Dan Brown f94fd44ff6
Updated styles to use logical properties/values
- Intended to improve RTL support in the interface.
- Also adds hebrew to language dropdown since that was missing.

Related to #1794
2020-04-05 13:07:19 +01:00

34 lines
897 B

// Responsive breakpoint control
@mixin smaller-than($size) {
@media screen and (max-width: $size) { @content; }
@mixin larger-than($size) {
@media screen and (min-width: $size) { @content; }
@mixin between($min, $max) {
@media screen and (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) { @content; }
// Padding shorthand using logical operators to better support RTL.
@mixin padding($t, $r, $b, $l) {
padding-block-start: $t;
padding-block-end: $b;
padding-inline-start: $l;
padding-inline-end: $r;
// Margin shorthand using logical operators to better support RTL.
@mixin margin($t, $r, $b, $l) {
margin-block-start: $t;
margin-block-end: $b;
margin-inline-start: $l;
margin-inline-end: $r;
// Create a RTL specific style block.
// Mostly used as a patch until browser support improves for logical properties.
@mixin rtl() {
html[dir=rtl] & {