class Comment extends AbstractModel
$pngdata = $jdenticon->getImageDataUri('png');
} elseif ($icon == 'identicon') {
$identicon = new Identicon();
$pngdata = $identicon->getImageDataUri($hmac, 16);
} elseif ($icon == 'vizhash') {
$vh = new Vizhash16x16();
$pngdata = 'data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode(
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ if ($SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTING) :
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@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ Helper::updateSubresourceIntegrity();
class StorageClientStub extends StorageClient
private $_config = null;
private $_connection = null;
private $_buckets = array();
private $_config = null;
private $_connection = null;
private static $_buckets = array();
public function __construct(array $config = array())
@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ class StorageClientStub extends StorageClient
public function bucket($name, $userProject = false)
if (!key_exists($name, $this->_buckets)) {
if (!key_exists($name, self::$_buckets)) {
$b = new BucketStub($this->_connection, $name, array(), $this);
$this->_buckets[$name] = $b;
self::$_buckets[$name] = $b;
return $this->_buckets[$name];
return self::$_buckets[$name];
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ class StorageClientStub extends StorageClient
public function deleteBucket($name)
if (key_exists($name, $this->_buckets)) {
if (key_exists($name, self::$_buckets)) {
} else {
throw new NotFoundException();
@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ class StorageClientStub extends StorageClient
public function createBucket($name, array $options = array())
if (key_exists($name, $this->_buckets)) {
if (key_exists($name, self::$_buckets)) {
throw new BadRequestException('already exists');
$b = new BucketStub($this->_connection, $name, array(), $this);
$this->_buckets[$name] = $b;
self::$_buckets[$name] = $b;
return $b;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class ControllerTest extends TestCase
/* Setup Routine */
$this->_path = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'privatebin_data';
$this->_data = Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_path));
$this->_data = new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_path));
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class ControllerWithDbTest extends ControllerTest
$this->_options['dsn'] = 'sqlite:' . $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tst.sq3';
$this->_data = Database::getInstance($this->_options);
$this->_data = new Database($this->_options);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class ControllerWithGcsTest extends ControllerTest
'bucket' => self::$_bucket->name(),
'prefix' => 'pastes',
$this->_data = GoogleCloudStorage::getInstance($this->_options);
$this->_data = new GoogleCloudStorage($this->_options);
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
/* Setup Routine */
$this->_path = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'privatebin_data';
$this->_model = Database::getInstance($this->_options);
$this->_model = new Database($this->_options);
public function tearDown(): void
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
public function testSaltMigration()
ServerSalt::setStore(Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => 'data')));
ServerSalt::setStore(new Filesystem(array('dir' => 'data')));
$salt = ServerSalt::get();
$file = 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'salt.php';
$this->assertFileExists($file, 'ServerSalt got initialized and stored on disk');
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
public function testGetIbmInstance()
new Database(array(
'dsn' => 'ibm:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null,
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
public function testGetInformixInstance()
new Database(array(
'dsn' => 'informix:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null,
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
public function testGetMssqlInstance()
new Database(array(
'dsn' => 'mssql:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null,
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
public function testGetMysqlInstance()
new Database(array(
'dsn' => 'mysql:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null,
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
public function testGetOciInstance()
new Database(array(
'dsn' => 'oci:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null,
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
public function testGetPgsqlInstance()
new Database(array(
'dsn' => 'pgsql:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null,
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
new Database(array(
'dsn' => 'foo:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null, 'opt' => null,
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
new Database($options);
public function testMissingUsr()
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
new Database($options);
public function testMissingPwd()
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
new Database($options);
public function testMissingOpt()
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
new Database($options);
public function testOldAttachments()
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
$this->_options['dsn'] = 'sqlite:' . $path;
$this->_options['tbl'] = 'bar_';
$model = Database::getInstance($this->_options);
$model = new Database($this->_options);
$original = $paste = Helper::getPasteWithAttachment(1, array('expire_date' => 1344803344));
$meta = $paste['meta'];
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
$this->_options['dsn'] = 'sqlite:' . $path;
$this->_options['tbl'] = 'baz_';
$model = Database::getInstance($this->_options);
$model = new Database($this->_options);
$paste = Helper::getPaste(1, array('expire_date' => 1344803344));
unset($paste['meta']['formatter'], $paste['meta']['opendiscussion'], $paste['meta']['salt']);
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ class DatabaseTest extends TestCase
'vizhash BLOB, ' .
