2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
2015-08-17 17:19:15 -04:00
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2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
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2012-09-08 07:24:39 -04:00
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2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< title > {function="i18n::_('PrivateBin')"}< / title >
2016-07-11 05:58:15 -04:00
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2015-08-17 17:19:15 -04:00
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2015-08-16 06:27:06 -04:00
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2016-07-18 10:54:33 -04:00
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2015-08-16 06:27:06 -04:00
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2015-08-16 07:02:27 -04:00
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2015-09-12 11:33:16 -04:00
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2016-05-22 10:18:57 -04:00
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2016-07-11 05:58:15 -04:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "js/privatebin.js?{$VERSION|rawurlencode}" > < / script >
2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
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2015-08-17 17:19:15 -04:00
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2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
2016-07-19 02:53:32 -04:00
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2016-07-19 07:08:48 -04:00
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2016-07-19 02:53:32 -04:00
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2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
< / head >
< body >
< header >
< div id = "aboutbox" >
2016-07-11 10:31:10 -04:00
{function="i18n::_('PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted < i > in the browser< / i > using 256 bits AES. More information on the < a href = "https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/wiki" > project page< / a > .')"}< br / > {if="strlen($NOTICE)"}
2015-08-17 17:19:15 -04:00
< span class = "blink" > ▶< / span > {$NOTICE}{/if}
2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
< / div >
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< h1 class = "title reloadlink" > {function="i18n::_('PrivateBin')"}< / h1 > < br / >
< h2 class = "title" > {function="i18n::_('Because ignorance is bliss')"}< / h2 > < br / >
2015-09-12 11:33:16 -04:00
< h3 class = "title" > {$VERSION}< / h3 >
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< noscript > < div id = "noscript" class = "nonworking" > {function="i18n::_('Javascript is required for PrivateBin to work.< br / > Sorry for the inconvenience.')"}< / div > < / noscript >
< div id = "oldienotice" class = "nonworking" > {function="i18n::_('PrivateBin requires a modern browser to work.')"}< / div >
< div id = "ienotice" > {function="i18n::_('Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:')"}
2016-07-19 07:33:51 -04:00
< a href = "https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/" > Firefox< / a > ,
< a href = "https://www.opera.com/" > Opera< / a > ,
< a href = "https://www.google.com/chrome" > Chrome< / a > ,
< a href = "https://www.apple.com/safari" > Safari< / a > ,
< a href = "https://www.microsoft.com/edge" > Edge< / a > ...
2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
< / div >
< / header >
< section >
< article >
2013-10-31 20:15:14 -04:00
< div id = "status" > {$STATUS|htmlspecialchars}< / div >
< div id = "errormessage" class = "hidden" > {$ERROR|htmlspecialchars}< / div >
2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
< div id = "toolbar" >
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< button id = "newbutton" class = "reloadlink hidden" > < img src = "img/icon_new.png" width = "11" height = "15" alt = "" / > {function="i18n::_('New')"}< / button >
< button id = "sendbutton" class = "hidden" > < img src = "img/icon_send.png" width = "18" height = "15" alt = "" / > {function="i18n::_('Send')"}< / button > {if="$EXPIRECLONE"}
< button id = "clonebutton" class = "hidden" > < img src = "img/icon_clone.png" width = "15" height = "17" alt = "" / > {function="i18n::_('Clone')"}< / button > {/if}
< button id = "rawtextbutton" class = "hidden" > < img src = "img/icon_raw.png" width = "15" height = "15" alt = "" / > {function="i18n::_('Raw text')"}< / button >
< div id = "expiration" class = "hidden button" > {function="i18n::_('Expires')"}:
2013-10-31 20:15:14 -04:00
< select id = "pasteExpiration" name = "pasteExpiration" >
2013-02-24 08:33:51 -05:00
