nonce = $nonce ?: Str::random(24); } /** * Get the nonce value for CSP. */ public function getNonce(): string { return $this->nonce; } /** * Sets CSP 'script-src' headers to restrict the forms of script that can * run on the page. */ public function setScriptSrc(Response $response) { if (config('app.allow_content_scripts')) { return; } $parts = [ 'http:', 'https:', '\'nonce-' . $this->nonce . '\'', '\'strict-dynamic\'', ]; $value = 'script-src ' . implode(' ', $parts); $response->headers->set('Content-Security-Policy', $value, false); } /** * Sets CSP "frame-ancestors" headers to restrict the hosts that BookStack can be * iframed within. Also adjusts the cookie samesite options so that cookies will * operate in the third-party context. */ public function setFrameAncestors(Response $response) { $iframeHosts = $this->getAllowedIframeHosts(); array_unshift($iframeHosts, "'self'"); $cspValue = 'frame-ancestors ' . implode(' ', $iframeHosts); $response->headers->set('Content-Security-Policy', $cspValue, false); } /** * Check if the user has configured some allowed iframe hosts. */ public function allowedIFrameHostsConfigured(): bool { return count($this->getAllowedIframeHosts()) > 0; } /** * Sets CSP 'object-src' headers to restrict the types of dynamic content * that can be embedded on the page. */ public function setObjectSrc(Response $response) { if (config('app.allow_content_scripts')) { return; } $response->headers->set('Content-Security-Policy', 'object-src \'self\'', false); } /** * Sets CSP 'base-uri' headers to restrict what base tags can be set on * the page to prevent manipulation of relative links. */ public function setBaseUri(Response $response) { $response->headers->set('Content-Security-Policy', 'base-uri \'self\'', false); } protected function getAllowedIframeHosts(): array { $hosts = config('app.iframe_hosts', ''); return array_filter(explode(' ', $hosts)); } }