Dan Brown f37131a5bf
Removed old Translation Service + Provider
Was no longer needed due to only being there to perform
language extension for de_informal but now this is done by crowdin
instead so it's redundant. Same goes for checking and formatting

Also removed comment advising deletion form settings.php language list
since this is now auto-copied to languages anyway.

Related to #1261
2019-10-19 00:04:49 +01:00

69 lines
2.2 KiB

<?php namespace Tests;
class LanguageTest extends TestCase
protected $langs;
* LanguageTest constructor.
public function setUp(): void
$this->langs = array_diff(scandir(resource_path('lang')), ['..', '.', 'check.php', 'format.php']);
public function test_locales_config_key_set_properly()
$configLocales = config('app.locales');
$this->assertTrue(implode(':', $this->langs) === implode(':', $configLocales), 'app.locales configuration variable matches found lang files');
public function test_correct_language_if_not_logged_in()
$loginReq = $this->get('/login');
$loginReq->assertSee('Log In');
$loginPageFrenchReq = $this->get('/login', ['Accept-Language' => 'fr']);
$loginPageFrenchReq->assertSee('Se Connecter');
public function test_public_lang_autodetect_can_be_disabled()
config()->set('app.auto_detect_locale', false);
$loginReq = $this->get('/login');
$loginReq->assertSee('Log In');
$loginPageFrenchReq = $this->get('/login', ['Accept-Language' => 'fr']);
$loginPageFrenchReq->assertDontSee('Se Connecter');
public function test_all_lang_files_loadable()
$files = array_diff(scandir(resource_path('lang/en')), ['..', '.']);
foreach ($this->langs as $lang) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
$loadError = false;
try {
$translations = trans(str_replace('.php', '', $file), [], $lang);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$loadError = true;
$this->assertFalse($loadError, "Translation file {$lang}/{$file} failed to load");
public function test_rtl_config_set_if_lang_is_rtl()
$this->assertFalse(config('app.rtl'), "App RTL config should be false by default");
setting()->putUser($this->getEditor(), 'language', 'ar');
$this->assertTrue(config('app.rtl'), "App RTL config should have been set to true by middleware");