< option value = "{$key}" { if = "$key == $EXPIREDEFAULT" } selected = "selected" { / if } > {$value}< / option > {/loop}
2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
< / select >
< / div >
< div id = "remainingtime" class = "hidden" > < / div >
2015-08-15 15:39:08 -04:00
< div id = "burnafterreadingoption" class = "button hidden" >
2013-02-24 08:33:51 -05:00
< input type = "checkbox" id = "burnafterreading" name = "burnafterreading" { if = "$BURNAFTERREADINGSELECTED" } checked = "checked" { / if } / >
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< label for = "burnafterreading" > {function="i18n::_('Burn after reading')"}< / label >
2015-08-30 18:01:35 -04:00
< / div > {if="$DISCUSSION"}
2012-08-28 17:28:41 -04:00
< div id = "opendisc" class = "button hidden" >
2015-08-30 18:01:35 -04:00
< input type = "checkbox" id = "opendiscussion" name = "opendiscussion" { if = "$OPENDISCUSSION" } checked = "checked" { / if } / >
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< label for = "opendiscussion" { if = "!$OPENDISCUSSION" } style = "color: #BBBBBB;" { / if } > {function="i18n::_('Open discussion')"}< / label >
2015-08-30 18:01:35 -04:00
< / div > {/if}{if="$PASSWORD"}
< div id = "password" class = "hidden" >
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< input type = "password" id = "passwordinput" placeholder = "{function=" i18n::_ ( ' Password ( recommended ) ' ) " } " size = "32" / >
2015-08-30 18:01:35 -04:00
< / div > {/if}
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< div id = "formatter" class = "button hidden" > {function="i18n::_('Format')"}:
2015-09-12 11:33:16 -04:00
< select id = "pasteFormatter" name = "pasteFormatter" >
< option value = "{$key}" { if = "$key == $FORMATTERDEFAULT" } selected = "selected" { / if } > {$value}< / option > {/loop}
< / select >
2015-09-19 05:21:13 -04:00
< / div > {if="strlen($LANGUAGESELECTION)"}
< div id = "language" class = "button" >
< select name = "lang" >
< option class = "reloadlink" onclick = "document.cookie='lang={$key}';" value = "{$key}" { if = "$key == $LANGUAGESELECTION" } selected = "selected" { / if } > {$value[0]} ({$value[1]})< / option > {/loop}
< / select >
< / div > {/if}
2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
< / div >
2015-08-15 15:39:08 -04:00
< div id = "pasteresult" class = "hidden" >
2013-10-31 20:15:14 -04:00
< div id = "deletelink" > < / div >
2016-01-31 03:56:06 -05:00
< div id = "pastelink" > {if="strlen($URLSHORTENER)"}
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< button id = "shortenbutton" data-shortener = "{$URLSHORTENER|htmlspecialchars}" > < img src = "img/icon_shorten.png" width = "13" height = "15" / > {function="i18n::_('Shorten URL')"}< / button >
2016-01-31 03:56:06 -05:00
{/if}< / div >
2015-09-16 16:51:48 -04:00
< / div > {if="$FILEUPLOAD"}
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< div id = "attachment" class = "hidden" > < a > {function="i18n::_('Download attachment')"}< / a > < / div >
2015-09-16 16:51:48 -04:00
< div id = "attach" class = "hidden" >
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< span id = "clonedfile" class = "hidden" > {function="i18n::_('Cloned file attached.')"}< / span >
< span id = "filewrap" > {function="i18n::_('Attach a file')"}: < input type = "file" id = "file" name = "file" / > < / span >
< button id = "fileremovebutton" > {function="i18n::_('Remove attachment')"}< / button >
2015-09-16 16:51:48 -04:00
< / div > {/if}
2016-07-11 05:09:41 -04:00
< div id = "preview" class = "hidden" >
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< button id = "messageedit" > {function="i18n::_('Editor')"}< / button >
< button id = "messagepreview" > {function="i18n::_('Preview')"}< / button >
2016-07-11 05:09:41 -04:00
< / div >
2015-09-18 15:41:50 -04:00
< div id = "image" class = "hidden" > < / div >
2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
< div id = "prettymessage" class = "hidden" >
2012-08-28 17:28:41 -04:00
< pre id = "prettyprint" class = "prettyprint linenums:1" > < / pre >
2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
< / div >
< div id = "cleartext" class = "hidden" > < / div >
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< / article >
< / section >
< section >
< div id = "discussion" class = "hidden" >
2016-07-11 08:15:20 -04:00
< h4 class = "title" > {function="i18n::_('Discussion')"}< / h4 >
2012-08-25 18:49:11 -04:00
< div id = "comments" > < / div >
< / div >
< / section >
< div id = "cipherdata" class = "hidden" > {$CIPHERDATA}< / div >
2013-10-31 20:15:14 -04:00
< / body >
2012-04-21 15:59:45 -04:00
< / html >