'postdate INT );'
$this->assertInstanceOf('PrivateBin\\Data\\Database', Database::getInstance($this->_options));
$this->assertInstanceOf('PrivateBin\\Data\\Database', new Database($this->_options));
// check if version number was upgraded in created configuration table
$statement = $db->prepare('SELECT value FROM foo_config WHERE id LIKE ?');
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class FilesystemTest extends TestCase
/* Setup Routine */
$this->_path = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'privatebin_data';
$this->_invalidPath = $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bar';
$this->_model = Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_path));
$this->_model = new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_path));
if (!is_dir($this->_path)) {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class GoogleCloudStorageTest extends TestCase
public function setUp(): void
ini_set('error_log', stream_get_meta_data(tmpfile())['uri']);
$this->_model = GoogleCloudStorage::getInstance(array(
$this->_model = new GoogleCloudStorage(array(
'bucket' => self::$_bucket->name(),
'prefix' => 'pastes',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class JsonApiTest extends TestCase
if (!is_dir($this->_path)) {
$this->_model = Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_path));
$this->_model = new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_path));
$_POST = array();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use PrivateBin\Data\Database;
use PrivateBin\Data\Filesystem;
class MigrateTest extends TestCase
protected $_model_1;
protected $_model_2;
protected $_path;
protected $_path_instance_1;
protected $_path_instance_2;
public function setUp(): void
/* Setup Routine */
$this->_path = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'privatebin_data';
$this->_path_instance_1 = $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'instance_1';
$this->_path_instance_2 = $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'instance_2';
if (!is_dir($this->_path)) {
mkdir($this->_path_instance_1 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cfg');
mkdir($this->_path_instance_2 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cfg');
$options = parse_ini_file(CONF_SAMPLE, true);
$options['purge']['limit'] = 0;
$options['model_options']['dir'] = $this->_path_instance_1 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data';
$this->_model_1 = new Filesystem($options['model_options']);
Helper::createIniFile($this->_path_instance_1 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cfg' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'conf.php', $options);
$options['model'] = array(
'class' => 'Database',
$options['model_options'] = array(
'dsn' => 'sqlite:' . $this->_path_instance_2 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'test.sq3',
'usr' => null,
'pwd' => null,
$this->_model_2 = new Database($options['model_options']);
Helper::createIniFile($this->_path_instance_2 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cfg' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'conf.php', $options);
public function tearDown(): void
/* Tear Down Routine */
public function testMigrate()
// storing paste & comment
$this->_model_1->create(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPaste());
$this->_model_1->createComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId(), Helper::getComment());
// migrate files to database
$output = null;
$exit_code = 255;
exec('php ' . PATH . 'bin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'migrate --delete-after ' . $this->_path_instance_1 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cfg ' . $this->_path_instance_2 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cfg', $output, $exit_code);
$this->assertEquals(0, $exit_code, 'migrate script exits 0');
$this->assertFalse($this->_model_1->exists(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste removed after migrating it');
$this->assertFalse($this->_model_1->existsComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId()), 'comment removed after migrating it');
$this->assertTrue($this->_model_2->exists(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste migrated');
$this->assertTrue($this->_model_2->existsComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId()), 'comment migrated');
// migrate back to files
$exit_code = 255;
exec('php ' . PATH . 'bin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'migrate ' . $this->_path_instance_2 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cfg ' . $this->_path_instance_1 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cfg', $output, $exit_code);
$this->assertEquals(0, $exit_code, 'migrate script exits 0');
$this->assertTrue($this->_model_1->exists(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste migrated back');
$this->assertTrue($this->_model_1->existsComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId()), 'comment migrated back');
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use Jdenticon\Identicon;
use Identicon\Identicon;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use PrivateBin\Configuration;
use PrivateBin\Data\Database;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class ModelTest extends TestCase
Helper::createIniFile(CONF, $options);
ServerSalt::setStore(new Database($options['model_options']));
$this->_conf = new Configuration;
$this->_model = new Model($this->_conf);
$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = '::1';
@ -157,10 +157,10 @@ class ModelTest extends TestCase
public function testCommentDefaults()
$class = 'PrivateBin\\Data\\' . $this->_conf->getKey('class', 'model');
