A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel
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2016-01-02 16:24:09 +00:00
app Updated readme with social & update instructions 2016-01-02 16:24:09 +00:00
bootstrap Change application namespace to BookStack 2015-09-10 19:31:09 +01:00
config Added an image service and facade, Cleaned Image Model 2015-12-09 19:50:17 +00:00
database Added more tests to increase test coverage 2016-01-02 14:48:35 +00:00
public Added public build folder and support for a demo mode 2015-12-31 17:57:34 +00:00
resources Added more tests to increase test coverage 2016-01-02 14:48:35 +00:00
storage Initial commit 2015-07-12 20:01:42 +01:00
tests Added more tests to increase test coverage 2016-01-02 14:48:35 +00:00
.env.example Updated readme with social & update instructions 2016-01-02 16:24:09 +00:00
.gitattributes Initial commit 2015-07-12 20:01:42 +01:00
.gitignore Added public build folder and support for a demo mode 2015-12-31 17:57:34 +00:00
artisan Initial commit 2015-07-12 20:01:42 +01:00
composer.json Implemented custom asset versioning to make creating releases easier 2015-12-16 17:09:44 +00:00
composer.lock Revamped image system to use driver-agnotstic storage and be more efficent 2015-12-07 23:00:34 +00:00
gulpfile.js Moved all vuejs parts over to angular 2015-12-30 18:38:18 +00:00
package.json Moved all vuejs parts over to angular 2015-12-30 18:38:18 +00:00
phpspec.yml Change application namespace to BookStack 2015-09-10 19:31:09 +01:00
phpunit.xml Added more tests to increase test coverage 2016-01-02 14:48:35 +00:00
readme.md Updated readme with social & update instructions 2016-01-02 16:24:09 +00:00
server.php Initial commit 2015-07-12 20:01:42 +01:00


A platform to create documentation/wiki content. General information about BookStack can be found at https://www.bookstackapp.com/


BookStack has similar requirements to Laravel. On top of those are some front-end build tools which are only required when developing.

  • PHP >= 5.5.9
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • MBstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • MySQL >= 5.6
  • Git (Not strictly required but helps manage updates)
  • Composer
  • Node.js Development Only
  • Gulp Development Only


Ensure the requirements are met before installing.

Currently BookStack requires its own domain/subdomain and will not work in a site subdirectory.

This project currently uses the release branch of this repository as a stable channel for providing updates.

The installation is currently somewhat complicated and will be made simpler in future releases. Some PHP/Laravel experience will currently benefit.

  1. Clone the release branch of this repository into a folder.
git clone https://github.com/ssddanbrown/BookStack.git --branch release --single-branch
  1. cd into the application folder and run composer install.
  2. Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill with your own database and mail details.
  3. Ensure the storage & bootstrap/cache folders are writable by the web server.
  4. In the application root, Run php artisan key:generate to generate a unique application key.
  5. If not using apache or if .htaccess files are disabled you will have to create some URL rewrite rules as shown below.
  6. Run php artisan migrate to update the database.
  7. Done! You can now login using the default admin details admin@admin.com with a password of password. It is recommended to change these details directly after first logging in.

URL Rewrite rules


Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]


location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

Updating BookStack

To update BookStack you can run the following command in the root directory of the application:

git pull origin release && composer install && php artisan migrate

This command will update the repository that was created in the installation, install the PHP dependencies using composer then run the database migrations.

Social Authentication

BookStack currently supports login via both Google and Github. Once enabled options for these services will show up in the login, registration and user profile pages. By default these services are disabled. To enable them you will have to create an application on the external services to obtain the require application id's and secrets. Here are instructions to do this for the current supported services:


  1. Open the Google Developers Console.
  2. Create a new project (May have to wait a short while for it to be created).
  3. Select 'Enable and manage APIs'.
  4. Enable the 'Google+ API'.
  5. In 'Credentials' choose the 'OAuth consent screen' tab and enter a product name ('BookStack' or your custom set name).
  6. Back in the 'Credentials' tab click 'New credentials' > 'OAuth client ID'.
  7. Choose an application type of 'Web application' and enter the following urls under 'Authorized redirect URIs', changing https://example.com to your own domain where BookStack is hosted:
    • https://example.com/login/service/google/callback
    • https://example.com/register/service/google/callback
  8. Click 'Create' and your app_id and secret will be displayed. Replace the false value on both the GOOGLE_APP_ID & GOOGLE_APP_SECRET variables in the '.env' file in the BookStack root directory with your own app_id and secret.
  9. Set the 'APP_URL' environment variable to be the same domain as you entered in step 7. So, in this example, it will be https://example.com.
  10. All done! Users should now be able to link to their social accounts in their account profile pages and also register/login using their Google accounts.


  1. While logged in, open up your GitHub developer applications.
  2. Click 'Register new application'.
  3. Enter an application name ('BookStack' or your custom set name), A link to your app instance under 'Homepage URL' and an 'Authorization callback URL' of the url that your BookStack instance is hosted on then click 'Register application'.
  4. A 'Client ID' and a 'Client Secret' value will be shown. Add these two values to the to the GITHUB_APP_ID and GITHUB_APP_SECRET variables, replacing the default false value, in the '.env' file found in the BookStack root folder.
  5. Set the 'APP_URL' environment variable to be the same domain as you entered in step 3.
  6. All done! Users should now be able to link to their social accounts in their account profile pages and also register/login using their Github account.


BookStack has many integration tests that use Laravel's built-in testing capabilities which makes use of PHPUnit. To use you will need PHPUnit installed and accessible via command line. There is a mysql_testing database defined within the app config which is what is used by PHPUnit. This database is set with the following database name, user name and password defined as bookstack-test. You will have to create that database and credentials before testing.

The testing database will also need migrating and seeding beforehand. This can be done with the following commands:

php artisan migrate --database=mysql_testing
php artisan db:seed --class=DummyContentSeeder --database=mysql_testing

Once done you can run phpunit (or ./vendor/bin/phpunit if phpunit is not found) in the application root directory to run all tests.


BookStack is provided under the MIT License.


These are the great projects used to help build BookStack: