imageRepo = $imageRepo; } /** * Handle requests to the settings index path. */ public function index() { return redirect('/settings/features'); } /** * Display the settings for the given category. */ public function category(string $category) { $this->ensureCategoryExists($category); $this->checkPermission('settings-manage'); $this->setPageTitle(trans('settings.settings')); // Get application version $version = trim(file_get_contents(base_path('version'))); return view('settings.' . $category, [ 'category' => $category, 'version' => $version, 'guestUser' => User::getDefault(), ]); } /** * Update the specified settings in storage. */ public function update(Request $request, string $category) { $this->ensureCategoryExists($category); $this->preventAccessInDemoMode(); $this->checkPermission('settings-manage'); $this->validate($request, [ 'app_logo' => array_merge(['nullable'], $this->getImageValidationRules()), ]); // Cycles through posted settings and update them foreach ($request->all() as $name => $value) { $key = str_replace('setting-', '', trim($name)); if (strpos($name, 'setting-') !== 0) { continue; } setting()->put($key, $value); } // Update logo image if set if ($category === 'customization' && $request->hasFile('app_logo')) { $logoFile = $request->file('app_logo'); $this->imageRepo->destroyByType('system'); $image = $this->imageRepo->saveNew($logoFile, 'system', 0, null, 86); setting()->put('app-logo', $image->url); } // Clear logo image if requested if ($category === 'customization' && $request->get('app_logo_reset', null)) { $this->imageRepo->destroyByType('system'); setting()->remove('app-logo'); } $this->logActivity(ActivityType::SETTINGS_UPDATE, $category); $this->showSuccessNotification(trans('settings.settings_save_success')); return redirect("/settings/{$category}"); } protected function ensureCategoryExists(string $category): void { if (!in_array($category, $this->settingCategories)) { abort(404); } } }