Dan Brown c3986cedfc
Added shelve icon, improved migration, added role permission
Icon is placeholder for now
Migration will now copy permissions from Books to apply to shelves.
Role view updated with visibility on shelve permission
2018-08-04 12:45:45 +01:00

88 lines
3.6 KiB

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<title>{{ isset($pageTitle) ? $pageTitle . ' | ' : '' }}{{ setting('app-name') }}</title>
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{!! setting('app-custom-head') !!}
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<body class="@yield('body-class')" ng-app="bookStack">
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<a href="{{ baseUrl('/shelves') }}">@icon('bookshelf'){{ trans('entities.shelves') }}</a>
<a href="{{ baseUrl('/books') }}">@icon('book'){{ trans('entities.books') }}</a>
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<a href="{{ baseUrl('/settings') }}">@icon('settings'){{ trans('settings.settings') }}</a>
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