$comment = new Comment(
'PrivateBin\\Data\\' . $this->_conf->getKey('class', 'model') . '::getInstance',
new $class(
@ -252,7 +252,10 @@ class ModelTest extends TestCase
$paste = $model->getPaste();
$this->assertTrue($paste->exists(), 'paste exists before creating comment');
$comment = $paste->getComment(Helper::getPasteId());
$db = new PDO(
@ -264,8 +267,6 @@ class ModelTest extends TestCase
$comment = $paste->getComment(Helper::getPasteId());
@ -307,15 +308,8 @@ class ModelTest extends TestCase
$identicon = new Identicon(array(
'hash' => TrafficLimiter::getHash(),
'size' => 16,
'style' => array(
'backgroundColor' => '#fff0', // fully transparent, for dark mode
'padding' => 0,
$pngdata = $identicon->getImageDataUri('png');
$identicon = new Identicon();
$pngdata = $identicon->getImageDataUri(TrafficLimiter::getHash(), 16);
$comment = current($this->_model->getPaste(Helper::getPasteId())->get()['comments']);
$this->assertEquals($pngdata, $comment['meta']['icon'], 'icon gets set');
@ -428,7 +422,7 @@ class ModelTest extends TestCase
public function testPurge()
$conf = new Configuration;
$store = Database::getInstance($conf->getSection('model_options'));
$store = new Database($conf->getSection('model_options'));
$expired = Helper::getPaste(2, array('expire_date' => 1344803344));
$paste = Helper::getPaste(2, array('expire_date' => time() + 3600));
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class PurgeLimiterTest extends TestCase
Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_path))
new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_path))
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class ServerSaltTest extends TestCase
Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_path))
new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_path))
$this->_otherPath = $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'foo';
@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ class ServerSaltTest extends TestCase
// generating new salt
Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_path))
new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_path))
$salt = ServerSalt::get();
// try setting a different path and resetting it
Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_otherPath))
new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_otherPath))
$this->assertNotEquals($salt, ServerSalt::get());
Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_path))
new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_path))
$this->assertEquals($salt, ServerSalt::get());
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class ServerSaltTest extends TestCase
// try setting an invalid path
chmod($this->_invalidPath, 0000);
$store = Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_invalidPath));
$store = new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_invalidPath));
$salt = ServerSalt::get();
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class ServerSaltTest extends TestCase
chmod($this->_invalidPath, 0700);
file_put_contents($this->_invalidFile, '');
chmod($this->_invalidFile, 0000);
$store = Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_invalidPath));
$store = new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_invalidPath));
$salt = ServerSalt::get();
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class ServerSaltTest extends TestCase
file_put_contents($this->_invalidPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess', '');
chmod($this->_invalidPath, 0500);
$store = Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_invalidPath));
$store = new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_invalidPath));
$salt = ServerSalt::get();
@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ class ServerSaltTest extends TestCase
// try creating an invalid path
chmod($this->_invalidPath, 0000);
Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_invalidPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'baz'))
new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_invalidPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'baz'))
$store = Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_invalidPath));
$store = new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_invalidPath));
$salt = ServerSalt::get();
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class TrafficLimiterTest extends TestCase
/* Setup Routine */
$this->_path = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'trafficlimit';
$store = Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_path));
$store = new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_path));
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class Vizhash16x16Test extends TestCase
$this->_file = $this->_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vizhash.png';
ServerSalt::setStore(Filesystem::getInstance(array('dir' => $this->_path)));
ServerSalt::setStore(new Filesystem(array('dir' => $this->_path)));
public function tearDown(): void
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
<testsuite name="PrivateBin Test Suite">
<directory suffix=".php">./</directory>
<testdoxHtml outputFile="log/testdox.html"/>
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
'type' => 'project',
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'name' => 'privatebin/privatebin',
'dev' => false,
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
'type' => 'project',
'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../',
'aliases' => array(),
'reference' => '46013df6201304840c8dab82af63cc9000a6d239',
'reference' => 'ba5c859d85244c30711263d61e691217c1bc95e4',
'dev_requirement' => false,
'yzalis/identicon' => array(
Reference in New Issue
Block a user