Dan Brown 5f7cd735ea
Added content filtering of tags with javascript or data in values attr
Case would be blocked by CSP but adding for cases where CSP may not be
active when content taken externally.

For #3636
2022-08-11 10:28:32 +01:00

107 lines
3.7 KiB

namespace BookStack\Util;
use DOMAttr;
use DOMDocument;
use DOMElement;
use DOMNodeList;
use DOMXPath;
class HtmlContentFilter
* Remove all the script elements from the given HTML.
public static function removeScripts(string $html): string
if (empty($html)) {
return $html;
$html = '<body>' . $html . '</body>';
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
$xPath = new DOMXPath($doc);
// Remove standard script tags
$scriptElems = $xPath->query('//script');
// Remove clickable links to JavaScript URI
$badLinks = $xPath->query('//*[' . static::xpathContains('@href', 'javascript:') . ']');
// Remove forms with calls to JavaScript URI
$badForms = $xPath->query('//*[' . static::xpathContains('@action', 'javascript:') . '] | //*[' . static::xpathContains('@formaction', 'javascript:') . ']');
// Remove meta tag to prevent external redirects
$metaTags = $xPath->query('//meta[' . static::xpathContains('@content', 'url') . ']');
// Remove data or JavaScript iFrames
$badIframes = $xPath->query('//*[' . static::xpathContains('@src', 'data:') . '] | //*[' . static::xpathContains('@src', 'javascript:') . '] | //*[@srcdoc]');
// Remove tags hiding JavaScript or data uris in values attribute.
// For example, SVG animate tag can exploit javascript in values.
$badValuesTags = $xPath->query('//*[' . static::xpathContains('@values', 'data:') . '] | //*[' . static::xpathContains('@values', 'javascript:') . ']');
// Remove elements with a xlink:href attribute
// Used in SVG but deprecated anyway, so we'll be a bit more heavy-handed here.
$xlinkHrefAttributes = $xPath->query('//@*[contains(name(), \'xlink:href\')]');
// Remove 'on*' attributes
$onAttributes = $xPath->query('//@*[starts-with(name(), \'on\')]');
$html = '';
$topElems = $doc->documentElement->childNodes->item(0)->childNodes;
foreach ($topElems as $child) {
$html .= $doc->saveHTML($child);
return $html;
* Create a xpath contains statement with a translation automatically built within
* to affectively search in a cases-insensitive manner.
protected static function xpathContains(string $property, string $value): string
$value = strtolower($value);
$upperVal = strtoupper($value);
return 'contains(translate(' . $property . ', \'' . $upperVal . '\', \'' . $value . '\'), \'' . $value . '\')';
* Remove all the given DOMNodes.
protected static function removeNodes(DOMNodeList $nodes): void
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
* Remove all the given attribute nodes.
protected static function removeAttributes(DOMNodeList $attrs): void
/** @var DOMAttr $attr */
foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
$attrName = $attr->nodeName;
/** @var DOMElement $parentNode */
$parentNode = $attr->parentNode;