Dan Brown 2b3726702d
Revamped workings of WYSIWYG code blocks
Code blocks in tinymce could sometimes end up exploded into the sub
elements of the codemirror display.
This changes the strategy to render codemirror within the shadow dom of
a custom element while preserving the normal pre/code DOM structure.

Still a little instability when moving/adding code blocks within details
blocks but much harder to break things now.
2022-02-09 19:24:27 +00:00

297 lines
9.6 KiB

import {register as registerShortcuts} from "./shortcuts";
import {listen as listenForCommonEvents} from "./common-events";
import {scrollToQueryString} from "./scrolling";
import {listenForDragAndPaste} from "./drop-paste-handling";
import {getPlugin as getCodeeditorPlugin} from "./plugin-codeeditor";
import {getPlugin as getDrawioPlugin} from "./plugin-drawio";
import {getPlugin as getCustomhrPlugin} from "./plugins-customhr";
import {getPlugin as getImagemanagerPlugin} from "./plugins-imagemanager";
import {getPlugin as getAboutPlugin} from "./plugins-about";
import {getPlugin as getDetailsPlugin} from "./plugins-details";
const style_formats = [
{title: "Large Header", format: "h2", preview: 'color: blue;'},
{title: "Medium Header", format: "h3"},
{title: "Small Header", format: "h4"},
{title: "Tiny Header", format: "h5"},
{title: "Paragraph", format: "p", exact: true, classes: ''},
{title: "Blockquote", format: "blockquote"},
title: "Callouts", items: [
{title: "Information", format: 'calloutinfo'},
{title: "Success", format: 'calloutsuccess'},
{title: "Warning", format: 'calloutwarning'},
{title: "Danger", format: 'calloutdanger'}
const formats = {
alignleft: {selector: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes: 'align-left'},
aligncenter: {selector: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes: 'align-center'},
alignright: {selector: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes: 'align-right'},
calloutsuccess: {block: 'p', exact: true, attributes: {class: 'callout success'}},
calloutinfo: {block: 'p', exact: true, attributes: {class: 'callout info'}},
calloutwarning: {block: 'p', exact: true, attributes: {class: 'callout warning'}},
calloutdanger: {block: 'p', exact: true, attributes: {class: 'callout danger'}}
function file_picker_callback(callback, value, meta) {
// field_name, url, type, win
if (meta.filetype === 'file') { => {
callback(, {
if (meta.filetype === 'image') {
// Show image manager (image) {
callback(image.url, {alt:});
}, 'gallery');
* @param {WysiwygConfigOptions} options
* @return {{toolbar: string, groupButtons: Object<string, Object>}}
function buildToolbar(options) {
const textDirPlugins = options.textDirection === 'rtl' ? 'ltr rtl' : '';
const groupButtons = {
formatoverflow: {
icon: 'more-drawer',
tooltip: 'More',
items: 'strikethrough superscript subscript inlinecode removeformat'
listoverflow: {
icon: 'more-drawer',
tooltip: 'More',
items: 'outdent indent'
insertoverflow: {
icon: 'more-drawer',
tooltip: 'More',
items: 'hr codeeditor drawio media details'
const toolbar = [
'undo redo',
'bold italic underline forecolor backcolor formatoverflow',
'alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify',
'bullist numlist listoverflow',
'link table imagemanager-insert insertoverflow',
'code about fullscreen'
return {
toolbar: toolbar.filter(row => Boolean(row)).join(' | '),
* @param {WysiwygConfigOptions} options
* @return {string}
function gatherPlugins(options) {
const plugins = [
options.textDirection === 'rtl' ? 'directionality' : '',
window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('codeeditor', getCodeeditorPlugin(options));
window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('customhr', getCustomhrPlugin(options));
window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('imagemanager', getImagemanagerPlugin(options));
window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('about', getAboutPlugin(options));
window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('details', getDetailsPlugin(options));
if (options.drawioUrl) {
window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('drawio', getDrawioPlugin(options));
return plugins.filter(plugin => Boolean(plugin)).join(' ');
* Fetch custom HTML head content from the parent page head into the editor.
function fetchCustomHeadContent() {
const headContentLines = document.head.innerHTML.split("\n");
const startLineIndex = headContentLines.findIndex(line => line.trim() === '<!-- Start: custom user content -->');
const endLineIndex = headContentLines.findIndex(line => line.trim() === '<!-- End: custom user content -->');
if (startLineIndex === -1 || endLineIndex === -1) {
return ''
return headContentLines.slice(startLineIndex + 1, endLineIndex).join('\n');
* @param {WysiwygConfigOptions} options
* @return {function(Editor)}
function getSetupCallback(options) {
return function(editor) {
editor.on('ExecCommand change input NodeChange ObjectResized', editorChange);
listenForDragAndPaste(editor, options);
editor.on('init', () => {
window.editor = editor;
function editorChange() {
const content = editor.getContent();
if (options.darkMode) {
window.$events.emit('editor-html-change', content);
// Custom handler hook
window.$events.emitPublic(options.containerElement, 'editor-tinymce::setup', {editor});
// Inline code format button
editor.ui.registry.addButton('inlinecode', {
tooltip: 'Inline code',
icon: 'sourcecode',
onAction() {
editor.execCommand('mceToggleFormat', false, 'code');
* @param {WysiwygConfigOptions} options
function getContentStyle(options) {
return `
html, body, html.dark-mode {
background: ${options.darkMode ? '#222' : '#fff'};
body {
padding-left: 15px !important;
padding-right: 15px !important;
height: initial !important;
margin-left: auto! important;
margin-right: auto !important;
overflow-y: hidden !important;
}`.trim().replace('\n', '');
* @param {WysiwygConfigOptions} options
* @return {Object}
export function build(options) {
// Set language
window.tinymce.addI18n(options.language, options.translationMap);
// Build toolbar content
const {toolbar, groupButtons: toolBarGroupButtons} = buildToolbar(options);
// Return config object
return {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
selector: '#html-editor',
content_css: [
branding: false,
skin: options.darkMode ? 'oxide-dark' : 'oxide',
body_class: 'page-content',
browser_spellcheck: true,
relative_urls: false,
language: options.language,
directionality: options.textDirection,
remove_script_host: false,
document_base_url: window.baseUrl('/'),
end_container_on_empty_block: true,
statusbar: false,
menubar: false,
paste_data_images: false,
extended_valid_elements: 'pre[*],svg[*],div[drawio-diagram],details[*],summary[*],div[*]',
automatic_uploads: false,
custom_elements: 'doc-root,code-block',
valid_children: [
plugins: gatherPlugins(options),
imagetools_toolbar: 'imageoptions',
contextmenu: false,
toolbar: toolbar,
content_style: getContentStyle(options),
style_formats_merge: false,
media_alt_source: false,
media_poster: false,
file_picker_types: 'file image',
paste_preprocess(plugin, args) {
const content = args.content;
if (content.indexOf('<img src="file://') !== -1) {
args.content = '';
init_instance_callback(editor) {
const head = editor.getDoc().querySelector('head');
head.innerHTML += fetchCustomHeadContent();
setup(editor) {
for (const [key, config] of Object.entries(toolBarGroupButtons)) {
editor.ui.registry.addGroupToolbarButton(key, config);
* @typedef {Object} WysiwygConfigOptions
* @property {Element} containerElement
* @property {string} language
* @property {boolean} darkMode
* @property {string} textDirection
* @property {string} drawioUrl
* @property {int} pageId
* @property {Object} translations
* @property {Object} translationMap