Dan Brown e711290d8b
Ran eslint fix on existing codebase
Had to do some manual fixing of the app.js file due to misplaced
2023-04-18 22:20:02 +01:00

20 lines
566 B

* Convert a kebab-case string to camelCase
* @param {String} kebab
* @returns {string}
export function kebabToCamel(kebab) {
const ucFirst = word => word.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);
const words = kebab.split('-');
return words[0] + words.slice(1).map(ucFirst).join('');
* Convert a camelCase string to a kebab-case string.
* @param {String} camelStr
* @returns {String}
export function camelToKebab(camelStr) {
return camelStr.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (str, offset) => (offset > 0 ? '-' : '') + str.toLowerCase());